Keli immediately pointed at Li Xingshan, waved and said, "Mom is looking for you!"

But at this time, Li Xingshan, who was about to hide secretly, had no choice but to stand still, turned his head tremblingly, and forced a smile and said, "Old... Wife, you are here too."

My husband...why is he such a brat?

Alice thought it was someone who wanted to do something wrong and pretended to be her non-existent husband, but she didn't expect it to be a little boy.

Although this kid looks quite handsome, is it too exaggerated to be my husband?

It seems that he should have also been affected by this chess game, and changed from an adult to a child.

"Ke Li," Alice said with a smile, "wait here, I have something to talk to your father about."

"Ke Li knows it," Ke Li seemed to be used to this kind of thing, nodded, and said, "It's okay, let's talk slowly, Ke Li is not a light bulb!"

"Let's go," Alice walked to Li Xingshan's side, showing a slightly sinister smile condescendingly, and said, "Shall we go over there for a chat?"

This scene, Li Xingshan couldn't help but recall the scene when he was called to talk by the gangsters in middle school.

Although that conversation ended with the punks being knocked to the ground by him.

At this time, the trio in the distance were quietly observing the situation between Li Xingshan and Alice.

"Ke Li, let me say..." Barbara frowned slightly: "Why, I feel that your parents don't seem to be familiar with each other?"

"Barbara!" Qin immediately reminded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Ke Li doesn't know either," Ke Li shook her head and said, "However, Daddy and Mom, Ke Li likes it very much!"

Unlike the people who were affected by the "simulator dream" before, because Keli was too young, it was even more difficult to distinguish reality from virtual reality.

Moreover, because she was fostered by the Knights of the West Wind since she was a child, Keli's memory of Alice is also very limited.

The contradiction between reality and dream is automatically filtered out by Keli's brain, so her memories of Alice are all from reality, and all her memories of Li Xingshan are from dreams.

As a result, in Keli's memory, father and mother are independent of each other, and there is almost no intersection.

It was not until it was confirmed that the other three could not hear the sound that Alice stopped.

"Tell me," Alice said with a sneer, crossing her arms, "I won't ask you why you pretended to be my husband, but why does Keli's child recognize you as her father?"

Even just standing in front of Alice, Li Xingshan already felt an unbelievably strong sense of oppression.

Li Xingshan only felt this feeling when he faced the ice god in the simulator.

He had no doubt that if he accidentally said a wrong sentence, he would be set off as fireworks just like those monsters.

"It's unbelievable to say this." Therefore, Li Xingshan simply chose to tell the truth: "I had the same dream with Keli. In the dream, I was her father. I didn't expect that Keli would do the same thing." I had the same dream, so I recognized me as her father... In order not to disappoint her, I didn't deny it."

To be honest, not to mention Alice, even Li Xingshan himself thinks this reason is too nonsense, Alice will believe that there is a ghost!

"The dream you're talking about, shouldn't it be..." Alice said thoughtfully, "Is it the dream of taking my daughter Keli away and cultivating her as a criminal?"

Hearing Alice's words, Li Xingshan's heart immediately turned cold.

"Why..." Li Xingshan said nervously, "You will know?"

"It's very simple," Alice said with an unfathomable smile, "Because, I also had the same dream."

what's the situation?

Why does Alice know what's in the simulator.

Keli would dream about the content of the simulator, which could be explained by the reason that she was "closer to herself".

But Alice, who is thousands of miles away from her, also dreamed of the content in the simulator, so it's a bit unreasonable, right?

Small department!

You give me a good explanation!

[When the simulator is in progress, in order to ensure authenticity, some characters will play corresponding roles in the simulator in the form of dreams]

[Generally speaking, after these characters wake up, the system will clear all these memories]

[The target is too powerful, which may lead to incomplete memory erasure]

[PS: The final interpretation right belongs to this system]

Is the code of your system typed by temporary workers?

This problem is too serious!

In fact, Li Xingshan has been doubting for a long time, what is the principle of the simulator, if all the characters are created by a program called "system", then as an artificial AI, the performance is a bit too powerful up.

