Yiqun Gang headquarters.

The next time, a hint of panic finally appeared on the face of Guo Jianglong.

Before the 680 car came to a complete stop, he opened the door and jumped out, then ran towards the house.

After he opened the door, what he saw was the empty hall.

After crossing the river and walking through the whole house, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because, no member of Yiqun Gang was found in this house.

At this time, the voice of the pheasant came from outside the house, and he said:

"Crossing the River Dragon, are you looking for these people?"

When Guo Jianglong looked out, a scene that instantly made his eyes tearing apart appeared in front of him.

All the senior members of the Yiqun Gang, except him and Fa Caipan, were tied up and thrown into a big pit.

And a strong man was standing next to the big pit with a shovel.

"Vole?" Guo Jianglong looked at his leading horse suspiciously.

Then the pheasant pointed to the field mouse and said:

"Your leader, the former double bonus stick of the Yiqun Gang, is now promoted to the leader's vole!"


Crossing the River Dragon's eyes widened at this moment, his own horse, Field Mouse, had obviously been bribed by Hong Xing.

The field mouse has been his confidant for 12 years.

"Pheasant, do you think you Hongxing have the ability to be the leader of the Yiqun Gang? Just dream!" Guo Jianglong shouted loudly.

Pheasant laughed and said, "Vole is your champion, and also Yiqun's double flower red stick, he is qualified to be the leader!"

"In addition to the fact that he is worth a few hundred million No. [-], who do you think will object?"

Guo Jianglong angrily said to Vole: "Vole, you will not end well if you are a boy!"

The field mouse looked at Guo Jianglong and said coldly:

"Boss, I have sworn since I was a child that I must make a living!"

"Now that Mr. Xu of Hongxing has given me this opportunity, I can only feel sorry for you!"

The field mouse's voice fell.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

There was a burst of gunfire.

Yiqun helped the lord to cross the Jianglong, and Pan Xunji, who made a fortune, died!

The field mouse threw the bodies of Guojianglong and Facaipan into the pit by himself.

I saw that the eyes and mouth of the hammer army in the pit were sealed, and they kept struggling.

However, it has been in vain.

The field mouse shoveled and shoveled slowly to fill up the big hole.

Then green plants were laid on it, and it looked as if nothing had happened here!

After finishing it, the field mouse smiled at the pheasant and said, "Brother pheasant, I've done it!"

"Hmm! Thanks for your hard work, field mouse."

As soon as the voice fell, the pheasant directly took out a gun and shot him in the head under the terrified eyes of the field mouse

"People who betray the boss, we Hongxing will not accept people like you!"

The pheasant looked at the corpse of the field mouse and said coldly.

From the very beginning, Xu Yi never planned to let the Yiqun Gang go.

Xu Yi just used him to be the killer.

He knew that the field mouse had a lot of punches.

As long as he is promised to be the leader of the Yiqun Gang, he will kill his boss without hesitation.

That's why he buried Hammer Army and others alive.

And the reason for killing him is also very simple, this person has a rebellious brain, Xu Yi will never use it.

More importantly, now that the Yiqun Gang is gone, what's the use of keeping the voles?

All of a sudden, (baah) the Yiqun gang had no leader, and their Hong territory was soon completely annexed by Hong Xing, and Dongxing took advantage of the fire to rob, and directly took down the Yiqun gang's basic site, Tseung Kwan O.

This also made the Yiqun Gang completely disappear from the rivers and lakes.

There are only two ways for the horses of Yiqun Gang to go.

One is to change doors and join other clubs, and the other is to leave any club.

Although this battle had a certain loss to Hong Xing.

But compared with gaining benefits, it is completely negligible.

But at this time, another undercurrent has begun to surge.

Rao Dafeng made an appointment with one of Flip Dog's subordinates in the tea restaurant.

"You...you were sent by Mr. He?" The speaker asked curiously.

The influence of Xiangjiang He's family in the number gang is really too great.

"That's right, your boss is dead!" Rao Dafeng said flatly.

"What? Boss is dead? No way!" the speaker said incredulously.

"Not only is Flip Dog dead, but Jiang Shujing, the leader of your Number Gang, is also dead! The current Number Gang has no leader!" Rao Dafeng said flatly.

Then, he immediately went on to say: "Are you interested in being the new leader of the Number Gang?"

Hearing Rao Dafeng's words, the straw sandal's heart jumped up.

Who doesn't want to be a leader if they come out to mix.

Then he nodded immediately and said, "I will! I will!"

"Sign this agreement, you are the leader of the number gang!" Rao Dafeng handed him a piece of paper!The person in charge looked at it and found that the paper was actually written on the Hongmen Entrance Oath.

This clearly meant to let him join Hong Yi.

