At this moment, the cub in Gan Yu's arms suddenly burst into tears. This was not intentional by Li Xingshan. Although he had spiritual intelligence, his body was still a cub. Crying in a controlled manner.

Gan Yu was a little overwhelmed for a while, but she calmed down quickly. Although she had no experience as a mother, she had lived in Liyue for more than 3000 years, so she naturally knew that the crying of a baby was nothing but hunger.

However, this place is far away from human habitation, and there is no food for the cubs at all.

Soon, Li Xingshan's cries became louder and louder. Gluttony, a ferocious beast, is known for its "gluttony". Especially cubs, it is their instinct to eat. If they are not fed enough, they will eat. Weeping all the time.

Gan Yu also showed a somewhat panicked expression on his face.

Not to mention whether this little guy will suffer from hunger, if it keeps crying like this, it will definitely attract unnecessary attention when it returns to Liyue.

"Food! Food!"

Gan Yu looked around, but in the end, her eyes fell on her chest, and she suddenly realized: "By the way, for food, maybe I can..."

Different from normal human beings, Gan Yu, who has the blood of the unicorn, will unconsciously absorb the auspicious energy and energy around him even if he doesn't need to cultivate deliberately.

When Gan Yu was young, it was because she hadn't learned to control the energy she got, and that energy was often converted into excess fat.

It wasn't until later that Gan Yu "self-developed" a method to dissolve the excess energy in the body, that is to convert the energy into liquid and then excrete it from the body.

Although those liquids are very rich in energy and nutrients, because of the somewhat "strange" way of obtaining them, Gan Yu can only pour them all in the garden of his backyard all the time.

This actually makes the plants in Gan Yu's garden flourish, which shows its nutritional value.

"Forget it, since I have decided to adopt you, I have to take on the responsibility of being a mother." Gan Yu stroked Li Xingshan's little head and smiled, "I hope I can shut up your little mouth."

Gan Yu's movements were somewhat clumsy, but Li Xingshan relied on instinct and quickly put his face on it.

Although the little guy hadn't grown any teeth yet, and his movements were very gentle, Gan Yu couldn't help but secretly frowned, patches of blush flitted across her snow-white cheeks inadvertently.

[Mission Complete: Survive]

[Gain reward talent: Qilin Ganyu]

[Effect: Ice element mastery increased by 30%]

I'll go, the reward is also generous.

So much reward for just one sip?

Then this is like a certain brand of coconut milk, which I have been drinking since I was a child. I am afraid that even the ice god can step on it.

Of course, this is just Li Xingshan's delusion, and it turns out that the first bite is useful.

However, what Li Xingshan enjoys more than the reward is the process of getting the reward.

After half an hour.


Li Xingshan, who was full of food and drink, just pouted, fell asleep in Gan Yu's arms, but seeing that lovely sleeping face, Gan Yu felt an indescribable feeling in his heart .

pity, worry, sympathy...

She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to adopt the cub of the fierce beast, but the cub in front of her did awaken her motherly instinct of love.

At this moment, a strange thing happened suddenly. I saw that Li Xingshan, who was originally in the form of a cub, began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye. The soft down gradually faded away, replaced by a smooth and tender skin. baby skin.

Not only the body, but even the head and face have turned into the appearance of a human baby, with pink makeup and jade, quite cute.

It seems that the reason for this is that he has the ability to transform into a human form in advance because of drinking nectar and abundant energy.

Gan Yu looked up and down, but her cheeks blushed slightly, and she murmured:

"So, it's a boy."

Chapter 408 406 A Loving Mother Holding Coconuts in Her Arms, Ah Shan Can Eat Enough

【Exit Somatosensory Mode】

【Enter text mode】

[You were brought back to Liyue by Gan Yu. She announced to the outside world that when she was chasing and killing the beast Taotie, she accidentally found a family that was killed by Taotie, and you are the orphan left by this couple. She sees you as pitiful , so he was adopted]

[Perhaps it is to prevent you from going on evil paths in the future, Gan Yu named you to do good deeds, I hope you can accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and not do evil things]

[Of course, as the envoy of the seven stars of Liyue, the elder of Yuehai Pavilion, and one of the few immortals in Liyue, Gan Yu's adoption of orphans quickly attracted the attention of all parties]

[Although Gan Yu has already given the reason, it still caused a lot of speculation, and even rumors such as "this is not an adopted orphan at all, but Gan Yu's illegitimate child"]

[Liyue Qixing specifically found Gan Yu, hoping that she could send you to an orphanage. The matter of adopting an unmarried child will not only damage Gan Yu's reputation, but also affect Gan Yu's life]

