In the next second, four younger brothers came over, sealed the man's mouth with tape, and stuffed it into an iron bucket!

Just then, a car drove up to the door of the warehouse.

A middle-aged man with greasy curly hair got out of the car, smiled at Wang Bao and said, "Brother Bao, what instructions do you have?" "A Ke, by the way, how many years have you been with me?"

Wang Bao looked playfully at the middle-aged man with curly hair and greasy hair.

Ake smiled and said:

"I came out with Brother Bao when I was 15 years old, and it should be 15 years now."

Wang Bao took a deep puff of cigarette and sighed: "Yes, it's been 15 years, A Ke, I'm 45 years old this year, I told you that I will retire at the age of 50."

"Brother Bao, stop joking, what will we do if you quit?" A Ke said respectfully.

Wang Bao spit on A Ke's face and said with a smile:

"Ake, you have been waiting for 15 years, why can't you wait for five years?"

Hearing this, Ah Ke said with a look of astonishment: "Brother Bao, what do you mean by that?"

Wang Bao pointed to the iron bucket in the warehouse and said:

"A Ke, go and see what's inside, and you'll know what I mean!"

At this time, Ah Ke's heart was trembling, he walked slowly to the iron bucket, and looked inside...

0.7 In the next second, cold sweat poured down his face.

The next moment, Wang Bao's voice came from a sad and sad voice:

"Ake, you understand now!"

A Ke quickly turned around and knelt down with a plop.

"Brother Bao, please listen to my explanation!" A Ke said hastily.


Wang Bao didn't give A Ke a chance to explain, and stabbed him to death with a single knife... Then, several of Wang Bao's men put A Ke's body into an iron bucket.Wang Bao walked to the iron bucket and took out a stack of photos from his pocket.

One by one, they were thrown into the iron bucket and covered A Ke's face.

And these photos are the group photos of Ake and Rao Dafeng!

Afterwards, Wang Bao waved his hand, and his subordinates quickly sealed the lid of the iron bucket.

Then he pushed two iron buckets and left the warehouse.

Looking at the hazy sky, Wang Bao said to himself:

"Rao Dafeng, you are really a badass when you step on a horse, you dare to bribe Lao Tzu's cronies!".

Chapter 243 Group Destroyed!

Not far away, Wang Bao's confidant hit the iron bucket with his body and made the sound of 'dong dong dong dong'...

Wang Bao will never forget his mood when he saw this stack of photos.


Disappointment and anger are for Akebozai.

The scare is to put this stack of photos into her lover's home.

After seeing this stack of photos, Wang Bao thought about it for over an hour.

In the end, he found Xu Yi's phone number through Dongxing Situ Haonan's relationship, and made a phone call with Xu Yi. Speaking of it, Xinji and Hong Xingshe don't have any major grievances.

The only reason he joined the Anti-Hongxingshe League was because of his fear of Hongxing's expansion.

If Hong Xing rises too fast, Xinji will become more and more dangerous.

That's why he chose to join the anti-Hongxingshe alliance led by Rao Dafeng.

However, Wang Bao never expected that Rao Dafeng would stab a knife in his back and bribe his cronies!

Rao Dafeng's purpose has been revealed!

Can Wang Bao bear it?

So Wang Bao decided to turn his gun around and kill Rao Dafeng first!

As for Hong Xing?

Wang Bao thinks it is a secondary matter now.

Bo Zai was caught and interrogated by Wang Bao, and Bo Zai explained everything about his cooperation with A Ke and Rao Dafeng

And A Ke is his champion.

Rao Dafeng's plan is to let Wang Bao go out tonight, and then ask Bo Zai to cause a car accident and kill Wang Bao on the road.

In the next 10 steps, Ah Ke will take the position of leader of Xin Kee, and let Bo Zai be the talker.

After Wang Bao heard about Rao Dafeng's plan, he was covered in cold sweat.

If he hadn't seen these photos in advance, the conspiracy of Rao Dafeng, Bo Zai and A Ke could really come true!

After learning of the whole plan, Wang Bao was furious!

You must know that both Bozai and Ake are his cronies.

Their betrayal made him unbearable!

Ake, who has been with me for 15 years, is always loyal to me.

In fact, Wang Bao really planned to pass on the position of boss to Ake after retiring at the age of 45.

