[9 years old: Your rabbit snowball was snatched by bad children in the neighboring village. Although you were a little annoyed at the loss of this "medical tool", you didn't take it seriously. It was Rustan who was injured, but he smiled and returned your rabbit to you, and you later found out that he fought one against ten against the children of the neighboring village because of this rabbit]

[10 years old: Rustan's swordsmanship talent is comparable to your medical talent. Even without an excellent master, he still uses various methods to train himself. One day, he accidentally broke his leg during training , the injury is so serious that even your father, the only doctor in the village, thinks his leg will be disabled.But you didn't give up, and tried every means to heal Rustan, and finally, miraculously, he healed his leg.Rustan was very moved and decided to become brothers with different surnames with you. Your choice is...]

[1, gladly accept]

[2. Euphemistic refusal]

I don't know if it was the reason for the review or it was reported. .The vulgar descriptions are always there, and I think I don't have any descriptions related to the body. . . .

please let it go...

Volume 030 Pale Fire: [-] The Liar Eater

Rustan the future wolf pup wants to be his brother?

After that, if he becomes prosperous, can he lose his own benefits?

Li Xingshan almost didn't even think about it, so he replied: "Choose the first one!"

【You gladly accepted Rustan's invitation. You agreed with each other to fight together to protect Mond in the future】

[11 years old: You and Rustan have become a famous pair of good brothers nearby. People say that you two can become knights and doctors who can make a difference in the future]

[12 years old: Your medical research has once again reached the bottleneck. No matter how smart you are, how talented you are, backward equipment and resources, your learning is still greatly restricted. You know, you can only continue Go to the Westwind College in Mond to further your medical skills, but the high tuition fees are not something your family can afford]

[13 years old: In order to allow talents to emerge in the village, the village chief raised a fund, but this fund can only allow one of you and Rustan to receive a higher education.For the sake of fairness, the village chief decided to use lottery to decide who gets the qualification.On the eve of the lottery, Rustan found you and told you that he decided to give up this qualification to you. You only need to draw the lottery on the right to be eligible]

[As for Rustan's words, you feel complicated. The next day, the lottery ceremony begins. Facing two lots, you decide to...]

【1. Pick the one on the right】

【2. Draw the one on the left】

Actually... still need to choose?

Could it be that, here, I am testing whether I should believe Rustan's words?

It is true that Rustan is his good brother and good friend, but this is the lottery ceremony, but it is related to the future and future of the two of them.

Both of them are extremely talented people, but this time, the one who is drawn can have a bright future, while the other will inevitably continue to stay in this impoverished mountain village and live a life of mediocrity.

"I... choose the right."

Finally, Li Xingshan chose to believe in Rustan.

[You chose the lottery on the right, but who knows, it was Rustan who got the qualification. At that moment, you were hit hard. If he wanted to, you might give him the qualification directly, but I didn’t expect , I was actually deceived by my most trusted friend.A seed is planted in your heart from now on, and you decide not to trust anyone anymore]

[Achievement: Liar Eater]

[Effect: When you tell a lie, there is a [-]% chance that the other party will believe your lie unconditionally.When someone lies to you, there is a [-]% probability that you can see through the other person's lie]

I actually... have been deceived?

In Li Xingshan's heart, there was an inexplicable sense of loss. In fact, he didn't care much about whether he could get the qualification, but being betrayed by his best partner made it hard for him to accept it for a while.

[Because you were hit hard, you have been staying behind closed doors. During this period, Rustan has looked for you many times, but you have not seen him until he left and went to Mond City]

[14 years old: You were not discouraged by this incident, but decided to learn unparalleled medical skills, and then went to Mond City to seek Rustan's "revenge"]

[You built a "medical laboratory" in the cave outside the village, which contains many creatures for research. You have been researching the operation of replacing the internal organs of rabbits, but there is no way to succeed. You research all night, and finally Fell asleep due to exhaustion]

【Who knows, when you wake up in a daze, you find someone standing in front of your laboratory table. You just want to stop drinking, but you are surprised to find that he has completed the operation that you have been unable to complete】

[However, what surprises you even more is that the person who helped you complete the operation while you were asleep is actually the gravedigger you met in the forest many years ago, the rotten and twisted piece of paper is like rotten bark. face, you have never forgotten]

【However, curiosity still defeated your fear. You asked about his background and his medical skills, and he told you that he was originally a doctor of West Wind Cathedral, but was expelled from Mond because of his research on forbidden medical skills.He thinks you are very talented and is willing to accept you as his disciple. Your choice is...]

