"Rao Dafeng, I don't believe what you say. Do you think you can hide from us how the poodle died?" Wang Bao said coldly.

Although Rao Dafeng's use of flipped dogs is very hidden, it is not without trace.

These bigwigs are all veterans, and they are good people. If you think about it, you will naturally know the clues.

And Wang Bao's meaning is also very obvious, if you Rao Dafeng still want to play the empty glove white wolf set, it will not work.

If you want to cooperate, you must first show the sincerity of you and your Hongmen.

Rao Dafeng said with a smile: "This time, our Hongmen will take out [-] million Hong Kong papers to help you fight against Xu Yi and Hong Xing!"

Wang Bao shook his head and said: "You Hongmen are rich and powerful, and you only come up with [-] million Hong Kong papers? This is far from enough!"

Rao Dafeng continued: "We will also transfer 500 people from the Taibei Sub-Helm and Jilongpo Sub-Helm to Xiangjiang. Half of the troops are transferred, this time, either Xu Yi will die, or I, Rao Dafeng, will die!"

As soon as the words fell, Rao Dafeng looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Everyone, is this enough?"

Wang Bao nodded slowly, and said: "Rao Dafeng, I hope you will do what you say, and don't let everyone trust you!"

Rao Dafeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, I, Rao Dafeng, spit a nail!"

Then, Rao Dafeng asked Ma Tiansheng, "Master Ma Gang, what do you mean?"

Ma Tiansheng smiled bitterly: "I have come today, which means that the Viper Gang has already boarded your boat!"

Rao Dafeng said with a smile: "Master Ma Gang, this is a wise choice for you!"

Then, Rao Dafeng looked at Stegosaurus, the new leader of the Number Gang.

Jianlong hurriedly said: "Our Number Gang has a bloody feud with Hong Xing, Mr. Rao, if you don't ask, we will join us!"

After Jianlong finished speaking, Rao Dafeng continued: "Since everyone has agreed to my proposal, we will form an anti-Hongxing alliance today until Hongxing is completely wiped out!

"If anyone quits halfway, he will betray everyone, and the rest will be punished!"

When Rao Dafeng said these words, the murderous intent in his eyes flourished.

On the [-]th floor of Xiangjiang Central Building, this is the reception room of Bao Wenzheng, President of Galaxy Group.

Usually he entertains dignitaries, but today it welcomes a 20-year-old young man.

"Mr. Bao! Hello!" Xu Yi smiled and greeted the old man in front of him.

Bao Wenzheng, the top ten ship kings in the world.

The tonnage of cargo ships owned by the Galaxy Group under his name is as high as 5000 million tons, which is well-deserved No. [-] in the world.

"Mr. Xu, I have long heard that Xiangjiang has produced a young genius like you. When I saw you today, it is better to be famous than to meet!" Bao Wenzheng shook hands with Xu Yi.

As the power in his hands increased, Xu Yi's aura became stronger and stronger.

"Mr. Bao, you are welcome, I still have a lot to learn!"

It was rare for Xu Yi to be polite, and it was indeed because the man in front of him deserved to be polite.

Bao Wenzheng came from an ordinary family, not a wealthy family.

He can be number one in the world, which is enough to prove his ability.

This kind of person is already a living legend, and the people of Xiangjiang respectfully call him the Sea Dragon King.

After Bao Wenzheng and Xu Yi sat down, Bao Wenzheng looked at Xu Yi and said, "Xu Yi, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, come to see me today, what's the matter?" Xu Yi smiled, the world ship Wang really likes to take the initiative, just like the rumors.

But Xu Yi didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "I have some goods that I need Mr. Bao to help transport."

"This matter, then you should go to the operation department of our Galaxy Group to register the business!" Bao Wenzheng said lightly.

"My goods are not ordinary goods!" Xu Yi said to Bao Wenzheng.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Bao Wenzheng's face darkened slightly, and said:

"Mr. Xu, you should know my rules. I will never transport anything that hurts people!"

Xu Yi shook his head and smiled, "I won't play any harmful things you say."

"Mr. Xu, what exactly are you trying to transport? I don't like charades!" Bao Wenzheng looked at Xu Yi and said slowly.

Xu Yi said: "Mr. Bao, to be honest, what I want to transport is arms."

"Specifically, [-] pistols and rifles, [-] light and heavy rifles, [-] mortars, [-] cannons, [-] armored vehicles, and [-] military jeeps." Hearing this, Bao Wenzheng stood up in surprise and said. : "Xu Yi, do you really want to be the underground governor of Xiangjiang???".

Chapter 239 Building a Private Fleet!

Of course, this sentence was just Bao Wen's joke on Xu Yi.

"Haha, Mr. Bao really knows how to joke!" Xu Yi also laughed.

Then, Xu Yi said seriously:

"Mr. Bao, I have a training base in Qi Nanya, it's a mess, I don't want to be eaten by others, so I have to defend myself!"

"Mr. Xu, this ammunition is far from enough!" Bao Wenzheng continued.

"Mr. Bao, of course I have the ability to buy more arms!" Xu Yi replied.

"However, armaments alone are not enough. KMT's remnant soldiers can fight in Thailand, right? But what's the result?" Bao Wenzheng continued.

"But without ammunition, you will be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, right?" Xu Yi laughed.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Bao Wenzheng slowly closed his eyes and began to think.

Xu Yi was not in a hurry, lit a cigar, and waited for the world's ship king.

Five minutes later, Bao Wenzheng opened his eyes, looked at Xu Yi, and said:

"Mr. Xu, if I help you, what can you give me in return?"

Xu Yi smiled, he knew that what Bao Wen was asking for was not the shipping fee.