He didn't want his son to continue living the life of licking blood on the tip of a knife!

Wang Bao has been around for decades and has already earned hundreds of millions of dollars.

He hoped that his children would become doctors, lawyers, and teachers.

As for Bozai, in fact, he regards Bozai as his own son.

He originally planned to put Bo Tsai down to be the biggest talker after he retired.

In the end, Bozai became a twenty-five boy...

He also asked Bozai the reason for his betrayal. Bozai said that everyone else was in the top position, but he was a driver and had no status.

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Wang Bao sealed Bo Zai alive in an iron bucket and threw him into the sea!

"Brother Bao, where are we going now?"

At this time, a boy next to Wang Bao came over and asked.

Wang Bao glanced at his pony, and said in a low voice:

"Go and find Rao Dafeng, I want to watch him die with my own eyes!"

A bar on Jiangshan Street.

Outside. A large group of people have surrounded the bar.

"Rao Dafeng, hurry up and think of a way, let's see how to escape!" Stegosaurus, the new leader of the number helper, was in a hurry.

"Sit down, drink your wine, don't worry about other things!"

Rao Dafeng put a bottle of beer in front of Stegosaurus and said.

"Mouth! Rao Dafeng, if I die today, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

Stegosaurus opened the beer and took a sip, then said in a low voice

Rao Dafeng looked out the window at the deserted street.

A strange smile appeared on his face and he whispered:


Then, Rao Dafeng watched a group of people in uniform walking slowly towards the bar!

The momentum seemed to overwhelm this small bar.

This group of people are Hong Xing members who came out of the Hong Xing training base, and there are fifty members of the battle hall among them

Therefore, when they walk together, they will exude an aura!

However, they did not go to the bar very smoothly.

Because in the alley near the bar, hundreds of strong men with sharp knives suddenly poured out.

All of a sudden, they separated the group of Hongxing reserve members from the bar.

Then, without scolding or hesitation, the two sides fought together with real knives and guns!

Then, Rao Dafeng saw a killing that could be called a performance.

Soon, the three people on Hong Xing's side caught Rao Dafeng's attention.

Through Master Ding's introduction, Rao Dafeng already knew that these three people were Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangsheng and Abu!

The three of them are Xu Yi's bodyguards!

Luo Tianhong holding the Eight-faced Han sword is like cutting melons and vegetables, so there is no opponent!

Tian Yangsheng, who is good at two short knives, is like a tiger descending a mountain, sweeping across the land!

The coolest is Abu!

He is holding a Mitsubishi knife.

The people of Hongmen have no enemy under him at all!

This was his first battle with Hong Xing, he worked very hard and his shots were extremely ruthless.

Every hit is a life!

At this moment, Rao Dafeng saw a familiar black Mercedes driving to the side of the road opposite the bar.

A familiar figure got out of the car.

He had already seen that the one who got out of the car was Xinji's gang leader Wang Bao!

After Wang Bao got out of the car, he also saw Rao Dafeng behind the window...

He cut his throat in the direction of the bar, and this action was also seen by Rao Dafeng!

"Zhou! It turned out that Wang Bao, who was riding a horse, betrayed me!"

Rao Dafeng specially found this bar as his temporary headquarters.

Unexpectedly, Hong Xing accurately found the exact location...

Now with the appearance of Wang Bao, he completely understands!

Then he also guessed the secret cooperation between himself and Wang Bao's cronies, Wang Bao must have known about this, Rao Dafeng laughed.

"Laughing at you for being paralyzed, people are dying. o... still laughing at you for being paralyzed!" Stegosaurus said irritably.


next moment!

Sitting opposite Rao Dafeng, Master Ding was surprised to see a big blood hole appear on Stegosaurus' forehead.

He turned to look at Rao Dafeng.

"Mr. Rao, are you crazy?" Master Ding asked in disbelief.


Lord Ding will never get the answer to his question.

Because Rao Dafeng had already shot him dead.

After killing Jianlong and Master Ding, Rao Dafeng looked at Hongxing people who were getting closer and closer to the bar outside the window.

"Haha, I didn't expect Rao Dafeng to die here! Xu Yi, you can do it!" Rao Dafeng laughed too much.

Rao Dafeng's heart was extremely bitter at this moment.

For a person like him, death is not the saddest thing.

What makes him saddest is that he died in his own conspiracy.

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