Han Bin said.

"Abin, anyway, don't buy it yet, I'll take care of it." Xu Yi said in a deep voice.

"By the way, let me ask you something. If you take out the money Hong Xing invested in stock funds now,

"Brother Yi, do you want to enter the real estate industry?"

Han Bin was surprised.

"You're thinking too much, now entering the real estate industry is courting death!" Xu Yi said harshly.


Han Bin was confused, thought for a while and replied:

"If they are all taken out, there should be five or six billion."

"Not enough, not enough!" Xu Yi shook his head and asked after thinking for a few seconds:

How much cash can you scrape together? "

"If all the assets of our Hongxing are mortgaged, how much can we borrow from the bank?"

I go!

Han Bin took a breath when he heard that, and then asked Xu Yi with a wry smile:

"Brother Yi, what are you...what are you going to do? Why do I feel numb when I hear it?"

"Don't ask so many questions, answer my questions." Xu Yi said.

"Well, well, all the assets owned by Hong Xing are really quite a lot, but some property rights are unknown. In order to avoid being attacked, Mr. Jiang turned some shops into associations as legal representatives, but the land deeds are in his hands."

"Except for those unclear things, if other assets are taken to the bank as a mortgage loan, how can you get a loan of [-] billion Hong Kong papers?"

Han Bin said to Xu Yi intermittently while memorizing various numbers.

"Not enough, still not enough." Xu Yi shook his head.

Han Bin knew that Xu Yi's move was a big deal, and he had never missed it. After thinking for a few seconds, he said:

"Brother Yi, if you really need a large sum of money urgently and want a loan, I have another way."

"Say, what way?" Xu Yi asked (baah).

"Brother Yi, our right to operate the casino in Haojiang, to be precise, is the gambling license of our new casino in Chuzai." Han Bin whispered.

Hearing this, Xu Yi's eyes lit up!


Gambling cards can be used as collateral!

The new casino of Shizai Hotel has a monthly floating profit of 4000 million Austrian coins.

If you take it to the bank as a mortgage, how can you get a loan of [-] billion?

"The banks probably aren't interested in those small casinos, and this has to be done in Haojiang. Xiangjiang Bank won't accept Haojiang gambling cards as collateral." Han Bin reminded Xu Yi in a low voice.

Just when Xu Yi tried his best to make money, and even planned to mortgage the house in Repulse Bay and his Ferrari F355.

Something happened that he didn't expect.

"Brother Yi, I'm Alin."

"Well, what's the situation at Dongxing now?" Xu Yi asked.

"Brother Yi, according to the information I got, Weng Ben, the new leader of East Star, has recently completed the 'Five Tigers of East Star'."

"Moreover, a large group of East Star elders have been called for meetings many times, as if they were discussing some important matter." Ghost Lin on the other side of the phone replied.

"Check it out for me! Ah Lin, you have to find out what they are trying to do!" Xu Yi said in a deep voice.

"Brother Yi, I've found out some clues." Ghost Lin said.

"Pulsatilla is going to drastically reform the East Star, and divide their forces in Xinjie and Dayushan into small pieces of territory."

Hearing this, Xu Yi was really surprised and asked:

"Alin, how did you find out?"

The ghost Lin on the other end of the phone laughed: "Brother Yi, Xiangjiang is not big, so any news spreads quickly."

"I just want to inquire, plus some Hong Kong papers, those skilled girls, bad gamblers, No. [-] fellow daoists, grooms...why can't I find out information?"

Xu Yi smiled slightly when he heard this, and was quite satisfied with Guilao Lin, Hong Xing's first head of Fengtang.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Guilao Lin say again: "Brother Yi, there is one more thing that I feel is necessary to report to you."

"Well, Ah Lin, you say it is." Xu Yi said.

"Brother Yi, Lei Yiyang, the Benleihu of Dongxing, is looking for me." Ghost Lin said cautiously.

Xu Yi was not surprised at all.

Lei Yiyang does have some brains, but this person has a very big problem, that is, he is inaccurate in judging people, and it can even be said that he is "unfriendly when meeting people"!

In the plot of the movie, Lei Yaoyang has successively found Fatty Li, the talker of Beijiaotang, Dinosaur, the talker of Tuen Mun, and Sheng Fan, etc. to cooperate.

But every time things get setbacks, he scolds others for "piss in his head", which is not worthy of Lei Yaoyang's wisdom...

Even a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs like Shengfan dared to cooperate.

He was really not surprised at all when he went to Guilao Lin.

Hearing Xu Yi's silence, Ghost Lin was so frightened that he asked more cautiously on the other end of the phone:

"Brother Yi, aren't you doubting me? I'm..."

"Alin, don't worry, I believe in you." Xu Yi smiled and said to Ghost Lin.

"You are now at the level of Hong Xing's head talker. Why would I worry about you switching to Dongxing? Dongxing is far behind Hong Xing in every aspect."

"By the way, how does he plan to cooperate with you?"

"Lei Yaoyang said that the police are watching closely now, brother Yi, you don't dare to fight, Lei Yaoyang asked me to reconvene the old unit of the former Union and Gang."

"At that time, Dongxing will spend a lot of money to set up a large-scale VCD factory in Sham Shui, doing both pirated and pornography."

"Lei Yaoyang also said that Hong Tai, who was engaged in piracy, and Lianhe, who were engaged in pornographic CDs, were both bankrupt, and now they can definitely make a lot of money by doing this!" Ghost Lin said.