After a long time, it turns out that NPCs are all played by real people!

Alice seemed to have noticed the abnormality in Li Xingshan's expression, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I already know the reason for this strange dream."

Today's four changes, it's coded, it's coded ==.

Volume 269 Keli's Brave Adventure (Extra Long Story): [-] Witch's Mischievous Kiss ([-]th update)

Hearing these words, Li Xingshan felt nervous again.

Could it be that Alice already knew that she possessed some kind of power that did not belong to this world—that is, the system?

After all, the woman in front of him is the most "unfathomable" woman that Li Xingshan has encountered since he traveled through Tivat—in every sense.

"Then...what's going on?" Li Xingshan asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Before discussing this issue, I need you to answer me a question. Don't lie." Alice looked at Li Xingshan up and down, and said in a meaningful tone: "You should not be from this world."

Sure enough, it was still seen?

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand the concept of "guest from another world", but it is nothing new for Alice who can travel between worlds.

Li Xingshan's instinct told him that it's best not to deceive Alice. Her power should be no less than that of the Seven Gods, and in some areas, it may even... surpass the Seven Gods.

"That's right," Li Xingshan nodded, and replied truthfully, "I appeared in this world because of an accident."

"I like honest children," Alice nodded, and said, "Since you are also a time traveler, it should be much easier for me to explain."

I saw Alice raised her hand, and a scattered branch flew into her palm immediately. She poked a point on the sand with the branch, and then extended a straight line, saying: "Originally, The world we live in runs on a straight line, but..."

The branch suddenly stopped, and Alice drew two lines at the end of the line segment: "At a certain node, because of a divergence in a certain event, the world may develop in two completely different directions. Thus, the 'parallel world' was born."

Speaking of this, Alice waved her hand suddenly, and saw that the lines on the sand suddenly began to extend more lines like branches and leaves, and soon, the number had reached the level where it was difficult to recognize the number.

"Countless points of divergence have created countless parallel worlds, and the world we live in is exactly one of these countless parallel worlds,"

Alice threw away the branch and said with a smile: "But these parallel worlds are not completely unconnected. When we fall asleep, we are very likely to experience... a completely different life in other parallel universes."

"That's why our dreams are always bizarre and unbelievable," Alice pointed to Li Xingshan, and said, "For example, we have nothing to do with each other in this world, but in other worlds, we are husband and wife who stay together for life. .”

"You mean..." Li Xingshan murmured: "Those dreams are not illusions, but 'reality' in another world?"

If Alice's theory is true, that is to say, all the "simulators" I have experienced are not virtual worlds, but real events in another parallel world.

All the "evil things" I have done are not meaningless data.

"It can be understood in this way," Alice nodded and said, "The three of us should have only dreamed of life in the same parallel universe with a very low probability. Although theoretically speaking, this probability is very low, it is not completely impossible. things that might happen."

Of course, Alice doesn't know that there is a "system". If she uses her theory to discuss it, this probability is about the same as the probability that three people buy lottery tickets and win the first prize at the same time.

"However, generally speaking, the content of these dreams is very thin, and more than [-]% of them will be forgotten after waking up."

Alice suddenly hugged Li Xingshan, stared closely at his eyes, and said thoughtfully: "But the dream related to you is so unbelievably real, it's not so much a dream as it is Saying... it was a complete experience of my own life in a parallel world."

Suddenly, I really want to experience it again...

In the dream, from this man, I experienced the greatest happiness.

Of course, this idea just flashed through Alice's mind, not to mention that it was just a dream.

Besides, Li Xingshan in front of him has already turned into a child because of the magic power of the chessboard. Even if he wanted to, he might be powerless.

"Miss Alice, it seems that the misunderstanding between us has been resolved." Li Xingshan said with some embarrassment: "Since it's just a dream, you should find a chance to tell Keli in the future that I am actually... not her father." .”

"Actually, I have an unfeeling request." Who knows, Alice shook her head and said, "I hope that you can...continue pretending to be Keli's father."

"Eh?" Li Xingshan asked in surprise, "Why?"

