At this time, Lian Haolong also stood up, looking at the door with extreme vigilance.

"Boss, Brother Dong, it's me, Tianhong." Luo Tianhong's voice rang out seven times.

Chapter 157 Young and Dangerous Boys Don't Need Brains, They'll Be Young and Dangerous All Their Life!

The Lien brothers looked at each other, Lian Haodong put the gun back on his waist and shouted:

"Tianhong, come in."

After the door opened, Luo Tianhong walked in with a strand of blue hair covering one eye.

"Tianhong, what's the matter?" Lian Haodong asked.

Luo Tianhong looked at Lian Haolong who was in a daze after being furious, and said calmly:

"Boss, I joined Zhongyixin because I regard you as my idol. Now that you are in trouble, I must come back."

Hearing what Luo Tianhong said, Lian Haolong seemed very moved, and he slowly walked out from behind the desk.

Patting Luo Tianhong on the shoulder, said:

"Tianhong! Boss is wrong, I shouldn't have doubted you yesterday!"

"Boss, what should we do now? Say something!" Luo Tianhong asked.

"If you want to leave Xiangjiang, I will follow you. If you want to fight hard, I will follow you."

Lian Haolong withdrew his hand from Luo Tianhong's shoulder, thought for two seconds, and said:

"Tianhong, let me tell you the truth, it seems that Zhongxinyi is going to end."

"But I believe that I, Lian Haolong, will one day make a comeback."

"Boss, is that going to go? Where are you going? Aren't you going to Fei'e Mountain to challenge Liang Ziyi?" Luo Tianhong asked.

"Yeah! The situation is stronger than people, so I won't fight for the time being, and I will definitely fight when I come back!"

Lian Haolong nodded vigorously, then said murderously:

"But before I leave, I'm going to kill those traitors and this time the loyal leader!" "Six Three Three"

"After you kill him, let's go together again, and I will wait for you here!"

Luo Tianhong asked eagerly when he heard this:

"Boss, who do you want me to kill?"

Lian Haolong gritted his teeth violently, and then said word by word: "Pretty, boy, Yi!

Tsz Wan Shan O

People here say that "Tsz Wan Shan" is not a mountain, but a public housing estate located here.

Thirty years ago, in order to resettle the residents, the government of Xiangjiang Colony successively built more than 30 resettlement buildings here.

Formed the largest "public housing estate" in Xiangjiang.

Ever since Xu Yi singled out Changle Feihong, Su Axi never came back here.

So today Xu Yi specially accompanied her back to have a look.

The two of them walked among the dense buildings one after another, and Su Axi seemed very excited along the way.

She kept introducing to Xu Yi where people lived and what happened in the past.

Xu Yi is actually not interested in these at all.

But he still listened quietly, and occasionally deliberately picked a topic that Su Axi wanted to talk about.

"Axi, how did the 'Tsz Yunshan Thirteen Taibao' get up?"

When Su Ahxi heard this, his eyes lit up with excitement, and he said quickly:

"In the beginning, Tsz Wan Shan had no facilities except the building."

"Not even hospitals, schools, public toilets or anything."

"What else can children do besides pull and form cliques?"So, out, out, out thirteen

"Yeah, that's it." Xu Yi nodded repeatedly.

Su Axi seemed to have thought of something, she put her arms around Xu Yi's waist and swayed and asked, "Yi, brother Yi, me, did I blow it too loudly?"

Xu Yi patted her head, and when he was about to speak, the big brother rang.

"Brother Yi, that Dao Zaihong is already very close to you, I think something is wrong with him today."

"He didn't show his face, but he has been following you all the time. He probably wants to sneak attack. Brother Yi, be careful!"

Xu Yi thought for two seconds, then asked:

"How many people did Dao Zaihong bring?"

"I didn't bring anyone with me, he was alone. He drove an old gray Volkswagen with the license plate number xj0725."

"Now stop at the corner at the end of the road behind you, Brother Yi, do you want to be him?"

"Don't do it, you can go back."

"Tell you the boss Guilao Lin, just say what I said, and promote you to be a 'straw sandals for business'." Xu Yi said.

"Yi, Brother Yi, what's the matter? Yes, what's the matter?" Su Ahxi asked.

Xu Yi held the big brother and thought for a few seconds, then smiled at Su A and said:

"Axi, I have something to do at the moment, so you should go back first."

Su Axi nodded, then asked the accompanying personal bodyguard Tian Yanghong to drive the car and left.

Xu Yi glanced in the direction that the members of Fengtang said, then got into the car and said: "Go up the mountain, pay attention."

The members of the battle hall knew something was up as soon as they heard this, and everyone cheered up.

Go out from the housing estate and follow the mountain road all the way up, and soon came to the halfway up Tsz Wan Shan.

