Is it silly to watch abstract videos when the system is fine?

However, if you choose [Master of Commissariat] and [Village Tyrant], you might be able to become the emperor of a village.

That's useless, is it a country fat tiger?

On the contrary, the talent of [Gambling Monster], although highly targeted, is a good gift for the current Li Xingshan.

After all, the Summoning of the Seven Saints is essentially a gambling game. If you can cheat, your winning rate will definitely increase a lot, and it is basically one of the must-select talents by default.

What, you say cheating is wrong?

As the old saying goes, as long as you don't get caught, it's not a crime (bushi)!

As for the other talent, just choose the general among the dwarves and choose [climb to the highest]. Although Li Xingshan himself has no interest in power, this is a blue talent after all.

As for the third talent, Li Xingshan opened his list of innate talents and selected a golden talent [Medical Saint].

[Medical Sage (Golden): You have an extremely powerful medical talent, and you are destined to use medicine to change history]

Although there are other types of combat talents that can be selected, judging from the current situation, this simulator is probably similar to the simulator of being a chef last time. Life type talents are more practical.

[Talent selection completed, character template is being generated]

[The Sims are about to start]

[0 years old: You were born in a fairly ordinary family in Liyue Port. Your parents ran a small shop. Although you are not rich, you have no worries about food and clothing]

[1-year-old: You didn’t pick anything in front of you when you scratched, but crawled under the bed and dug out a dice covered in dust, but your father didn’t feel angry because of it, but just smiled and laughed. Pass】

[2 years old: Your father doesn't have any bad hobbies, he just likes to gamble a few times with his friends in his spare time, but it's just for fun, not addicted]

[3 years old: Maybe it’s because of gambling, when your father is free, he will teach you some rules of gambling games, and then let you play with him, although your mother taught you a lesson because of this Father, seeing that you father and son only regard gambling as a game, you don’t take it to heart.]

[4 years old: You showed an unusual gambling talent, and quickly learned all the gambling knowledge of your father ([Gambling Monster] talent activation), which made him quite happy. After all, you can gamble twice with your son if you have nothing to do , is not a bad thing]

[5 years old: However, you discovered that your father's gambling skills are actually quite ordinary. With your strength, you can easily win him. Although you are young, you are thoughtful. It’s okay to lose to him, even if he gambles outside, the gambling money is not too much, even if he loses nine out of ten bets, he can’t lose much money]

[6 years old: Recently, your father's gambling luck seems to have suddenly improved a lot, and he often wins back a lot of Mora. He told you that he recently opened a shop called "Rock Tea Room". , I easily won a large sum of money in it, as long as I go a few more times, maybe our family can live comfortably]

[Both you and your mother think this matter is unreliable, but your father, who has always been gentle, is uncharacteristically insisting on continuing to win money]

[7 years old: Soon, your and your mother's worries will be fulfilled. Your father's previous winnings are just bait thrown by Yanshang Tea House, the purpose is to make your father fall deeper and deeper.Soon after, your father began to lose money continuously, and the more he lost, the more he lost. It didn’t take long before he squandered all the family property accumulated over the years]

[8 years old: One time, your father wanted to gamble in Yanshang teahouse with the hard-earned money. No matter how hard your mother tried to persuade him, he didn’t stop him. You couldn’t get sick, and when your father returned from losing money, your mother was already in critical condition and unfortunately died]

[Your father came to his senses after seeing his wife die tragically. He took out a kitchen knife, cut off one of his own fingers, and vowed never to gamble again]

【You, who have witnessed a series of tragedies, plan to take revenge on Yanshang Teahouse】

[A few days later, while your father was asleep, you secretly took out the land deed at home and went to the Yanshang teahouse alone. The gamblers were quite surprised to see a child coming to the casino, and even attracted the attention of the teahouse owner]

[You take out the title deed and express that you want to bet with the owner of the teahouse, and the bet is the ownership of the teahouse on Yanshang]

[For these gamblers, an ignorant child like you is naturally like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. The owner of the teahouse agreed to your request without even thinking about it. In order to prevent you from going back on your word, he even signed a contract with you 】

[The gambling game started soon, the owner of the tea room didn't pay attention to you at all, and was ready to easily win this land deed, but who knows, you won it with superb gambling skills far beyond your age]