【1. Angrily refused】

【2. Quickly agree】

Suddenly a strange person appeared and wanted to be his teacher?

This kind of plot, like a third-rate martial arts novel, made Li Xingshan wonder how to choose for a while.

If you refuse?

Will the other party directly kill himself in a fit of anger?

After all, I didn't choose the talent of [Encounter] this time, and the talent of [End of Life] couldn't prevent me from being killed.

"I... I choose the second one."

There is no way, the big deal is to agree first, and then find a way to escape.

【You promised to be his disciple, he expressed his great pleasure, and told you that he will teach you everything he has learned in his life】

[15 years old: That person calls himself a "strange doctor". Under his guidance, your medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds.He told you that the medical technique he studied is the greatest medical technique—the technique of resurrection.Being able to bring dead creatures back to life is the pinnacle of medical skills, but you think he is just dreaming]

[Until one day, the strange doctor "resurrected" a mouse that had been dead for half a day in front of you, and you had no choice but to believe his words]

The technique of resurrection?

Is this not medicine anymore, but magic?

[16 years old: The strange doctor can resurrect many animals, but he cannot resurrect humans.In order to study how to resurrect human beings, he often digs new graves and steals corpses. You finally know why he was digging graves a few years ago. It turns out that he is not a grave robber, but a corpse thief]

[Although you know that stealing corpses is wrong, but in the face of these high-quality "medical equipment", as a medical idiot, you finally did not resist the temptation and began to use corpses to study medical skills]

[17 years old: Soon, you have learned almost all the knowledge of the strange doctor. The strange doctor told you that many of his important materials are locked in the secret room of the West Wind Cathedral. He hopes that you can enter as a doctor. Enter the Westwind Cathedral and get those materials.You tell him that you have no qualifications or financial resources to enter the West Wind Cathedral, but he just tells you with a sneer that he has a way, you just have to wait slowly]

[18 years old: A sudden plague swept your hometown. You found that you had studied medicine for so long, but faced with this plague, you couldn’t do anything about it. Soon, almost all the villagers, including your parents Inside, everyone died due to the plague, and the strange thing is, you are the only one... not affected by the plague at all]

The progress of these two words may be a bit slow

Don't worry, there will still be content that everyone likes to see later

Everyone can also guess who the "victim" is this time (it seems that there are not many to choose...)

Volume 031 Pale Fire: [-] The Snatched Life

【You look at the dead bodies of your parents, friends and other villagers, and feel hopeless for the first time.But as a doctor, you quickly regained your composure, and you must burn their bodies to prevent the plague from continuing to spread]

【You set a fire and wanted to burn your parents' corpses along with the house, but who knows, because the house was in disrepair for a long time, when it was burning, a beam suddenly fell and knocked you unconscious】

No way!

Are you going to die like this?

【However, your luck is very good. When the fire burned and devoured your body, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the house. Before you lost consciousness, you saw a group of people in white uniforms pulling you out of the fire. Rescued ("End of Life" talent activated, you were not burned to death)]


Seeing this prompt, Li Xingshan heaved a sigh of relief.

It seemed that I was right to choose this talent, otherwise, I might have been accidentally burned to death because of this flame.

