No wonder, it seemed to smell a similar smell just now.

"So, let's choose something else." Li Xingshan tried to change the subject, and said, "If you want to eat seafood, I can see if I can get some fish."

"No," Barbara narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "I want to eat... oyster gravy!"

Volume 258 Keli's Brave Adventure (Extra Story): [-] Mrs. Li Xingshan and the Big Sisters

"Didn't I tell you everything?" Li Xingshan spread his hands and said, "That's actually..."

"No, you have," Barbara stared straight at Li Xingshan, the hunger in her belly made her rational again: "You just hid it, it's hidden very deep, I'm going to find them all come out."

"Wait..." Li Xingshan seemed to realize something, and murmured, "Could it be that you want to?"

"I'm gonna start now!"

Barbara jumped on it again.

Unfortunately, this time, Li Xingshan did not escape.

As for Barbara, she once again tasted the "deliciousness" that she could only taste through continuous hard work in the dream just now.


I don't know how long it took before Barbara satisfied her appetite again.

As I said before, she is not really hungry, but simply affected by her spirit and needs to eat constantly. At this time, her appetite is satisfied, and her hunger is naturally suppressed.

As for Li Xingshan's situation, it was not so good. The energy that he had recovered not long ago had been exhausted at this time.

Sure enough, there is a price to pay for doing bad things.


At this moment, the cry of a killer whale suddenly came from a distance. Li Xingshan was startled, and hurriedly looked away. Sure enough, he saw that the killer whale Oga, who had left not long ago, had already turned around. Come on, on the broad back, two figures can still be vaguely seen.

Needless to say, it must be Keli and Qin!

It seems that after Oga found them, he directly brought them here.

"It's Keli and Qin!" Li Xingshan excitedly said, "They're here!"

"It's my sister..." Barbara quickly got dressed, and reminded again: "Remember, you must never tell anything about the things between us!"

"Don't worry," Li Xingshan said helplessly, "I don't want to die under Qin's sword."

Although Qin at this time may not be Li Xingshan's opponent in terms of strength.

"Thank you Mr. Killer Whale!"

After leaving the killer whale, Keli bowed to Oga very politely, waved her little hand to see her off, then turned around, jumped off the spot, and jumped into Li Xingshan's arms : "Dad! Keri finally found you!"

"Ke Li, good boy." Li Xingshan rubbed his daughter's head and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you would also meet."

"Yes," Qin nodded to Li Xingshan, and said gratefully, "Thank you for helping me take care of Barbara!"

"You're welcome," said Li Xingshan with a teasing smile on his face, "Barbara and I have helped each other a lot."

"Anyway, it's good that nothing happened," Qin seemed to suddenly remember something, and quickly asked with concern: "By the way, Barbara, are you still hungry? Would you like to ask Keli to fry some fish for you?" ?”

Qin actually took the initiative to ask Keli to fry fish, which shows how much she cares about her little sister.

"It's okay." Barbara shook her head and said, "I... I just ate."

"What did you eat?" Qin asked meticulously, "Is it clean and hygienic? Do you have a stomachache?"

Barbara glanced at Li Xingshan subconsciously, her face flushed slightly, and said, "It''s quite clean, Li Xingshan did it for me with his own hands."

In a sense, Li Xingshan did it, but to be precise, it was not his own hands, but Barbara's own mouth.

"I'm sorry to trouble you," Qin once again expressed her gratitude: "You really are a good person!"

Hearing this, the eyes of Li Xingshan and Barbara were a bit complicated.

If Qin knew the truth...the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Stop chatting!"

Keli couldn't wait to say: "Don't we have to continue the game? After playing for so long, we've only gotten a little bit out of it!"

Indeed, up to now, the four of them have each walked once, and the chess pieces on the chessboard are still far away from the end.

"Ke Li is right." Li Xingshan also nodded and said, "Since the four of us have assembled again, the chess game should be able to continue."

"I remember, it's Keli," Qin nodded, and said, "In order, it's Keli, Barbara, Ashan, and finally me."

Qin didn't notice that when she called out "Ashan", Barbara's eyes obviously showed a strange look.

When did the relationship between my sister and this guy start, so good that I can call him by his first name?

However, Keli's voice interrupted Barbara's thoughts.

"Kelie wants to cast a good point!"

As the dice rolled 2 and 6, Keli's chess pieces slowly took eight steps.

The other three people immediately looked at the words on the chess pieces.

[Age swaps are fun until someone rolls a ]

"Age swap?"

The three said in unison.

"It's easy to understand." Li Xingshan touched his chin and said, "It should mean that the ages of the four of us will be exchanged, but...hey, why have you all become taller?"

While talking, Li Xingshan only felt that the other two people suddenly became much taller.

Do not……

It's not that they got taller!

Instead, he became shorter!

Not only that, but how could even his own voice have turned into a clear and clear child's voice.

"Wow! Dad is so cute!"

I saw "Ke Li" lifted Li Xingshan up, and said with a smile: "Hold it high!"

The reason for the quotation marks is because at this time, Keli's appearance and figure have undergone tremendous changes. In terms of age alone, she is at least eighteen or nineteen years old.

And Li Xingshan himself became about the same height as little Keli, that's right...he actually became the same age as Keli!

"Is this the grown-up Keli?" Qin clicked her tongue in wonder, "Sure enough, it's as if she was printed from the same mold as Senior Alice."

Qin, like Li Xingshan, has turned into a child like Ke Li, but her tone of voice is still mature and stable, which seems quite out of harmony.