[The owner of the tea room couldn't believe his defeat at all, but the contract had already been signed, so he naturally couldn't regret it, so he reluctantly handed over the title deed of Yanshang Tea Room to you]

[Of course, compared to losing Yanshang Teahouse, what makes the boss even more unbearable is that he actually lost to a child. If this matter is passed on, he will not have to mess around in the Tao in the future, so you agree Keep it a secret for him, but in exchange, he must also agree to your request]

Episode 494 Episode 492

[Shortly after, your father received a letter from the owner of Yanshang Tea House. He said in his heart that the money he won from your father before was all based on thousands of dollars. After passing away, I feel extremely regretful, so I hope to transfer the ownership of Yanshang Teahouse to your father as compensation, so as to alleviate the guilt in my heart]

[That's right, this letter was naturally written by you on behalf of the owner of Yanshang Teahouse. Although it is unavoidable that there are some unreasonable things, but the land deed is right in front of you, so you have to believe it]

[Although your father vowed not to gamble anymore, it is not impossible to run a casino, not to mention that your family property has been lost, and you really need a new job]

【Thus, Yanshang Tea House officially changed hands, and your father became the new owner of Yanshang Tea House】

[9 years old: After quitting the gambling addiction, your father regained his previous business ability and managed the Yanshang Teahouse to a great success. Not only that, but also launched a membership system, only accepting those rich and powerful guests]

[10 years old: There is always only one winner in the casino, and that is the banker. Your father never gambled, but he made a lot of money by running the casino. However, it may be because he misses his deceased wife. Wan Guan, he did not remarry again]

[11 years old: Although you are proficient in gambling skills, you don’t like gambling and hate gamblers very much. After all, your family once fell apart because of your father’s gambling addiction.So, you don't have the slightest affection for gamblers, and you don't mind watching them lose and lose everything】

[12 years old: Like other children, you have reached the age of going to school, and the financial resources of your family are enough to allow you to enter another best school. Before you know it, you find that you have also become a so-called "playboy" , but what does it matter?After all, the money was squeezed from your father, from the gambler’s pocket, and you don’t feel any distress when you spend it]

[I don't know why, although you are not interested in gambling, you have an inexplicable attachment to "power". By using Mora to curry favor with other students, you were easily elected as the class monitor. What makes you feel incredible is that , after becoming the squad leader, you feel that your physical fitness has inexplicably improved a lot (the talent effect of "Climb to the Top" is activated)]

Does being a squad leader count as gaining power?

Li Xingshan couldn't help laughing in his heart, if he entered a university and became the president of the student union, wouldn't his tail be up to the sky?

[13 years old: On a snowy night, at the door of Yanshang teahouse, a begging girl passed by. Perhaps because of hunger and cold, the girl fainted at the door of Yanshang teahouse. I went to Yanshang Teahouse and took good care of it]

[The next day, the girl wakes up, and she tells you that her name is "Chu Yi", and she is the daughter of an ordinary family in Liyue, but because her father was addicted to gambling, she eventually lost all her family property, and because she owed a huge sum of money and was unable to repay it, Forced to hang herself, in order to avoid debts, Chu Yi had no choice but to escape from the house, begging and wandering around]

[Perhaps because you had the same experience, you felt sympathy for Chu Yi, so you asked your father to keep her and serve as a waiter in the Yanshang teahouse. Your father couldn't hold you back, so he finally agreed.]

[Although Chu Yi is a little older than you, she is skinny because of her poor family background. At first, Chu Yi was quite conflicted about working in the casino at Yanshang Tea House, but you persuaded her to "these gambling Gamblers are bastards who are not worthy of sympathy, working in a casino is equivalent to letting these gamblers go to ruin step by step, why not do it?"]

[Your "fallacy and heresy" finally moved Chu Yi and made her stay]

Chu Yi?

Li Xingshan suddenly felt that this name sounded familiar.

By the way, in the game, this NPC is the hostess of Yanshang Tea House, and she has a bad mouth. It turned out that it was because of family reasons that she was so unfriendly to the "guests" who came to Yanshang Tea House.