The video couldn't help saying this to Rao Dafeng angrily: ""! ! Are you playing with me by stepping on the horse? "

Rao Dafeng shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in playing with you. After signing the contract, I will support you as the number leader!" You should have received Mr. He's call. I believe you shouldn't doubt me, right? Then, Rao Dafeng added: "There is only one chance, and there are many people who want to be the leader in the number gang! This person is still hesitating, and soon Rao Dafeng began to count down."

"Three! >>

"I do!

In the end, he still couldn't resist the temptation to be the leader, and quickly signed his name.

Although, he knew that once he signed, he would become Rao Dafeng's puppet.

But, if you can be a leader, what about being a puppet?

he thought to himself.

Rao Dafeng looked at the signed Hongmen oath in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Very good, from today onwards, you are one of Hongmen's own people!"

Abolish the leader of the number gang and replace him with his own people. This is the first step of Rao Dafeng's plan!

He was not afraid that this person would betray him and Hongmen.

Because he captured the inner desire of this straw sandal!

Rao Dafeng came to the Kowloon Walled City after finishing the work of the Number Gang.

Here is one of the branches of Hongmen, Hongyi.

This was also the first time he had seen Hong Yi's leader Ding Ye after he came to Xiangjiang from country m.

"Master Ding, there is something I want to ask for your help!" Rao Dafeng said straight to the point.

Chapter 231 Four Families! ! !

"Mr. Rao, please tell me!" Master Ding knew that Rao Dafeng was a real big shot in Hongmen.

After Rao Dafeng came, he provoked a club war.

"I hope Lord Ding can accept members of the Yiqun Gang!" Rao Dafeng said to Lord Ding.

"What's going on? Why do you say that?" Master Ding said with a puzzled look on his face.

"Master Ding, all the senior members of the Yiqun Gang have been killed by Hong Xing's people, and the territory has been taken away by Hong Xing."

"Now you just need to stand up and declare to seek justice for the Yiqun Gang. I believe that many members of the Yiqun Gang will join Hongyi. Hongyi is our Hongmen Hong direct clan!" Rao Dafeng said to Lord Ding.

"Mr. Rao, according to what you said, now that Hong Xing has wiped out the Yiqun Gang, I can't bear it." Master Ding said worriedly.

Rao Dafeng looked at Lord Ding and said:

"Your concerns are not wrong, now Hongxing has become the well-deserved No. [-] club in Xiangjiang"

"But I believe that Xu Yi's ambitions definitely don't stop there!"

"So, now all the associations are Hong Xing's enemies, in other words, those associations are our allies!"

Master Ding said: "What you said is not entirely correct, with so many forces in Xiangjiang, how can it be possible to exert all their strength in one place?"

Rao Dafeng smiled and said, "Master Ding, don't you still have me?"

"Although it is impossible to make these clubs absolutely united, it is possible to make them cooperate to a certain extent!"

"In that case, we should be [-]% sure!" Master Ding said slowly.

Rao Dafeng nodded and said, "Seven achievements are enough for a gamble!"

"Master Ding, do it boldly, even if we fail, we will run back to country m."

"No matter how sharp Xu Yi is, he can't go to Hongmen's territory and kill us?"

Master Ding glanced at Rao Dafeng, but the worry in his eyes was deeper.

Can Rao Dafeng really deal with Xu Yi?

Rao Dafeng continued:

"Master Ding, a batch of goods will arrive in Xiangjiang tomorrow."

"You can use this batch of goods to buy the remnants of the Yiqun Gang, so you should be assured that you will receive them, right?" Hearing this, Master Ding's expression changed drastically.

"Mr. Rao, are you crazy? According to the precepts of Hongmen, you are not allowed to sell drugs to Hua people. Do you dare to disobey this prohibition? Rao Dafeng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said:

"Master Ding, I just sold the goods to other sellers."

"But what does it matter to me who other sellers are selling to?"

Master Ding shook his head and said, "But you clearly know that after the Yiqun Gang get the goods, they will sell them to Xiangjiang people!"

Rao Dafeng laughed and said, "Is that so? But I don't know!"

Master Ding stopped talking when he said this.

He already knew that people like Rao Dafeng had no bottom line in doing things!

"Master Ding, I will leave it to you to recruit people from Hongmen."

"Remember, this is an order personally issued by the chief helmsman. If you can't complete it, you know the consequences, right?"

After Rao Dafeng finished speaking, he left quickly.

the other side.

Xu Yi also finally met Ni Yongxiao, and began to deploy a plan to destroy the four major families of the Chaozhou Gang.

Now Tiao Zi is watching closely, Hong Xing is on the cusp of the crisis.

Therefore, Xu Yi sent Aji, Gao Jin and Ni Yongxiao to join the action this time.

Xu Yi himself instructed Hong Xing to start digesting and absorbing the huge territory of the number gang at the entrance of the [-]th lobby.

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