Even though the West Wind Knights had tried their best to evacuate, the scene was still extremely chaotic.

"Wind Demon Dragon!"

At this moment, among the crowd, there was a person who went upstream against the current, stood in front of the Fengmolong, drew out the long sword at his waist, pointed at it and shouted loudly: "As the acting head of the West Wind Knights, I would like to extend my respect to you." You issue your final warning!"

That's right, the woman who dared to look directly at the power of the Fengmolong was none other than Captain Qin!

Even though there is such a disparity in power, in order to protect Mond, she still chooses to stand up.

As for Fengmolong, as if he understood Qin's words, he actually stopped attacking for a while, and stared down at the tiny human in front of him.

"Leave Mond!"

Qin forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart, resisting the pressure and said: "If you cause any damage to Mond again, I will definitely lead the Zephyr Knights to attack you regardless of the consequences!"

Regarding how to deal with the dragon disaster, the Zephyr Knights have been hesitant.

In the beginning, dragon disasters were not frequent, and Mond could barely bear it, but recently, the number of wind dragon invasions has increased, and it has come to a time when we have to face it squarely.

The probability of success in defeating the Wind Demon Dragon is extremely low, and even if it succeeds, it will inevitably come at the cost of huge casualties.

But now, there is no way to retreat.

The Wind Demon Dragon also gave its own answer. It suddenly opened its huge mouth, and the wind element was immediately compressed into more than a dozen wind bombs, which shot towards the place where the crowd was most dense on the ground.


Qin was shocked and wanted to go to the rescue, but it was already a step too late.

At this moment, Li Xingshan suddenly appeared, stood in front of everyone, sacrificed a piece of talisman paper in his hand, and shouted: "Defensive barrier! Get up!"

In an instant, a transparent hemispherical barrier surrounded everyone. After the powerful wind bombs hit the surface of the barrier, they quickly rotated and rubbed together, as if they wanted to break through the barrier.

If it was just Li Xingshan himself, no matter whether he resisted or dodged, these wind bombs would not pose much threat to him.But it is not easy to completely offset it with a defensive enchantment.

Although the talisman paper allows the user to use the spells written on it, its strength is still related to the user's own strength.

The larger the area of ​​the defensive barrier, the weaker the defense per unit area. Li Xingshan's own strength can be seen by forcibly propping up such a huge barrier to protect everyone.


Li Xingshan gritted his teeth and said, "Hold it!"

With his roar, all the wind bombs instantly turned into elemental fragments and disappeared with the wind.

Even though Li Xingshan has made great progress, as the former retinue of the wind god Barbatos, the strength of the wind demon dragon Tewarin is second only to those incomparably powerful demon gods. Even if his strength is weakened by long-term corrosion, he is by no means an easy enemy to deal with.

"Please!" Li Xingshan pulled out a card from nothingness, and said in a deep voice, "Listen to my call, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

That's right, this card is exactly the monster [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] that I got as a reward in the Golden Apple Islands!

Suddenly, a huge circular magic circle appeared in the midair, and then, a majestic giant dragon with a silver body and blue eyes, flew out of the magic circle.

With a clear whistle, the blue-eyed white dragon rushed directly towards the Fengmolong. The Fengmolong obviously didn't expect that a second dragon would appear out of nowhere, and he couldn't dodge for a while, and was hit hard chest.

The two giant dragons immediately fought in mid-air.

Although the people of Mond were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the blue-eyed white dragon at the beginning, they soon realized that the giant white dragon seemed to be fighting the wind dragon.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Realizing this, the people of Mond began to cheer for the blue-eyed white dragon.

However, although the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is powerful, it is still somewhat inferior to the Wind Demon Dragon. All above 3000.

Soon, the blue-eyed white dragon gradually lost ground, but at this moment, Li Xingshan suddenly ordered: "Now, use the destructive spray of white light!"

The blue-eyed white dragon who received the order immediately opened its huge mouth towards Fengmolong, and a dazzling white beam of light shot towards it in an instant. crack.

However, this blow obviously exhausted the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and its body turned into a ball of light, returning to the card state again.

The wounded Fengmolong also seemed to see that the situation was not good for him, so he immediately flew up and escaped from Mond.

However, even if the Fengmolong was temporarily repelled, the dilapidated streets and injured people still made the whole city shrouded in darkness.

Although this time I managed to survive, but what about the next time?

"I'm sorry for causing everyone to suffer such a disaster. As the acting head of the West Wind Knights, I cannot escape the blame."