[14 years old: You made a "like-smelling" friend in school named Xingqiu, the second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce. Still relying on a few ancient books bought from the black market, Xing Qiu succeeded in throwing his father's words out of the sky

[15 years old: One day, you saw the Tianquan star among the seven stars of Liyue up close for the first time. The woman named Ningguang, although she often appeared in the sight of the people of Liyue, she could only be seen from a distance. Guan, for some reason, you are deeply attracted by mature and intellectual women]

【You know in your heart that what attracts you to her is not her appearance or figure, but her unattainable feeling bathed in the light of power】

[16 years old: You and Xingqiu exchanged each other's dreams. Xingqiu told you that he wants to become the most powerful light novelist in all of Tivat, while your dream is to become the Seven Stars of Liyue]

【However, your dream made Xingqiu laugh out loud, not because your dream is ridiculous, but because this dream is really too "ordinary".In Liyue Port, if you ask any child about their dreams, about half of them want to become the Seven Stars of Liyue]

[The dreams of these children will be shattered in a short time.After all, the Liyue Seven Stars are the seven people with the highest status in Liyue Port, and they need elites who are excellent in all aspects to be able to hold the position]

[Ordinary businessmen dare not even think about it, not to mention that you were born in a casino. Although your family is rich, but in the eyes of many people, your status is very low. It is impossible to become a Liyue Seven Star]

[Of course, what Xingqiu doesn't know is that the reason why you want to become the Seven Stars of Liyue is not just to stand on the top of Liyue Port, but because of...a deeper reason]

[17 years old: The business of Yanshang Teahouse is getting better and better, and naturally it is also being targeted by many people. People often show up and want to buy Yanshang Teahouse from your father, but he refuses all of them.]

[Yan Shang Tea House is a casino business, and it is normal to be targeted, but your father can take black and white. The reason is that your father has made some mysterious "helpers", even if it is your son, I don’t even know the true identities of those mysterious people]

【You once asked your father, but he just told you: "Don't ask, the less you know, the safer you are."】

[18 years old: One day, your father was away on errands, and you, as the head of the family, helped manage the Yanshang Teahouse, but an unusual guest came, a woman with black and blue short hair who called herself "Ye Lan"]

Chapter 495 493 Seventeen Cards Can You Beat Me?

[Ever since Ye Lan sat at the gambling table, she has never lost a game, Zhuang Xian takes everything, not only other gamblers, but even Yan Yan went to the tea room, and many Mo La got involved]

[You don't like gambling, so under normal circumstances, you rarely play games in Yanshang Teahouse, but if you let Yelan continue to win, Yanshang Teahouse will definitely suffer huge losses. In order to stop the loss in time, you have to take the initiative, I want to gamble with Ye Lan]

【Entering the somatosensory mode】

[Mission objective: beat Yelan in gambling]

"What's wrong? Little handsome boy?"

As soon as she opened her eyes, Ye Lan, who was sitting opposite, mocked with a mocking voice: "You mean, do you want to bet with me?"

I have to say that the Ye Lan in front of me is indeed very similar to the Ye Lan in reality, but there are some differences in the temperament between the two.

Just as it is impossible to have two identical leaves in the world, in different simulators or "parallel worlds", even the same person may have subtle differences due to some reasons.

"That's right," Li Xingshan nodded, and said with a smile, "Miss Ye Lan specially picks when my father is away, and comes to the tea room to kill everyone. I don't know what is the purpose?"

"I'm just a gambler," Ye Lan said with a hint of slyness in her smile, "Of course I come to the casino to win money."

"I'd like to play with you," Li Xingshan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It's a gamble... the big one."

"Oh?" Ye Lan immediately became interested, and said with a smile, "I don't have any other hobbies, but I like to bet big, and the bigger the better, I don't know, what is your bet?"

"My bet is what you want the most," Li Xingshan said with a sneer, "I remember that you also approached my father before, wanting to buy this Yanshang teahouse, but they were all rejected. Use this rock teahouse as a bet."

When people around him heard it, they all showed extremely surprised expressions, and the shop assistants in Yanshang Teahouse even advised Li Xingshan not to be arrogant.

After all, Li Xingshan never showed his gambling skills in front of people since he bet a good bet on this Yanshang teahouse. These people thought that Li Xingshan was just acting on impulse.

"Are you serious?" Ye Lan couldn't hide her inner excitement, but she still wanted to get her and said, "Young man, don't be too arrogant."

"Are you still called a young man if you're not aggressive?" Li Xingshan replied, "However, I don't know Miss Yelan, what are you going to bet on?"

Ye Lan smiled and said, "If you win, I will give back all the Mo La I won before."

