"Hmph! Planting flags in Yuen Long in the name of buying a house is really daring!" Pulsatilla sneered

On Xu Yi's side, he watched Pulsatilla and his group walk away.

Just as He was talking to Thirteenth Sister, the big brother rang.

He took it out and saw that he smiled slightly. After connecting, he said with a smile:

"Sister Lin, I came to Yuen Long to invite you for tea."

"You invited me to drink tea? Forget it!" Lin Peiru laughed at the other end.

"If you are looking at the house, just say it is looking at the house. Why are you looking for me?"

"Not bad, you are quite well informed." Xu Yi smiled.

"Your famous Hongxing faucet has come to my territory, if I don't know? Then I am blind and deaf?" Lin Peiru said.

"By the way, what did Pulsatilla tell you?"

"It's just nonsense, empty words, polite words." Xu Yi replied.

"Well, yes, Xu Yi, you have the style of a general." Lin Peiru said.

"Hey, by the way, let me ask you something. It's been rumored recently that Dongxing is planning to set up territory. You were the one who poked it out?"

"That's right." Xu Yi readily admitted.

"Hey! Are you going to kill someone with a knife?" Lin Peiru asked again.

Chapter 138 These Two Interesting Women!

"That's what you said, I didn't say it." Xu Yi smiled lightly.

Lin Peiru snorted heavily on the other end of the phone and stopped talking.

"By the way, find a place to talk about the two clubs now? I can go to your Shatian as well." Xu Yi suggested.

On the other side of the phone, Lin Peiru was silent for a moment, and said, "Xu Yi, do you really want to talk to me?

Xu Yi thought for a while and sighed:

"I really want to, but I think it's better to forget it."

"It's good for me to meet you at this time, but not for you."

"...Then, that's it." Lin Peiru said.

The phone hung up immediately.

It took Xu Yi a long time to take off the earphones that Xu Yi had attached to the earphones.

In fact, he wanted to ask Lin Peiru why he cared about him just now, and reminded himself warmly in a cold tone.

However, in the end Xu Yi didn't ask.

A maverick woman like Lin Peiru can say what she wants to say, and she can ask what she doesn't want to say.

Xu Yi actually thought about whether he could do something about this woman, such as pulling her back.

But now Xu Yi has resolutely given up on this idea.

It is not easy for a woman to borrow a knife to kill someone.

For such an interesting woman, it would be a shame to persuade her to betray Dongxing and rely on herself.

It is also very possible to hit a hard nail and make a joke.

"Brother Yi, Brother Yi." Da Fei shouted suddenly.

"Da Fei, what's the matter?" Xu Yi put away his big brother and looked at him.

"Brother Yi, are you really optimistic about Yuen Long? If you are really optimistic, I will buy a set and wait for the price to appreciate." Da Fei said

Xu Yi thought for a while, looked at Chen Haonan and the others and said 10: "What do you say?"

"Brother Yi, if you're really optimistic, I'm actually interested too." Chen Haonan said.

"Brother Yi, I'm signing up," said Thirteenth Sister, smoking a thin cigarette.

"Brother Yi, then I want a set too." Han Bin immediately followed up.

Xu Yi nodded, and then said to them seriously:

"If you just want to invest, you can buy here, after all, the average price is low."

"It's fine if you live by yourself, it's too far from the main island."

"There is another key thing, you must remember, if I tell you to make a move, you must do it immediately, and don't think about making more money."

"Brother Yi, do you know when is the apex?"

"Looking at the current situation, Xiangjiang's property market can't see its apex." Thirteenth Sister laughed.

"Brother Yi, those bullshit teachers on TV have said everything. Those who buy a house are lunatics, and those who don't are fools." Da Fei laughed.

Hearing this, Xu Yi's expression became extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"Five years ago, the Dongying people thought the same way, and you all know the result."

Xu Yi used 32 billion funds to smash "Splendid Garden", buying a large area of ​​shops and houses.

In fact, when he raised funds, he thought about Gao Jin.

Because Gao Jin holds a $16 billion charitable foundation in his hands.

Although the foundation's main business is charity, asset preservation and appreciation must also be considered.

Otherwise, where did the money come from after the "Nobel Prize" has been issued for so many years?

But in the end Xu Yi gave up.

Because the money is not advanced, it is just responsible for taking care of it.

If you want to use a large amount of money, you need the foundation's internal argumentation, investigation, etc., which is too troublesome.

When the money is approved, the day lily is probably cold.

As Guilao Lin said, Xiangjiang is very small, and news spreads quickly.

The fact that Hong Xing spent a huge amount of money to buy real estate in Yuen Long, Dongxing's hometown, was immediately spread to all major associations in Xiangjiang.

While envious of Xu Yi's wealth, the bigwigs from various associations began to use their brains.

On the way back to the island, Han Bin reported to Xu Yi about the aftermath of the last disintegration of the alliance. Those Hong Xinghong sticks who were caught by the police were about to go to court.

Xu Yi asked for the phone number of the female lawyer Liang Caihui from Wei Jixiang, and Xu Yi gave it to Han Bin to contact.

Han Bin told Xu Yi that the female lawyer said she wanted to see Xu Yi in person.

