"Watson! Go to your girlfriend's ward!"

As soon as the voice fell, he ran towards the ward.

It was the injured undercover Watson who slumped and turned pale with fright, and rushed over.

Policewoman Sakura was about to run away, but she had to stop and call for support because she thought there was another suspect to guard.

A few minutes later, Watson's girlfriend's ward.

When Ma Jun and Watson arrived, there was another person lying on the floor of the ward.

He was also dressed as a nurse, and he also fainted on the ground.

"Qiudi, are you okay?" Watson threw himself to the bed and asked nervously.

"I'm fine, but just now this man dressed as a nurse came in suddenly! As soon as he drew his gun, he was rushed by another person, rushed in and beat him, beat him

Qiu Di was terrified and stuttered, unable to understand.

Watson held her hand tightly, tears streaming down instantly...

After Ma Jun arranged the aftermath, he looked puzzled.

Ah Hu was obviously knocked down with his bare hands.

He has a gun in his hand and has opened the safety, but he doesn't even have a chance to shoot!

The same goes for the killer who ran after Watson's girlfriend Qiu Ti!

Who the hell is capable of such skills?

And why didn't he show up?

After thinking about it, Ma Jun couldn't figure it out, so he had to accompany Watson to appear in court to testify against the boss of the Yuenan Gang, Ah Zha.

On the way, he received two calls.

A phone call said that Ah Hu had died because the rescue failed.

The cause of death was broken ribs inserted into the lungs, resulting in respiratory failure.

A phone call said that there was a fierce gun battle in Beishengwei, Xinjie, and six gunmen were killed.

Among them was Tony from the Yuenan Gang.

After Ma Jun received the report, he was overjoyed!

"Is this the end of the Yue Nan Gang?"

In the main hall of Hong Xing, Han Bin asked this sentence in surprise.

"Although it can't be said to be destroyed, it's almost there." Xu Yi said calmly.

"And they don't belong here in the first place."

"Brother Yi, is our waterproof room next?" Han Bin asked.

"Defense? Defense against what?"

Xu Yi sneered twice, shook his head and said:

"Abin, the water room has already moved to kill me, and this cannot be solved by defense."

"Since it's all done, I'm going to do it absolutely!"

Although Han Bin didn't know where he judged the "killing heart", he agreed that he "does absolutely nothing".

On the road, cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, not to mention that Hong Xing snatched four pieces of land from the water house?

The water room will definitely retaliate wildly!

Instead of waiting for the opponent to retaliate, why not strike first?

It's just that the water room is not on the same level as the Lianhe.

The argument.

If you want to "make Lianhe disappear overnight" like last time, it is absolutely impossible.

"Abin, tell me about the situation in the water room." Xu Yi said.

"Okay Brother Yi."

Han Bin responded, and after thinking for more than a minute, he said to Xu Yi:

"Shuifang currently has a lot of influence throughout Kowloon and the southern part of the New Territories, with at least 3 official members!

"In addition to the business we are also operating, they are also involved in maritime smuggling, arms trafficking, number four, and ice d, kk and other businesses."

Xu Yi didn't say a word after listening, and half-lyed on the sofa, closed his eyes and thought.

There is no possibility for Hong Xing to swallow such a huge power of Shuifang in one gulp.

Moreover, if a large-scale fire is carried out according to the old method and forced robbery, the movement will be too great, the loss will be too great, and it is easy to be troubled by the police.

There is only one way to get rid of such a huge society...

"Brother Yi, I have an idea, tell me you're right?" Han Bin said suddenly.

"Damn it! What's wrong with the axe? You want to make a novel?" Xu Yi looked at Han Bin and said with a smile.

"Uh...Brother Yi, I've been with you for a long time, and under the influence of my ears and eyes, I'm close to black." Han Bin joked seriously.

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen." Xu Yi threw a cigar to Han Bin, and lit another one himself.

After Han Bin took the cigar, he took two puffs and said:

"Brother Yi, the current structure of the Xiangjiang Jianghu is that the five powers are vying for hegemony, and Dongxing's sphere of influence is mainly in Yuen Long and Dayushan, let's not count."

Xu Yi nodded.

"The strength of the other four companies is similar, so these four companies have checked and balanced each other for decades, and no one can beat the other." Han Bin analyzed.

Xu Yi hummed, agreeing with his point of view.

Han Bin continued: "But it's different now, Yue Nanzai has already killed the four talkers of Shuifang."

"The four halls of Shuifang were all robbed by our Hong Xing. Those people in Shuifang are not good people, let alone fuel-efficient lamps. They will definitely retaliate."

"Needless to say, other associations will be jealous, so Hong Xing is very dangerous at this time!"

"There is a saying that shoots the bird that stands out! The tree wants to be calm and the wind keeps going!"

Xu Yi nodded, to be honest, Xu Yi didn't expect this.

Because he is a time traveler, even though he tries to be considerate every time he encounters a problem.