[However, even in the face of rumors and rumors, Gan Yu still resisted all opinions and resolutely adopted you]

[1 year old: Under Gan Yu's careful care, you grow up healthy and cute, very lovable ("Born to be Cute" talent activation)]

[Since adopting you, Gan Yu's coconut milk has never been wasted, and all of it has entered your stomach. Not only that, but your mouth is also very tricky, you only drink the freshest, even if it is bottled. You, you will never accept]

[It stands to reason that Gan Yu's coconut milk contains extremely powerful energy, not to mention ordinary babies, even if they are really unicorn cubs, they can't drink too much]

【However, you are different. With the blood of a fierce beast, you not only have a strong digestion ability, but you can also turn everything you devour into your own strength】

[What Gan Yu doesn't know is that you have retained the memories of your childhood, and you have already regarded Gan Yu as your mother-killing enemy]

[But you are also very clear in your heart that at this time, you can't be this woman's opponent at all. The most important thing right now is to accumulate strength first, and when you grow into a powerful beast, it will not be too late to take revenge 】

[And for you, Gan Yu's body is undoubtedly a huge treasure house, and you are frantically absorbing Gan Yu's nectar.The first is to improve one's own strength, and the second is to hope that this method can be used to consume Gan Yu's power]

[2 years old: However, you soon discovered that only the first half of your plan is feasible. Although Gan Yu's feeding did allow you to accumulate a lot of strength, it hardly depletes her herself]

[Not only that, since having you, Gan Yu has thrown away the cumbersome inhaler, after all, the automatic one is definitely better than the manual one]

[Gan Yu also specially sewed a baby bag, and when she was working, she would hang you on her chest and let you eat the buffet, and the freed hands can handle more work]

[Regularly remove excess energy accumulated in the body, not only makes Gan Yu refreshed, but also increases two sizes due to frequent use]

[3 years old: Because of your extraordinary bloodline and the long-term Ganyu special offer, you already have the strength no less than that of an adult when you are only three years old]

[However, in order to cover up its sharpness, and to absorb as much Gan Yu's energy as possible, you still decided to temporarily disguise yourself as a late-blooming baby who couldn't get rid of his mother's arms]

[Of course, it’s not too late to be a late bloomer. In order to deal with Gan Yu, a stupid woman, you still managed to call out the word “Mom” under her tireless teaching]

[However, what you didn't expect is that after you said these two words, Gan Yu was stunned for a moment, and then she shed tears and kept cheering, "Ashan called my mother!" "Ah Shan Good to call my mother!"]

[What a stupid woman, what you think in your heart, calling her "Mom" is just a stopgap measure, after you grow up, you will regret it! 】

【"Mom, hungry!" You pointed to your mouth, and the delicious food was immediately delivered to your mouth. While you were eating, you imagined the scene when you became a big demon, and accidentally hiccupped]

[4 years old: Not only is your body healthy, but your brain is also very bright (activated by the talent "Girls and Ghosts"). When you have nothing to do, you will read and study in the library at home]

[5 years old: This spring, there are a lot of wild cats outside the house, howling all night every night, disturbing Gan Yu's mother can't work at ease... No, it's disturbing you can't sleep well]

[For this reason, one day while Gan Yu was working, you sneaked out of the house and jumped onto the beam with ease, preparing to solve the source of these noises]

[Unexpectedly, the group of wild cats didn't pay attention to you, a child, and even yelled at you provocatively, but you came here in an instant and caught them all]

[But after grabbing them, you don't know what to do with them.Killed directly?No, if they see the corpses of these wild cats, some people in Liyue may have a stress reaction]

[If Liyue animal protection is noticed, it will be even more troublesome, those guys are simply more terrifying than some religions]

【You saw the group of wild cats neighing continuously, and your heart suddenly became fierce. When you came back to your senses, all those wild cats disappeared, leaving only a field of cat fur.】

[And there is a low meowing sound coming from your stomach]

[You have read in a book that records strange beasts in Zangshuge, the fierce beast gluttony has a special ability called "the universe inside the belly", which can swallow other creatures into its stomach]

[These creatures will not die, but will be sealed in a different space in your belly, not only that, you can also obtain some of the abilities of these creatures]

【However, since you were not taught by your parents since you were young, you don't know how to control this ability. You never thought that it would be activated suddenly under such unexpected circumstances】

[You stretched out your hand, and with your consciousness, you saw that your nails became extremely firm, and a fleshy pad appeared in your palm that looked very elastic]

【At this moment, an exclamation not far away brought you back to your senses immediately】

【Entering the somatosensory mode】

"Ashan! How did you go there?"

