[You agreed to the knight's request. Although you have never learned any martial arts, more than 1000 years of combat experience have honed you into a rare strong man in the world]

[You must carefully control your own strength so that you will not harm his body during the practice with the knight. Although he cannot bring yourself singing and happiness like a bard, the battle with him , is also a good way to pass the time]

[Age 1381: The knight can't touch your clothes at all, in front of you, he is like a child with no strength to restrain a chicken]

[Age 1385: The knight can barely see your movements clearly, but it is still far away from hitting you]

[Aged 1388: The knight has made rapid progress, and even unconsciously, he has become a rare master in the world. However, because his opponent is so strong that he doesn't even know that he has become a strong man]

[Age 1390: Another ten-year agreement ends, and the knight also challenged you for the last time, and this time, his attack leaves no room for retreat, and even you have to take it seriously]

[Finally, his blade hit the corner of your clothes for the first time, but he also paid a corresponding price for it—your wind was activated instinctively to protect your safety, and the bursting wind blade instantly Twist the truth to the point of bruises all over】

[Like the bard, you also gave knights corresponding "rewards". You fed a dying knight with a magic medicine, and all his injuries recovered unexpectedly]

[You tell him that the magical medicine you gave him can give him a strong self-healing ability. With this ability, he will be invincible in any battle]

[The warlike knight was very happy, and after expressing his gratitude to you, he left the tower]

[Everything is as you expected, they relieve your loneliness, and you give them gifts, isn't this the most harmonious way of getting along between the monarch and his subjects? 】

[For you, human beings are really interesting creatures. Whether they are bards or knights, they have brought you a lot of happiness. You start to look forward to what kind of person the third servant will be]

[The bard has obtained eternal youth, and the knight has obtained a body that will never be injured. Ten years can be exchanged for such a gift, which makes people flock to the tower even more]

[And this time, the person who got the qualification to enter the tower is a timid little girl]

[She is not a citizen of Mond, but a refugee living outside the storm barrier. The outside world is covered by snow and snow. In the eyes of the refugees, the territory of the Lord of Gale is undoubtedly a paradise.]

[In some occasional cases, some refugees will enter Mond. Of course, they cannot obtain the rights of citizens and can only blame them for becoming slaves. But even so, it is much better than waiting to die in the outside world]

[Little slave, it is impossible to have the opportunity to participate in the lottery, but the little guy actually has a god's eye of the wind element, which is why she was able to enter the storm barrier]

[Anyone who has the eyes of God can participate in the lottery, no one dares to cheat under the eyes of the Gale Lord]

【Thus, the girl was sent into the tower, looking at this dirty little girl hiding behind the pillar, you can't help but feel a little headache】

[Bards can play melodious songs for you, and knights can accompany you in battle, but how can this little girl who can't even speak well please please you? 】

【Forget it, ten years is very short, and it will pass quickly. You stared at each other for a long time. After a moment of silence, you said calmly: "Go take a bath first, little flea nest."】

[Precious copperware will return to its former glory after being rusted away, and this little girl, after being washed with clean water, is also completely new]

[What surprises you even more is that this girl seems familiar to you, and you can't help but think of the girl named "Yuni" you met when you were still being enshrined by monsters]

[Sometimes, having a good memory is not a good thing.For this, you are very envious of human beings, even if you experience pain, you can slowly forget it with the passage of time]

【And Yuni's tragedy, even though it has passed a thousand years, every time you think about it, it still makes you unable to let go】

[The girl doesn't seem to have learned the German language. As a slave, she can only pronounce the name "Amos" that was given to her by others. In the old German language, it means "unaccepted", but Very in line with his status as a slave]

【From the bottom of your heart, you have come up with a good way to pass the time—to raise her into an adult one by one. This process may not be very interesting, but at least it can kill you a lot of time】

[In order for Amos not to be afraid of you, you turned into a human for a long time, and you began to teach her human language, how to eat with utensils, and not to change clothes in front of you]

[Age 1391: Amos has a strong learning ability, but within a year, she has learned the language of Mond—this score is at least much better than yours back then]

【So, in the wide tower, there will often be such a scene, a barefoot girl, like a duckling, follows behind you, as if afraid that you will abandon her】

[Age 1392: Amos listens to you very much. There is only one thing she resists very much, and that is wearing shoes. She tells you that the soft soles will remind her of stepping on the cold outside the storm barrier. The scene when it snows]

【You didn't force Amos to wear shoes, but such a clean and beautiful girl can't keep the soles of her feet dirty all the time, so you have to use strong winds to clean the entire tower every day to ensure that the soles of Amos' feet are Will not stick a drop of dust]

[Age 1393: Amos seems to be full of interest in everything, she tells you that she wants to learn archery and become a hunter like his father]

[Of course you have no need to reject her, so you found her a bow and arrow and taught her the skills of archery.They even set up a hunting ground for her in the tower to let her practice hunting]

【Amos's talent is much higher than you imagined. The only shortcoming is probably the lack of strength, but this is not a big problem.It is true that her arrows cannot pierce the tough fur of a wild boar, but they can easily pierce its fragile eyeballs]

[Age 1395: You asked about Amos's past, such as about her parents, the answer is naturally obvious, her mother died of dystocia, and her father was also killed by a monster because of protecting her]

【"If you want, you can call my father." As the Lord of Gale, you showed generosity: "Of course, only when you are in the tower."】

Chapter 373 372 Want to Sleep with Lord Gale King!