At this moment, Captain Qin's voice sounded from the high platform, and she said with a firm expression: "In order to keep Mengde safe forever, I announce that the West Wind Knights will officially launch a crusade against the Wind Demon Dragon!"

Chapter 345 344 The Doctor's Secret Weapon

Mond, indeed, has endured for too long.

Although the people of this "free" country are not reliable in many cases, they have never backed down in the pursuit of "freedom".

If you are not free, you would rather die, even if it is death.

"Hit it!"

"I want to go too!"

"Captain Qin, we support you!"

Qin's declaration immediately raised the morale of the demoralized citizens of Mond once again.

Although the strength of the Fengmolong is terrifying, since it has reached the bottom line, this battle of crusade is inevitable.

"Well said!" Li Xingshan gave Qin a thumbs up, and said with a smile, "As expected of the leader of Qin, I, Li Xingshan, must help out in this crusade!"

"Then how can I do it?" Qin quickly shook her head and said, "This crusade is extremely dangerous, how can I drag you into the water?"

Indeed, not only was Li Xingshan not a member of the West Wind Knights, he was not even a member of Mond, and he didn't even need to participate in this operation.

"It's too outlandish to still say such things now." Li Xingshan said with a chuckle, "Isn't the relationship between us the same as a family?"

"A... family?" Qin heard a blushing flush on her face, and murmured, "You... do you think so?"

How to do?

Could this... be the confession in the legend?

Although I have a good impression of Ah Shan's true heart, but it's a bit too soon to confirm the relationship after only knowing each other for a few days, isn't it?

"Yes, look, you are Keli's guardian, and I am Keli's father," Li Xingshan said naturally, "Isn't this like a family?"

"Is...is that so?" There was a trace of loss in Qin's eyes, and she said: "In this case, I will not be polite to you anymore. If you join, the victory of the crusade against the Wind Demon Dragon will be successful." The rate should also increase a lot.”

"I will do my best," Li Xingshan nodded and said, "When shall we set off?"

"Although this is somewhat contrary to the spirit of chivalry, now that the Fengmolong is injured, it is the best time to attack," Qin slightly frowned and said, "It's not too late, I plan to lead the army to the tower tomorrow."

The high tower is the place where the wind demon dragon land lives, and it is also the place of the old Mond, which was once ruled by the tyrant of Mond "The Lonely King of the Tower" Dekarapian.

About 600 years ago, the people of Old Mond, under the name of Wind Flower, broke out an uprising.Dekarapian perished in the tower amidst the raging tide.

And so, Mond's fighters are about to attack the tower again.

After making an appointment with Qin for tomorrow, the two bid farewell.

However, Li Xingshan did not return to his residence, but re-entered the realm of the pot.

"Come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon."

Following Li Xingshan's call, the blue-eyed white dragon who had just experienced a fierce fight was summoned out again.

Looking at its master, it seemed quite happy, and with its huge head, it gently rubbed against Li Xingshan's body.

"Thank you for your hard work." Looking at the scars left by the blue-eyed white dragon in the battle just now, Li Xingshan showed a rather distressed expression on his face, and said, "Let's heal well."

In front of one dragon and one person is a rather large hot spring.

Under Raiden Mai's "governance", the facilities around the entire settlement are becoming more and more complete.This hot spring, also one of them, can not only be used to relax the body and mind, but also has the effect of healing and healing.

The blue-eyed white dragon seemed to understand Li Xingshan's meaning, immersed his body in the hot spring, and let out a pleasant low cry.

"You made a great contribution today." Li Xingshan heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Just rest here."

Just when he was about to leave, he saw the blue-eyed white dragon suddenly blocked his master with his wings, and gently pushed him to the edge of the hot spring.

"You mean..." Li Xingshan seemed to understand, "Do you want me to take a dip too?"

"Woo..." The blue-eyed white dragon nodded his head.

"Okay, I really should take a good rest." Li Xingshan was not polite, took off his clothes, jumped into the hot spring, and soaked in the hot spring relying on the body of the blue-eyed white dragon, maybe because it was too comfortable The reason, not long after, unexpectedly fell asleep.


Meanwhile, Goethe Hotel, Doctor's room.

"You should have heard the news." The doctor played with the chess pieces on the chessboard in front of him, and said with a smile, "that little guy from the West Wind Knights is actually going to attack the Wind Demon Dragon."

"So what?" The lady frowned and said, "Did you invite me here just to tell me about this?"