"That's indeed not a small sum," Li Xingshan shook his head, and said, "But compared to the value of the Teahouse on the Rock, it's still a lot worse."

"What you said makes sense," Ye Lan nodded and said, "Then tell me, do you want any other additional conditions?"

"What do you think?" Li Xingshan suddenly took off his boots and said with a smile, "If you lose, I won't let you lose money, so you can just kneel down and lick my toes, how about that?"


There was a flash of anger in Ye Lan's eyes, but she quickly regained her composure, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the handsome guy still has such a hobby, of course it's fine, as long as you can beat me, don't say With my toe, I can do it anywhere.”

When the gamblers around heard this, they also showed malicious smiles on their faces.

In Ye Lan's eyes, the young boy in front of him was undoubtedly a piece of fat on the chopping board, he could bully him as he wished.

When he wins this game, the Yanshang teahouse will be his own. At that time, wouldn't he have the opportunity to teach this bastard who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth?

"There's no evidence for what you say," Li Xingshan took out a piece of paper and said, "The contract is proof!"

In Liyue, the "land of contracts", as long as it is a legal contract, it must not be violated after it is made.

"It's just what I want!" Ye Lan signed the contract without hesitation, and said mockingly: "I remember that your father was a bad gambler back then, and he pissed off his wife to death because of gambling. Not only did my son not take the warning, but he felt at ease to be the master of the casino, and I won the Yanshang Teahouse today, which can be regarded as an education for you."

Hearing this, the smile on Li Xingshan's face disappeared immediately.

Ye Lan's words undoubtedly touched the memories that he didn't want to recall deep in his heart, and it was precisely this sentence that made Li Xingshan secretly decide that he would never easily spare this open-mouthed woman.

"So, what do you want to play?" Ye Lan said confidently, "Dice Pai Gow? Or something else?"

"I don't know many things," Li Xingshan said lightly, "Just play 'Seventeen'."

"Seventeen Cards" is a card game with a very high popularity rate. The rules are similar to Doudizhu in reality, but there is also a two-person game. Each player starts with seventeen cards, and the first to finish playing the cards wins. .

"No problem," Ye Lan snapped her fingers lightly, and said, "Deal the cards!"

The game progressed very quickly. At the very beginning, Ye Lan played several beautiful cards. In a blink of an eye, there were only four cards left in her hand, while Li Xingshan had only one card in her hand. None of them were typed out, and they were still the first seventeen.

The atmosphere became more and more stalemate.

Those guys and clerks have even started to think about how to please the new owner.

"It seems that the game is coming to an end." Ye Lan played with the four cards in her hand and said with a smile, "Come here, pour a glass of Yuqian Longjing for Mr. Li, I'm afraid he might lose his temper after a while Woolen cloth."

The four cards in Yelan's hand are of the "bomb" type, which is almost the largest type of card. No matter what card Li Xingshan plays, he can win it all.

"Miss Yelan, don't worry." Who knows, Li Xingshan said leisurely, "Who will win and who will lose, we have yet to know."

"I might as well tell you, the cards in my hand are 'bombs'," Ye Lan simply showed her cards, and said with a proud face: "Seventeen cards, can you kill me in seconds? Can you kill me in seconds?! Can you kill me in seconds today?! Seven cards beat me to Yelan, not to mention the toes, it doesn't matter if I just wash your feet with saliva!"

"Then please be careful," Li Xingshan threw down the four cards directly: "First, the bomb."

Although it was also a bomb, Li Xingshan's points were higher than Ye Lan's, so Ye Lan was naturally not worth it.


Ye Lan was slightly startled, but she still had a smile on her face: "You want to play all thirteen cards in one go, unless..."

Episode 496 Episode 494

"Unless, the cards I have left are..." Li Xingshan seemed to have guessed Ye Lan's mind, played out all the remaining [-] cards, and said with a sneer, "A dragon."

"how is this possible!"

Ye Lan stood up straight away, and said, "It's impossible to make up this type of card, you must be out of luck!"

In fact, what Ye Lan said was correct, Li Xingshan was indeed a thousand-year-old, and with his [Gambling Monster] talent, it was as easy as drinking water.

"Miss Ye Lan, there is no evidence, so don't spout blood." Li Xingshan took off his socks, raised one foot, and said expressionlessly, "Kneel down."

Yelan's face turned gray immediately, she gritted her teeth and said, "I will pay you double the money, as for this matter..."

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