"Sister! Look!" However, Barbara suddenly puffed up her chest excitedly, and said, "That's...that's amazing!"

In Barbara's case, she went from a young girl to a woman in her early 20s. Her originally slightly barren figure instantly caught up to her sister Qin's level, even... even worse.

As for Qin, like Li Xingshan, she turned into a child, and her originally delicate and beautiful face also became round and cute.

Soon, Li Xingshan straightened out his thinking. It seems that he and Qin should have become Keli's age, Keli has become Qin's age, and Barbara has become his own age .

Looking at his short body, Li Xingshan wanted to cry but had no tears.

This joke is too big!

Volume 259 Keli's Big Adventure (Extra Feature): [-] Barbara: I got bigger, you got smaller

"Actually, can you even change your age?"

Qin looked down at her body, she seemed quite unaccustomed, and murmured: "What if you encounter danger? Can this kind of body really protect everyone?"

Different from the excited and novel reactions of Barbara and Keli, the calm personality of Qin, the first thing that comes to mind is the issue of safety.

"Sister, it's okay!"

I saw that Barbara suddenly appeared behind Qin at an unknown time, hugged Qin, and said with a smile: "If you are in danger, Barbara will protect you... Besides, my sister has become The kid's appearance is too cute!"

"No... don't do this!" Qin blushed shyly, trying to break free from Barbara's hands, but after getting younger, her strength also weakened a lot, and she couldn't match Barbara's strength: "Barbara, let... let me down!"

"No!" Barbara rubbed Qin's face and said with a smile, "My sister is the cutest in the world!"

"No!" Keli, not to be outdone, held Li Xingshan in front of Barbara, and said, "Obviously it's dad who is cuter!"

"Sister is cuter!"

"Dad is cuter!"

Seeing two little girls in adult bodies arguing over such a boring matter, Li Xingshan and Qin, who looked at each other, showed a helpless smile.

"Stop arguing..."

Qin sighed, and said: "Let's continue the game, as long as we roll to 1 point, we should not be able to change back."


Unexpectedly, Barbara and Keli both showed unsatisfactory expressions, and said in unison: "Wait a little longer!"

Obviously, being an adult is fun for Claire and Barbara, and they certainly want to play in this form for a while longer.

Especially Barbara, as Qin said, she just hadn't developed yet, and after a few years, she was quite expected.

Thinking of this, Barbara subconsciously glanced at Li Xingshan, and puffed out her chest embarrassingly, as if in a demonstration.

On Li Xingshan's head, there were several black lines.

What is this woman showing off...

"How is it?" Barbara knelt down, touched Li Xingshan's head, and said mockingly, "Now, I'm getting bigger, but you... have become a lot smaller."

Obviously, it's not just age that makes Barbara's mouth bigger and smaller.

"Unfortunately," Li Xingshan retorted directly: "I took a look just now, and the only thing that has become younger is the age, and other places... are still the same as before."

" is it possible?" Barbara blushed slightly, and subconsciously shifted her eyes a little: "This is unscientific!"

"Please, can any of the things that have happened from just now to now be explained by 'science'?" Li Xingshan retorted: "If you don't believe it, you can find out by yourself?"

"Who... who wants to see that kind of thing!" Barbara gave Li Xingshan a blank look, and said angrily, "Little earthworm!"

"Leaky soup dumpling." Li Xingshan made a face at Barbara.

"Soup buns? Where are the soup buns?" Keli suddenly came over and asked curiously, "Ke Li also wants to eat soup buns!"

"There are no soup dumplings anymore," Barbara said proudly, "There are only big meat dumplings!"

Speaking of this, another earth-shattering "cuckoo" sound came from Barbara's stomach.

"Barbara..." Qin asked with concern, "Is your stomach hungry again?"

"Yes... yes." Barbara said with a rather ugly face, "Obviously I have eaten a lot."

"I'm afraid, this kind of hunger directly hits the soul. It doesn't matter how much you eat," Li Xingshan analyzed, "I advise you, it's better to quickly roll the dice. If the number is correct, the hunger can be relieved."

Although Barbara is very reluctant to bear the current state, in order to end the uncomfortable hunger, she can only choose to continue to roll the dice.

Fortunately, she was lucky, and she cast 2:5, which added up to exactly 7 points.

Sure enough, the moment the point was thrown, the hunger that had plagued Barbara for a long time disappeared instantly.

Moreover, because they did not score 1 point, the transformation status of all four people has not been resolved.

【Toil hard and restless, rest for half a day is feasible】

As the words on the chessboard appeared, the four chess pieces that were standing upright all fell down sideways, as if they were asleep and resting.

And the dice that was just thrown, all the points on it disappeared, replaced by a [-]-hour countdown.

"It seems that the meaning should be that we have to rest for half a day, that is, after twelve hours, before we can continue the game." Li Xingshan touched his chin and said helplessly: "It seems that we can only use our current body. Twelve more hours."


Unlike Li Xingshan's good piano, Barbara and Keli, who knew the news, were overjoyed.

At this time, the sky had gradually dimmed. After the sun set, the temperature also dropped a lot. In addition, the four of them were wearing swimsuits, and the sea breeze was blowing, which was quite chilly.


Keli couldn't hold it back, and sneezed directly, and the snot immediately flowed out of her nostrils.

"Father..." Keli knelt down and said, "Keli has a runny nose."

"Understood," Li Xingshan skillfully wiped Keli's snot off with a leaf, and said with concern, "It seems that we should spend the night here. Anyway, let's prepare a place to sleep."

This time, it was the turn of the other three to stare.

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