In the car, Xu Yi asked, "Gao Jin, how many years have you been in Jinshanjiao?"

"Almost five years, Brother Yi." Gao Jin said.

"Well, what do you know best?" Xu Yi asked lightly.

"I am proficient in three languages, and my skills are good!" Gao Jin said.

"Good skill? All right, you'll make gestures with Jianjun later!" Xu Yi said with a smile.

Gao Jin looked at Wang Jianjun who was sitting next to him, the desire to fight rose in his eyes, he nodded and said, "Okay, Brother Yi!"

"Gao Jin, do you still have family?" Xu Yi continued to ask.

Gao Jin shook his head dejectedly, and said, "No, they all died!"

Xu Yi patted Gao Jin on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry, there will be more in the future!"

Then, Xu Yi began to close his eyes and meditate.

A few hours later, Xu Yi and his party returned to the base!

After confirming his identity, the off-road vehicle drove into the base.

It happened to be dinner time at this time, and Xu Yi said to Wang Jianjun and others who walked in front of him: "Let them bring up any delicious food, I want to taste the food at the base!"

Wang Jianjun said with a smile: "Brother Yi, we all have big pots of rice here, several big pots, pour vegetables and meat and fry together, it has a special flavor!"

"Okay, then I want to taste it even more!" Xu Yi laughed!

After dinner, the bright lights in the base come on!

Wang Jianjun said to Xu Yi: "Brother Yi, the electricity generated by the generator can only supply strong lighting at present.

Xu Yi nodded, then walked in front of Gao Jin.

He said to him: "Gao Jin, can you compete with Jianjun now?"

Gao Jin hurriedly replied: "Okay Brother Yi!"

Xu Yi glanced at Wang Jianjun, and said, "Jianjun, practice with Gao Jin, until you finish!"

"Yes, Brother Yi!" Wang Jianjun said...

Then, Xu Yi called everyone to the playground.

Watch the contest between Wang Jianjun and Gao Jin!

It has to be said that when Gao Jin made a move, Xu Yi's eyes lit up.

After Wang Jianjun fought Gao Jin for nearly 10 minutes, the two sides were still neck and neck!

Xu Yi stopped in time.

In such a comparison, the two of them will definitely be injured, which is not what Xu Yi likes to see.

That night, Xu Yi called Tong Mingxin and others together and said:

"Let me ask you now, is there anyone willing to do things with me? Don't worry, I won't treat you badly

Cheng Dajiang secretly said to Cheng Dahai: "Brother, what do you think?"

Cheng Dahai replied: "Let's see what other people say first."

Tong Mingxin was about to speak, but Xu Yi suddenly said:

"Tong Mingxin, do you want to take revenge on that Heyren society that framed you?"

The killing intent flashed across Tong Mingxin's eyes.

Originally, he had already established a firm foothold in country m, and he could get a green card after only three years.

However, one day his wife was kidnapped, and the local Chinese gangsters threatened him to take the blame, otherwise they would kill his wife.

In desperation, Tong Mingxin had no choice but to take the blame.

What made him heartbroken was that the local Chinese gang sold his wife as a prostitute, causing his wife to commit suicide in grief and indignation.

Originally, Tong Mingxin planned to spend the rest of his life well after completing this task.

Because he knew that he alone would not be able to avenge him!Can only drag on.

But Xu Yi's current words ignited his revenge anger again.

Xu Yi saw the murderous look on Tong Mingxin's face, and said:

"Tong Mingxin, I can help you, but you have to help me first!"

"Mr. Xu, what do you say?" Tong Mingxin asked.

"I want you to go to the polar bear country to help me purchase arms and develop the arms trade. After I put Hong Xing's power in country m, I can destroy that Hua people's society and avenge you!" Xu Yi said.

"What do I need to give, life?" Tong Mingxin asked further.

"Not only life, but also loyalty!" Xu Yi said.

Hearing this, Tong Mingxin thought for a full minute, nodded and said:

"Mr. Xu, I promise you!"

Afterwards, Xu Yi looked at the two brothers Cheng Dajiang and Cheng Dahai and said, "Have you two discussed it? Would you like to help me?"

Cheng Dahai nodded and said, "Mr. Xu, you saved me once and my brother twice."

"We have decided, Mr. Xu, we will do what you say!"

After Xu Yi listened, he nodded and said:

"Sure enough, I read you right, so, you two go to the Polar Bear Country with Tong Mingxin to engage in arms!

Cheng Dajiang and Cheng Dahai were originally smugglers of arms, so letting them engage in arms can be regarded as the best of their talents!

Chapter 221 Hongmen VS Hongxing

On the cruise ship back to Xiangjiang, Tong Mingxin said to Xu Yi doubtfully:

"Mr. Xu, let me go to the polar bear? Leave such a big thing to me?"

Tong Mingxin felt a little uncertain at the moment, worried that he would screw up this matter!

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Amin, I think ~ you are very suitable!"

"Listen, their people's livelihood and economy are in a state of collapse, and there is a shortage of daily necessities."

"However, their military industry and heavy industry are very strong, and even a few bags of instant noodles can be exchanged for an AK47."

As soon as Xu Yi's voice fell, Tong Mingxin said in disbelief:

"Mr. Xu, are you joking?"

Xu Yi confirmed: "This is not a joke, the fact is like this, this matter is entrusted to you and Da Jiang Dahai, the three of you will do it."

"After going to the polar bear country, the early work is to accompany their high-ranking officials to drink and pick up girls. You can accompany them as much as you want"

"Their senior officials make good connections, and then use their connections to buy military products."

