Arrive as soon as possible, can't you wait so much?

hypocritical!It's so hypocritical!

Although Shen He slandered Li Xingshan in his heart, the cold sound-transmitting spirit stone seemed to feel warm and peaceful in his palm.

"You..." Shen He asked with a complicated expression, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Could it be that this is also your trap?Trick me into falling into your gentle trap step by step?

"Although it may be a bit shameful to say this, but I..." Li Xingshan patted his chest and said, "I want to be a partner of justice!"

Partner of justice?

Hearing these words, Shen He was stunned for a moment, but then, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and let out a burst of laughter: "It's just... like an idiot."

"Indeed, it's a bit stupid." Li Xingshan scratched his cheek in embarrassment, and said, "However, as expected, you still look prettier when you smile."

"Is it ugly if you don't smile?" Shen He immediately restrained his smile.

"That's not what I meant!" Li Xingshan quickly waved his hand and said, "In short, if you encounter any problems, please contact me immediately. You must never do what you just did to others, remember?"

Can only do it to you?

Shen He nodded slightly.

"It's getting late, and I'm leaving too." Li Xingshan packed up the things on the table, but he didn't seem to notice that the photo with Gan Yu had already been seen by Shen He: "There will be a time later."

"There will be... a period later."

Seeing the back of Li Xingshan leaving, Shen He's mood was quite complicated.

The evil Li Xingshan, the kind Li Xingshan... which one is the real you?

It seems that I can't jump to conclusions right now, I still need to continue to observe him to see through his nature, if he is really as hopeless as in the dream, then I will... end his sinful life again.

"But..." Shen He stuck out his tongue subconsciously, licked the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself, "This strange taste is really exactly the same."


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Let's not talk about Li Xingshan going back home here, the screen temporarily switches to Zhidong Kingdom, which is thousands of miles away.

In the luxurious and majestic Queen's Palace, a gorgeous young man wearing Inazuma-style clothing was staring at the murals on the wall, with a thoughtful expression on his face, and muttered to himself:

"That strange dream...what the hell is going on?"

Volume 083 Pale Fire: [-] Wrath of the Ice Queen

This seemingly youthful young man is actually the sixth seat of the Fools' executive officers, the stragglers, who frighten many people.

Under the seemingly cute appearance, there is a ruthless heart hidden. Maybe she was still smiling at you one second, and the next second, the sharp blade has penetrated your heart.

However, the stragglers at this time had a rather complicated expression on their faces.

In the past two days, a strange thing happened... I actually had a dream.

That's right, let's not talk about the content of the dream, as a "doll" I can actually dream, this matter itself is already strange enough.

What's even more strange is that the dream was so long and real.

Different from the simulator, the stragglers in reality have no clear recognition of their gender because of their different experiences.

"Hey, little Douding, did you come so early?"

At this moment, the voice from behind the skirmisher made her frown.

Turning around, a slender and glamorous woman was staring at herself with a sneer, and said with a smile: "The reason why you have been wearing rice wife clothes is because... clogs can make you look taller?"

"So, ma'am, do you spray perfume on your body every day because your body smells too strong?" The straggler pinched his nose and retorted, "It's a pity that my sense of smell is too keen. Even such a heavy perfume can't cover it." Get rid of the dirty smell on your body."

That's right, this silver-haired woman is the eighth seat of the executive officers of the Fools, Ms.

"You!" The lady gave the straggler a hard look.

This guy is really as annoying as in the dream.

That's right, apart from the stragglers, the lady was also affected by the system and dreamed about the plot that happened in the simulator.

However, she only dreamed about the experience of being a "lady", and was quite vague about what happened when she was a "Rosalin".

Due to their personalities, the relationship between the lady and the skirmisher is not very harmonious in reality, perhaps because of the "contradictions" with each other in the dream, and at this time, they are even more displeased with each other.

However, neither the lady nor the straggler had any doubts about the real "doctor".

the reason is simple……

"You two, are you so noisy in Her Majesty's palace?" Behind the two came a clear but arrogant voice: "It's really... so inelegant."

I saw a woman with short light-colored hair and wearing an exaggerated dress, walked into the palace with her hands on her hips, and said, "You should learn more from me, so that you can be favored by Her Majesty the Queen."

