"You Hongxing are amazing, but you have the ability to make Xiangjiang's phone call impossible??" Another person said.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and said with a smile:

"Of course we can't do it in the whole Xiangjiang, but we can block the phone signal here!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try to make a call!"

As soon as Han Bin's voice fell, those who were talking to Lian Sheng took out their mobile phones one by one.

Suddenly, they found that none of their calls could be made!

Han Bin smiled and said: "This is the latest technology product in the world, if none of you read books, how can you understand it?

After listening to Han Bin's words, Lian Shengzhong's speaker was at a loss and put down the big brother in his hand.

Chuan Bao walked over to Han Bin and said:

"Han Bin, if you have the guts, you will kill us and Liansheng's people."

"You want us and Lian Sheng to surrender to you Hong Xing? Go ahead and dream!".

Chapter 214 If you want to do it, be a worldwide club!

Han Bin smiled and said: "You are called blowing chicken, right? Is there anyone listening to you talking with Lian Sheng?"

"Your wife doesn't listen to you, she ran away with you?!"

Then, Han Bin clapped his hands, and soon the people from Hongxing Main Hall brought in several large suitcases.

After Han Bin opened the suitcase, he and Liansheng's people found that the suitcase was full of green Hong Kong papers.

"Mr. Xu regards peace as the most important thing, and he doesn't want swords and swords. Now I will give you an hour to think about it!"

"Hong Xing's plan is like this, you and Lian Sheng's straw sandals will get 20 severance pay, the veteran will get 30 severance pay, and the speaker will get 50 severance pay."

"Those who are willing to be dismissed, take the money and leave, we will not hunt down and kill those who don't want to take the money..."

Han Bin paused, put away his smile, and said coldly, "Let's bury Baibai and Liansheng!"


As soon as the words fell, everyone in Liansheng and Liansheng turned pale with shock, and then someone shouted:

"H will kill Lao Tzu if he has the guts. I will never take this kind of money!"

"That's right! Those who come out to mess around, whoever rides on the horse will have two shoulders and one head! If you want to fight, you can fight!

Han Bin was not angry, but lit a cigar and watched quietly, waiting!

There were a few who were about to move, and were immediately knocked out by the members of the battle hall.

The fierce skills of the members of the battle hall shocked everyone on the spot!

10 minutes passed and no one claimed the money!

Three and 10 minutes passed, and no one claimed the money!

At 10 minutes, a middle-aged man walked up tremblingly.

"Someone agreed.

"" Taro Shun, what are you going to do? "The person next to the middle-aged man pulled him and shouted angrily.

"Brother Hu, I can't help it either. My wife died early and I have a nine-year-old son at home."

"What will happen to my son if I die?"

After Yatou Shun finished speaking, he broke free from the pull of his boss, Brother Hu, and walked directly to the pile of Hong Kong papers.

Han Bin took the cigar out of his mouth, looked at Yatou Shun and smiled slightly, took out 30 Hong Kong papers from the big suitcase, handed it to Yutou Shun, and said with a smile:

"My family's leader said, the first thing is to give an extra [-] Hong Kong paper, and spend it."

"Thank you, thank you leader Hong Xing!"

Taro took the money and walked out of the main hall with Liansheng without looking back.

As for the first one of Taro Shun, there is the second and the third...

Slowly, people took money from Han Bin one after another and left.

In the beginning, those talkers and elders would block it.

But more and more people are taking money, and public outrage is hard to come by, so they dare not stop it!

At this time, Guan Zisen, one of the elders, also walked towards Han Binchu, shouting loudly:

"Guanzisen, what do you mean by riding a horse?""

Guan Zisen turned back and sneered at Chuanji: "Chuiji, I want to live a few more years and play with more women, it's that simple!

Then, he took 30 Hong Kong papers and left quickly!

Guan Zisen's actions greatly encouraged those half-hearted people.

Those people didn't feel embarrassed any more, they took the money and left one by one, and they no longer lowered their heads, but held their heads high...

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chuiji sat down on the ground, let out a long sigh, and choked up:

"Hundred years and Liansheng, it's really over!"

The next day, the news of the disbandment of Centenary and Liansheng shocked the Xiangjiang River and Lake.

He Liansheng was founded in [-] and has stood in Xiangjiang for [-] years.

To a large extent, it has become a part of Xiangjiang Jianghu, no one would have thought that it would disappear!

Hongxing headquarters meeting room!

Xu Yi looked at the Twelve Speakers and said:

"This time, Abin did a good job in winning and winning without bloodshed. He must be rewarded."

Han Bin stood up and said, "Brother Yi, it's all thanks to you, I'm just doing some last things, it's not worth mentioning!"

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "Abin, meritorious deeds are meritorious. Distinct rewards and punishments have always been my style!"

After a pause, Xu Yi said:

"I decided to let Han Bin take the position of Hong Xing's deputy leader. Is there any objection?"

Where would anyone object at the scene... Unanimously passed!