"The best thing is to buy the entire production line, as well as their heavy industrial machinery. We will buy as much as they sell."

After speaking, Xu Yi walked and said:

"Hongxing's long-term plan is to go international. Only by corporatization can we go further. The stronger our strength, the more people will respect us.

Otherwise, it's just a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. When it dies, it all depends on other people's faces! "

"I, Xu Yi, don't want to be a boss like Lai Hao, let alone a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered!"

He looked at Tong Mingxin and said, "Amin, do you have confidence now?"

Tong Mingxin nodded heavily, and said, "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will do my best!"

Xu Yi nodded and said, "I registered an international trade company in the Netherlands, the name is Jiuzhou International Trade Company."

"This is our Hongxing's first overseas hall. Amin, you are the boss of this company, and you are also Hongxing's first talker in overseas halls!"

"Dajiang Haihai, you are the red sticks of overseas halls!"

Tong Mingxin and Dajiang Dahai heard what Xu Yi said, they stood up together and said in unison:

"Thank you Mr. Xu!"

"Thank you Mr. Xu for cultivating!"

Xu Yi waved his hand and continued: "Of course, this is a secret to the outside world, only you yourself know, Tong Mingxin, Dajiang, Dahai, you will go to the polar bear tomorrow.

"Money and things, I will give you the first time, work hard there, do things with confidence and boldness! Do you understand?"

"Mr. Xu, I understand!" Tong Mingxin and the other three vowed in their hearts that this time they must not disappoint Brother Yi's expectations of themselves!

After Xu Yi heard Tong Mingxin's words, he nodded, and then said: "Tong Mingxin, Dajiang, Dahai, you three are over there, be careful!"

Hearing Xu Yi's words, Tong Mingxin and the others said at the same time: "Mr. Xu, we must do it with our lives!"

Xu Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then let them leave.

Later, Xu Yi met Zhan Mi.

Zhan Mi in a suit and leather shoes looked very nervous, not daring to look at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Sit down, don't be so nervous, A Le and those boys who want to kill you have disappeared now, right? You don't have to be afraid of anything in the future." When Jimmy heard this, he was greatly relieved , and then respectfully said: "Thank you, Mr. Xu, you are my savior, and I am willing to work hard for Mr. Xu in the future." Xu Yi smiled and said: "Don't work so hard, just do the business well for me. Don't buy CDs or anything like that, how long have you been studying in the business training class?" Zhan Mi wiped the cold sweat from his eyes.He replied: "Brother Yi, I think I've learned enough. I can't understand even the most advanced courses. I'm... I graduated from primary school." Xu Yi smiled, and then said: "Okay, then graduation counts." Yes, I will invest in a factory for you, you go to practice your hands, let go and do it, be more courageous!"

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I will definitely do a good job!"

the other side.

During the few days when Xu Yi went to Jinshanjiao, Hongmen made a move.

The reason is very simple, Situ Zhenxiong, the chief rudder of the Hongmen, already knew that because of the conflict with the leader of Hong Xing, his son would not be able to see anyone when he was born, and no corpse when he died.

As the chief rudder of the world's number one club for Chinese people, Situ Zhenxiong was furious!

Coupled with the fact that Uncle Qi, the head of the Nanyang sub-rudder, was killed before, Situ Zhenxiong certainly couldn't swallow this breath.

He vowed to avenge his son at Hongmen headquarters.

Therefore, he called Rao Dafeng, the head of Hongmen's Sanfan city branch incense holder, to Tanshan, Hongmen's headquarters, and personally handed over the task to him.

This Rao Dafeng comes from "Thunder Hour".

Under his leadership, the power of Hongmen's third sub-helm reached its peak.

They overwhelmed the Hey Hand Party and the Ross Society in Sanfan City, and even the police department was completely infiltrated by him, and they really did everything for nothing.

The first thing Rao Dafeng did after arriving in Xiangjiang was to visit He Yannian, the head of the He family, in the He Mansion in Xiangjiang.

"Patriarch He, I am Rao Dafeng, the incense master of Hongmen's third division."

Rao Dafeng said.

"Hi Rao Xiangzhu, you must be here because of Situ Jun's business?" He Yannian asked.

Rao Dafeng nodded and said:

"Yes, Master Situ suddenly disappeared in Haojiang, and his life and death are uncertain.

"Mr. Situ specially asked me to confirm whether he is alive or dead." There is still follow-up processing. "

"Mr. He, do you have any definite news from your side, is the young master alive or dead?"

Rao Dafeng looked at He Yannian and asked.

He Yannian shook his head and said: "Although no one saw it with their own eyes, but according to my intuition, Mr. Situ should be dead."

?0 for flowers 0...

Rao Dafeng smiled and said, "Anyway, I still want to make sure. I want to visit Mr. He tomorrow. I wonder if you can go with me?"

He Yannian's face changed slightly, and then he said: "He Sheng and I have broken up our friendship, Lord Rao Xiang, this time you are the only one going to see him!"

Rao Dafeng heard the words and said: "Okay, if this is the case, then I will go to Haojiang tomorrow to visit Mr. He Shenghe."

He Yannian said: "Master Rao Xiang, if you need manpower, I will send it to you now."

Before Rao Dafeng could reply, He Yannian said again: "What do you want to do if the news of Situ Jie's death is confirmed?"

Rao Dafeng said coldly: "The chief rudder said that if the young master dies, he will pay in blood. No matter He Sheng or Xu Yi, they all have to die!" "

The next day.

Rao Dafeng arrived in Haojiang very early.

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