"Mr. Shen, we understand!" Everyone responded in unison.

"In addition, starting today, the headquarters will assign personnel to each hall."

"From now on, all talkers and leaders of the straw sandals will not be able to recruit younger brothers without authorization."

"All younger brothers must be recruited after a unified assessment sent by the club headquarters"

"Every new member who joins the club must be registered!" Xu Yi said lightly.

Everyone who spoke knew that Xu Yi directly cut off their recruitment rights, and all the younger brothers were recruited by the headquarters in the future.

Naturally, it is the wharf that worships the leader, so everyone will be the leader in the future.

Xu Yi's position will only become more and more stable.

The storytellers knew that the entire Hong Xing was Xu Yi's stage alone, and the others could only honestly act as his supporting roles.

More precisely, Xu Yi should be the director.

And everyone else is his actor, how he tells everyone to act, everyone will act!

Xu Yi went on to say: "Also, all the members in the club now have to register and make a register. I will give you half a month to complete this matter." "

"After half a month, I want to know how many people Hong Xing has!"

"Yes, Brother Yi!" Everyone said.

and Liansheng's headquarters.

A large number of messengers have gathered here, ready to fight.

The police have to guard against such large-scale activities of the association.

Big D was the first candidate to show up at the election.

He was still arrogant and invincible, as if he had already taken a seat in the restaurant.

The second one to arrive was Ale. He greeted the elder uncle amiably as he walked, very gentle and courteous.

It seems that they are not here to choose a restaurant, but to have a wedding banquet.

The youngest Jamie was also the last one to arrive, and he was also the most low-key one.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes, he sat down in his seat without saying a word.

Soon, it will be election time.

Since Dumbledore was killed, it was his turn to sit in the hall temporarily to speak.

He walked up to the stage and said:

"Brothers, today is the day when we and Liansheng will be elected as the speakers. Everyone knows the rules, so I won't talk nonsense."

"The elected person (Wang Wangzhao) must avenge Deng Bo. I have nothing else to say. Let the election begin!"

"Now there are three candidates, one is D, the chief executive officer of Tsuen Wan, the other is A Le, the chief executive of Jordan, and the last one is Zhan Mi, the boss of Yushan Street." After blowing chicken, he said directly :

"Whoever chooses the big D next, please raise your hand."

1 minute later.

"Whoever chooses Ale next, please raise your hand."

Finally, Chuiji said: "Next, please raise your hands if you are Zhan Mi!"

After the selection, not long after, a person handed a piece of paper to Chuck.

And everyone present turned their eyes to the paper in Chuiji's hand.

This piece of paper will determine how Liansheng will stay with Liansheng for the next two years.

Blowing Chicken looked carefully at the paper in his hand, with a confused and strange expression on his face, he said:

"Please ask the three candidates to leave first. We will discuss this result with each other."

Big D immediately became angry: "I'm so rambunctious, did you make a mistake?"

"If you choose it, you choose it. If you don't choose it, you don't choose it. What's the fuss about it?"

Blowing Chicken smiled bitterly and said: "Big D, I have never encountered this incident in my life. I believe that this kind of thing has never happened to He Liansheng since its establishment."

"So I have to discuss it with the elders. Please go out and wait for a while, and I will notify you after we have discussed it!"

Big D threatened and cursed a few more words, and then left after saying a few harsh words.

There are many senior disciples present today, no matter how strong Big D is, he dare not offend everyone at once.

A Le and Zhan Mi didn't say anything, and left the venue earlier than Big D.

Chapter 200 Agree or leave?Choose yourself!

After the three left, Chuiji and the other elders said:

"Everyone, there is really no way this time. The election result is big D, 21 votes, Ah Le, [-] votes, and Zhan Mi, [-] votes. Who do you think can be the seat?"

Dinosaur said: "A Le has the most votes, it must be A Le who is sitting in the restaurant!"

Chuanbao immediately said: "It does not comply with the election rules. Two candidates, one-on-one, can win with a simple majority. If three people are the triangular governor, then one of them must exceed half of the votes."

Guan Zisen, one of the veterans, also said: "The rumors are correct. The rules are set in this way. Now that the votes of the three people are not much different, announcing who wins will inevitably lead to civil strife, and no one can bear the responsibility."

After the dinosaur was killed and Guan Zisen said this, they didn't dare to talk about letting Ah Le sit in the restaurant, so they could only say: "What you said is also reasonable, but... what should we do in this situation?"

At this time, Chuck said: "Then we can only follow the rules. No one gets more than half of the votes, so we can only choose again."

"According to the rules, the person with the fewest votes in the second election will be eliminated, and then the two remaining people will be elected again. As long as there is one more vote, they can be elected directly. What do you think?" The elders present could only nod their heads in agreement. Streak election rules.

Although such a thing has never happened in the history of the winning streak, the rules have been established long ago.

A few minutes later, each elder with voting rights wrote down his or her favorite candidate on a piece of paper, and then handed it over to Chuck.

After counting the results, all the elders were stunned.

"A Le, 22 votes, Jimmy, 22 votes, Big D, [-] votes."

To the astonishment of all the veterans, it was Big D who was eliminated.

Blowing Chicken smiled bitterly and said: "Okay, the result is like this, who of you go out and tell Big D about the result?"

None of the veterans of Liansheng and Liansheng stood up and spoke up!

No one 667 dared to bear the monstrous anger of big D!

