Xu Yi took a puff of his cigar and slowly exhaled a smoke ring before saying, "For us Hong Xing, it's best not to sit in the hotel with Liansheng!"

Tsuen Wan.

Ke Laohe looked at the middle-aged man with an arrogant face in front of him, and asked:

"You are Big D?"

""!Isn’t Lao Tzu a big D? Are you a big D? Say something quickly, and let your fart go!” said the big D angrily.

"I am Ke Laohe, the head of the Sanlian Gang's Poisonous Snake Hall. I would like to ask you for a favor." Ke Laohe said.

At the same time, Ke Laohe thought to himself, this big D really deserves to be the strongest person in He Liansheng.

This momentum is 10 times stronger than the previous chicken blowing.

It's just obvious that Big D doesn't give Ke Laohe any face.

After taking a puff of his cigar, Big D raised his hand high and said, "What can I do for you? I know who you are! Get lost!"

"I am three...

Before Ke Laohe finished speaking, he was interrupted by Big D:

"I know you belong to the Sanlian Gang, why don't you care about me? The Sanlian Gang is amazing? If you're on a horse, if I tell you to get out, get out!"

Ke Laohe blushed when he was scolded by Big D, he pointed to Big D, and said:

"Okay, Big D, I remember you!"

When Big D heard what Ke Laohe said, he immediately said: ""!How dare you threaten Lao Tzu. "

"Death to the street, give me this spoon to eat before leaving!"

As soon as the words fell, Big D threw a porcelain spoon in front of Ke Laohe.

Ke Laohe looked at this spoon and was almost speechless. He finally calmed down and said:

"I am the head of the Sanlian Gang's Poisonous Snake Hall, how dare you treat me like this?"

Big D glanced at him and said:

"Who is the head of the Sanlian Gang? This is Xiangjiang, this is Tsuen Wan, and this is my big D's territory.

"Don't say you are just the leader of the sect, even if you are the leader of the Sanlian Gang, I will take it seriously!"

"I just asked you if you want to eat it? It's fine if you don't eat it, then you can eat my S!"

Ke Laohe never thought that he would meet such a devil king, and now he is in a dilemma

He was surrounded by big D's horse boys, and if he didn't eat a spoon, it seemed that big D was going to beat him to death.

no way!

He had no choice but to say: "Is this okay? I will use money to settle this matter"

Big D looked up at the sky, and said lightly: "Okay, I am a businessman, tell me, how much will you pay?

"I'll offer [-] Hong Kong paper..." Ke Laohe said.

"Kuu! Ten thousand Hong Kong paper? Are you begging for me? Kill him!" Big D said disdainfully.

"Twenty thousand Hong Kong paper."

"Not yet?"

"One Hundred Thousand Hong Kong Paper"

"30 Hong Kong paper!!!"

After hearing 30, Big D said Ma Zi slowly: "Okay, stop now."

Afterwards, he looked at Ke Laohe and said, "It's settled, my big D only accepts cash!"

Ke Laohe took out a check book and signed a check slip.

Then he said to Big D: "This is a check from Standard Chartered Bank, which can be cashed at any time."

Big D took the check slip.Handed it to a pony boy beside him, and said, "A Fei, go and exchange the money!"

Afterwards, Big D looked at Ke Laohe and said:

"When the Hong Kong paper is taken out, I will let you go. I have always been very honest!"

Ke Laohe was too frightened to speak at this time, he could only knock down his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and said fiercely in his heart:

"Big D, I will never let you go!"

Half an hour later, Big D's horse boy, A Fei, came back here with a box, and said to Big D: "Boss, the 30 Hong Kong paper has been raised!"

Big D asked another boy to count some banknotes, and after confirming that he was familiar with the numbers, he patted Ke Laohe on the face and said:

"Death to the street, let's forget about today's matter, and it will not be so cheap to provoke Lao Tzu in the future, you can get out! Ke Laohe who doesn't say a word is prepared to leave here.

At this time, the voice of Big D suddenly came from behind.


Ke Laohe looked back puzzled.

"Did I ask you to get dressed and leave?" Big D said lightly.

"Take off your clothes and get out!" Ke Laohe ran back to the car naked under the endless humiliation.

"Big D, I'm going to kill you!"

At this time, Ke Laohe had forgotten the task that Lei Fuhong assigned him.

He has only one goal now, revenge!

Give back to Big D the humiliation he has suffered a hundredfold.

Unlike Ke Laohe who was mad with anger, Xu Yiyun was calm and breezy at this moment.

"Brother Yi, what should we do if He Liansheng doesn't want to sit in the restaurant?" Han Bin asked

"It's very simple, pressure the strong and help the weak." Xu Yi laughed.

"So, are we going to help A Le?" Han Bin asked.

"No, help Big D!" Xu Yi said.

"Big D???" Han Bin was confused.

In He Liansheng, Jordan's talker, A Le, is obviously weaker than Tsuen Wan's big D.

Why do you want to help Big D?

Xu Yi quickly solved Han Bin's doubts.