After thinking for a few seconds, Xu Yi said to Bao Wenzheng, "I can give you the right to operate the ports on both sides of Ma Wujia."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Bao Wenzheng smiled, and he said slowly:

"Mr. Xu, being the leader of the society is really a shame!"

"Hong Xing is my starting point, but not my end point." Xu Yi said slowly.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Bao Wenzheng smiled slightly:

"I haven't seen such an interesting young man like you for decades, Mr. Xu, are you free at noon to have a meal with me, an old man?"

"Thank you, Mr. Bao." Xu Yi smiled.

Then, Bao Wenzheng said slowly: "Mr. Xu, tell me your delivery time, starting point, and ending point."

"One month later, the starting point is Haisheng collapse, and the ending point is Zengcheng Port." Xu Yi said slowly.

"Huh? Why Zengcheng Port?" Bao Wenzheng was a little surprised when he heard Xu Yi say that the goods were going to be shipped to Zengcheng Port.

"That's right!" Xu Yi said.

"Yes, your goods will be delivered safely!" Bao Wenzheng said with a smile.

He didn't ask in detail, he knew better than anyone else that the customer's privacy could not be asked!

"Thank you, Mr. Bao, I wish us a happy cooperation"!" Xu Yi stretched out his right hand to Bao Wenzheng.

"Thank you too, Mr. Xu, happy cooperation!" Bao Wenzheng looked at Xu Yi and smiled, then held Xu Yi's right hand again.

It was already one o'clock at noon when Xu Yi finished his meal at Bao Wenzheng's place, and Luo Tianhong waited at the door of the building.

In the car, Luo Tianhong asked, "Brother Yi, where are you going now?"

"SF Airlines." Xu Yi said lightly.

SF Shipping is the shipping company of Zhou Bin, one of the four major shipping kings in Xiangjiang.

Half an hour later, Xu Yi came to the SF Building where SF Airlines is located.

"I'm Xu Yi, I'm looking for Mr. Zhou!"

As soon as Xu Yi finished speaking, a lady at the front desk said:

"Mr. Xu, please follow me. Mr. Zhou has already ordered you."

Xu Yi followed the front desk lady to an office where a middle-aged man in his 30s stood.

"Secretary Jiang, the Mr. Xu ordered by Mr. Zhou is here!" The lady at the front desk said to the secretary.

"Okay, you go down first!"

Secretary Jiang looked at Xu Yi after speaking to the lady at the front desk, and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu, please!"

After Xu Yi walked into the office, he saw a man in his 50s standing in the middle of the office

After seeing Xu Yi coming in, he walked forward three steps slowly to shake hands with Xu Yi.

"Mr. Xu, I've seen you for a long time, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Xu Yi also smiled and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

After exchanging pleasantries, the two sat on the sofa aside, Zhou Bin looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Mr. Xu, Hong Xing doesn't have any business to discuss with me, does he?"

Xu Yi knew the meaning of Zhou Bin's words as soon as he heard it, and wanted me to help you find a wrong way, so don't talk about it!

Xu Yi smiled and said, "I have a business, Mr. Zhou must be very interested."

Zhou Bin nodded, waiting for Xu Yi's next words.

"Mr. Zhou, I see that you have been less and less involved in your shipping business in the past five years!" Xu Yi said.

"Yes, after the economic crisis in [-], the industry was depressed. Since then, I have transformed." Zhou Bin was also frank, and said directly to Xu Yi.

In fact, it's useless for him to cover up. Everyone in the industry knows the capital movement and direction of the Zhou family in the past few years.

"I don't know, Mr. Zhou can sell all the ships under the name of SF Shipping to me!"

Xu Yi looked at Zhou Bin and said slowly.

"What? Mr. Xu, you want to buy all the ships under my flag?"

Obviously, Zhou Bin didn't understand Xu Yi's meaning at once.

"Yes, I want to buy all the ships under SF Express, whether they are large or small ships!" Xu Yi confirmed.

Zhou Bin glanced at Xu Yi and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, I have eleven 25-ton freighters and [-] thousand-ton freighters under my banner."

"The total tonnage exceeds 100 million tons. It is not a small amount of money to buy it. Can you eat it?"

Xu Yi said lightly: "Mr. Zhou, money is not the problem, the problem is whether you are willing to give up love!"

Zhou Bin said slowly: "Of course, these ships are already a burden on our Zhou Group."

"I've always wanted to get rid of them, I just didn't have the right buyer."

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Then congratulations, Mr. Zhou, you have found it now! Please quote a price!"

"[-] million U.S. dollars, as long as you can pay [-] million U.S. dollars, all the freighters under our SF Airlines will be yours!" Zhou Bin said directly.

Xu Yi knew that asking Bao Wenzheng to help was not a long-term solution.

Now he must have his own cargo ship, this is the long-term solution.

That's why Xu Yi decided to make a decisive move after he learned from Bao Wenzheng that SF Shipping wanted to sell its ships again.

The reason why Bao Wenzheng provided this news was that he did not want to transport extremely risky arms for a long time.

After Zhou Bin finished talking about the price, he looked at Xu Yi quietly.

In fact, he didn't think Xu Yi could afford the exorbitant price of US$[-] million.

How long has he been the leader of Hong Xing?

However, although Zhou Bin didn't think Xu Yi could come up with [-] million US dollars, he was still very optimistic about Xu Yi.

He saw the potential for success in Xu Yi, and this was the biggest reason why he saw Xu Yi.

Maybe he is just Hong Xing's leader now.

But Zhou Bin believes that Xu Yi will join his big families in the future and rule Xiangjiang!

After listening to Zhou Bin's words, Xu Yi thought for two seconds and said:

"O'Mr. Zhou, the price of your ships totaling [-] million US dollars is very reasonable."

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