In this way, the minimum down payment for buying a house is only 5.00% to buy a house.

But Xu Yi knew that the property market crash in Xiangjiang was not far away.

The housing prices in Xiangjiang will plummet from the peak to nearly [-]%!

In this property market crash, almost no one who bought a house in Xiangjiang was spared.

Whether it's the top rich or a stall.

It's just that the housing price in Xiangjiang hasn't reached its peak yet, but it will be very fast.

Fei'e Mountain, the top of the rock.

The Buddha sits on the green platform in the open air, and the Buddha looks solemn.

Xu Yi quietly waited for the old man in Tang suit with clasped hands in front of him.

Under the steps behind the old man, the bodyguards watched everything vigilantly.

Five or six seconds later, the old man put down his hands, opened his eyes, and turned around slowly.

The old man is the leader of the number gang, Guo Zhihong.

"Mr. Xu, don't you want to worship the Buddha?" Guo Zhihong asked with a smile.

"There is a Buddha in my heart, and everywhere is a Buddha's land." Xu Yi smiled lightly.

Guo Zhihong's cataract-like old eyes lit up for a second and then disappeared. He nodded silently.

Then, the two climbed up the stairs.

Guo Zhihong looked at the clear blue sky and said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, you revealed the news about Dongxing's territory, do you want our number helper to call Dongxing?"

"That's right." Xu Yi admitted directly.

Guo Zhihong was slightly startled, he didn't expect Xu Yi to admit it so happily.

Putting his head on and glanced at Xu Yi, then looked forward and said:

"Mr. Xu, you think things are too simple (Wang Le's)?"

"Even though Dongxing's territorial expansion is not what the Number Gang wants to see, we won't start a fight with Dongxing just because of this."

"Mr. Guo, of course I know what you said." Xu Yi nodded.

"Then what's your idea? Boil frogs in warm water? Slowly dial up the relationship between Number Gang and Dongxing?" Guo Zhihong asked.

There was already a strong disapproval in his tone.

Xu Yi laughed twice, and asked back: "Is the Number Gang related to Dongxing?"

"No, that's not true." Guo Zhihong also laughed.

"The idea is good, but your idea is doomed to fail."

Xu Yi took out his cigar and lit it. After taking a deep breath, he asked:

"I heard that you took out 3000 million Hong Kong papers to buy the villa that Uncle Mei, the leader of Hong Tai, was in Ciyun Mountain?"

"Investment, it's just a trivial matter." Guo Zhihong answered casually, and asked again:

"I heard that Mr. Xu invested billions of dollars in the second phase of Splendid Garden. Is there such a thing?"

"Of course." Xu Yi said.

"If you want to find me those real estate projects, I can take over immediately." Guo Zhihong joked.

"Yes, of course." Xu Yi smiled lightly.

"As long as you order the number helper to call Dongxing, I will transfer the 32 billion real estate to Mr. Guo at the current market price."

"Hahahahahaha!" Guo Zhihong burst out laughing.

Xu Yi didn't smile, and stopped in his tracks.

Guo Zhihong went down a few steps and didn't hear any movement, so he looked back.

Seeing Xu Yi standing where he was, he looked at him quietly.

He didn't come back to his senses at first, staring at Xu Yi for half a minute before his expression changed.

Chapter 140 I don't play conspiracy, I play Yangmou! (Seek full order!!!)

"Xu Yi, are you sure what you said is true?" Guo Zhihong asked in shock.

"Of course it's true, otherwise what would I talk to you about?" Xu Yi laughed.

Guo Zhihong stared at Xu Yi for a few seconds, looked down at the steps, and climbed up again.

Seeing that Xu Yi didn't speak, it took him a few more seconds to ask:

"Xu Yi, what kind of conspiracy do you want to play?"

"I don't play conspiracy, I play Yangmou, the kind of conspiracy that opens the skylight and tells the truth." Xu Yi said.

"You help Hong Xing hit Dongxing, and I'll sell the property to you."

"You Hongxing are not weak, why can't you fight yourself?" Guo Zhihong questioned.

"It's very simple. We just killed Lianhe, and the police are watching me very closely these days. You should know that." Xu Yi explained.

Guo Zhihong has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and he is used to big scenes.

But in the face of the interests of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong papers, he still began to think about the trade-offs.

Right now, the real estate market in Xiangjiang is in full swing. Buying a house for all people makes more money than selling a four-year-old boy. Buying a house means earning money.

Moreover, the reorganization of Dongxing this time has indeed touched many vital interests of the Number Gang.

It is very necessary for the number gang to beat them!

"Boss Guo, I don't know what else you are thinking about?"

"In the Xiangjiang Club, the number gang is the largest and the strength is the strongest. Don't talk about Dongxing, even Hong Xing is no problem for you."

"Are you still afraid of falling into my tricks? Are you still worried that your relationship with Dongxing will deteriorate?" Xu Yi asked suddenly.

Guo Zhihong looked at Xu Yi, hesitated to speak, and continued to remain silent.

Because he always felt that the kid in front of him was full of bad water no matter how he looked at it.