"There is an old saying in Liyue, which is 'the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit'," the doctor picked up two chess pieces and gently bumped them together: "If the West Wind Knights are wiped out in this crusade, the Monds will have no leader." , isn’t it a great opportunity to be infiltrated by the Winter Kingdom?”

"Then what if the whole army isn't wiped out?" The lady said disapprovingly, "You seem to underestimate those Mond people a little too much. Although the Wind Demon Dragon is strong, it may not be able to wipe them all out."

"So, we can help a little..." The doctor suddenly pinched two chess pieces in his palms, and with a firm grip, the fragments of the chess pieces slowly flowed out along the gap between his fingers: "Even if the Knights of the West Wind can If the crusade is successful, it will definitely hurt your vitality, and with your strength, it will be easy to wipe them all out."

"I refuse. I'm not interested in such lowly things."

Unexpectedly, the lady said coldly: "Besides, I only obey the orders of Her Majesty the Empress. You are not qualified to instruct me to do anything."

"You really don't know good people, but I gave you a great opportunity to do meritorious deeds." The doctor seemed to have expected that the lady would refuse, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "In that case, I have to send other people to .”

"Others?" The lady sneered, "Scattered soldiers? Let alone that she has left Mond, even if she hasn't left, she may not follow your orders."

"I didn't want to use hers. After all, as an experimental product, she still needs some adjustments." The doctor clapped his hands lightly and said, "Come out, my masterpiece."

As the voice fell, a girl with black hair and black pupils suddenly slowly walked out of the shadow of the room. She was wearing a special combat uniform. Even if the lower half of her face was completely covered by a metal mask, it was difficult to conceal her beauty.

The girl's eyeballs are different from human beings, they are reptile-like vertical pupils, and there are two black horns growing on her head, even if she just stands there silently, she exudes an uncomfortable pressure.

Chapter 346 345 The Way to Heal the Blue-Eyed White Dragon

As the executive officer of the Fools, the lady's strength is already rare, but this black-haired girl actually made her feel "dangerous".

"What is this...?" The lady subconsciously took half a step back.

"Don't be nervous, she's a good girl," the doctor put his arms around the black-haired girl's neck, with a fascinated expression on his face: "Do you still remember the dragon that attacked Cripps four years ago?"

Cripps Legenfind, the former owner of Dawn Winery and Diluc's biological father, forcibly used the power of the evil eye four years ago in order to resist the attacking dragon.

Although he successfully repelled the dragon, he himself died due to the backlash of his strength.

"The magic dragon Usa?" The lady immediately responded: "Didn't it be seriously injured by Cripps back then?"

"That's right, I found her," the doctor said with a smug smile, "It took four years to transform her into my fighting tool. Since you don't want to do it, let her do it for you."

Actually, can you even do this kind of thing?

"Madman..." The lady turned around and said, "You can do whatever you want, just don't mess things up so that it doesn't end well."

"Don't worry, I've always been very measured when I do things." After watching the lady leave, a conceited smile appeared on the doctor's face. She patted Usa on the cheek and said, "I want Use you to prove that among all the "slices", I am the most perfect one. "


Pot in the world.

He didn't know how long he had been in a deep sleep, and then Li Xingshan woke up slowly. In a daze, he seemed to feel that he was lying on a pair of very soft pillows. Because it was too comfortable, he didn't even dream half of the nap just now. .

A silver braid suddenly brushed across Li Xingshan's neck. He turned his head subconsciously, and saw a plump silver-haired beauty sitting behind him with his arms around his chest. As for the so-called pillow, Naturally it goes without saying.

What, I'm still dreaming...

"Master... are you awake?" The silver-haired woman whispered in Li Xingshan's ear, "Do you want to sleep for a while?"


Only then did Li Xingshan realize that what happened now was not a dream, he quickly stood up, and asked with a surprised face: "You... who are you?"

"My name is Qisara," the woman blinked her blue eyes, and said, "The container of the blue-eyed white dragon."

"You are...the blue-eyed white dragon?"

It was only then that Li Xingshan noticed that there seemed to be faint scars on the woman's body, which was where the blue-eyed white dragon was injured in the battle.

"In a broad sense, that's true," Qisara nodded, and said, "To be precise, the blue-eyed white dragon is my soul."

After all, Qisara concentrated slightly, and the afterimage of a silver dragon appeared behind her.

However, since the magic dragon Usa can turn into a beautiful girl, it is not uncommon for the blue-eyed white dragon to turn into a beautiful girl.

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