【However, your suggestion was rejected by Amos. The little girl blushed and shook her head frantically】

【"Okay, okay, forget it if you don't want to shout." You quickly pressed her head to prevent her brain from being shaken into a paste: "Why? Don't you want a father?"]

【"I don't want to be Dekarapian's daughter," Amos said solemnly, "I want to be your wife!"】

【"How could you be so rude?" You were very angry about this: "How many times have I said, you can't call me by my name directly!"]

【Amos has called you by your name more than once, which means that in her eyes, she does not respect you as a god】

[This is an unbearable thing for you, but there is nothing you can do.You can't punish her, her thin body can't stand your attack, and you can't scold her, otherwise she might ignore you for several days because of anger]

[So, as usual, you warned her not to call your name directly, but soon, you realized that there seemed to be a more important message hidden in this sentence]

【"You want to be my wife?" You couldn't help laughing: "Impossible, you are a human being, and I am a god. Gods and humans cannot love each other. This is the rule."】

【"Why?" Amos' innocent eyes were full of puzzlement: "The rules are not determined by yours?"]

[Amos' rhetorical question left you speechless for a moment. Indeed, you are a god and have the power to make rules. Besides, you have fallen in love with humans before]

【But Yuni's tragic ending made you dare not fall in love with human beings, so you said casually: "When you can shoot me with an arrow someday, I will promise to marry you."】

[This is a fruitless promise. The gap between gods and mortals can never be erased. The wind around you will defuse all thrown objects that may threaten you, no matter the arrows shot by the longbow , but a boulder thrown by a trebuchet]

[But Amos doesn't care at all, so, in the tower, there is a cute stalker from now on, she is always barefoot, appears in any unexpected place anytime, anywhere, and launches a sneak attack on you]

[Aged 1396: At the dining table, she would suddenly put down the knife and fork, take out a short bow, and shoot an arrow towards it.Every morning when you wake up, you will find a few more shredded arrows beside the bed]

[The most exaggerated time, when you went to the toilet, she suddenly appeared in front of you holding a crossbow. I have to admit that this is an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack. The powerful lord was shot and killed in the toilet by his own son]

【However, Amos still failed. The crossbow in her hand can shoot through walls, but it can't shoot through the gale around you】

【"Failed again!" Amos threw down the crossbow a little discouraged, and said in frustration, "You are a god, I will never be able to shoot you, you are too stupid."】

【"Don't be angry," you gently comforted, "Would you like to go to the hunting ground to shoot ravens together? Then have a bowl of hot sweet soup?"]

【"Okay!" The child's mood always changes very quickly, she threw herself into your arms directly: "Decalapian is the best!"]

【"I said, don't call me by my first name." You sighed and said, "Also, can you go out first, this is the... toilet of the King of Gale Wind."]

[Age 1397: Amos gave up and continued to attack you. You think, maybe she has forgotten the original agreement. This is a good thing. Gods and humans shouldn’t have any results]

【You have already thought of a gift for Amos. When she leaves, you will give her the status of a Mond citizen and treasures that cannot be spent in three lifetimes】

[Age 1398: One day, you entered your own bath as usual. As a god, you didn’t need to wash your body, but when you bathed Amos, you also liked this kind of bathing in warm water. in the feeling]

[But this time, after entering the bath, you suddenly heard a scream, and then you were kicked out by the soap discarded by Amos]

【You're not angry, you're just surprised by Amos's reaction, but that glimpse also makes you realize that Amos is no longer the little girl who was as thin as a reed at the beginning】

【A refined diet and years of bow and arrow training have made her body fit and plump.As the lord of the gale, you often look down on your subjects, and you are not unfamiliar with the human body]

【However, Amos's body makes you feel a feeling deep in your heart that you have never felt before】

[You are thinking about this question, and before you know it, it is already late at night, but there is a soft knock on the door suddenly]

【Entering the somatosensory mode】

This time, Li Xingshan's feeling was different from usual.

In the past, Li Xingshan's role in the simulator, except for the doctor, was rarely stronger than the main body.

But this time, he played the role of Dekarapian, the lonely king of the tower, the demon god who once ruled the old Mond.

He glanced at himself in the mirror. In order for Amos to adapt, Dekarapian also maintained his human form.

It was a body full of artistic style like a Greek sculpture, and the narcissism of the Gale Lord was vividly displayed on this body.

"come in."

With your permission, Amos pushed open the door of the room.

Besides her, it is impossible for anyone else in the tower to knock on your door.

The girl was only wearing a short short jacket, and she was different from the usual lively and crazy girl. At this time, her face was slightly red, like a timid deer.

"Today's incident... I'm sorry," Amos said with his head down, "I shouldn't have driven Lord Gale King out."

