Zhou Wei didn't know for the time being that Mo Luobing was beaten into a vegetable by Luo Tianhong last night!

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, Li Yizeng, Su Chengkui, and Zhang Qilin did not announce the serious injuries of Beng Yaju Zeng, Jie Shiwei, and Mo Luobing to the public.

Zhou Wei also scoffed at Li Yizeng's order.

He thinks Hong Xing's rise is good luck, and it was in Xiangjiang.

If he was in Haojiang, he would have beaten him to the ground long ago!

In fact, Zhou Wei is also very dissatisfied with Li Yizeng. He thinks there is no point in being someone else's dog.

If he is allowed to be the boss, he must get rid of the control of others and truly be his own master!

At this time, a man in a black windbreaker entered the casino with a long sword on his shoulder.

This person is Luo Tianhong.

Behind him were dozens of members of the battle hall who were also wearing black trench coats and holding various cold weapons.

After Luo Tianhong entered the door, he said loudly: "People watching the scene get out quickly, I am very busy."

After Zhou Wei heard what Luo Tianhong said, he stood up and said with a smile:

"H, so it's Hong Xing's dog! It's barking early in the morning, it's really noisy!"

At this time, Zhou Wei, a horse boy, whispered:

"Viagra, do you want to tell people from other venues to come and help?"

In fact, what the young man said was also Li Yizeng's order.

Li Yizeng, Su Chengkui, and Zhang Qilin judged that it was impossible for Xu Yi to send many people to Haojiang.

So their plan is to be attacked a bit and support more!

Surround the people sent by Hong Xing to death in one place!

As long as you can win, so what if you bully the few with more?

But Zhou Wei didn't bother to do this, he knocked the little brother to the ground with a slap, and shouted

"H, you are paralyzed. If I see people from other places here today, I will be the first to kill you!"

"You are shameless, I want shame!"

Afterwards, Zhou Wei walked up to Luo Tianhong with his pony, and said with a sneer:

"Boy, I don't care who you are, remember! My name is Zhou Wei!"

Luo Tianhong looked at Zhou Wei and said coldly: "Noisy!!"

As soon as the voice fell, he raised his sword and attacked Zhou Wei!

Zhou Wei laughed loudly and said, "Good job!"

With the confrontation between Luo Tianhong and Zhou Wei, the Moon City Casino suddenly turned into a battleground between the Hongxingshe Battle Hall and the Haojiang Number Gang!

This also represents the official start of the war between Hongxing and Haojiang's three major associations!

When the Hongxing Club and the three major clubs of Haojiang were fighting, Xu Yi was drinking morning tea with He Sheng.

"Xu Yi, don't you feel nervous about the time?" He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and said with a smile.

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "It's just a trivial matter, as long as you are neutral, I can tame them!"

Xu Yi took a sip of matcha and said, "I don't think they can win, they have experienced too few battles, maybe Haojiang has been peaceful for too long!

After listening to Xu Yi's words, He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Mr. Xu, I know this is the difference between Haojiang Jianghu and Xiangjiang Lake."

Although He Sheng seems to be neutral, his neutrality is on Xu Yi's side!

Because this is an unfair war.

For Xu Yi, this was just a small battle, and if he lost, it would be a big deal to try again.

As for the three major families of Haojiang and the associations they sponsored, that would be a complete end.

If they lose, it means that they can only be Xu Yi's dogs in the future!

Since then, there has been no chance to stand up and be a human being!

If He Sheng was on the side of the three major families in Haojiang, it would definitely not be so easy for Xu Yi to take down Haojiang.

Because when the time comes, what he will face is the King of Haojiang, the official government of the Haojiang Colony!

This is a force that Xu Yi cannot defeat for the time being.

In the Moon City Casino, members of the Hongxing Society have already fought with members of the Number Gang.

Luo Tianhong didn't use his boxing skills, but directly used his Eight-faced Han Sword, because Xu Yi had ordered him to fight quickly.

Zhou Wei's weapon is a machete, and this knife is matched with his burly figure, just like an ancient general.

It can be seen that Zhou Wei's sword skills have been practiced before, and the needles of the sword dance in his hand can't be inserted, and the water can't be splashed.

Within a few minutes, he and Luo Tianhong fought to a close.

But his horse is far from it.

They are just punks, and they usually kill people only because of the large number of people.

Now when they encounter professionally trained people like Zhantang, they can be said to be on the verge of collapse.

After hacking several people to death, those horse boys were frightened and ran away one after another...

Seeing this, Zhou Wei was so angry that he shouted loudly:

"Let's all step on the horse and come back to Lao Tzu! How many people are Hong Xing, and how many people are there!"!A bunch of cowards! "

When he was distracted, Zhou Wei suddenly felt a chill on his wrist.

Then he saw Luo Tianhong's eight-faced Han sword cut off the palm of his hand holding the knife.