In the end, the three of Chuan Ji, Chuan Bao, and Guan Zisen went out together, and told Big D that he was the first to be eliminated.

"Say it again, you three old fellows?" Big D said coldly.

Chuanburo said: "Big D, the election result is like this. If you are not satisfied, there is nothing we can do. This is everyone's choice!"

Big D said angrily: "Bullshit choice, you old gangsters, I didn't give you money from Big D, you can't afford to buy every cemetery, now tell me that I didn't choose?" "Big D, calm down, wait for the next time, two years will be soon!"

Big D flicked the cigar he was biting on his mouth, and said:

"Zhou, that's what Deng Bo told me two years ago. I listened and let it go."

"Now, step on the horse and let me wait for two years, I will wait for you to paralyze!"

Big D waved his hand and shouted loudly:

"I won't play with you anymore, I want to establish Xinhe Liansheng, and weed out all of you old gangsters!

After finishing speaking, Big D turned around and left with his men.

Leaving Chuanji and Guanzisen behind, a few of them looked at each other in blank dismay.

"You all talk about it, what should we do now?" Chuanbo asked.

After thinking for a few seconds, Braggy said to the dinosaur and the fire bull:

"Dinosaur, Fire Bull, you go to Ale and Jamie respectively."

"Just tell them, whoever can be killed by Big D will be in the same room with Liansheng!"

Hearing what Chuanji said, Chuanbao, Huoxu, Dinosaur and others' eyes lit up, and they said in unison: "Good idea!

He Liansheng's election, as Xu Yi said, did not sit in the election!

After Big D returned to Tsuen Wan, he announced that Tsuen Wan Tangkou would leave Heliansheng and establish Xinhe Liansheng.

On the day when the separation and winning streak were announced, Big D sent people to play all of Ah Le's venues in Jordan!

There was chaos in the world!

In this chaos, after Xu Yi settled Hong Xing's re-division of the hall, he went to Haojiang.

The reason is very simple. Feng Zai called and said that He Sheng really wanted to have a talk with Xu Yi!

Feng Zai said that King Haojiang's attitude towards Hong Xing has undergone a 180-degree change, and he is no longer as hostile as before.

Xu Yi smiled slightly, he knew the reason!

The reason is also simple. The Golden Shark Group and Hongmen's forces have come to Haojiang, as well as the Sanlian Gang of Wandao, Donghu Gang, and even the Yamaguchi Group of Dongying.

If He Sheng didn't ask him to cooperate, would he have other options?

After all, although Hong Xing has a small number of people now, his influence in Xiangjiang Jianghu is undoubtedly the number one!

Haojiang, He Mansion, living room.

"Mr. Xu, we meet again."

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi in front of him and smiled, this time, He Sheng was very polite.

There was no more hostility like last time at the Mazu Temple.

He Sheng knew that within a year, the young man in front of him could change from a red stick in the Hongxing Society to a talker in Tongluowan, and then the leader of the Hongxing Society.

Later, he led the Hongxing Society to destroy the Shuifang, Changle Gang, and Zhongxinyi, making Hongxing the number one society in Xiangjiang.

All this in less than a year.

Thinking of this, He Sheng then said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, I have to repeat a sentence before!"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Mr. He, please tell me!"

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and said, "Mr. Xu, you are already a legend!"

After listening to He Sheng's words, Xu Yi shook his head and said:

"No, you are wrong! My legendary journey has just begun!"

He Sheng was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then looked at Xu Yi's young and handsome face and said with a smile:

"You are right, your legendary journey has indeed just begun!"

He then said: "Since you have fulfilled my request, I will also fulfill my promise to you!"

"Mr. Xu, you must be aware of the current situation in Haojiang." People from country M are here, people from Hongmen are here, and the clubs on the Bay Island are also here. You can't even feed them enough. "

"So it's very simple, I decided to cooperate with you, Hong Xing, and more importantly, hand over the underground forces in Haojiang to you to manage! Now is the time to fulfill my promise!"

Xu Yi's face was calm, without surprise. Long before coming, after telling him about Fengzi Haojiang's affairs, Xu Yi knew it in his heart!

Xu Yi looked at He Sheng and said with a smile, "Mr. He is a man who understands current affairs!"

He Sheng laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Xu, I just like your domineering (baah), I was like this when I was young!"

Xu Yi smiled slightly, waiting for him to finish.

After He Sheng took a sip of tea, he continued, "Mr. Xu, I heard that you recently set up a training base in Jinshanjiao?"

Xu Yi said with a smile: "Mr. He, your news is very well-informed. That's right, you made one. Hong Xing is so big and has so many enemies. You must train and train my subordinates!"

"Mr. Xu, your idea is right, but it is also very dangerous!" He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and said slowly.

Xu Yi didn't flinch from the look in He Sheng's eyes. He said, "Thank you, Mr. He, for your concern, but some things have to be done by someone. If you want to become a legend, you can't shrink back!"

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi's firm eyes, sighed and said, "It's nice to be young, it's nice to be young."

Then he said: "Mr. Xu, at six o'clock tonight, I will hold a banquet at the Sofitel restaurant. Most of the bosses of the three major associations in Haojiang will attend the banquet."

"Mr. Xu, if you want to be consistent with the outside world, you must be united. You should understand what I mean?"

"I understand!" Xu Yi nodded.

What He Sheng meant was nothing more than letting Xu Yi show up by himself to subdue the three bosses.

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