Li Xingshan was slightly startled, he hadn't heard a little girl call him respectfully for a long time.

"It doesn't matter, gods are tolerant," Li Xingshan said with a smile: "Human women generally don't show their bodies in front of outsiders."

"Master Gale King... is not an outsider," Amos rested his head on Li Xingshan's lap, and said with peace of mind, "Today, will I sleep with you too?"

"I agree to your prayer." Li Xingshan rubbed Amos's hair and said, "But if you grind your teeth at night, I will take you out."

"It's not like before, just sleeping together..." Amos shook his head and said solemnly: "I mean, I want to sleep with the Gale King... like an adult!"

Chapter 374 Chapter 373

As the lonely king of the tower, he naturally knew what it meant to sleep like an adult, but this request from Amos felt a little strange.

Li Xingshan frowned, and said, "That should... be something that can only be done between husband and wife."

"I've already figured it out. If you love someone, you don't necessarily have to marry him." Amos said as if making excuses for himself: "I love Lord Gale King, and I love Dekarapian. ...do you love me too?"

"Of course I love you."

Li Xingshan replied without thinking.

This is not a lie, he loves Amos deeply, just as he loves other subjects as well.

"Really?" Amos had a happy expression on her face. She hugged Li Xingshan's body tightly and said softly, "Can I call your name tonight?"

"Okay." You replied tolerantly.

That night, Amos kept calling Dekarapian's name, as if swearing "disrespect" to the gods.

The violent gale turned into a gentle breeze, flowing through Amos's body, brushing every vein in her body.

And the lonely king of the tower finally understood that another form of being loved can be so deep into the bone marrow.

[Gain talent: Amos' deep love]

[Effect: Proficient in all bow and crossbow types of weapons, and damage increased by 20.00%]

[Somatosensory mode ends]

【Enter text mode】

[After that night, the relationship between you and Amos has undergone some subtle changes. The little girl seems to be much gentler than before, but your attitude has not changed at all.]

[After all, you are not human, and you don’t know what the special communication between the two of you represents in human society. You just think that this kind of thing is quite comfortable, and it is a good way to pass the time]

[Thus, Amos' bedtime seemed to be a matter of course. The girl's body was full of strength and hope, and she warmly welcomed the love of the lonely king of the tower she respected and loved. She looked at her like a kitten. Usually curled up in your arms, you have a feeling in your heart that you have never felt before]

[Because you can't dream, so she will tell you her dreams -- "I dreamed of waves and fine sand, I dreamed of green forests and earth, I dreamed of wild boars playing in berry bushes, I dreamed of towering Spire."]

【Human beings are really magical creatures. They dream of things that you have never seen before. You really want to explore those dreams with Amos, but as the king of gale, you cannot leave the tower for half a day. step】

[By the way, you have actually considered raising a cat, but any creature will keep a distance from you because of instinctive fear, besides, the previous bard seems to be severely allergic to cats]

[Age 1399: The happy time is always extremely short. One day, you suddenly realized that the ten-year agreement between Amos and you seems to be coming to an end. On this day next year, you will send her out of the tower 】

[For the first time, a feeling called "reluctance" appeared in your heart, and you found to your annoyance that you seemed to really "love" Amos, not because of the god's love for all people equally, but more selfish Your love, you wish to have her and let her be by your side]

[However, the moment you had this thought, a higher-level force instantly summoned you into a void space. In the darkness, there was only a phantom in the form of a human being suspended in the void. Looking down at you in mid-air]

【"Who are you?" I don't know why, but there is a hint of threat in your heart. The last time you felt this way was when you were facing the mighty Morax.】

["The maintainer of heaven," the voice of the phantom was deep and empty: "I summoned you here to give you the authority of God. In addition, don't do things that are presumptuous. Falling in love with humans will inevitably lead to irreparable The evil consequences, remember."]

[After the warning is over, you immediately return to reality. You thought it was just a dream, but the "Heart of God" in the shape of a chess piece in your hand proves that what happened just now is a fact.]

[That is a power of a higher dimension that surpasses demon gods and gods. You can resist, but for the sake of your beloved people and Amos, you dare not take this risk]

[Age 1400: Finally, the day of parting came. A month before the parting, Amos was in a very depressed state, but at the time of parting, when you were about to give a gift, she suddenly said: "Then, Lord Calabian, can I choose something I want?"]

【You nodded silently, she told you that she wants to stay, this is what she hopes to get】

【How much you want to agree to Amos' request, but the voice of heaven keeps echoing in your ears. You shook your head and said, "Except for this wish."】

【"Why?" Amos said excitedly, "Don't you love me?"】

【"I love you, just like I love other people." Your voice is like a gale: "No one can enjoy the love of God alone, and neither do you."】

【You have seen Amos's tears. She is strong and seldom cries. She didn't continue to beg, but said with a blank expression: "In that case, please give me your most cherished bow."】

【That bow is an out-and-out divine weapon. The divine weapon recognized its owner, so you officially changed it to Amos and gave it a new name—Amos' Bow】

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