"At the time of our meeting, Chang Chao had already returned to Yau Ma Tei and took away his subordinates."

"Three Eagles also returned to Shenshuipo, and passed on the order of the speaker, Alin, that tonight the Lianhe Gang will not dispatch a single horseman at Shenshuishetang entrance." Han Bin said with a slight smile.

The prince squeezed the center of his eyebrows into a big "Chuan" character, and asked Xu Yi and Han Bin with great doubts:

"Brother Yi, Brother Bin, here, why are my eyes so dark? I don't understand anything, you guys... what's going on here?"

Xu Yi smiled, then glanced at Han Bin, meaning to signal Han Bin to say.

Han Bin nodded, and then briefly explained the matter.

But it didn't mention that the pheasant was not actually ambushed by the Lianhe Gang.

Hearing what Han Bin said, everyone in the hall was surprised and delighted!

They didn't know until now that their boss had made so many arrangements quietly these days!

It can be said to be a dark secret!

The Lianhe Gang is in shock right now, one talker and two double-bonus sticks have turned their backs on the water, so what is there to wait for?

Seeing the words of each mouth, Xu Yi's eyes lit up with excitement, so he said in a deep voice:

"Brothers! I have already taken care of the previous things for you, now! I only have one request for you."

Everyone looked at him, Xu Yi, excitedly waiting for the instructions from the leading brother!

Xu Yi's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he said slowly:

"I want you to use the fastest and most ferocious attack to destroy the Lianhe Gang in one fell swoop!!"

"Remember! It's not disabled, it's not destroyed, and it's not disabled, it's directly destroyed."

At this moment, the confidence of all the talkers exploded, and they all expressed their opinions that there is no problem!

"Brother Yi, now the Lianhe Gang only has the main hall and one and a half halls left."

"It can be said to be semi-disabled, so how can we fight together with so many disciples?"

The prince laughed.

"That's right, Brother Yi, in my opinion, the four halls of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing, Kwun Tong, and Yau Ma Tei don't need to make a move."

"It's enough for us to go to Kowloon Hall and Brother Nan, and Prince Edward in Tsim Sha Tsui." Yi Mian, the agent of Kowloon City, suggested.

"Brother Mian, how can that be?"

"Brother Pheasant is still lying in the hospital now! Our Yau Ma Tei hall must participate in revenge!" Yau Ma Tei Double Bonus Red Stick Harry Qun said loudly.

Amidst the quarrel, Xu Yi silently lit a cigar.

After taking a light breath, he stood up slowly, with a serious face and said:

"When I said 'use the fastest speed', I meant rushing to the military uniform, ptu,. Remember, the operation must be completed before the serious crime team is dispatched." Hearing this, the quarrel stopped abruptly.

Only then did the speakers and agents of each hall understand why the seven halls had to join forces and act together.

Brother Yi wants to destroy the Lianhe Gang in the shortest possible time!

Because the linkage formation of the seven halls is too big, the messenger can react within two hours.

At that time, PTU will be dispatched.

Boss, isn't this handwriting too big?

All the talkers wanted to understand this, and they couldn't help feeling a little worried because they had forgotten the high-spirited talk just now.

Using so many people to act at the same time, this will definitely have extremely significant repercussions!

The messenger has a lot of eyeliners and undercover agents. After this matter is over, it is very likely that they will stare at Hong Xing to death...

Seeing what happened, Xu Yi stopped talking, so he gave Han Bin a wink.

Han Bin got up quickly and distributed the materials in his hands to the seven halls.

The prince picked it up and saw that it was a city map of Wangjiao and Yau Ma Tei.

The targets are marked with eye-catching red on the map.

Xu Yi flicked the cigarette ash and ordered:

"Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon City, Kwai Tsing, and Wangjiao Wutang are surrounded on all sides,"

"Follow the signs on the map, quickly raid the venues of the Lianhe Gang in Wangjiao and Yau Ma Tei!

"The people in Kowloon City don't care about anything else, they only focus on the League and the main hall!"

The speakers in the six halls either nodded or responded, and all of them lost their blood-boiling appearance before.

Da Fei is not afraid of getting into trouble. When he heard that he was gone, he quickly asked:

"Brother Yi, I'll go, where is our Guantang? I don't want to stand by and watch, I also want to make contributions to Hong Xing!"

"Da Fei, it's impossible for you to stand by and watch. Your mission in Guantang is not light!"

Xu Yi showed a smile, and then ordered:

"The place circled in red on your picture is the factory and warehouse where the Lianhe Gang produces pornographic discs."

"The place marked with a triangle is the den where they reprocess the 'No. [-] boy', let me sweep it away together!

Hearing Xu Yi's words, Da Fei immediately beamed with joy, and said excitedly:

"I"!I never thought that I, Da Fei, would also be an envoy of justice!Help the police to fight pornography and drugs! "

Xu Yi took a sip of the cigar, slowly exhaled an oval smoke ring and said:

"Your task is the focus of this operation. If we make such a big move today, the public will definitely condemn the power of the society.

"The police will also face huge up and down, left and right, all kinds of tangible and intangible pressure because they can't explain to the public."

"So we must focus the public's attention on black people and eat black people, and at the same time make the note clear. Clear?"