The woman looked about 27 or [-] years old. Although she looked good, the exaggerated smile and sly eyes on her face made it difficult to make people feel good.

That's right, this is also the reason why the straggler and the lady didn't associate reality with the doctor in the dream at all—the doctor in reality is actually a woman.

Not only that, but her personality is also very different from the "doctor" in their dreams.The doctor in the dream is stable and restrained, while the doctor in reality is arrogant and arrogant.

The most important thing is that whether it is technical ability or personal strength, the doctor in reality is completely defeated.While the doctor was still conducting human research, the doctor in the dream had already established an army of undead.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Thinking of this, the lady and the skirmisher suddenly looked at the doctor with a subtle disdain.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" The doctor frowned and said, "It's really uncomfortable."

"You'd better get used to it earlier," the lady said coldly, "But why did Her Majesty summon the three of us alone?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," the doctor shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "However, the reason why you called me here is to reward me for my recent research results. Really, I am so favored by Her Majesty the Queen alone. It really took me by surprise.”

"My lord doctor," at this moment, a maid suddenly came out of the inner room, bowed her head and said, "Your Majesty summoned you to come in."

"Look, I was only summoned to go in alone. I guessed right." The doctor glanced at the other two triumphantly, and said with a smile: "You two, don't be jealous."

After all, the doctor walked in with her head held high. If there was a tail behind her, it would have been raised high already.

Unexpectedly, less than 3 minutes after the doctor entered, there was a burst of angry shouting from inside, and after a while, the doctor who had a happy face just now came out with a dead face.

"Tsk tsk," the skirmisher sneered and teased, "I don't know, Doctor, what kind of reward did you get?"

"How did this happen..." The doctor said with a gloomy face, "Her Majesty the Queen actually reprimanded me for no reason..."

That's right, after entering the Ice Queen's office just now, without saying a word, she just found a reason and reprimanded herself.

The doctor has been in the officialdom for many years, so he immediately noticed that Her Majesty did not scold herself for making a mistake, but rather just to "vent her anger".

After all, the reason she gave was too far-fetched—because she stepped on her left foot first when entering the door, she was scolded.

Although the doctor felt aggrieved, as a subordinate, he naturally had no possibility of resisting, so he could only hold on and was scolded.

Now seeing the sneering expressions of the stragglers and the lady, she was even more angry at this time, and said with a sneer: "Don't gloat, Her Majesty is in a bad mood today, and you will inevitably be scolded for a while, huh !"

Sure enough, soon, the maid summoned the stragglers and ladies.

In the office, the Ice Queen was sitting on her own chair. Because her current body was only that of a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, she was too short, so she had to put a few books on the chair to increase her height.

Sure enough, the Ice Queen, who was always expressionless and cold on weekdays, now had a gloomy face and slightly frowned eyebrows, obviously in a bad mood.

If the lady and the stragglers are the two protagonists in Li Xing's good and evil simulator, then the Ice Queen is undoubtedly the "final boss" in the simulator.

Not all characters appearing in the simulator have their experiences reflected in the dream.

Generally speaking, the closer the character is in contact with the protagonist "Li Xingshan" in the simulator, the higher the possibility of mapping the dream, and the more sufficient the content of the mapping will be.

Therefore, although the Ice Queen was also affected by the simulator, the content of the dream was very vague. She just vaguely remembered that in the dream, she was betrayed by the third doctor of fools, and was... strange tree.

Volume 084 Pale Fire: [-] Ms.: This time, I won't let you get ahead of me again!

As the lord of a country, it is naturally impossible for the Queen of Ice to find her subordinates guilty because of an inexplicable dream, but that dream still left her with a lot of psychological shadow.

That's why she summoned the doctor, firstly to confirm whether she was in contact with the person in the dream, and secondly... naturally to find a reason to reprimand her and express the anger in her chest.

The poor doctor didn't figure out what happened at all, so he took the blame for Li Xingshan, who had never met before.

Perhaps because of the last madness and brutality of the Ice Queen in the dream, the stragglers and ladies were somewhat nervous at this time.

The Ice Queen also seemed to be aware of the abnormality of the two of them, and her expression eased a little, saying: "Don't be nervous, the purpose of summoning you is not the same as summoning the doctor. You should also know that the 'God's Heart Collection' I am planning plan'."

That's right, regardless of dream or reality, the Ice Queen never gave up her goal.