"Abin, when I say pressure the strong and help the weak, I don't mean the strength of the two of them, but the probability of the two of them being elected."

"The probability of Ah Le being selected is much higher than that of Big D, so we have to help Big D appropriately." Xu Yi said.

"I see, Brother Yi," Han Bin said.

"By the way, Abin, I'm going to Haojiang the day after tomorrow. He Sheng wants to talk to me about the liberalization of gambling cards."

"You take care of the club affairs, and call me as soon as you need something."

Xu Yi received a call from Wei Jixiang, telling him to meet Haojiang Wang Hesheng to talk about the opening of Haojiang gambling cards.

"Brother Yi, once the gambling cards are opened, it will be another battle between dragons and tigers."

"Yeah, I went to Haojiang this time just to see which dragons and tigers are fighting for it!" Xu Yi said.

Then, after Xu Yi explained some club affairs to Han Bin, he left Xiangjiang.

the other side.

Ke Laohe is on the phone with Zhong Yongbo of the Sanlian Gang.

"Uncle Zhongyong, how many competitors are there for the speaker of the big D campaign in Lianshengli?" Ke Laohe asked. ,

"Now only Ah Le from Jotun can compete with him!" Zhongyongbo said.

"Okay, I think the Sanlian Gang should fully support Ale's campaign and Liansheng's sitting in the hall now. I will tell the gang leader." Ke Laohe said.

Uncle Zhongyong cursed secretly in his heart: "This idiot, what power does the Sanlian Gang have in Xiangjiang? What can we use to support it?"

"Old Hey, our Sanlian Gang has not operated in Xiangjiang for many years, and the support may not be strong." Zhong Yongbo said tactfully.

"It doesn't matter, our Sanlian Gang can use moss coins to support, I must make big D not be the seat of Liansheng!"

Ke Laohe said bitterly.

Uncle Zhongyong wanted to swear, but he held back, and asked, "Old man, how did Big D offend you?"

How could Ke Laohe tell him about his humiliation?

He said vaguely: "You don't have to worry about that, you just need to remember that from now on, our Sanlian Gang will fully support Ale."

Uncle Zhongyong then said: "Old man, in fact, only Deng Bo is effective in talking with Liansheng. Once he speaks, the seat in the hall can't escape."

"How about, how about I make an appointment with Deng Bo for you and talk to him yourself?"

"Okay!" Ke Laohe hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Brother Ke, the hotel is here, let me get you a suit of clothes first?" Ke Laohe's horse boy said to him.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you, Atang." Ke Laohe said politely.

The reason why Ke Laohe is so polite to a horse boy is that this horse boy is one of the personal bodyguards of the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

This time he came to Xiangjiang was specially sent by Lei Fuhong to protect him.

When he went to find Chuck and Big D in 650, he didn't take him with him.

One minute later, Ke Laohe put on his clothes and said to A Tang:

"Go, accompany me to Jordan."

Ke Laohe is going to meet A Le, the spokesperson of Jordan of the Sanlian Gang.

Through Zhongyong Bo's matchmaking, Ke Laohe and A Le met at a teahouse.

This time Ke Laohe let A Tang go in with him, he was really scared by the big D

"Brother Ke, hello, I'm Ah Le from He Liansheng!"

To Ke Laohe's surprise, Ah Le was very polite.

As soon as he entered the door, Ah Le greeted him and shook hands with him.

"Hello, Ale, I am Ke Laohe from the Sanlian Gang, you are very good!" Ke Laohe said with a smile.

"Mr. Ke came from a long way, I was supposed to pick up the plane, but I really don't know, please forgive me, Mr. Ke."

Ale's kind words were spoken as if he didn't want money, which made Ke Laohe feel very proud.

Ke Laohe said at this time: "Ale, to be honest, I just went to meet you and the big D of Liansheng Tsuen Wan."

"I am very dissatisfied with him. I heard that you and Liansheng are going to choose a seat. I am going to personally support you."

Hearing what Ke Laohe said, Ah Le scolded in his heart: We are running against Liansheng, what kind of meddling do you meddle in, "You are paralyzed, don't let me not be elected."

But his expression didn't change at all, he still greeted people with a smile,

"Mr. Ke, I think if you really want to help me... it's better not to support me publicly!"

"You don't know, we and Liansheng are the most taboo to interfere with outsiders."

"It's not that I don't believe in the Sanlian Gang and Mr. Ke, you don't have such strength, it's just that I'm afraid of self-defeating!"

Ke Laohe nodded, and said: "Ale, I understand when you say that, then what method do you need me to help you get into the position?"

A Le shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Ke, don't worry, I, A Le, will remember your thoughts."

"If I really need your help then, I will definitely ask."

Through the conversation between the two just now, Ah Le already knew that this Ke Laohe was actually an idiot.

Let him help himself, as long as it doesn't help him, so he declined Ke Laohe.

Chapter 189 The Special Function of the Gambling Saint Zuo Songxing

However, Ke Laohe didn't hear it at all.

He took out a business card and handed it to A Le, saying:

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