This indifferent man is A Ji.

"I want you to kill two people, and Liansheng Tsuen Wan District Spokesman D and Jordan District Spokesperson Lin Huaile." Zhan Mi said to A Ji.

"100 million Hong Kong papers per person, first pay a deposit of 50 Hong Kong papers!" A Ji said coldly on the phone.

Chapter 210 One Family Dominates!

Jimmy took out the checkbook, wrote down a number, handed it to A Ji and said:

"This is a bearer check from Standard Chartered Bank, you can get cash when you see the check!"

A Ji didn't accept Jimmy's check, but slapped his hands.

The next moment, a man walked out of the room, took Jimmy's check and walked out.

Zhan Mi knew that this man must have gone to withdraw the money, and he would not be able to return for a while.

Looking at the environment of this rotten house, he asked A Ji:

"Your place... is too old, isn't it?"

"If you don't mind, I have a hotel on Yushan Street, or..."

"Shut up!" Aji said coldly.

Jamie shut up immediately!

After waiting for an hour and a half, the check checker came back, and he said to A Ji:

"Boss, the check is fine!"

After looking at the colorful Hong Kong papers in his bag, A Ji nodded and said to Jimmy:

"You can go back and wait for the news. Two days later, the two people you bought are definitely dead.

Hearing this, Zhan Mi smiled slightly and said:

"Okay, then I'll trouble you!"

After speaking, Jimmy turned and left.

Seeing the figure of Jimmy leaving, A Ji took the big brother handed over by his subordinates, and said:

"Alin, I want information! Act at night!"

"Okay, thank you, Ji!" A call came from Ghost Lin!

After A Ji hung up the phone, 667 then looked at a dark room next to him and asked, "Have you got all the pictures?" A man came out of a dark room full of waste products next to him, and replied, "Brother Ji, It's all done!" Hearing this, A Ji rarely smiled.

Jordan block, food stalls.

"Hi Brother Le!"

"Hi Brother Le!"

When Ah Le walked with his younger brother, "some vendors on the side of the road greeted him, and Ah Le smiled.

And beside A Le, there were four tall and burly bodyguards.

He has been fighting too hard recently, and what A Le is most worried about is that Big D will assassinate him.

So he, who has always been a loner, also brought two red sticks with him.

A Le walked to a food stall, sat directly next to an old man, and then said, "Uncle Blowing Chicken, I'm sorry to keep you waiting!"

"Ale, you are here!" Chuiji said with a smile.

A Le's four bodyguards sat aside, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

"Ale, it's really not an option to fight like this. He and Liansheng really can't stand the internal strife. We are all anxious, so they asked me to persuade you." Chuiji said to Ale with confidence.

After hearing this, Ale shook his head and said:

"It's useless for anyone to mediate as long as you don't know who it is after sitting in the court for a day. In fact, I don't want to fight!"

"I know what you elders think, but the current situation is not something that can be stopped just by saying stop. Last time, Big D and I talked about a truce, but that boy Jimmy suddenly lost his temper... ...What do you say?"

After a pause, Ale continued:

"Those of you who have the right to vote should make up your mind to choose me as the seat. When the time comes, I will win over one of them, and the other will disappear, and everyone will regard peace as the most important thing."

Hearing what Ale said, Chuiji shook his head and said:

"A Le, if only it was that easy, not to mention whether Big D will listen to you, even if he listens to you, Jimmy will not let it go, he spent a lot of money.

"If you sit in the hall at that time, he will break away from the winning streak and become the enemy of winning streak, and it will be difficult to deal with in the future."

After hearing this, Ale spread his hands and said, "What is Zhanmi? Isn't it just a straw sandal? Could it be that he can't transfer without Liansheng?"

Blowing chicken persuaded: "A Le, you can't say that, now the winning streak is not as good as before.

"Xiangjiang Jianghu is now dominated by the Hongxing family, and we all know it very well."

"With Hong Xing watching, no matter if Big D or Zhan Mi walks away, we and Lian Sheng can't afford it!"

"If Hong Xing attacked us at that time, even if you became the host, you would not be able to sit still, and you might even be the last one!"

Ah Le didn't answer after hearing this, but crossed his hands.

He naturally understood what he said.

But it was impossible for him to give up his seat, and he spent most of his savings.

If you give up, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?

Both Big D and Zhan Mi have invested a lot in this campaign, and they are unable to make up for (baah) the loss he gave up.

After thinking for a minute, Ale said:

"Since you can't be sure about sitting in the hall, what do you elders think?"

"Our opinion is that this year we don't choose to sit in the hall, and we will leave it empty, and we will talk about it in two years!" Chuiji said lightly.

Hearing what Chuiji said, Ah Le said in disbelief:

"Uncle Blowing Chicken, how can the association not sit in the hall? Isn't it a mess without sitting in the hall?"