The lady and the straggler breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded at the same time.

"Some time ago, I sent my son to Liyue to collect information about the Heart of God, but the progress was still too slow." The Ice Queen pointed to the huge Tivat map on the wall behind her, and said, "So, I plan to Next, send the two of you to another country, Mond, to carry out missions simultaneously."

"What?" The lady and the straggler were startled, and said in unison, "With this narcissist (Xiao Douding)?"

"That's right," the Ice Queen said with a serious expression, "Silst Winter has gained a firm foothold in Mond, and your actions will go much smoother. This time, you can only succeed in this mission, not fail."

After walking out of the Ice Queen's office, the expressions of the lady and the skirmisher were even uglier than that of the doctor just now.

"Obviously it's a task that I can easily complete alone, but now there is another burden." The straggler crossed his arms and said coldly, "You'd better not hold me back."

"The same thing, I'll return it to you as it is," the lady said condescendingly, "This time, I won't let you get there first!"

Looking at the back of the lady leaving gradually, the skirmisher showed suspicion.

Strange, why did she... say "again"?


Liyue Port, Kefu, in Keqing's study.

Li Xingshan told Keqing in detail how he delivered the letter to Yuehai Pavilion, how he helped Shen He get out of the siege, and how he helped Shen He find a place to live.

Of course, the "episode" in the middle was skipped by Li Xingshan.

"I didn't expect that I would encounter so many things when I send you to complete such a small task." Ke Qing stroked her chin thoughtfully, and said, "However, the closed disciple of Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind actually went down the mountain." Coming to Liyue, it seems that if I have time, I should also pay a visit."

"Compared to that, the issue of law and order is also very important," Li Xingshan said casually, "Although those local ruffians can't do any serious evil, they have also caused a lot of trouble for the people."

"What you said is very reasonable," Ke Qing nodded, and said with a smile: "You are quick to handle things and have ideas. It seems that recruiting you in is really the right choice."

"Thank you for your compliment, miss." Li Xingshan chuckled: "I will continue to work hard."

Wait, why am I still praising him?

It is still uncertain whether his nature is good or evil. It seems that he needs to be tested again.

Thinking of this, Ke Qing restrained her smile and said, "Since that's the case, I happen to have a task at hand. I need to go to Mond. There is a toll subsidy, and there will be a reward afterwards. Would you like to go?"


Although Li Xingshan had never been to Mond, he had lived there for a while in the simulator.

Anyway, I'm bored in Liyue Port, so I might as well go outside and walk around more.

"Of course." Li Xingshan nodded and said, "I don't know what the mission is."

"You should have heard that Mond has been harassed by wind demon dragons for thousands of years. Especially in recent years, they have frequently invaded Mond and caused a lot of losses."

I saw Keqing took out a wooden box, put it on the table, and said: "In order to resist the wind demon dragon, the head of Qin of the West Wind Knights ordered a batch of military equipment in Liyue, which was contracted by Kefu. Tomorrow They will be transported to Mond, and your task is to escort them to avoid accidents."

It's a mission, it's better to say it's a tour at public expense.

Ke Qing opened the wooden box, and saw a rather delicate long sword lying inside.

"The name of this sword is 'Dragon Yin in the Box', and it is a good product among this batch of military equipment." Ke Qing took it out, handed it to Li Xingshan, and said, "I don't think you have a weapon at hand, so I will give it as a gift. Here you go."

Li Xingshan took out the long sword, only to see that the long sword's body was simple and unpretentious, and the hilt was in the shape of a dragon's head.After drawing the sword out of its scabbard, there was a "bass" sound from the sword, which was crisp and sweet, and lasted for a long time.

"Good sword!"

Even Li Xingshan, who didn't know much about swords, couldn't help boasting.

【Xia Li Long Yin】

【Rank: B】

[Effect: The damage caused by fire element and thunder element is increased by 20%]

The effects of weapons are also slightly different from those in the game.

However, under normal circumstances, only people with the eyes of God can use "elemental damage". Therefore, this B-star weapon in Li Xingshan's hands is nothing more than a slightly sharper sword.

Facing the upcoming trip to Mond, Li Xingshan was still quite looking forward to it. Of course, at this moment, he was completely unaware of what he would encounter in Mond.


late at night.

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