But subconsciously, Xu Yi still didn't take those associations in Xiangjiang too seriously.

"Abin, you are right in your analysis! Continue!" Xu Yi praised.

"Brother Yi, now we have to take the initiative and bring the other two clubs together to fight the dogs in the water and divide up the territory of the water house." Han Bin said.

Xu Yi did not give instructions immediately after listening, but fell into deep thinking.

A few minutes passed, and the cigarette ash in Xu Yi's hand was already long...

Chapter 146 Is He Going to Establish a New Order in the Jianghu?

After 5 minutes, Xu Yi had an idea.

He quickly said to Han Bin:

"Abin, you call Jiang Guilao Lin and ask him to speak to the outside world! Just say that the three brothers of Yue Nan's gang are all from the water!"

Han Bin thought for a moment, then raised his eyebrows suddenly and said, "Brother Yi, are you going to..."

"Yeah!" Xu Yi nodded vigorously, looked at him and said:

"Although Shuifang has lost the main island and Tsim Sha Tsui, we are still not stable on the main island. They still have considerable strength in Kowloon and the southern part of the New Territories."

"In this situation, go to Number Gang and Liansheng, they will not act rashly."

"So, we want to make the situation in the water room even more chaotic!"

"Okay! I'll let Ah Lin do it!" Han Bin replied.

Xu Yi suddenly remembered Lin Peiru, so he asked:

"Abin, during the time we've been working on the water house and the Yuenan Gang, has Yanzhihu made any moves?"

"Brother Yi, Fengtang has been watching the three Yuenan brothers, and there seems to be no news from Dongxing." Han Bin replied.

"However, there are some gossips on the road, saying that Dongxing's Rougehu is your woman."

Taiping Mountain, in a big villa.

Guo Zhihong, the leader of the number gang, was dressed in a Tang suit and was biting a big pipe.

He squinted his eyes slightly, listening to the "black eyebrow" of one of the double faucets in the water room spouting emotionally.

"Xu Yi is bold and ambitious, there is nothing in the world that he dares not think about! There is nothing he dares not do!"

"If you indulge him, he won't even pay attention to your number gang!"

Guo Zhihong took down the pipe, shook off the ash lightly, and continued to bite.

Heimei suddenly became angry.

I'm... paralyzed, I said for a long time, do you treat me as air?

You, paralysis is talking!

Another leader of the water room looked at Guo Zhihong, and then said:

"Master Guo, I think what Liang Ziyi is doing now is not just about grabbing territory, he is challenging the existing order of the world and establishing his new order."

"What is the old order and the new order?" Guo Zhihong asked.

"The old order is the order in which your number gang is the leader, and other associations coexist peacefully and develop harmoniously." Ba Lao replied.

"As for the new order, in a word, Hong Xing wants to dominate the family, cover the sky with one hand, and even wipe out other clubs in Xiangjiang. In terms of martial arts novels, he wants to dominate the world."

After hearing Ba Lao's words, Guo Zhihong immediately burst out laughing. He took off his pipe, sighed and said:

"According to what you said, the old order of Jianghu should have been established in [-], when it was still the Qing Dynasty, called the first year of Xuantong."

"At that time, there was a big deacon in Hongmen named 'Hei Guren', who united all the associations in Hong Kong that year and initiated the first 'Hongmen Assembly' in history.

The black eyebrows and facial features were crowded together, very impatient.

I will paralyze you!

What are you talking about about the Qing Dynasty?

Who cares about these old almanacs?

Ba Lao looked very interested, and asked Guo Zhihong, "Then what happened after the Hongmen meeting?"

"Hei Guren pointed out at the meeting that brothers in various associations travel thousands of miles only for money, and should not fight at will. Peace should be the most important thing in everything."

"So he proposed that all associations add a prefix of 'and' before the word pile." Guo Zhihong said.

After hearing this, Ba Lao nodded and agreed:

"Yes, this is the order we have followed for nearly a hundred years, but now young people just want to cover the sky with one hand and dominate the world."

Guo Zhihong glanced at Ba Lao and asked with a smile:

"As far as I know, it was your water room that started the trouble, right?

"First you used Yue Nanzai to get Hong Xing's pheasant or frog, and because Yue Nanzai was disobedient, you put his three brothers in jail, and two of them died."

"Master Guo, who did you listen to?"

"This is all a rumor made by the horse-riding handsome boy Yi! I'm a horse-riding man, and that street-striking one likes spreading rumors the most!" Heimei cursed.

"Even if it's groundless, there are some sources." Guo Zhihong said with a smile.

Heimei quickly blushed, slapped his feet on the table and said:

"Master Guo, just give us an accurate word!"

"We are going to engage Hong Xing and Xu Yi now, can your number gang remain neutral?"

"Heimei, who are you taking the table with?" Guo Zhihong asked indifferently.

"Master Guo, I, I didn't mean that! I am, I am stepping on the horse, and this is what made Xu Yi confused!" Heimei hurriedly explained.

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