"Then we have a choice, and we are the only ones who support Situ Haonan." Han Bin said with a meaningful smile.

Hearing this sentence, Xu Yi smiled knowingly.

When he became the leader at that time, those veterans and talkers who supported him were these four words: the only support.

Ben Leihu Lei Yaoyang is a man with scheming and strength, and he is full of intrigues and schemes.

If Lei Yaoyang was the leader of the East Star, it would be very difficult for Xu Yi to control him, and he had to be on guard all the time.

More importantly, Lei Yaoyang is the confidant of Pulsatilla, the current leader of Dongxing, and it is absolutely impossible to betray Pulsatilla.

But capturing the dragon and tiger Situ Haonan is another matter.

Among the new generation of young and Dangerous, Situ Haonan is one of the few who still maintains the old-fashioned style.

Observing the rules of the rivers and lakes and associations, emphasizing love and righteousness, and playing conspiracy.

Compared with Lei Yaoyang, who is full of conspiracy, he is simpler and naive, and relatively easier to control.

This is a horizontal comparison. If you compare it vertically, Lei Yaoyang suffered heavy losses from Xu Yi, and Dongxing lost tens of millions of Hong Kong papers. Now it is difficult to convince the crowd to compete for the leader.

However, Situ Haonan, the dragon and tiger, severely injured the opponent in the battle with the number gang.

It can be said that it has contributed the most to it, and it is very confident to be a leader.

More importantly, he needs the strong support of Lin Peiru, who is now in the limelight, if he wants to secure the leading position in Dongxing.

In this case, it is necessary to cooperate with Hong Xing.

Only in this way can the opponents in Dongxing be suppressed.

After sorting out these interests, Xu Yi nodded to Han Bin and said:

'Abin, go get busy, I'll greet Lin Peiru and ask her to fully cooperate with you. "

Han Bin nodded, and stopped when he raised his foot just now. He frowned and asked:

"Brother Yi, if you want to cooperate with Situ Haonan, you should give him some benefits, right? Promise him what?"

Xu Yi replied directly:

"Just tell him that as long as he sincerely cooperates with us, as long as he is willing to obey, I will help him consolidate his position.

"For example?" Han Bin asked.

"For example..."

Xu Yi pondered and said: "Within two months, the Hong Xing and Dongxing families took down the gambling ship 'Ganglongxing'."

"Except for Jiang Tianyang's shares, the other two share equally."

Han Bin didn't ask how to take it down at all.

Because he knew that if Xu Yi dared to say that, there must be a way.

After a dark sigh, he smiled and said:

"Pulsatilla is smart but is misled by his cleverness. If he doesn't mess around, brother Yi, you don't want to touch him."

Xu Yi thought of that British style with disdain on his face.

Han Bin suddenly remembered what Xu Yi said before, and asked again:

"Brother Yi, you just said that the situation (Wang Haohao) is too optimistic. Apart from the Dongxing incident, is there anything worth noting?" Xu Yi thought for a while and said:

"That's the number gang. Other clubs don't have any major conflicts with us, so we don't need to consider it."

"What I can't figure out is whether Guo Zhihong, the leader of the number gang, will make any arrangements before his death."

Han Bin said: "Brother Yi, why don't we just wait for him to die? According to Ghost Lin, he won't be able to toss about for a few days, and it's just a few days."

Xu Yi nodded and said, "That old fellow Guo Zhihong would think the same as you, and what he will do is beyond what I can predict now."

"According to my intuition, he will definitely do something before he dies."

Tsim Sha Tsui, Kwok House.

Guo Zhihong was sitting in a wheelchair, sunbathing on the balcony.

A nurse squatted on the ground and massaged his calves.

Guo Zhihong's legs were swollen like elephant legs, and the nurse's finger was a big hole.

"Pretty boy..." He suddenly called out.

Che Lushi, the speaker at Tsim Sha Tsui, who was standing by the side, hurriedly asked, "What? Pretty boy, what?

Guo Zhihong muttered angrily, "I figured it out, Liang Ziyi set me up."

Che Lushi nunuzui motioned for the nurse to leave, and then asked:

"Master Guo, what did Liang Ziyi play for you?".

Chapter 165 Heroic and Feminine

"When he bewitched me to fight Dongxing, that was the beginning of his conspiracy." Guo Zhihong said with difficulty.

"What Liang Ziyi has done, from what I see now, is all in preparation for cracking down on the Number Gang."

"Also, I suspect that his layout in Haojiang also has this meaning."

Hearing this, Che Lushi gasped!

Locally, Hong Xing formed an alliance with Dongxing, and the leader of Dongxing even went to congratulate the maiden voyage of the luxurious gambling ship in person.

In Haojiang, Hong Xing destroyed the branch of Shuifang.

Having also recruited the Big Circle Gang and Shengyi Hall, Chen Zhongxin, the boss of the Haojiang Number Gang, no longer has much influence.

It led to the rise of another person named Beng Yaju in the Haojiang Number Gang. He was just a small leader before.

If there is turmoil in the number gangs in Hong Kong and Haojiang...

Che Lushi was surprised: "Master Guo, isn't there such a possibility as you said?"

"Born in sorrow, died in peace!" Guo Zhihong sighed heavily.