I saw Gan Yu, I don't know when, he actually ate it not far away, looking at his "beloved son", at this moment, he actually got on the beam, Gan Yu, who has always been calm and indifferent, has a panicked expression on his face : "Don't be afraid, mom will come to save you right away!"

Chapter 409 407 Eat All Night!

Unexpectedly, Gan Yu rushed over without saying a word, the speed was unbelievable, Li Xingshan only felt his body go limp, and saw that Gan Yu had already used both hands to gently support her falling body stand up.

"Gan Yu's mother is amazing!"

Li Xingshan blurted out a compliment, but Gan Yu, who had swept away her usual gentleness, showed a rare angry expression after being relieved.

"Didn't mom say it many times?" Gan Yu frowned slightly and said, "You can't do dangerous things. If there is anything, just teach mom to solve it."

"I...I just..."

Before Li Xingshan had time to explain, Gan Yu directly grabbed his wrist and said, "Today... I must teach you a good lesson!"

This was the first time Li Xingshan saw Gan Yu so angry, he quickly wanted to break free, but no matter how fast he developed, he couldn't be Gan Yu's opponent, and soon, she dragged him into the room.

Gan Yu sat on the chair, pressed Li Xingshan on her lap, stretched out her palm without saying a word, and hit him on the rear.

This move is probably the most classic way of teaching children in Liyue's thousands of years of cultural inheritance.Although somewhat violent, it is simple and effective.

What's more, Gan Yu himself was naughty when he was a child, and after he rolled down the mountain, he was also taught by Zhenjun Liuyun borrowing the wind like this.

Of course, Gan Yu didn't know that Li Xingshan had already cultivated a little at this time, and he still regarded him as an ordinary five-year-old child, so he didn't dare to use force, but just patted him lightly as a punishment.

To put it simply, it is "not very harmful, but extremely insulting".

After about dozens of hits, Gan Yu's anger also subsided a lot, and then she stopped.But Li Xingshan lowered his head and kept silent, looking very aggrieved.

Oops, did I go a little too far?

Gan Yu couldn't help feeling a little regretful in her heart, but she still said in a deep voice, "Why did you climb onto the beam, do you know how dangerous it is!"

"Maomao disturbed Gan Yu's mother's work, so Ah Shan wanted to drive Mao Mao away..." Li Xingshan lowered his head and said aggrievedly, "Ashan ignored Gan Yu's mother!"

After all, the little guy pushed open the door and rushed into his room.

Gan Yu, who learned the truth of the matter, immediately blamed herself.

Unexpectedly, his son did such a dangerous thing for himself, but he taught him a lesson indiscriminately.

As a mother, I am really dereliction of duty!

Of course, what Gan Yu didn't know was that Li Xingshan wasn't angry at all, and that aggrieved look was just a faux pas.

At this time, he was lying on the bed, wrapped himself in a quilt, and silently recited the countdown in his heart.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...


Sure enough, before I finished counting, the door of the room was gently pushed open, I saw Gan Yu walked to the side of the bed, patted Li Xingshan's back lightly, and said: "It's my mother's fault, Ah Shan, don't be angry anymore OK, okay?"

"Not good!" Li Xingshan muffled.

Sure enough, children are really difficult to coax.

Gan Yu lay lightly beside Li Xingshan, patted his shoulder lightly, and said softly: "Mom is also a first-time mother, and sometimes she does wrong things, but Ah Shan is a good boy, she must You can understand your mother, right?"

"Yes..." Li Xingshan then turned his head and said with tears in his eyes, "But, I'm so wronged."

so cute!

Gan Yu's heart couldn't help beating.

Sure enough, my cub, no matter how many times I saw it, was always so cute.

"Is this good?" Gan Yu comforted, "As long as Ah Shan forgives her mother, she can do whatever she wants?"

"Is everything okay?" Li Xingshan opened his round eyes wide.

"Of course," Gan Yu nodded and said, "Because my mother did something wrong, this is compensation."

"Then..." Li Xingshan whispered a few words in Gan Yu's ear, but Gan Yu's cheeks couldn't help turning slightly red.

"Eat all night?" Gan Yu poked Li Xingshan's little head with his fingers, and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of bursting your little stomach?"

As a son of gluttonous food, Li Xingshan naturally eats as much as he can without breaking his stomach, but as a mother, Gan Yu's "recipe" is very particular.

Especially for those "drinks with high nutrition", it is strictly controlled.

"Is it not possible?" Li Xingshan tilted his head.

"Of course you can," Gan Yu said with a slight smile, "This... is not too much to ask, but you have to eat slowly, or you may not have enough food."

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