"I think, according to our plan, we will ambush him here," Wang Jianguo said, pointing to a spot on the map.

There are forests on both sides of this place, and a slender canyon road in the middle. This terrain is most suitable for ambushes.

"This place is good! Just give me a sniper rifle, and I'll be sure to kill him." Wang Jianjun said confidently.

"I think it's a bit mysterious!"

A Ji shook his head, then said:

"Seventh Uncle, the old fox, brought three hundred fully armed men to protect him this time, which can be called strict security!"

"Besides, will Uncle Qi be in the motorcade? Even if he is, then he is in that car?"

"Besides, the terrain here is so unique, I think Uncle Qi will definitely send someone to investigate in advance."

"There is nothing perfect in the world, we only have to kill by force," Wang Jianjun said, shaking his head.

"That's right! I have a plan!"

Wang Jianguo's eyes lit up suddenly and he said, "Brother, A Ji, we can play this trick!"

"What trick?"

A Ji and Wang Jianjun looked at Wang Jianguo and asked in unison.

"We are like this..." Wang Jianguo said, and told Wang Jianjun and A Ji his plan

"Yes, this plan is very good!" Wang Jianjun's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Yes, we can give it a try."

A Ji nodded, this is indeed a good way.

"Okay, let's do that!!"


The junction of Malaysia and Jinshanjiao.

"Hao Ji, where are you going?" Uncle Qi asked while looking at his daughter.

"There is Quanbo in front of us. After passing through Quanbo, we will enter Jinshanjiao."

Hao Ji, she is very beautiful, the most eye-catching are her two giant pandas...

She is the illegitimate daughter of Uncle Qi and a female drug lord in Malaysia.


Hearing this name, Uncle Qi felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Send someone to look ahead to see if there is any danger." Uncle Qi ordered his daughter Haoji

"Yes, father."

Although Hao Ji didn't know the reason, she carried out her father's orders to the letter.

Ten minutes later, Ma Tsai came to report that everything was safe ahead.

"Is there really nothing wrong?"

Hearing this, Uncle Qi calmed down a little: "I hope I think too much."

As he said that, Uncle Seven laughed at himself.

"Since there is no situation, let's go." Seventh Uncle said to Hao Ji Ha.

"Yes, father."

The team set off again.


But just when the convoy was less than one kilometer away from Quanbo, suddenly there was a huge explosion in front

"Jianguo, can you see if Uncle Qi is in the motorcade?"

On a hillside, the three of Wang Jianjun and the others were wearing camouflage uniforms, blending in with the surrounding environment.

Even if you look carefully, you can't see them.

"Brother, when the convoy stopped just now, I found someone reporting the situation to the black off-road vehicle in the middle"

"Although I didn't see Uncle Qi in person, I guess Uncle Qi is very likely to be in the car."

Wang Jianguo pointed to a black off-road vehicle in the convoy and said.

"Okay, get ready to act." Wang Jianjun heard this.

As soon as the words fell, he immediately set up his sniper rifle and aimed at the black off-road vehicle in the middle of the convoy.


This time Uncle Qi traveled, there were more than 40 vehicles in the fleet alone.

More than 300 armed personnel are basically concentrated behind the car in the middle.

In front, there are all black off-road vehicles.

At the moment when the two black off-road vehicles in front passed by, there was a sudden violent explosion.

In an instant, five black off-road vehicles were blown up.

"Defense! Defense!"

"Hurry up and protect the master and miss."

The moment the explosion sounded, Uncle Qi's subordinates immediately reacted.

Except for the two black off-road vehicles in front of them leaving at high speed, all the remaining vehicles stopped.

Hundreds of armed men quickly gathered around the car in the middle, and surrounded the car tightly.

Then, the sound of a sniper rifle came.

Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and A Ji directly attacked these people.

Wang Jianjun's sniper marksmanship has reached the point of perfection.

One shot at a time, almost within a minute, directly killed fifteen people.

Wang Jianguo was not bad either. Just when Wang Jianjun fired his gun, the AK47 in his hand began to shoot from a long distance.

A Ji on the other side was even more crazy. He shot one shot at a time, lying behind the boulder, facing straight.

"There are only three people on the other side. Immediately organize three groups of people to eliminate them." The mercenary leader responded the fastest.

The gunshots were the first to locate the positions of Wang Jianjun and others.

Afterwards, a five-man team from the mercenary side launched an attack in the direction of Wang Jianjun.

The other more than 300 armed members stayed in place to protect Uncle Qi without moving at all.

These international mercenaries may be very elite, but they are not enough for Wang Jianjun, Wang Jianguo and A Ji.

Wang Jianjun fired one shot at a time, and no mercenary could come within 300 meters of him.

His position was originally on the hillside next to him, and there was a wide area below, and the mercenaries didn't even have a place to hide.

In less than 5 minutes, dozens of armed men who rushed over were shot dead by Wang Jianjun.

Subsequently, Wang Jianjun began to point and kill the armed personnel protecting the vehicles.

Although Wang Jianguo was relatively close, when those mercenaries approached a distance of 100 meters, Wang Jianguo wiped them all out.

At this time, A Ji had quietly left, and touched behind them like a ghost...


Seeing this scene, the leader of the mercenary cursed inwardly.

He realized that these three people are definitely elite killers. 0

"Sa! Retreat!"

No one knew whether there were three of them, or maybe there was someone behind them.

When the enemy's situation is unknown, the best way now is to retreat.

As long as they return to the Malaysian border, they will be safe.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

At the same time, Hao Ji's order came from inside the car.

At this time, if they continue to fight, they will suffer.

It is better to choose to retreat directly.

Revenge has to wait until it is safe.

"The opponent is preparing to retreat."

Wang Jianjun judged the opponent's thoughts instantly through the scope.

In the next second, Wang Jianjun took out his walkie-talkie to contact A Ji:

"Aji, immediately, detonate the explosives behind!"

They had already planned it before, in order to prevent them from retreating and escaping from behind, just detonating the road would blow up.

At that time, they can only be besieged on this road.

On the way back they've sold mines!

Quan Bo!

Seventh uncle here.

"so close."

Uncle Qi looked at the blocked car behind him, and a burst of cold sweat broke out on his head.

"Withdraw, go back." Uncle Seven ordered to the driver.

Before that, Uncle Seven had quietly changed clothes and hid in the second car.

In this way, after the explosion, he successfully left the encirclement.


Suddenly, just two kilometers after they fled the scene, a gunshot rang out.

Before Qi Shu had time to react, he saw the driver's head was blown off the spot.

The next moment, the car in front did the same.

The driver was killed while driving at high speed, and the vehicle lost control in an instant.

After rolling over, it directly hit the mountain next to it.


Two violent explosions sounded!

The two flames directly engulfed the two cars.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, in the light of the fire, a fat and burning figure crawled out.

"Help, save me..." Qi Shuqiang struggled to get out.

"Uncle Seven!!"

At this moment, a shadow suddenly covered Uncle Qi.

"Who are you??"

Uncle Qi raised his head 0.7 with difficulty and looked at the other party.

"Brother Yi asked me to tell you, this is the end of being hostile to Jinxing." A Ji looked at Uncle Qi with a cold face.

As soon as the words fell, a short knife was pressed against Seventh Uncle's throat.

Brother Yi?


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