Jiang Zhen is dead, the general situation of the branch is gone, and it will collapse.

"My condolences, Mr. Jiang."

The gods can help Jiang Tianyang up, and Jiang Tianyang's eyes are full of sadness.

He was about to speak, but saw Che Baoshan strode out.

Everyone present looked at Che Baoshan.

If there is any reason for people to stay in the branch, Che Baoshan is the only one.

In more than two months, this fierce man subdued Xiangjiang's entire underground world with one punch. Che Baoshan knelt on the ground respectfully, and put Jiang Zhen's head into a wooden box.

Then put it in front of the statue of Guan Gong.

It has to be admired.

At this time, his eyes were wide open, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and palms.

The reason is that the teeth are clenched too tightly, and the fists are squeezed too hard.

It is conceivable that the anger and anger in his heart reached the peak!




Che Baoshan knelt on the ground and kowtowed nine times in a row, baah hitting the ground with a heavy hammer.

His forehead was already bloody.

Jiang Zhen's death, for Che Baoshan, is the pain of the sky falling.

He blamed himself extremely.

If he hadn't often talked about going outside in front of Jiang Zhen, he felt that this would not have happened.

At this time, Che Baoshan's eyes were red, he raised his head and shouted at the sky:


Jiang Tianyang also knelt down, kowtowed nine times, and shouted: "Revenge!"

After kowtowing their heads, some young horses also shouted:


After all, there were still a small group of people who were loyal to the Jiang family.

After more than a dozen people knelt down, the infectious power erupted made people feel a sense of excitement.

It's a pity that the Jiang family's gold-lettered signboard, the impact of Jiang Zhen's death.

Today, there are only these ten people who follow faithfully.

In the hearts of more people, there is a sense of desolation with cold lips and teeth.

They have already seen that the current situation of the branch established by Jiang Tianyang is actually trying to hold on.

As soon as Jiang Zhen died, the banner fell.

Those who did not kneel down are now thinking about the way out in the future.

In front of money, the morality of the rivers and lakes is not bullshit.

"What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you kneel down and offer incense!"

Immortal Ke yelled at those who did not kneel down.

Although there are gods roaring, there are already people kneeling down to mourn.

But people's hearts, after all, are scattered.

In less than three hours, the news of Jiang Zhen's decapitation spread throughout Xiangjiang.

Even Hong Xing Zhengbu was astonished.

"Don't move around, just wait and see."

At Hongxing headquarters, Han Bin hung up another call to inquire about the situation.

As soon as Jiang Zhen died, countless eyes were focused on Hong Xingzhengbu.

In the eyes of many people, Hong Xingzheng was inseparable from Jiang Zhen's death.

However, under Xu Yi's instructions, Han Bin took a tacit attitude towards Jiang Zhen's inquiries.

Han Bin never thought that Xu Yi's attack would be so hot.

"Jiang Zhen, that's a legend in Jianghu!" Han Bin sighed in his heart.

Jiang Zhen has always been someone he admires, even more than he admires Lian Haolong.

Jiang Zhen is also a figure admired by countless young and Dangerous.

He started from scratch, and used white knives and tactics to forcibly fight for a position as a master in Xiangjiang.

But now he was beheaded by someone, and his body could not be found.

Although Jiang Zhen is the founder of Hongxing.

But at this time, none of Hong Xing's veterans dared to jump out and ask for an explanation for Jiang Zhen.

The day Jiang Zhen was buried.

People from Hongxing headquarters also sent people to participate.

However, they sent red invitations one after another to the leaders of the club who were present at the mourning meeting, and then left quickly.

Those club bosses opened the invitation and found out that Hong Xingzhengbu had a new bar opening today, and Xu Yi invited the bosses at the scene to have a drink at night.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became extremely strange.

Because of Jiang Zhen's death, the Hongxing branch is holding a funeral.

But Hong Xing Zhengbu was preparing for a wedding and chose the same day!

The meaning is self-evident!

Many club leaders who received the invitations looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then, they looked at Jiang Tianyang again.

Jiang Tianyang did not receive the invitation

He took one from the boss of a small society, glanced at it, and was furious in his heart.

"Xu Yi, I will make sure that your bones are gone."

Jiang Tianyang directly tore the wedding invitation into pieces, but he already had a revenge plan in his heart, so he was still calm.

After Che Baoshan looked at it, he gritted his teeth and said, "I want to tear Xu Yi into pieces!"

His icy eyes glanced around, obviously warning.

