"I know you have a lot of dogs in your hand, and you don't lack these three!"

He Sheng laughed out loud after hearing Xu Yi's words, and then said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, from now on, the clubs in Haojiang will be under your command, and we will deal with the Golden Shark Group and Hongmen together."

Through Xu Yi's performance tonight, He Sheng saw four words in Xu Yi, killing decisively!

This is a must-have condition for success!

And He Sheng used Beng Yaju and the three of them to test Xu Yi again!

Next, He Shengzai and Xu Yi sat down to eat again,

After eating, He Sheng asked Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, did you really not hesitate at all when you dealt with the three of them just now?

Xu Yi looked at He Sheng and said with a smile, "This is my confidence in myself, and also in you!"

He Sheng understood what Xu Yi meant.

Xu Yi wants to be the real controller, not a Mr. Xu in name.

In fact, today's dinner was deliberately arranged by him.

He just wanted to see how Xu Yi would deal with them.Obviously, Xu Yi used the most decisive and efficient method.It was also a way to make He Sheng very satisfied.

"Xu Yi, later on you will see the real boss in Haojiang Jianghu"

"As long as they agree with you, then Haojiang Jianghu will agree with you!" He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and said slowly.

After Xu Yi heard He Sheng's words, he didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

After a few minutes, the box was tidied up.

Then, the three old men walked into the compartment.

He Sheng was about to introduce these three people to Xu Yi, and Xu Yi waved his hand and said:

"Mr. He, you don't need to introduce, I don't want to know who they are!"

Afterwards, Xu Yi stood up and looked at the three old men and said slowly:

"From now on, Haojiang is my business! Which one of you agrees and who opposes?"

Xu Yi's strength made the three old men unable to react at once.

Why do they feel as if they are begging this young man.

Let him be the boss of these people?

At this time, one of them immediately said:

"Xu Yi, we just came here to save face for Mr. He"

"If it wasn't for Mr. He, based on what you said just now, you would have been sunk into Haojiang Port

Xu Yi said lightly: "There were three people who refused to accept it just now, and they will spend the rest of their lives in wheelchairs from now on!"

Another person said to He Sheng: "Mr. He, what is going on?"

He Sheng said with a smile: "I don't want to get involved in Jianghu affairs now, and Mr. Xu will make the decision in the future!"

"Let Hongxing's people decide, Mr. He, are you kidding?"

"Is he a Xiangjiang native to make decisions for us in Haojiang?" The man continued to ask.

Just as He Sheng was about to speak, Xu Yi had already said to the three of them:

"Do you think you have the ability to be my Xu Yi's men? In my opinion, you can only be my dogs!"

"Arrogance!" The three said in unison.

"The people from Hongxing will come to collect your trash tonight!"

"If you take the initiative, you may suffer less pain!" Xu Yi looked at the three of them and said slowly.

"Boy, we're waiting!"

After the three of them finished talking, they said to He Sheng:

"Mr. He, you have seen this, but he took the initiative to provoke, we can only fight!

Afterwards, the three of them left the Sofitel restaurant quickly.

After the three left, He Sheng looked at Xu Yi quietly and said:

"Xu Yi, I really didn't expect you to be so courageous." Seven.

Chapter 202 Hong Xing's Crisis!

He Sheng understood what Xu Yi meant, he wanted to clean the rivers and lakes of Haojiang thoroughly.

Let dozens of associations, big and small, in Haojiang become his lackeys alone, Xu Yi!

Of course, it is extremely difficult to do this successfully!

He Sheng hasn't done it for decades.

In fact, He Sheng also formed an alliance with the three major families of Haojiang to achieve his current achievements.

The three major families in Haojiang are Li Yizeng, the head of the Li family, Su Chengkui, the head of the Su family, and Zhang Qilin, the head of the Zhang family.

The three that Xu Yi saw just now were the heads of the three major families in Haojiang.

For He Sheng, now is also his moment of crisis.

Because he had received news from various channels long ago, the Golden Shark Group had already contacted these Patriarchs in private.

Hongmen, on the other hand, was in contact with all associations in Haojiang.

For a long time, Hongmen has been one of the allies of the Golden Shark Group.

Another ally is the Hey Hands.

And the big benefactor of the Golden Shark Group is the notorious but secretive Freemasonry.

The Golden Shark Group is a giant in the world's gaming industry, and He Sheng's gaming kingdom is nothing compared to the Golden Shark Group.

Because of the imminent crisis, He Sheng chose to cooperate with Xu Yi in desperation.

Because now Xu Yi has 7 casinos in Haojiang, which is the second most power in Haojiang with casinos.