Xu Yi looked in the rearview mirror, and sure enough, he found a Volkswagen with the license plate number "xj0725" following behind.

At this time, he was actually a little puzzled.

What is Luo Tianhong doing?

If you want to see yourself change your court, do you have any other ideas.

If that's the case, he can come to see him directly. What does it mean to follow him?

"Brother Yi, there is no road ahead." Wang Jianjun, who was driving, said.

Xu Yi looked forward and saw several concrete piles standing on the road ahead.

There are also signs stating that motor vehicles are not allowed to enter.

He looked around and saw many climbers, so he said:

"Jianjun, you find a place to park, and the others follow me into the woods."

"Remember, I didn't issue an order for you all to stay still."

Five minutes later, the densely packed depths of Ciyun Mountain.

Luo Tianhong appeared with the Eight-Faced Han Sword on his shoulder.

Xu Yi noticed that his sword was not the one he gave him.

This detail made Xu Yi guess his purpose.

"Dao Zaihong, are you here to kill me today?" Xu Yi asked.

Luo Tianhong nodded with a gloomy expression.

Xu Yi was depressed.

Luo Tianhong wanted to accept him very much.

But if the other party is really determined to kill him, then this person can't stay!

Thinking of this, he frowned and asked:

"Tianhong, you should know that I appreciate you very much."

"Now that loyalty and faith are over, why do you have to sacrifice Lian Haolong?"

"Liang Ziyi, although I'm not very smart, I'm not that stupid." Luo Tianhong interrupted coldly.

"You deliberately took my side and made my boss doubt me. This is called sowing discord!"

"That's right, that's my plan." Xu Yi said frankly.

"That's because I think highly of you and don't want you to die with Brother Lian Haolong and Lian Haodong."

"According to this, I should thank you instead?" Luo Tianhong sneered.

"Of course!" Xu Yi's voice suddenly increased.

"If I hadn't greeted the people from Dongxing, the first person they would kill would be you, Dao Zaihong, because you are very dangerous."

Luo Tianhong showed an expression of disbelief, and then drew out the Eight-faced Han Sword with a "Kang" sound!

In an instant, all the members of the battle hall stood in front of him!

Wang Jianjun took out the triangular army and stabbed them out.

Xu Yi raised one hand, pushed away the members of the battle hall who stood in front of him, and then said to Luo Tianhong:

"Dao Zaihong, I have already told you that loyalty and faith are over."

"The two brothers, Lian Haolong, are also planning to run away from Wandao. They are just using you as a sacrifice!"

"What did you say? I don't understand!" Luo Tianhong's expression changed.

Xu Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he asked quickly, "Dao Zaihong, do you really not know or are you looking for death?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Luo Tianhong's exposed eye!

Xu Yi captured every change in his expression, and after thinking about it carefully, he asked with a smile:

"Did Lian Haolong promise you something? Then let you kill me?"

"Why do you say that my boss and Brother Dong have run away? They said they would wait for me!" Luo Tianhong asked in a deep voice. 0

"Because my people have been staring at you." Xu Yi chuckled.

"Otherwise, why do you think I led you to the mountain?"

"To tell you the truth, the two brothers Lian Haolong and Lian Haodong are already preparing to smuggle across the seaside of Sai Kung."

Luo Tianhong frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "Liang Ziyi, you still want to fool me?"

"What am I fooling you about? Dao Zaihong, you can call and ask your Brother Long and Brother Dong right now." Xu Yi sneered.

Luo Tianhong thrust his sword into the ground, and immediately took out his big brother.

He first called Lian Haolong's number, but found that he couldn't get through.

This made him choke in his heart, and immediately hit Lian Haodong again.Telephone.

Fortunately, Lian Haodong's number got through.

"Brother Dong!" he yelled.

"Tianhong, did you kill Liang Ziyi?" Lian Haodong asked.

Luo Tianhong glanced at Xu Yi who was opposite, and fell silent.

"Tianhong, what's wrong with you? Did you kill Liang Ziyi?" Lian Haodong asked loudly, "Brother Dong, Xu Yi is too powerful. I didn't kill him. I am still seriously injured." Yun Shan, people from Hong Xing and Dong Xing are looking for me everywhere!what should I do? "On the other end of the phone, Lian Haodong was silent for several seconds.

"Brother Dong? Brother Dong? Where are you and the boss? What should I do now?" Luo Tianhong asked again.

"Tianhong, you should take care of your affairs yourself." Lian Haodong said.

Hearing this, Luo Tianhong felt as if his heart had fallen into an ice cellar...

Do it yourself?

" Luo Tianhong replied.

His breathing suddenly became rapid, and he gritted his teeth and asked:

"Brother Dong, I said I was seriously injured! You can take care of what you asked me to do?"

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