Blowing Chicken shook his head and smiled wryly: "We also know, but doing so can calm down the internal evidence, and it can last for at least two years."

A Le thought for half a minute, and said:

"Well, Uncle Blowing Chicken, if Big D and Jamie are willing to cease fighting, I am also willing to cease fighting. It will not benefit anyone if the fight continues."

Hearing what Ale said, Chuiji breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

"Ale, you still care about the overall situation, I'll go and talk to them right now!"

Blowing Chicken drank half a bottle of beer, and then left the night snack stand.

Ah Le's face was uncertain, he thought of the money he had spent, and the brothers he lost in the battle with Big D and Ah Le.

Just a few minutes after Chuiji left, a man with an indifferent appearance walked into the supper stand.

He is A Ji.

But just as he walked over, he was stopped by Ah Le's leading horse, Ah Hu, who said:

"Boy, this place is reserved, go to another place!"

After A Ji glanced at the bodyguard, he turned and left.

The bodyguards didn't care when they saw A Ji leave.

But at this moment, A Ji turned around suddenly, and with lightning speed, he inserted the dagger that suddenly appeared in his hand into the chest of a bodyguard!

Then with a twist and a pull, the bodyguard died on the spot!

Before the others could react, A Ji had already pounced on A Le.

Just when the bodyguard drew his gun, A Ji had already put a dagger across A Le's neck.

"Paralysis, step on your horse and let Brother Le go, or I'll kill you!"

"" Let go of Brother Le!hurry up! "You are paralyzed! ' the bodyguards yelled.

A Ji looked at the bodyguards coldly, he hid his body well behind A Le

Make it impossible for those bodyguards with guns to shoot him!

At this time, a strange sneer appeared on his face.

The short knife stuck to Ah Le's throat, and began to use force slowly!

But the bodyguards did not dare to shoot because they were afraid of throwing rats.

"I"!What are you doing standing there, shoot!Hurry up..." Ale roared wildly!

Before he finished speaking, Aji cut hard with his hand holding the dagger...

Blood rush!

In the next second, A Ji jumped out, turned a street corner, and disappeared!

"Ah ah ah ah ah"

Ah Le clutched his neck and wanted to speak but because his vocal cords were cut off, he could only make ah ah ah ah.

"Hurry up, send Brother Le to the hospital!" His leading horse cried.

Suddenly, Ale seemed to be shining like a flash of light.

With his right hand, he wrote a word forcefully on the ground with his own blood.

Chapter 211 The Death of Big D!

It's just that when Ah Le was about to write the second word, his hands were already weak.

"Brother Le!"

"Brother Le!"

Ah Le's three boys shouted.

Later, they saw the character written by A Le, ~ is the character for 'er'.

On the road one mile away from the supper stand, there was an off-road vehicle parked.

Aji ran to the off-road car and drove away!

On the off-road vehicle, the younger brother who was driving said to A Ji: "Brother Ji, go to the next place?"

A Ji nodded, and then began to change clothes.

at the same time.

Tsuen Wan.

At Big D's house, Changbo was talking to Big D.

"Big D, if you continue to fight like this and win consecutive victories, the three of you will lose them all."

"How fierce is Hong Xing's Xu Yi now? If you continue to fight among yourself, don't wait for Hong Xing to fight. You can just... stop the war first?"

"Hmph, you people are so old, wouldn't it be good to take care of your life? Or go to have a sunset gun? You have to come out and do something."

"Back then, they chose my big D to sit in the restaurant to talk about things, wouldn't the world be peaceful?" Big D bit his cigar and said disdainfully.

"Hey, Big D, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, you were not selected in the first place, because Dumbledore had already chosen Ale, and now that he is dead, you have a chance!" Said explosively.

""Don't tell me about that old dude Dun Bo"

"If that old guy hadn't been targeting me all the time, my big D would have been sitting on the sidelines for a long time, and Lian Sheng wouldn't be what he is now!" Big D said angrily.

Chuanbo was stunned after hearing what Big D said, and then persuaded:

"Big D, Deng Bo is dead now, the dead are the big ones... and you are too, you are doing a great job in Tsuen Wan now, what are you doing as a sitter?

"Look at that brat, who has been sitting in the restaurant for two years, and the poor concubines can't afford to support them, and they all ran away with others."

"You have been going smoothly for the past few years. In my opinion, your best choice now is to give up..."


Before the series of explosive words fell, Big D slapped the table fiercely, and roared:

"Mouth, it's a joke, I called you uncle when I stepped on the horse to give you face, and you stepped on the horse and put your nose in the face!"

"The horse-riding, and the winning streak, my big D is settled this time. Whoever persuades me to give up, I will beat him!"

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