[I don't know how long it took, but you finally woke up, only to find yourself in the ward of the West Wind Cathedral.The nun told you that the West Wind Cathedral was notified of the plague and went to help, who knew it was a step too late, you are the only survivor in the village]

[Although you were not burned to death, half of your face was disfigured by being licked by the flames, even compared to the horrible face of the strange doctor, it is not much better]

[In the spirit of humanity, Westwind Cathedral decided to subsidize you to stay in Mond, and allowed you to choose a job you like, but you said that you hope to stay in Westwind Cathedral as a doctor. Your superb medical skills are easy With the affirmation of everyone, you never thought that you would fulfill your "dream" in this way]

[19 years old: You made yourself a mask to hide your burned face]

[20 years old: Your medical skills quickly allowed you to gain a firm foothold in the West Wind Cathedral. You got your wish and got the opportunity to further improve your medical skills. The rich information and advanced equipment made you temporarily forget the pain of losing your hometown 】

[21 years old: One night, when you were going home, you were stopped by a mysterious man, and you were surprised to find that he was actually a strange doctor!He told you that his plan really succeeded. It turned out that he was the one who caused the "plague", and he also notified the West Wind Cathedral. The reason why you were the only one who escaped the catastrophe was because the strange doctor gave you an explanation in advance. Medicine, only by doing this, you, the only survivor, can join the West Wind Cathedral】

[For a while, you couldn't believe the strange doctor's words. You wanted to bring him to justice, but he told you that if you were caught, then the fact that you were his disciple would be known to the West Wind Knights immediately. In that case, everything you have finally obtained will be deprived of everything.Facing the threat of the strange doctor, your choice is...]

【1. Compromise】

【2. Rejection】

This plot twist made Li Xingshan speechless for a while.

Rejection is undoubtedly a just approach, but if you choose this, your relationship with the strange doctor will be made public, and even the plague in the village will be related to yourself.

"I choose... the first one."

It seemed that he was going to go down the path of evil after all.

[You agreed to the strange doctor's request, and promised to provide him with all kinds of help as much as possible]

[22 years old: You have easily obtained the management rights of the morgue. At night, you and the strange doctor use corpses to conduct various researches. During the day, you are a gentle and kind "masque doctor"]

[23 years old: The constant alternation of identities and the huge pressure make you physically and mentally exhausted.One day, when you passed by the square of Mond, you suddenly heard a beautiful singing sound. You followed the sound, but saw a beautiful girl singing in the middle of the square. I feel as if my body and mind have been purified]

[24 years old: You listen to the girl's singing every day, and that is the only comfort you can get. After asking, you know her name—Rosalyn Cruzshika Lowefart.For the first time, your heart throbbed, but you didn't even have the courage to strike up a conversation. How could your ugly face and dirty hands be worthy of such a beautiful and pure woman? 】


Li Xingshan frowned.

Isn't that the original name of one of the Fools' executives, "Madam"?

This is not a crush!

[25 years old: Today, as usual, you came to the square of Mond City, but you didn’t hear the familiar singing voice. You saw Rosalin, having a good conversation with a man dressed as a Zephyr knight. When you saw that man You seem to be almost out of breath—he is actually your good brother, Rustan!Now he is tall and handsome, he is a young and promising talent in the West Wind Knights, and the object of admiration of countless Mond girls]

[You can see the mutual admiration in their eyes, and the resentment in your heart.Rustan, he not only took away your life, but now, even the woman you like will be taken away by him]

【You think, if you are as handsome as Rustan, you will have a chance to win Rosalind's heart, so you came up with a bold idea】

[26 years old: You have learned a wonderful plastic surgery technique, and changed yourself into an extremely handsome face.You excitedly went to the square to find Rosalin. Along the way, many women screamed for your handsome appearance, but in your heart, there was only one woman... Rosalind! 】

【You found Rosalin with full confidence and offered her flowers to confess your love, but she politely rejected you and told you that she already has someone she likes】

[At that moment, all your thoughts were lost. From that day on, you started to let go. In order to forget Rosalind, you found many women. With that incomparably handsome face, it was very easy for you to capture many girls. matter.Young, mature, slender, plump, single, married...you can almost refuse anyone, but you find that the more women you experience, the stronger your desire for Rosalind]

[27 years old: Rustan won the title of "Young Wolf", and Alan Delin, who is called "Lion of Light", became the most watched young knight of the Zephyr Knights.You can't help but imagine that if you were the one who was chosen back then, will the one who has won such an honor and love with Rosalin also be yourself? 】

The next chapter is the blocked 013-014, if you read it, you can skip it directly.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you!

