The big villa where Jiang Tian lived before his death.

As soon as Xu Yi got out of the car, he saw a long row of big black cars parked outside the villa!

Behind these big black sprinters, there are still a row of men in sunglasses and suits standing, all of them with their hands in their pockets, ready to draw their guns at any time.

At first glance, I thought it was a police movie.

After Xu Yi chuckled, he walked towards the bodyguards guarding the gate.

wsorry, sir. who are you? "A man with a mustache asked Xu Yi.

"I'm Hongxing Xu Yi." Xu Yi said calmly.

"Xu Yi? Okay! My boss has been waiting inside for a long time, please! Please! Please!"

After the mustache finished speaking, he immediately led the way.

Xu Yi took a few glances, and saw that these men, without exception, were dark-skinned, well-muscled, and strong-bodied Lianjiazi.

After entering the villa, Xu Yi saw the fat man Li standing in the aisle eating apples desperately.

When Fatty Li saw Xu Yi, he let go of his hand, and half of the apple rolled to the ground.

He didn't say hello to Xu Yi, and walked into the living room.

"Mr. Xu, please." The mustache leading the way said politely.

Xu Yi nodded, then walked into the living room and saw...


As Xu Yi expected, those old gangsters from Hong Xing were all there!

It's just that he didn't pay attention to those people at all.

Xu Yi only looked at the middle-aged man with a round face and back, Jiang Tianyang, who was surrounded by stars like a moon!

Just as Xu Yi walked in, the originally noisy living room quickly fell silent.

Chen Yao, who was sitting next to Jiang Tianyang, glanced at Xu Yi, then stood up.

With his hands in his pockets, he said to Xu Yi in a strange way:

"Brother Yi, come, come, let me introduce you grandly, this is..."

Xu Yi interrupted him as soon as he raised his hand, and then looked at Jiang Tianyang.

Jiang Tianyang put down the special Taiguo cigar in his mouth, stood up, and looked at Xu Yi with a warm face.

Neither of them spoke, just staring at each other.

Fat guy Li waited for a while for the original five speakers, but couldn't speak when he wanted to intervene, so he could only look at Chen Yao in unison.

"Ahem, let me introduce, this is..." Chen Yao coughed lightly, and wanted to introduce again.

"Mr. Jiang Tianyang." Xu Yi said straight away.

The faces of the veterans changed in unison!

Xu Yi?

How could it be possible to know this Mr. Jiang?

With a hesitant expression on Chen Yao's face, he gritted his teeth after thinking for two seconds.

I don't believe you are omniscient!

"That's right, this is Mr. Jiang Tianyang, he is..."

"Mr. Jiang Tiansheng's younger brother has been doing business in Taiguo for 23 years."

"Mr. Jiang Tianyang never mentioned Hong Xing's affairs, and he didn't even know his details.

Hear it!

Chen Yao's expression is no longer ugly...

For more than ten years, he has always boasted of his brain as Hongxing!

"Xu Yi laughed.

But since Xu Yi Hengkong appeared, it seems that his brain is not enough. 0

Xu Yi was one step behind in everything, and was passive everywhere.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh." Jiang Tianyang laughed heartily.

Then, he took two steps forward and stretched out his hand at the same time.

"Young and promising, really young and promising." Jiang Tianyang said with a smile to the veterans.

Uncle Xing and the others laughed dryly a few times, feeling strange in their hearts.

After everyone sat down, the atmosphere at the scene was very delicate.

Jiang Tianyang took a sip of the special Taiguo cigar, and said casually:

"Speaking of which, I'm already a half-Taiwanese, and I didn't want to come back this time.

"However, Chen Yao said that my dead ghost boss still has some aftermath matters, as well as some matters related to the industry, and I need to come back and deal with them personally."

"Plus, I also wanted to come back to see the changes in Xiangjiang, so I came back."

"Xu Yi, I hope it won't cause you any trouble."

"will not!"

Xu Yi had an indifferent expression on his face, and then said with a smile:

"Hongxing was founded by your father, Mr. Jiang, and it has grown and grown under the hands of your elder brother."

"So, as a member of the Jiang family, I welcome you to come back and take a look at any time."

"I heard that Mr. Jiang, you have done a lot of business in Taiguo, Hong Xing is also transforming now, trying to create a legitimate business, maybe we can cooperate in the future.

"Xu Yi, I think you haven't figured out the current situation."

Chen Yao couldn't help but began to interrupt.

"The founder is Mr. Jiang's father, and the former leader of Hong Xing is Mr. Jiang's boss."

After hearing this, the old gangsters all looked at Xu Yi to see how he expressed his opinion.

Xu Yi shrugged and said calmly, "And then?"

