"We need to investigate other industries to see if there are any new ways to make money."

Han Bin glanced at Xu Yi and said with a smile:

"Brother Yi, you are really thinking about how to make money all the time."

"Abin, they are coming back soon. The old-fashioned things in the world have to be thrown away, and the club business is going to be transformed into a business."

"When the time is right, I'm going to start a formal company, and divide Hongxing's businesses into different categories. Maybe I will build several or dozens of listed companies in the future!" "This! Isn't this a big game?" Han Bin said in surprise .

"So, I said we have to wait until the time is right." Xu Yi laughed.

Han Bin looked at Xu Yi blankly, then sighed.

"Why are you sighing?" Xu Yi asked.

"I'm thinking about what you just said. The times are really different." Han Bin sighed.

"I remember when I first came out to play around, what is the boss?"

"The boss is wearing a big gold chain with eight taels of weight around his neck, wearing a Longines on his hands, covering the field, and doing it like a horse. This is called style."

"What I want to think about is not making money, but which one will not pay me protection money, and which one will rush to the street and owe me usury without repaying it."

"At that time, various associations in Xiangjiang even robbed the vegetable market and the wharf."

"I can't wait for a five- or six-year-old baby, and an old lady who is seven or eighty years old to ask people to pay protection fees."

After hearing this, Xu Yi laughed and said, "Abin, that era has turned over."

After Dongxing conceded defeat, Xu Yi let the dinosaur take over the useful field.

Fortunately, Dongxing didn't open any large nightclub in Tuen Mun, otherwise it would be really bad enough to vomit blood.

Dong Xing waded into the VCD factory in Sham Shui, although Hong Xing did not move, but Dong Xing was unlucky enough to even fart to produce shit.

Just when they were about to move, the factory was raided by the police...

The excited Chief Superintendent of Kowloon West District, Huang Zhicheng, held another press conference...

On the other hand, Guo Zhihong, the leader of Number Help, raised a huge amount of money and asked Xu Yi to fulfill his promise.

Of course Xu Yi didn't play tricks, and immediately collected the money to transfer the account.

It's just that the increase on the day of the transaction was no longer nine percent, but ten percent.

After this business was completed, after deducting all expenses, Hong Xing earned more than 3 million Hong Kong papers in just over a month.

It wasn't until this time that Dongxing knew how Xu Yi bought the number gang.

While admiring Xu Yi's generosity, Pulsatilla felt a little more balanced in his heart.

He felt that Xu Yi also shed a lot of blood in order to borrow a knife to kill someone.

If the billions of real estate is held for a longer period of time, according to the current market conditions, it will definitely earn more.

After Dongxing's matter came to an end,

Xu Yi was busy with two things.

One is the transformation and upgrading of Hongxing's direct business.

The second is the production of his Tianyi Film Company.

It is not difficult for him to make a movie by himself, it can even be said to be very simple.

He knows which movies will make a lot of money at the box office, and he knows who directed them, who wrote them, and who starred in them.

So just throw your money down the drain.

On this day, he picked up another big black Mercedes, which is called "Mingzhi" in Xiangjiang.

Although Ferrari is very cool, it is not practical, and it is really not as good as a car in normal times.

When Xu Yi was driving a new car and wanted to go to the bar he opened to pick up Su Ah Xi for dinner, Gui Lao Lin called

"Brother Yi, I found it."

"What did you find out?" Xu Yi asked while driving with one hand and holding the big brother in the other.

"Brother Yi, the person who ambushed the pheasant last time has been found." Ghost Lin replied.

Xu Yi immediately pulled over and asked quickly, "Say, who is it?"

"Brother Yi, you guessed right, he is really from the water room." Ghost Lin said.

Before Xu Yi replied, he heard Gui Lao Lin say:

"Brother Yi, the people who directly lead the team to ambush the pheasant are a group of Yuenan monkeys."

"However, they have been cooperating with the water room, so the water room cannot escape this matter."

Xu Yi was silent, he was thinking.

"Brother Yi, this matter is a bit tricky. It involves those Yue Nanzis, so you really have to be careful."

"I know, Alin, you have worked hard." Xu Yi said.

"Okay Brother Yi, I will always be watched by others, don't worry." Ghost Lin said.

After putting down the big brother, Xu Yi didn't drive immediately, but sat in the car thinking.

Guilao Lin's reminder is not because of fear, but because of caution.

Because even ordinary Xiangjiang citizens know that one of Yue Nanzai is a desperado!

Especially those Yue Nanzai who grew up in refugee camps, who sold drugs, smuggled arms, murdered and robbed...

. " Guilao Lin reminded.

Dare to do almost anything!

Compared with them, Young and Dangerous is not enough to look at.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi made a big sprint to Shi'ao Village, where Wang Jianjun and the others lived.

During this time, Xu Yi sent Tian Yangsheng to Wang Jianjun to help with the training together in order to train Hong Xing's 0 red sticks, [-] and [-].