Then, before he had time to cry out in pain, Luo Tianhong's figure flashed, and a sword cut off his calf again.

Zhou Wei immediately lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground.

, ah ah ah ah,

Zhou Wei couldn't help howling in pain.

It's just not over yet, and then he felt a pain in his stomach...

A sharp knife pierced his stomach, and as the sharp knife was pulled away, Zhou Wei passed out directly

After Luo Tianhong pulled out the Eight-faced Han Sword from Zhou Wei's body, he said loudly:

"Go, go to the next scene!"

Following Zhou Wei's fall, the morale of the others immediately collapsed.

It's all packed in less than 5 minutes!

Every boy has his tendons broken by the members of the battle hall to ensure that they have no ability to fight again!

Ten minutes later, Luo Tianhong led the members of the writing hall to leave the Sun City Casino and headed to the next venue.

The three major associations in Haojiang, almost all the casinos are like Moon City.

Not long after Ma Zai and Hong Xing's men fought, they were defeated and dispersed.

However, the most intense battle took place in the Portuguese Casino! .

Chapter 204 Unify the Haojiang Jianghu! ! !

After a team of 100 people from Zhantang came to Puji Casino.

A total of [-] horsemen from the three major clubs in Haojiang poured in and besieged Hong Xing's people together.

This also means that there are only 100 members of the Hongxing Battle Hall, and they have to face the siege of more than 2000 people.


In this battle, the battle hall completely broke the backbone of the three major associations in Haojiang.

Make them sober up that they are vulnerable in front of Hong Xing!

The three major families in Haojiang finally had to kneel down and submit to Hong Xing and Xu Yi.

After the battle, ten croupiers of Portuguese Casino were scared and sent to the mental hospital!

According to the eyewitnesses present, the blood on the ground of Puji Casino gathered into a stream...

In the end, there were only ten members of the Hundred Hongxing Battle Hall who came out of the Puji Casino.

And these ten people, without exception, were promoted to Shuanghonghua stick by Xu Yi on the spot, and they were all talkers.

Li Yizeng, Su Chengkui, and Zhang Qilin kept receiving calls all morning.

The contents of the calls were the same, and they were all news that the venue had been smashed and the horse boy had been beheaded.

At the beginning, the three of them would ask about their own casualties and Hong Xing's casualties.

After asking for a while, they stopped asking, and finally didn't even answer the phone.

They really couldn't stand such a huge blow!

When his subordinates ran in and told them about the situation at Puji Casino, the psychological defenses of Li Yizeng, Su Chengkui, and Zhang Qilin collapsed completely!

2000 people played against 100 people, and they were all defeated!

Faced with this kind of result, they realized that their resistance was like a praying mantis blocking the car in front of Xu Yi!

Only then did they understand the meaning of the disdain in Xu Yi's eyes looking at them!

It turned out that in Xu Yi's eyes, they were just a joke!

Li Yizeng said blankly: "You two, what should we do now?"

Su Chengkui said bitterly: "What else can I do? If you lose, then admit defeat!"

"If the calls continue, there will be no number gangs, no water houses, and no big circle gangs in Haojiang!"

After hearing Su Chengkui's words, Li Yizeng asked Zhang Qilin:

"Qilin, what's your opinion? What should we do in the future'"?"

Zhang Qilin walked to the window sill and said with a sad smile: "We lost, we lost completely!"

The subject changed, and he said: "I, Zhang Qilin, have been a dog for so many years, and now I can't be a dog for a second.

"Two, I'll go first!"

Afterwards, Zhang Qilin jumped out of the window and jumped down from the nine-story building, ending his life!

Su Chengkui and Li Yizeng looked at each other!

Su Chengkui smiled wryly: "I've been the dog of the He family for more than ten years, so what if I'll be the dog of the Xu family for more than ten years!

Li Yizeng shook his head and said with a sad smile: "We lost, the three of us united and lost completely!"

At this time, the two of them knew the true meaning of sitting in the well and watching the sky.

They are the toads in the well, and Xu Yi is the sky above them!

In the afternoon of that day, He Fu in Haojiang.

Xu Yi and He Sheng are sitting here drinking tea, waiting for news from the three major families.

Soon, the butler knocked on the door outside the study and said:

"Mr. He, Li Yizeng is calling!"

Hearing this, He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and said with a smile:

"Congratulations, Mr. Xu!"

Xu Yi stood up and said, "Thank you, Mr. He!"

Although they haven't answered the phone yet, both He Sheng and Xu Yi already know who the final winner of this war is!

Xu Yi continued: "Mr. He, the food in that restaurant last night was good, please tell me that I will eat there tonight!"

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, I will definitely tell you!"

At eight o'clock that night, Xu Yi and Luo Tianhong were eating at the Sofitel restaurant.

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