Chen Yao was momentarily at a loss for words.

It was really hard for him to say what was in his heart.

Because after Jiang Tiansheng's death, he immediately put himself in charge.

Seeing that Chen Yao was speechless, Jiang Tianyang smiled and said:

"You bunch of smokers are smoking a miasma here, Xu Yi, let's go for a walk,

"Okay." Xu Yi readily agreed.

The two got up and walked out one after another.

Chen Yao hesitated for a moment, but also wanted to follow.

How about blowing the sea breeze? "

"Chen Yao, entertain Uncle Xing and the others for me." Jiang Tianyang turned around and said.

Out of the big villa, around the big swimming pool.

Through the iron mesh fence, you can see the sea breeze and the rippling sea.

Jiang Tianyang pointed to the faintly visible Lamma Island in the distance, and said:

"Xu Yi, if I remember correctly, you caught Dongxing's crow and smiling tiger on Lamma Island, and avenged my elder brother, right?"

"That's right, you remember it very clearly. It seems that Mr. Jiang has a clear understanding of what happened during this period." Xu Yi smiled lightly.

"Hehehe." Jiang Tianyang smiled generously.

Then he straightened his crooked suit, raised the big cigar in his hand, looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Chen Yao came to Taiguo to find me, and told me a lot about you."

0.7 "I don't listen to one side of the story, it's easy to make mistakes, so I talked to the prince again after I came back."

"The prince told me that you have just won the right to operate a casino in a newly opened six-star hotel in Haojiang Shizai."

Xu Yi nodded, smiled, and said nothing.

Jiang Tianyang glanced at Xu Yi, then turned his head to look at the waves, and said slowly:

"Xu Yi, you are a very smart young man, you must know why Chen Yao asked me to return to Xiangjiang."

"But you came alone, may I ask why?"

"What? What do you think will be afraid of you? Or should I be on guard against you?" Xu Yi asked back after taking a puff of his cigar.

Jiang Tianyang frowned, did not answer, looked at the sea in the distance, quietly smoking a Taiguo cigar.

Xu Yi still has a lot of work to do, so he doesn't have time to play charades and guess mysteries here.

So after looking at his watch, he raised his hand and said:

"Mr. Jiang, I know what you are worried about. Hongxing was founded by your father, and your boss has developed and grown it. It has been decades now."

"You don't want to see it go downhill and close down, do you?"

Jiang Tianyang nodded, looked at a plane whizzing by in the sky and asked Xu Yi:

"Xu Yi, I want to know, how are you going to lead Hong Xing?"

Xu Yi thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Well, let's just use your words."

"What? My words? We didn't know each other before." Jiang Tianyang said.

"There are three conditions for Hongxing to develop in the future." Xu Yi laughed.

"Which three conditions?" Jiang Tianyang turned his head and looked at Xu Yi with great interest.

"First, banknotes, second, banknotes, and third, banknotes." Xu Yi replied with a smile

Chapter 118: Be low-key about club affairs, and high-key about making money!

Jiang Tianyang frowned, the ashes of the cigar in his hand had been so long that he forgot to flick it, he said in great confusion:

"What you say is exactly what I said, but I never said it to anyone."

Xu Yi smiled slightly, and continued: "In the current situation in the Xiangjiang Jianghu, Hong Xing will not face too many difficulties."

"Because of the two businesses of No. [-] boy and arms, we have never been involved."

Jiang Tianyang listened very carefully, and after listening, he asked again:

"According to what you said, will Hong Xing be stable?"

Xu Yi said: "Whether it is stable or not depends on Hong Xing's transformation and the actions of other associations, the next few years will determine Hong Xing's survival!

"Oh, how do you say that?" Jiang Tianyang asked.

Xu Yi said: "Because those who sell size four want to ship in our site, if we don't agree, they will come to grab our site"

"Although we won't stop them from selling arms, they will also come to grab the territory."

"With the development of the economy, other associations will do the same as we do now, turning to the entertainment industry, real estate industry, transportation industry, etc."

"It may even be transferred to other industries! There will be a bigger storm in the rivers and lakes."

"Combined with the factor of returning, Xiangjiang will undergo a major change that has not been seen in a century. This is Hongxing's next challenge and opportunity!"

Xu Yi's eloquence made Jiang Tianyang unable to keep calm anymore.

After carefully considering Xu Yi's words, he subconsciously changed his address and asked, "Mr. Xu, let me ask one last question..."

"Mr. Jiang, I know what you want to ask, and I will answer you in your own words."

Xu Yi interrupted with a smile, and immediately said:

"The affairs of the club should be low-key, and the things about making money should be high-key."

Jiang Tianyang no longer had the calm and unpredictable look he had before.

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