No matter how you look at it, He Sheng has no choice.

He wants to drive away tigers and wolves, but does Xu Yi not know his thoughts?

Xu Yi looked at He Sheng and said, "Mr. He, I know that your dogs are likely to bite you "[-]", but it is very easy to deal with them!!"

After Xu Yi said this, he stood up and said, "Mr. He, I'll take a step first!

"Also, Haojiang may be a bit chaotic in the coming days, please Mr. He be mentally prepared!"

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi's leaving back, all kinds of thoughts came to his mind, and his face was complicated.

at the same time.

Hong Kong.

In a six-story building next to Saigon Pier.

Jamie is sitting in his office.

Guilao Lin looked at Jamie in front of him with a smile and said:

"Zhan Mi, last time we earned 1000 million Hong Kong paper, the two of us will get half of it."

Zhan Mi was overjoyed when he heard Guilao Lin's words.

In just eight days, he earned 500 million, which is faster than printing money!

He smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin for your support!"

Guilao Lin laughed and said, "Now we are good friends and good brothers, what are you talking about so politely?"

Then he said, "By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

Zhan Mi hurriedly said, "Brother Lin, what's the matter?"

"It's like this, you gave me 1000 million Hong Kong papers as your principal last time, right?" Ghost Lin asked and Jimmy nodded, and at the same time his heart tightened.

The 1000 million Hong Kong papers are also made by him by selling pots and irons!

In case something goes wrong...

Seeing Zhan Mi's nervous expression, Guilao Lin laughed loudly and said:

"Haha, don't be nervous, it's nothing serious"

Hearing Guilao Lin's words, Zhan Mi's nervousness eased, and he said with some embarrassment

"Brother Lin, I borrowed many of those things, I have to be nervous!"

Guilao Lin waved to Zhan Mi to indicate that he was fine, and then said:

"We are going to feed the goods again. I think I won't settle the bill with you this time, and your money will be directly used as the principal."

"We are making an order this month, and we will pay dividends after the completion. What do you think?"

Immediately afterwards, Guilao Lin added:

"Of course, Zhan Mi, if you don't feel at ease, it doesn't matter if I pay you the money first!"

After hesitating for a while, Zhan Mi gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Lin, make another payment and settle the bill later."

Ghost Lin laughed and said, "Don't worry, Zhan Mi, I won't cheat anyone if I cheat you!"

Zhan Mi smiled and said, "Of course I believe Brother Lin!"

Afterwards, Guilao Lin clapped his hands, and a boy came in carrying two large suitcases.

After putting the box on the ground, he left.

"Brother Lin, what is this?" Jamie asked suspiciously.

"Zhanmi, open it and have a look!" Ghost Lin Mi said.

After Zhan Mi opened the box suspiciously, Zhan Mi was shocked immediately.

Inside the box were thousands of yuan bills, which were so green that Jimmy's eyes were dazzled.

Guilao Lin then opened another box, which turned out to be a box of Hong Kong Paper.

Zhan Mi raised his head and asked Gui Lao Lin Dao: "Brother Lin, what are you playing?"

Ghost Lin patted Jimmy on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Zhan Mi, just now was my test for you. You know, the most important thing in our business is trust. If you didn't perform well just now, then our cooperation will be lost!" Hearing this, Zhan Mi sighed inwardly. .

He actually wondered if Guilao Lin was greedy for his money just now, and it was only that sliver of greed that made him agree to Guilao Lin's proposal.

He just wants to earn more, not because he believes in Gui Lao Lin.

Zhan Mi said: "Brother Lin, how can I not believe it?"

"Zhan Mi, just trust me!" Ghost Lin said lightly.

"But don't embarrass me on your side!"

Zhan Mi heard Guilao Lin's words and hurriedly said:

"Brother Lin, if you have anything to do, just tell me! I will do what I can!"

Guilao Lin took a deep look at Zhan Mi, and then said, "Do you still remember the leader He who came last time?"

Jimi nodded.

"Leader He will come to Xiangjiang in a few days. I told him last time that you are sitting with Liansheng. This time he will definitely check whether you are really sitting with Liansheng!"

"So, you have to be a seater before Leader He comes to Xiangjiang!" Ghost Lin looked at Zhan Mi and said seriously.

"This..." Zhan Mi was a little embarrassed.

"What is this? If you offend Leader He, we won't have to do business in the future." Ghost Lin said loudly.

Zhan Mi's face changed three times in a second, and finally he gritted his teeth and said:

"Brother Lin, in fact, the war between us and Liansheng has ceased. Big D, me, and Ale can't take the position for the time being."

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