"Kelly, kid, I like you very much, don't you?" Alice smiled helplessly, and said, "Because I have been traveling for a long time, I rarely have time to accompany her, so I feel guilty for Keli. If I can have a father who occasionally With her, she should be very happy."

"But it's a lie after all," Li Xingshan reminded: "When Keli grows up, she will find out sooner or later."

"It's okay, maybe before that..." Alice had a rather ambiguous smile on her face: "We can... make a fake show."

This... Is this implying something to me?

"Haha, look at your expression, I'm just joking with you," Alice waved her hand and said with a smile, "You just need to play the role of father well, and I will take care of other things."

Although this seemed to be nothing more than Alice's "request", Li Xingshan knew in his heart that if he refused, the consequences would not be much better, and it would be better to sell her favor.

"I understand." Li Xingshan nodded and said, "After all, I really like Keli very much."

"Don't worry, I, Alice, never owe favors." Alice rubbed Li Xingshan's cheeks, and said with a smile, "I will give you a lot of benefits."

Li Xingshan, who had his cheeks rubbed, could only speak inarticulately: "Damn... you..."

"Let me think about it, I'll give you a little sweetness first." Alice suddenly kissed Li Xingshan's lips lightly.

It has a faint cinnamon aroma.

[Acquire talent "Witch's Mischievous Kiss"]

【Grade: S】

[Effect: Once a day, as a "witch", you can randomly release magic. The level, effect, and power of this magic are uncontrollable]


Alice wiped the corner of her mouth, squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "Accept it, my little gift, maybe it can help a little in a critical moment."

Volume 270 Keli's Big Adventure (Extra Feature): [-] Barbara wants to get bigger!

Compared with the system's text introduction, Alice's introduction is much simpler.

This is not so much a "reward" as it is just Alice's prank.

Random magic sounds very unreliable.

Players who have played group running games such as DND are aware that the mage's spell pool is vast, and the effects are also strange. Who knows if there will be any strange things after using Alice's magic.

However, a casual kiss can actually bless an S-level talent. Alice's strength is really... terrifying.

"Since you have accepted my benefits, the contract has been concluded. You Liyue people should attach great importance to the contract, right?" Alice said with a look of seriousness, "If you dare to violate the contract If so, I will go to Zhong myself... I mean, go to Yan Wangdijun for theory!"

You meant to say Zhongli just now, right?

Do you even know that Zhongli is the Emperor of Yan?

"Don't worry, Ms. Alice," Li Xingshan said with tears in his eyes, "Even if you lend me a hundred courage, I won't dare to play tricks on you."

"Wrong." Alice shook her finger and said with a smile, "Now, our relationship is husband and wife. How do you want to call me?"

"Madam? Madam?" Li Xingshan wondered.

"Those names are too formal," Alice said with a grin, "Just call me my wife, try it?"

Li Xingshan blushed, and murmured, "Old... Wife..."

I have to say, it feels weird for Alice to be called that by a little boy, but...she doesn't hate this feeling.

Although the husband and wife relationship with Li Xingshan happened in a parallel world, those dreams and memories seemed to be experienced personally, so in Alice's heart, she still had some special feelings for Li Xingshan.

"Then please give me your advice," Alice whispered into Li Xingshan's ear, "Good husband."

Li Xingshan only felt that his ears were soft, but in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the things that Alice did in the simulator.

For him, it was not a dream at all.


"Mom! Dad!" Seeing the two of them coming back, Keli immediately leaned forward, stared at them, and asked curiously, "What are you two doing?"

"It's just a casual chat," Alice pinched Li Xingshan's face, and said with a smile, "After all, your father and I haven't seen each other for a long time."

"So that's how it is," Keli touched her chin, and said, "I thought you were doing 'adult things'."

Hearing this sentence, Qin's expression changed, and she quickly asked, "Ke Li! Who taught you these things?"

"It's Brother Kaiya!" Keli replied immediately: "Brother Kaiya said that if a husband and wife haven't seen each other for a long time, they will do adult things... But what are adult affairs?"

"This Kaia..." Qin couldn't help frowning, and murmured, "You actually told Keli this kind of thing."

However, this is also in line with Kaia's personality that likes to joke.

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