Hearing this, Xu Yi often said:

"Alin, you agree with him immediately! Let him do it! Let him spend a lot of money to do it! I will let Shenshui Shetangkou fully cooperate with you!"

"Okay Brother Yi, I understand what you mean, I know what to do." Ghost Lin Hehe said with a smile.

After talking with Ghost Lin, Xu Yi called Han Bin and told him what happened just now.

"Haha, this Lei Yiyang really has some vision!" Han Bin couldn't help laughing.

"After the collapse of Hong Tai He Lian, more than half of the market for pirated and pornographic discs has indeed been vacated."

"Lei Yaoyang thinks he's smart and self-righteous, so let him do it, and I'll let him go bankrupt." Xu Yi sneered.

Han Bin thought for a while, then tentatively asked:

"Brother Yi, did you think of this step when you pretended to mess with the ghost Lin?"

"I'm not a god, no, really no."

Xu Yi laughed out loud, and then said:

"At that time, I just wanted to make a show for outsiders so that it would be convenient for Alin to secretly form a Fengtang, but I didn't expect to meet Lei Yiyang, who likes to bribe people."

"Ha ha!"

After Han Bin laughed, he wanted to talk about business, but he couldn't help it.

He laughed again for a while, then barely stopped, and said:

"Brother Yi, you cheated him a lot in movies"

"Once his factory is launched, and if there is a lot of pitfalls, Dongxing will basically stop working."

"No, resting food is not enough." Xu Yi shook his head.

"Why isn't that enough? Brother Yi, are you really going to kill Dongxing?" Han Bin asked while pulling out a cigar.

"Stop smoking."

Xu Yi stretched out his hand to block it, and then asked:

"Abin, you said we went to Yuen Long, what would the brothers think?"

Han Bin immediately shook his head without hesitation.

"What's wrong?" Xu Yi asked again.

"Brother Yi, our Hongxing sphere of influence has always been in the main island and Kowloon, and there are only three halls in Kwai Tsing, Quanwan, and Tuen Mun in Xinjie."

"Because these places are the most prosperous in business, there is a lot of money to be made, and everything is good"

If we Hongxing went to the countryside of Yuen Long, what else could we do?Could it be possible to raise pigs and grow vegetables? " Han Bin said with a smile.

Xu Yi nodded and said, "You're right, it's not profitable for us Hongxing to fight Dongxing, and they are all rural areas, and development is not allowed.

"Right now there are wars everywhere in Jinshanjiao, and it's very chaotic. Their business with size fours has been affected, and even those with bare feet are not afraid to wear shoes."

"Brother Yi, what else can we do if the soldiers come to cover the water and earth?" Han Bin said, taking a puff of his cigar.

"No, it's not that simple." Xu Yi shook his head.

"Where do I have time to play turn-based games with them? Don't forget, there are at least three clubs that are stronger than me and Hong Xing in the Xiangjiang territory."

"If we continue to fight like this with Dongxing, the three families will just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. They may be stabbed in the back at any time and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Han Bin is a paper lantern that lights up at one o'clock. He thinks of you for a few seconds and then immediately nodded and said:

"Brother Yi, you are right, it is indeed a trouble."

"But there is no way now, Xiangjiang's rivers and lakes have been like this for hundreds of years, and breaking the overall situation cannot be easily done in a short period of time.

"However, I still don't believe in this evil." Xu Yi smiled confidently.

Han Bin knew that Xu Yi was thinking differently from others.

Before he had time to smoke a cigar, he immediately asked: "Brother Yi, I know you have an idea, tell me what it is?"

"Abin, do you feel that our Hong Xing has been isolated during this period of time?" Xu Yi asked.

"That's right, the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is endless. We developed too fast, especially after the Lianhe Gang was eliminated, we were jealous and jealous by other clubs." Han Bin said so, but he looked proud! .

Chapter 136 32 million!

"So, I don't allow this situation to continue. If all associations in Xiangjiang target us, we, Hongxing, will definitely be able to bear it."

Speaking of this, Xu Yi's eyes flashed, and he said: "It seems that I have to find a family to play Dongxing."

Han Bin nodded his head as if to listen respectfully, he already knew that Xu Yi must have had an idea.

"Abin, you have to ask, how can you go on if you don't ask me? How embarrassing to talk to yourself?" Xu Yi said to Han Bin with a smile.

Han Bin nodded with a look of lovelessness on his face and said:

"Okay Brother Yi, then which club are you going to find to play Dongxing?"

Xu Yi smiled, and then said, "Of course it's the Number Gang!"

Han Bin choked on his saliva when he heard it!

After choking a few mouthfuls, he blushed and asked:

"Huh? Number Gang? Brother Yi, what international joke are you making-?"

"How could it be? If I want to find one, I must find the best one. It won't work if I don't beat Dongxing." Xu Yi said indifferently.

"Brother Yi, you also know that the number gang is very strong, but why should people listen to you? You are not the leader of the number gang."

"And you also know that you won't get any benefits from playing Dongxing, and the people who help with their numbers are not stupid!" Han Bin questioned.

Xu Yi took out a cigar, threw one to Han Bin, lit it himself and said:

"Abin, let me ask you, is there any club in Xiangjiang that has offices in all areas of Xiangjiang? Except for your brother Dinosaur's Tuen Mun."

"It goes without saying, it must be the number gang." Han Bin replied.

"Which club does everything again?" Xu Yi asked again.

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