Seeing that the two of them refused to make a statement, Lin Peiru said:

"Uncle Ben, if you retire, you will still be our elder. The society will give you 500 million yuan every year, and Yaoyang will still be our core five tigers." Lei Yaoyang's entire face seemed to be frozen, neither objecting nor approving, just so rigid.

Pulsatilla was still weighing in his mind, but in the end he found that he had no choice but to provoke Neijiang to go to war.

If Neijiang is provoked, how many people in Dongxing will support him?

My time in the position was too short, and I didn't have any outstanding results. Either I was cheated by Hong Xing, or I was beaten by the number gang...

If he fails in the fight, it will be beyond redemption.

After weighing it again and again, he sighed and said:

"Aru, you did it beautifully, you were caught off guard."

"Uncle Ben, don't say such things. Who is not from Dongxing? Who would not like Dongxing?" Lin Peiru said calmly.

Hearing what she said, those Dongxing veterans who were a little embarrassed at first also straightened their backs.

That's right, we are doing it for Dongxing's benefit, not because we have received money.

right!That's it!

Situ Haonan added another sentence at this time:

"Uncle Ben, your old man eats more salt than we eat rice. I still have a lot of things to ask you for advice."

Pulsatilla let out a hearty laugh, but no matter how it sounded, it seemed to be deliberately pretending.

After laughing, he said, "Well, since it's everyone's decision, then I have nothing else to say,"

"Only one thing, I'll keep an eye on you, don't do anything that harms Dongxing's interests."

Lei Yaoyang looked up at him.

Because this sentence is tantamount to announcing his resignation.

He didn't expect Pulsatilla to admit defeat directly without resisting.

His frozen face became more and more gloomy, staring at Lin Peiru, his mind was running fast -

After Xu Yi learned that Situ Haonan had successfully become the leader of the East Star, he immediately fulfilled his promise.

Hongxing and Dongxing contributed 50.00% and 40.00% respectively, and obtained the entire equity of "Dragon Star".

The reason why Xu Yi fulfilled his promise so readily was to win Dongxing over.

The second reason is that the construction cost of the Hong Kong Dragon Star gambling ship is too high, and Dongxing was hired to share the financial risk.

The third is to pull Dongxing into Hongxing's chariot and break through Hongxing's current isolation.

The current situation is that the number gang is sharpening their knives, and the Chaozhou gang is watching in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Although He Liansheng is also in Neijiang now, once the internal evidence is over, he will definitely join the camp that bites Hong Xing.

Other small and medium-sized associations are even more afraid of Hong Xing, because Hong Xing's ability to annex small and medium-sized associations is too strong.

Two days later, at the Hongxing headquarters, the leaders of the two associations signed a cooperation agreement on the Star Dragon.

Afterwards, Han Bin opened a bottle of Egon Miller Shazburg Select Riesling Grape by Grape to celebrate.

Lin Peiru seemed to be an expert in red wine, she shook her wine glass lightly and said with a smile:

"Ah Yi, how dare you take so many shares of yours and drink such expensive wine?"

"Aru, why are you being polite with Brother Yi?" the golden-haired tiger Sand Snake laughed.

Lin Peiru gave him a blank stare.

Situ Haonan held up the goblet, admiring the dark red wine in the cup, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu is really generous! Not to mention the hundreds of millions of gambling boats, even opening a bottle of wine is [-] Hong Kong dollars."

As soon as the words fell, the Changzhou Tiger Coke next to him coughed from a sip of wine!

The golden-haired tiger Sha Chi also stared at the wine in the glass with wide eyes!

This wine costs [-] Hong Kong dollars a bottle?

real or fake?

That's not how money is spent, is it?

And I didn't see any drops after drinking this wine!

Xu Yi smiled without saying a word.

Han Bin said with a smile:

"Actually, our boss doesn't pay too much attention to these things. Today is just to show hospitality."

"Hehehe." Lei Yaoyang let out a series of deep laughter.

Then, he put an undrinked wine glass on the table.

Standing up from his seat, he straightened his tie and said lightly:

"This wine is too expensive, I'm not used to it, you guys are hilarious."

After finishing speaking, he swaggered away.

The scene was suddenly embarrassing!

The golden-haired tiger squirmed with displeasure on his face, and said to the leader, Situ Haonan:

"Brother Nan, I said I shouldn't call him here, right?"

Situ Haonan also felt ashamed, and forced a smile at Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, doesn't he like literature and art, cultural people are so maverick

"Oh, Yaoyang is too outrageous!" Situ Haonan said angrily.

"Speaking of which, I originally planned to let him take care of the Dragon Star gambling ship.