Xu Yi nodded, then took out his mobile phone and called the female lawyer.

"Mr. Xu, I want to talk to you about tomorrow's hearing because you are going to be a witness. When are you free today?" The female lawyer spoke concisely without a word of nonsense, simple and clear.

"Lawyer Liang, if you have something to talk to, I'm free anytime." Xu Yi replied.

"Okay then, Cantonese Restaurant at twelve o'clock at noon, invite me to dinner."

As soon as the female lawyer Sandy's voice fell, she hung up the phone.

Then, Xu Yi drove his Ferrari towards Cantonese Restaurant with one hand.

At twelve noon, Liang Caihui appeared at the door of Yueweier Restaurant on time, and the waiter led her into the box.

Xu Yi saw at a glance that you, a female lawyer with stunning looks, big eyes, and long legs, were at least 1.77 meters tall by visual inspection.

"Lawyer Liang, hello, thank you for your hard work!" Xu Yi said to Liang Caihui with a smile.

"It's not hard work, you don't have to thank me for doing things with money." Liang Caihui said in a businesslike tone.

"Miss Liang, I found out that when I was seven or eight years old, I had a good friend named Xiao Xiami. I wonder if you recognize him?" After Liang Caihui sat down, Xu Yi said to her with a smile.

At this time, Xu Yizai came to a conclusion after thinking about it more than a dozen times.

This Liang Caihui seems to have a slight resemblance to a little girl the original owner knew when she was a child.

But that little girl was adopted when Xu Yi was eight years old, and has never been heard from since.

"Mr. Xu, what are small shrimps? Is it delicious?" Liang Caihui asked.

Xu Yi thought to himself, it seems that he was wrong.

"Maybe I got the wrong person, let's get down to business! When will the court be held tomorrow?" Xu Yi asked.

"Nine o'clock in the morning, Tsim Sha Tsui Court, remember to be there on time." Liang Caihui said concisely.

"I will solve other things for you. You only need to do one thing well, that is when the prosecutor's lawyer asks you how to command your subordinates."

"You just say that you have no command, it has nothing to do with you, you don't know anything, you are just a businessman, and I will talk about other things."

"Okay, it's very simple." Xu Yi smiled.

"Also, besides answering questions, you don't need to say a word during the whole process, just leave everything to me, understand?" Liang Caihui emphasized.


"Also, remember to arrive in time for the final payment." Liang Caihui made the last request.

"Lawyer Liang, are you short of money?" Xu Yi asked.

"In this world, who is not short of money?" Liang Caihui asked rhetorically.

"Me, I'm not short of money." Xu Yi said with a guilty smile.

Liang Caihui gave Xu Yi a blank look, but said nothing.

"Lawyer Liang, I would like to continue to hire you as our Hongxing's legal counsel, specializing in litigation for our Hongxing, and I will give you a salary of [-] yuan per month."

"If you want to file a lawsuit, how about the lawyer's fee?" Xu Yi threw an olive branch at Liang Caihui.

After today's contact, Xu Yi feels that this lawyer Liang will definitely live up to her title of future gold medal lawyer.

Although the experience may be lacking, he can be called an excellent lawyer in other aspects.

Of course, Liang Caihui was only Xu Yi's first target, and he wanted to hire more than just a legal adviser.

He is going to set up a legal company to litigate for Hong Xing.

Xu Yi knows that the judiciary will become more and more independent in the future, so he needs these litigators and lawyers to serve him.

Xu Yi's ultimate goal is to use the best lawyer.

Strive for the greatest fairness for yourself within the scope of the law.

"Mr. Xu, I have to think about this matter. I will give you an answer tomorrow." Liang Caihui did not immediately agree to Xu Yi's recruitment, which was also expected by Xu Yi.

"Lawyer Liang, don't worry, let's eat first." Xu Yi smiled.

After the two had their fill of tea and food, Liang Caihui said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, thank you for your lunch, and please come to court on time tomorrow."

"Lawyer Liang, don't worry, I will be there on time!" Xu Yi laughed.

Then, Liang Caihui turned and left.

The hearing on the second day went very smoothly. Liang Caihui deserves to be a top student who graduated with all A's from London Law School

She easily put Xu Yi out of the matter, and reduced the crimes of those red sticks who were caught one by one.

"Lawyer Liang, thank you today. This is a check for 30 Hong Kong paper."

Outside the court, Xu Yi handed Liang Caihui a check.

However, what surprised Xu Yi was that Liang Caihui did not reach out to accept the check, but said:

"Xu 620 Yi, the final payment is 20, and I only want 20."

"Well, I will send someone to your law firm tomorrow."

Since Liang Caihui doesn't want her reward, Xu Yi won't beg her desperately.

Afterwards, Xu Yi continued: "Lawyer Liang, what do you think about what I said yesterday about becoming a legal consultant?"

"I can be your association's legal advisor, but I have to decide what kind of lawsuit I want to help you with." Liang Caihui replied.

Xu Yi can completely understand Liang Caihui's words.

As a newly debuted lawyer, if she loses too many lawsuits at the beginning, it will greatly affect her future development.

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