"Since everyone agrees, I declare that you will look to him for the daily affairs of the club in the future."

"We will return in ten months. We, Hongxing, must speed up our transformation. If we want to take the initiative to transform, I will shift my focus to business. Of course, I will still take care of the major affairs of the club!

"In the future, I may give up Hong Xing as the leader, but not yet."

"Okay, today's meeting ends here first, Abin, the prince stays, and the others can leave!"

In fact, in the past few months, Xu Yi has handed over the daily affairs of the association to Han Bin.

Han Bin is absolutely loyal to himself, has the ability to manage the club, and is cautious in doing things, which is by no means comparable to Chen Haonan's ilk.

As a time traveler, Xu Yi certainly knew the situation of Xiangjiang Club after the handover.

Instead of passively transforming at that time, it is better to take the initiative to occupy a favorable position.

This time, the poor guys turned a blind eye to the success and winning streak.

They had so many undercover agents and informants, and Hong Xing's actions were so big, they didn't know that it was a fake policeman, and the biggest reason why they ignored it was that Xu Yi helped them transform these clubs in Xiangjiang.Make social security better.

Such things as disbandment and winning streak, Xiangjiang's scouts will never be able to do it.

And Xu Yi did it easily!

in the office.

Xu Yi smiled at the prince and said:

"Prince, will you be upset if I let Abin be the deputy leader?"

The prince smiled and said:

"It's nothing, brother Yi, Abin's brain is easy to use, he is more suitable to be the deputy leader than me!"

"If you want me to be the deputy leader, I will have a big head!"

Xu Yi nodded, and then said to Han Bin:

"Abin, I will go to Jinshanjiao in two days. You have to do a good job at the stall at home, understand?"

Han Bin respectfully said: "Brother Yi, I understand!" "

Then, Xu Yi said to the prince and Han Bin:

"Now I have a plan, and I want to ask the two of you for your opinion."

The crown prince and Han Bin said in unison: "Brother Yi, tell me!"

"For Hongxing to transform, there are two major things that must be done."

"The first is to continue bleaching, increase investment in legitimate industries, and become a listed company to let everyone know that we are really transforming and playing for real!"

"The second is to develop outward and expand Hongxing's global influence."

"What do you two think?" Xu Yi asked.

After thinking for a while, the prince said to Xu Yi:

"Brother Yi, I am in favor of expansion with both hands. Hong Xing is going to be a worldwide club. I am excited just thinking about it!"

Han Bin said with some concern:

"Brother Yi, expansion is a good thing, but the challenge is also great. Now Xiangjiang still has powerful associations such as the Viper Gang, Xinji, Number Gang, and Chaozhou Gang."

"I think it's better to settle the Xiangjiang matter first, and then think about the expansion. Of course, this is my personal opinion. Brother Yi, you make the final decision. No matter what decision I make, I will stick to it (Wang Qian's)!"

The prince didn't take it seriously and said: "The current associations in Xiangjiang are nothing, we have won Lian Sheng and Zhong Xinyi.

"Anyway, I just remember one thing. Brother Yi leads us Hong Xing. In a word, we are invincible in the world!"

Tai Zai is full of blind faith in Xu Yi!

After hearing what Han Bin and the prince said, Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Prince, what Abin said makes sense!"

"However, it is necessary to plan in advance. Xiangjiang's territory is too small to accommodate my ambition."

"Actually, I have a preliminary idea now, but I still need to think about it.

"Well, let's talk about it after I come back from Jinshanjiao this time."

"In any case, the reform of the association must be pushed forward. You must first change the inherent ideas in your mind.

"In a word, the association needs to be managed as a company, so I decided that the first step is to develop welfare housing!" Xu Yi said.

Welfare housing?

Hearing these three words, the crown prince and Han Bin were stunned.

The prince scratched his head and asked, "Brother Yi, what is a welfare room?".

Chapter 215 Woman, please don't really fall in love with me!

"It's very simple, sell a house of [-] Hong Kong paper per foot, and we sell the cost price of [-] Hong Kong paper to Hong Xing's own people. This is a welfare house!" Xu Yi said with a smile.

This time, the crown prince and Han Bin were completely shocked.

"Brother Yi, this is a big expense! At least one billion Hong Kong papers are invested, are you kidding us?" Han Bin asked in disbelief.

"Do you think I made this kind of joke? During this period of time, you should conduct a preliminary investigation and sort out the information."

"Also, take a good look at the number of sites that have won consecutive victories. Their assets will not be small. Adding in the [-] million US dollars from McDonald's last time, it is enough!"

"It's still the same sentence, money is not used to save, it is used to make money!"

"These things need to be done quickly and cannot be delayed!" Xu Yi said slowly.

"Yes, Brother Yi!" The prince and Han Bin said in unison.

After the matter was finished, Xu Yi asked the two to leave to do things.

Then, Xu Yi picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"A Lin, I'm Xu Yi." Xu Yi said.

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