"I was also blindfolded by the 32 billion real estate. I made a mistake, I made a mistake."

"If I had teamed up with Shuifang back then, I wouldn't be so passive now. I'm really old." Che Lushi thought for a while, then frowned and asked, "Master Guo, what should we do next? I think... "Guo Zhihong looked at his confidant Che Lushi, waiting for him to continue.

Che Lushi sorted out his thoughts, and said in a low voice:

"Master Guo, it's impossible to beat the whole Hongxing now. My idea is, should we kill him?" Guo Zhihong forced a smile and said softly:

"Liang Zaiyi's power in Hong Xing is overwhelming, he ordered the entire Hong Xing to be mobilized

"But as long as something happens to him, Hong Xing will be in a mess."

"Liang Zaiyi has promoted a large number of young speakers, and no one will be convinced by that time." After saying this, he couldn't take it anymore, and hurriedly picked up the oxygen mask.

Che Lushi waited for him to inhale oxygen for a few minutes before asking:

"Master Guo, what do you mean you agreed to kill him?"

Guo Zhihong remained silent, neither saying yes nor no.

When Che Lushi was about to lose his patience, he only opened his mouth and said at 633:

"Now that my body is in such a condition, I can't make a big wave, and I can only do some tricks.

As soon as the words fell, there was a "beep" sound.

"Telephone, telephone." Guo Zhihong said in a deep voice.

Che Lushi immediately took Guo Zhihong's eldest brother from the table, pressed the answer button and stuck it next to his ear.


"Master Guo, I think that kid Xu Yi was on guard against me from the very beginning! He doesn't bite the bait at all!" The person on the other end of the phone said impatiently.

Guo Zhihong said:

"By the way, didn't you sign the contract with him from the beginning? Hasn't he already been fooled?"

"It's true that you signed the contract! I gave him such a high commission! But he just pretended to be a snake, and kept procrastinating!" The person on the phone said anxiously.

"To this day, he hasn't even been to Malaysia, and he doesn't know what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd."

"Master Guo, there's really nothing he can do to mess with me like this!"

Guo Zhihong's face turned pale, and he said irritably:

"Then... showdown! Showdown with him!"

"Sister Lin, I think you look quite sassy now, heroic and feminine." Xu Yi said.

"Xu Yi, I didn't expect you to say such heartwarming words, thank you!"

Lin Peiru felt extremely refreshed after hearing this, and then changed the subject:

"Han Bin has already talked with Situ. I also clearly expressed my support for Situ. But Situ still has doubts."

"For example?" Xu Yi asked.

"Dongxing can be the leader for a lifetime as long as there are no accidents."

"Although Uncle Ben was slapped by you and beaten up by the number gang, he still won't step down because of this." Lin Peiru said.

"By the way, what's the attitude of Shazhu and Coke?" Xu Yi asked.

"They don't matter. Sha Chi's grandfather is my (baah) grandfather's confidant, and I can influence him." Lin Peiru said, shaking her long legs.

"Cheung Chau Tiger Coke has relatively low qualifications, so it doesn't matter what his attitude is."

"The only thing that is really troublesome is Ben Leihu." Xu Yi said.

Lin Peiru frowned and smiled when she heard this: "Xu Yi, you don't seem to have taken the elders of our East Star seriously from the beginning to the end?

"That's right, do you think I treat Hong Xing's elder as a green onion?" Xu Yi chuckled lightly.

"Sister Lin, it's young people's world now, and the old tricks of the rivers and lakes won't work anymore."

"Now we're talking about strength, not those old Hongmen rules."

"You must have the strength to formulate new rules in the world."

Hearing Xu Yi's words, a strange color flashed across Lin Peiru's eyes.

After thinking about it, she said to Xu Yi: "Xu Yi, I think it's best for you to meet Situ in person to dispel some doubts in his heart."

"Han Bin talking to him is different from you talking to him."

"Okay, you can talk to him." Xu Yi nodded.

Lin Peiru looked at Xu Yi's handsome face and was about to say something.

Just then, the door opened.

A young man with a crew cut and an indifferent face walked in.

Lin Peiru thought his face was very familiar, but after a closer look, she realized that it was actually Dao Zaihong!

She frowned slightly, which was not surprising after thinking about it.

With Xu Yi's current strength, it is easy to subdue Dao Zaihong.

Xu Yi looked at Luo Tianhong who no longer had a "washed, cut and blown" hairstyle, and said with a smile: "Tianhong, you are here

"Brother Yi."

After Luo Tianhong yelled, he looked at Lin Peiru again, hesitated for a while, and then shouted respectfully: "Hello, sister-in-law.

"What's the matter... who is your sister-in-law? Don't shout." Lin Peiru laughed.

After finishing speaking, he stood up happily, and left quickly after saying "I'll go first".

Xu Yi watched her go out before calling Luo Tianhong to sit down.

"Got it figured out? Why did you even change your hairstyle? Start from scratch?"

Listening to Xu Yi's ridicule, Luo Tianhong only smiled lightly and said:

"Well, never do it."

"That's good, you will be my bodyguard and driver from now on." Xu Yi said to Luo Tianhong.

Luo Tianhong's heart skipped a beat!

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