But he couldn't figure out where his calculations were.

After thinking over and over again, he said with a solemn expression:

"Mr. Xu, to be honest, this business is indeed a good deal for the Number Gang."

"However, I advise you not to play tricks. Although the 620 members of the Number Gang seem not to be united at ordinary times, when it comes to Hong Kong papers, they can be said to be monolithic!"

"Mr. Guo, it seems that you are still worried. Do you want us to transfer the ownership right now?" Xu Yi said bluntly.

"You brat will lead our army, right? 32 billion Hong Kong paper is not 200 million. How can I get it out by myself? It will definitely take many days for the lower halls to gather together.

"Besides, billions of dollars can only be handled through banks, not unlaundered money. You have really created a big problem for me." Guo Zhihong said with a smile.

Seeing Guo Zhihong's smile, Xu Yi smiled and said:

"I understand, I know, my 32 billion Hong Kong papers are also collected from the mouth, I just wait for your news."

Guo Zhihong stared at Xu Yi, his cataract eyes became bright again, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu, what if I really want to transfer the ownership first?"

"Didn't I just say that? No problem!" Xu Yi spread his hands.

"You can take out 32 billion Hong Kong papers, and it's not black money. I can transfer the account to you now."

Guo Zhihong really didn't understand the kid in front of him.

After thinking for more than ten seconds, he asked in a deep voice: "Liang Ziyi, are you not worried that I will take over your house and stop working?"

After hearing this, Xu Yi smiled lightly and said:

"You won't, if you really do that, you will tear your face apart completely. Although Hong Xingtang does not have as many numbers as the gang, the current Hong Xing is more united than you.

"I just said that most of the money invested in the property market is the hard-earned money of various outlets"

"With the interests of 32 billion Hong Kong papers, it is enough to hurt the number gang, and even collapse!"

"Liang Ziyi, from your tone, are you threatening me?" Guo Zhihong asked with a smile.

"I'm not threatening, you can understand that I'm telling the truth." Xu Yi said with a serious expression.

Hearing this, Guo Zhihong thought for a while, finally nodded slowly, then raised his hand and gently patted Xu Yi's shoulder

"Liang Ziyi, then... just wait for my news these few days."

, said:

Yuen Long, Guandi Temple.

Dressed in "British style", the East Star leader Pulsatilla sat in the main seat, which was very inconsistent with the rural environment of the scene

The elders of Dongxing were all sitting on the right, all with serious expressions.

Dongxing New Five Tigers sit on the left.

Among them, "Running Thunder Tiger" Lei Yaoyang had a dull expression, smoking a cigar thoughtfully.

Everyone at the scene was silent, as if they were waiting for someone.

Two minutes later, the sound of leather boots stomping on the ground sounded outside.

A tall, slender young woman with a ponytail came in.

After scanning the crowd around the scene, she shouted, "Uncle Ben, all elders."

Pulsatilla managed to squeeze out a smile, and nodded slightly to her.

The other elders either nodded or called "Aru".

On the other side, the Five Tigers of the East Star seemed to be very indifferent to Lin Peiru, and no one greeted her.

Lin Peiru also got used to it, and sat directly at the back.

Seeing that everyone was present, Pulsatilla raised his hand holding the cigar, pointed outside and said:

"Two days ago, we managed to get a batch of goods from Taiguo, but we were robbed as soon as we arrived in Saigon, and lost more than 5000 million Hong Kong paper."

"Although the other party did it cleanly, there is no need for evidence at all."

"The number gang can only move us on the coast of Sai Kung"

"Boss, I think it might be someone from Hong Xing, what do you think?" Situ Haonan said.

"I don't think so, because Hong Xing never engages in No. [-] boys."

"If Hong Xing did it, he would have to burn the goods or dump them into the sea, but the goods we were robbed were taken away intact." Pulsatilla Weng said.

"Boss, the news of our Eastern Star's reorganization is spreading in the Tao. It must be that some people in the Number Gang are upset."

At this time, Lei Yaoyang, who had always been a boring oil bottle, said in a cold voice.

"Ayao, you are right, there may be this reason."

Pulsatilla nodded, then looked around the crowd and asked:

"But the number gang started fighting with us for such a small matter? I don't believe it."

At this moment, a brawny man with lying silkworm eyes and hair dyed with golden hair said indifferently:

"Just hit it! So what if there are many number gang killers? We, Dongxing, are afraid of their number gang?"

"Shazhu, it's not a question of whether to fight or not." Lei Yaoyang shook his head.

"The Number Gang won't be branded with our baah because of such a trivial matter"

"I think there must be other reasons for this, so we should be steady and ask the number help first, it is best to figure out the situation before we talk."

"Ask, ask, what are you asking? What a fart!"

Sha Chi was furious. He pointed at Lei Yaoyang and said angrily:

"Yao Yangzi, you lost tens of millions in a broken film company, we asked you if you have?"

Lei Yaoyang looked at the golden consumption tiger sand chi, and slowly spit out a thin stick of cigar.

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