Volume 032 Pale Fire: [-] Rosalind, be my corpse!

[28 years old: The medical research between you and the strange doctor has made progress again, and you have resurrected a corpse!Although the corpse only survived for 3 minutes, it still made the strange doctor ecstatic.However, you suddenly had a crazier idea... If Rosalin died and you resurrected her body, wouldn't you... be with her forever? 】

【You know that your thoughts are crazy, and you don’t even know whether the reason why you are so distorted is because you really love Rosalind so much, or because you simply want to take revenge on Rustan...or maybe there are both reasons]

[Aged 29: Rosalin was going to study in the distant Sumeru. Rustan practiced it for her and gave her a small hourglass. When the sand in the hourglass runs out, it is time for Rosalind to return to Mond. 】

【You stand on the high tower in the distance, watching the parting scene condescendingly, but there is a sneer on your face, you have made up your mind, no matter what, you will snatch Rosalin away】

It's over, it's gone completely wrong.

To be honest, seeing this episode, Li Xingshan's heart is also quite complicated.

Undoubtedly, at least for the protagonist in the simulator, this is not a tauren plot. After all, there is almost no intersection between Rosalin and Li Xingshan.

What does it matter to me that someone is talented and beautiful?

Forget it, what kind of love are you talking about!

According to Li Xingshan's original plan, this time the Sims, he obviously planned to live until he was 60 years old, and have a happy ending.

【You decided to leave Mond and follow Rosalind to Sumeru.That night, you wanted to end everything, you found the strange doctor, you brought a lot of wine and food, and said that you would celebrate the latest research results.The strange doctor has no doubts about your actions, and to him, you have always been just a pawn being used at will]

[You added your carefully developed poison to the food and drink. Even a strange doctor with superb medical skills did not notice this poison. When he woke up, he found that he was actually packed in a huge jar. A head is revealed]

[You tell the strange doctor that you have cut off all his hands and feet, and the nutrient solution in the jar can keep the strange doctor alive for more than ten years without dying.The strange doctor knows that everything you said is not a lie. He scolds, reprimands, and begs for mercy. In the end, he only hopes that you can give him a happy death.Facing the person who ruined everything for you, but gave you everything you have now, your decision is...]

【1. Kill it】

【2. Another suffering】

"the second."

This time, Li Xingshan did not hesitate at all.

[You ignored the strange doctor's request, not only that, but the toxin you created will gradually make him lose his five senses, and then he will live alone for more than a dozen years in a world without sound, light, and smell Years, or even longer, looking at his painful face, you tasted the wine called "Revenge" for the first time, how refreshing it was]

[You submitted an application to the West Wind Cathedral to study at the Xumi Decree Academy, and it was approved immediately]

【You got your wish and came to Sumeru, and successfully entered the medical school of the Teaching Order Academy. Your handsome appearance and superb medical talent soon made you a celebrity in the academy.Countless female classmates are fascinated by you, but your eyes are always on Rosalind]

[You easily obtained the opportunity to work with Rosalin, and told her that it was because of her that you came all the way to Sumeru Academy]

【Although Rosalin has always missed Rustan, she was still moved by your affection.Although she once again rejected your overture, she still became your friend in a foreign land]

[30 years old: Your excellent grades allowed you to obtain an advanced degree from Sumeru Academy in just one year, and your erudition and gentleness gave you a new title—doctor]

[You thought that by going to the Sumeru Academy and staying by Rosalind’s side, you would gradually gain her favor, but you were still disappointed, she would just take out the hourglass that Rustan gave him from time to time, and calculate time to go home]

【So, that crazy idea appeared in your mind again.As long as Rosalin is turned into a corpse and revived, she will belong to you forever】

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