Xu Yi smiled, raised his glass and said:

"Come on! Let's have a drink together, I wish Hongxing Dongxing a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Everyone raised their glasses...

"Xu Yi smiled lightly.

All the people present were busy with business, so they left one after another after drinking.

Xu Yi stopped Lin Peiru and Situ Haonan, and reminded them:

"Haonan, Sister Lin, based on my analysis of the characters of Pulsatilla and Lei Yaoyang, they won't give up so easily. You must be careful of him."

"Don't worry, Brother Yi, it's okay. After all, we are all Dongxing's brothers. It's normal for them to have emotions, and they won't mess around."

Situ Haonan shook his head and said.

"In Dongxing, except for Uncle Ben, Yao Yang and Gu Huo Lun, everyone else unanimously supports me as the leader."

Hearing what Situ Haonan said, Xu Yi couldn't say anything more.

Lin Peiru on the side said to Xu Yi: "Ayi, don't worry, the matter is not that serious."

Yuen Long, Fairview Phase II, in the supreme box of the bar under the name of Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla holds a cigar in one hand and red wine in the other.

The cigar has been smoked.

The wine in the glass has also been drunk.

But like an old monk in meditation, he remained motionless.

It's quiet in the big box...

After a few minutes, he put down his cigar and wine glass, grabbed the landline on the table, and dialed a number

"Hey, who is it?"

A very impatient voice came from the other end of the phone, and there was also a woman's delicate voice vaguely.

"It's me, Dongxing Weng Ben." Pulsatilla Weng said softly.

"Weng Ben? Oh, I remember, are you a Pulsatilla?" A surprised voice came from the phone.

A minute of silence followed.

"Pulsatilla, what did you do?"

"The leader of Dongxing is not Hong Xing, and Lian Sheng, can't you grow old? What are you doing?" The person on the phone asked sarcastically.

"Hehe, at least I, Pulsatilla, have been the leader of several Eastern Stars!"

"And you? You really want to be one, but can't you?" Pulsatilla retorted with a smile. The person on the other end of the phone coughed a few times because of Psyllium's anger, and then asked very unhappy:

"Pulsatilla, you didn't call me to argue with 633, did you?"

Pulsatilla was silent for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice:

"Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you that I was pulled down by Liang Ziyi."

Pushed it down? "

"Why did he want to get me down, I think you should know in your heart."

"I don't agree to be Liang Ziyi's dog, do you?" The person on the phone asked tentatively.

"If you insist on saying something so ugly, then we have nothing to talk about." Pulsatilla frowned.

"Oh, don't be angry, I'm just joking, just kidding." The person on the phone laughed.

"Just tell me, what are you going to do with Liang Ziyi? Open the skylight and tell the truth, our goal is the same when it comes to getting Liang Ziyi!"

"Very well, that's why I called you today. Let me ask you, do you want to cooperate with me?" Pulsatilla asked directly.

"Of course I want to! Need to say?"

"Little Yiyi has such a big appetite, so he got our number to help you call Dongxing."

"The purpose of attracting you Dongxing now is to target our Number Gang."

"Now is a good time. You may also know that Mr. Guo is living every day. Maybe one day...hehe." The person on the other side of the phone sneered.

Pulsatilla was relieved when he heard this, and then said in a low voice:

"I want to remind you that there is no time for us to take our time."

"We can only use the most direct and quick way to get him out quickly! Never trouble again!"

"That's great! That's great! Let me tell you, I think so too!" the person on the phone said loudly.

"However, to do this, you must keep it secret, so that the boat can pass through the water without a trace!"

"One of the most critical points! It is absolutely not allowed to be done in Xiangjiang territory"

"Now that I'm stepping down, I don't have any resources in this area, but your number gang has it, and your number gang has so many killers!" Pulsatilla said.

"Well, I want to ask you, why do you cooperate with me? What do you pay for?" The person on the other side of the phone asked in a deep voice.

"Of course I have, because I already have a perfect plan!" Pulsatilla gnashed his teeth.

Chapter 169 Jiang Tianyang, who returned from illegal immigration!

Hongxing Headquarters!

The talkers from Hong Xing's branches gathered together, and even Feng Zai, who was in charge of the Haojiang casino business, rushed back.

The meeting started, and after discussing the business, Xu Yi scanned the audience and saw everyone present one by one.

Everyone felt the sharpness in Xu Yi's eyes, and was a little confused for a while.

Now most of Hongxing's businesses are on track, and various businesses are also booming.

Why does Brother Ke Yi still have such an attitude?

Chen Haonan is Xu Yi's direct descendant, he broke the silence and asked:

"Brother Yi, if you have any instructions, just tell us."

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