If anyone dares not to give him face as the marshal, he will let him taste the fist

However, there are people who are not afraid of Che Baoshan at the scene.

That is the Ni family, Ni Yongxiao.

After receiving the invitation, he got up without hesitation and said to Jiang Tianyang with a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, I have urgent matters at home, so I will go back first."

Ni Yongxiao has just returned from overseas to take over the Chaozhou gang, and the four families have not yet been settled.

His views on the world are surprisingly consistent with Xu Yi's.

The person Ni Yongxiao originally wanted to get acquainted with was Xu Yi.

These days, Ni Yongxiao was almost forced into Jiang Tianyang's camp by Hong Xingzheng's dominance.

At this time, a wedding invitation from Xu Yi is even more like a letter of recruitment.

Ni Yongxiao made a decision almost instantly.

He didn't want to sink with the broken ship of the Jiang family.

After making up his mind, Ni Yongxiao quickly got up and left the mourning hall.

Chapter 181 Jiang Tianyang, die!

Many club leaders began to discuss in a low voice.

Without Jiang Zhen in the Hongxing Branch, Jiang Tianyang's strength may not be as strong as the Chaozhou Gang.

Ni Yongxiao, the young leader of the Chaozhou gang, took the lead in leaving, and the big bosses of the clubs present also wanted to leave.

Even with Che Baoshan's might, it would be useless.

"Mr. Jiang, my condolences. Your body is important. I still have some things to do at home. I'm sorry, but I'll take my leave first.

"Mr. Jiang, please be sorry, my wife's birthday is today, and I have to go back."

"Please condolences, Mr. Jiang. I'll go back and settle the club's affairs first."

The leaders of the society left one by one, Jiang Tianyang's face was livid, and he didn't say anything.

The mourning hall suddenly became empty, a little more desolate.

After 10 minutes, there were only four people left.

All four of them had violent conflicts with Hongxing's headquarters, so they could only stay.

Right now, Jiang Tianyang was cornered, and he was gnashing his teeth.

Ma Jun, the senior inspector of the serious crime team who led the surveillance team outside the mourning hall, heaved a long sigh after seeing this scene.

"I must praise my judgment. Jiang Tianyang is indeed no match for Xu Yi." Ma Jun said to Chen Jiaju who was on the side.

Chen Jiaju asked: "Where do you think Jiang Zhen was made by Xu Yi?"

Ma Jun thought for a while and said, "It's possible, but there is no evidence, so don't talk nonsense, his lawyer team is very powerful, don't cause trouble then." After hearing this, Chen Jiaju made a funny joke With an expression on his face, he said, "I'm just talking to you."

Seeing Chen Jiaju's appearance, Ma Jun smiled.

In fact, he also suspected that Xu Yi was responsible for Jiang Zhen's death.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered Lu Qichang's evaluation of Xu Yi when Xu Yi and Lian Haolong were negotiating in the teahouse two months ago.

Lu Qichang said at the time that Xu Yi was definitely an expert in understanding and manipulating people's hearts.

"Even when Jiang Zhen was young, he couldn't compare to Xu Yi now."

Ma Jun took out a cigarette and threw it to Chen Jiaju, then lit one himself, and then said to his subordinates:

"The final showdown between Xu Yi and Jiang Tianyang should be in these two days."

"Listen up, everyone cheer up! The most important thing is to keep an eye on Jiang Tianyang!"

The reason why he said that was because he couldn't keep an eye on Xu Yi at all.

The second is that Jiang Tianyang is now being driven into a desperate situation.

Therefore, Ma Jun judged that Jiang Tianyang might not be able to bear it anymore.

Fortunately, when Jiang Tianyang recruited a lot of troops, he planted a few undercover agents in order to obtain information.

It's one o'clock at night

Jiang Tianyang took Che Baoshan and eight absolutely loyal cronies, and quietly left the Hongxing branch.

With Che Baoshan here, Jiang Tianyang felt that it was absolutely safe to negotiate this time.

Of course he wasn't going to negotiate with Xu Yi.

An hour later, Jiang Tianyang arrived in front of a villa in Jiulongfeng.

The villa looks very deserted on the outside, but the inside is heavily guarded.

The bodyguards have uniform costumes and hairstyles. Each bodyguard is strong and has a gun on his body.

After ten people including Jiang Tianyang were searched, they were taken to the second floor and into a study.

In the room, a middle-aged man in a kimono with a scar on his face and a rendanhu was sitting on a chair.

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