The dimmed eyes of the speakers in each hall brightened again...


If it is just smashing the field to grab the site, the public's reaction will definitely be fierce!

Under the pressure of public relations, Tiaozi will definitely stare at Hong Xing to death!

But if we wipe out the factories and warehouses of the Lianhe Gang, especially the drug manufacturing dens.

The public will only gloat over "black eating black".

The cops will also not go to war because they can confess.

"Da Fei! If you don't make it happen, the note will give you an 'Excellent Citizen Award'!" The prince patted the table and laughed.

"Little ks, I, Da Fei, have always been very helpful. I often help the elderly to cross the road..." Da Fei said solemnly.

"Brother Dafei, can I change with you?"

"I'll help you to fight against pornography and drugs, and you go to the Lianhe Zongtang." Yi Mian teased.

"Go, go! Don't look at me, Da Fei, as a crazy person, but I have a heart of love and dedication." Da Fei laughed.

Xu Yi propped his hands on the table, his eyes sparkled, and he said loudly:

"Now go back and make full preparations, and do it at the same time when the time comes!"

"As soon as the sun rises tomorrow morning, I want the Lianhe Gang to disappear forever in Xiangjiang!!"

Hearing the words, everyone is talking about people, and the red stick is excited to hear it!

Ghost Lin, who was sitting against the wall, was completely dumbfounded!

He stared blankly at Xu Yi, just wanting to know which world this person came from.

Fording in deep water, Lianhe General Hall.

Extreme restlessness was written on Xianshi Dong's face.

After the previous call, when he called Gui Laolin's eldest brother again to ask if the deal was settled.

Only to find that Guilao Lin's big brother was turned off.

Of course, this can be explained by a dead battery.

But the volcano in Yau Ma Tei came to report to him again, saying that there was something to employ, and as a result, Chang Chao disappeared, even Chang Chao's four-nine straw sandals and even the blue lanterns disappeared.

Hearing what the volcano said, Xian Shidong already felt that something was wrong!

The more he thought about it, the more he was wrong, so he called all the veterans and speakers of Lianhe to the main hall for a meeting overnight.

"Brothers, tell me, is it possible for Hong Xing to start a war with us?"

The crowd who were whispering with a question quieted down instantly.

Hua Fu smoked the cigar vigorously, sucking the sparks on the cigar straight back, and then puffed out a thick smoke:

"How is it possible? Liang Zaiyi has been messing around in Hongxing's interior, and Hongxing's interior has not stabilized until now."

"A few days ago, Jiang Tiansheng's younger brother came back from Taiguo again. I don't know if he will start a battle for the leader with Xu Yi. He doesn't have the heart to start a war with us now."

"Hua Fu, Liang Ziyi is too ruthless, I think we'd better be careful." Huo Huan shook his head.

"By the way, Xu Yina and Jiu Wenlong are neither related nor related, why are you covering him like that?"

"I think, no! I can conclude that only buying people's hearts can be explained. Maybe Changchao is leading people to cross Hongxing."

"No way? I don't think the matter is so serious, right?" Hua Fu scratched his head and said blankly.

"He, Xu Yi, even dared to engage in forced retirement at the age of 50. He appointed five talkers at once. Is there anything else in the world that he dare not do?"

"Ah! Young people nowadays are getting more and more unruly." Another elder sighed.

"Yeah, I don't know how to respect teachers and morals at all. If we go back a few decades, if we do something like Xu Yi, the whole community will oppose him." Xian Shidong slammed on the table, shaking the teacup to cover the courtyard.

'Now talking about things!What are you talking about decades ago!If you like talking so much, talk about Qingfuming! "

Seeing that the dragon head was angry, everyone fell silent.

Xian Shidong stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes and said:

"Huohuo Huafu, you two don't go home from tonight, just stare at the entrance."

"Oh." Hua Fu responded.

Volcano thought for a while and lowered his voice and said:

"Boss, if Hong Xing really wants to fight us, we won't be able to fight with our strength alone."

"There are 2 or [-] halls for Hongxing riding horses, [-] people in straw sandals and [-] people with blue lanterns."

Xian Shidong looked at him, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"I think we should say hello to Dongxing Pulsatilla," Huo Huo said.

"We get goods from Dongxing a lot, and he doesn't want anything to happen to us."

Xian Shidong nodded slowly, pointed at him and said:

"That makes sense. I'll go to see him in Yuen Long tomorrow. By the way, Alin isn't here. Is Sham Shuiwa that Mitaka in charge?

"That's him." Volcano nodded.

"I also went to Jiuwenlong's ice room that day."

"Paralysis! This kind of person must not be trusted! Let him come here immediately!" Xian Shidong said decisively with a wave of his hand.

A horse boy quickly got up and went out.

Xian Shidong let out a breath!

He clenched his hands tightly into fists and put them on the table, gnashing his teeth and saying:

"Liang Ziyi, you are not afraid of tigers when you are a newborn, right! I will let him know what a great misfortune is!"

As soon as the voice fell, the meeting room suddenly burst into voices!

Mobile phone, landline, call machine...

Everyone looked down and reached out to touch it!

Xian Shidong's mobile phone rang, as did the landline, and he didn't know which one to pick up first.

Volcano was the first to pick up the phone,

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