The next day, Xu Yi held a meeting at Tianyi Film Company to discuss the shooting of the first movie with the company's management staff.

Just in the middle of the meeting, Guilao Lin called.

"Brother Yi, where are you now?" Ghost Lin asked.

"In Tianyi Company, is there anything new?" Xu Yi asked back.

"That's right, what a coincidence." Gui Lao Lin said.

"Brother Yi, Yue Nanzai and several high-level executives of Shuifang are also in the Tianyao Building where you are, which is the private club on the 28th floor."

Xu Yi put the newly purchased Ericsson flip together, and said to Wang Yong, the vice president of the company:

"Ayong, you come to preside over the meeting, I have something to do temporarily"

"Okay, boss." Wang Yong nodded.

As soon as Xu Yi got up, he suddenly saw A Run looking at him with concern.

So he responded with a slight smile and left the meeting room.

Taking the elevator to the 28th floor, he quickly found the private club.

Msorry, this is a private place, who are you looking for? "A man with a work badge asked politely.

"Well, I'm looking for... four eyes." Xu Yi said.

Four Eyes is the speaker of Shuifang in Wan Chai.

The staff of the club saw Xu Yi's extraordinary temperament, well-dressed, and a watch with a few million Hong Kong papers on his wrist, so he nodded and said: "Sir, please wait a moment."

After speaking, he opened the door and went in.

Ten seconds later, he came back smiling and said, "Sir, please come inside."

As soon as Xu Yi entered, he saw a wine cabinet first.

There are all kinds of wine with nameplates on the wine cabinet. Walking around the wine cabinet, the eyes are suddenly bright

On the opposite side is a large floor-to-ceiling window overlooking Victoria Harbour.

Three middle-aged men sat on the white sofa with their backs against the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Xu Yi knew them.

The one in the middle wearing a suit and glasses is Four Eyes.

The bald man on the left is the speaker of Shuifang in North Point, nicknamed "Bald".

The skinny man on the right with a wrinkled face is called Da Xia, and he is the talker at the West Ring Hall of Shuifang.

In addition to these three people, there is another person facing them.

The man turned his back to Xu Yi and was eating with relish.

Just as Xu Yi was about to speak, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a person wearing a hat sitting a few meters away

As soon as he turned his head away, the man's fierce eyes met him!

The man looked to be in his 20s, with a strong build and a fierce face.

0.7 At this moment, he put one foot on the table and was staring at Xu Yi.

At this time, the three people in the water room recognized Xu Yi.

The four eyes stood up with complicated expressions, squeezed out a smile and said:

"Hey, what kind of wind brought Hong Xing's head here today?

When he came together, Da Xia and the bald head quickly stood up and greeted him with smiles.

Xu Yi glanced at the man in black who was still facing away from him, and said with a light smile:

"What? You do not welcome me, Xu Yi, in your water room?"

"Brother Yi, what are you talking about? You are a distinguished guest, why don't we welcome you? It's just..." Four Eyes forced a smile.

The man in black turned his head when he heard the words, and hesitated for a moment after seeing Xu Yi's face clearly.

Immediately while eating, he said: "Brother Yi, we are talking about the affairs of the club in the water room, please come back in half an hour."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the young man in the hat got up and walked over, and said to Xu Yi with a look on his face, "Please go out."

Xu Yi looked at him, smiled and said, "Your name is Ahu, right?"

The man Xu Yi called Ahu didn't answer.

Xu Yi looked at the man in black again and smiled, "What about you, is your name Tony Si?"

Xu Yi glanced around again, and asked, "Where's your boss, Ah Zha?"

I heard Xu Yi say three names clearly.

Not only Siyan and others changed their faces, but even Tony and Ahu were surprised.

The reason why Xu Yi was able to call out his name was not because of the information about Gui Laolin, but because he had watched the Hong Kong movie called Fuse.

Chapter 143 Dongxing Princess Lin Peiru's Ambition!

Ah Zha, Tony, and Ah Hu are the three Yue Nan brothers who grew up in the Xiangjiang refugee camp, and have been working for the Shuifang Gang for a long time.

Two months ago, Ah Shan, who was in charge of Tsim Sha Tsui's spokesperson for the Shuifang Gang, asked their three brothers to bring a group of 8000 million No. [-] boys to Yuenan.

As a result, the three brothers were swallowed directly, and they also used the excuse that the ship sank.

Ah Shan got angry and took people to ask for an explanation.

But the explanation did not come, and the three brothers were beaten up.

Ah Shan knew that the three brothers were not only good at martial arts, but also cruel and vicious.

So Ah Shan asked someone from Shuifang Xiangjiangzai District to put pressure on him.

At this moment, Tony and Ah Hu are here.

The boss, Ah Jag, brought a younger brother named "Watson" and was waiting for his four-eyed wife and children.

And this little brother named "Watson" is actually an undercover police officer.

Just as Xu Yi thought of this, Tony stood up, walked up to Xu Yi and said:

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