As long as you work for the club, be loyal to the club, and don't be a [-]-year-old boy, you are eligible!

After such good news broke out, many young people in Hong Kong are more enthusiastic about joining Hongxing than entering a large international company!

Among them are many high-achieving students.

There is no other reason, but the house price in Xiangjiang is too expensive.

at the same time!


.The first brother Li Wenbin held a copy of Dongfang Jin Daily and asked the police officer:

"Such a big thing happened, you all know it?"

"Li sir, Hong Xing is responsible for building welfare housing for Ma Zai," said a policeman.

"That's right, what I want to ask is this matter, what do you think? Tell me!" Li Wenbin asked.

"Ah, these days, even the associations have built welfare housing for themselves. We pay more bonuses, and the people from ICAC invite us to drink tea. I... I don't know what to say, Sir!" A trainee inspector complained to Li Wenbin .

At this moment, another trainee inspector said:

"Sir,, I have contacted Xu Yi, I think he will not do things aimlessly."

"That's it, you still need to say that? It doesn't make any sense, did Hong Xing use a few hundred million for fun?"

"Now Sir Li wants everyone to discuss, what exactly does Hong Xing mean by doing this?" an inspector said disdainfully.

"Sir Li, I think we are thinking too much, maybe Hong Xing really just wants to buy people's hearts and promote himself?" A police officer from the serious crime team said.

"Wait, what did you just say? Promote yourself?"

Li Wenbin said to the police officer who just spoke.

"That's right, the housing prices in Xiangjiang are so high now. With our salary plus the government's housing subsidy, it is very difficult to buy a house."

"Xu Yi is really rich and powerful. If we do this, there must be a large number of young people who want to join Hongxing, and they have bad intentions!" The trainee inspector said slowly.

"What you said is very reasonable. Now that the news comes out, more and more people will join Hong Xing!"

"This trick works better than any advertisement, what do you think will happen?" Li Wenbin asked.

Everyone didn't need to answer to understand that if this continues, all kinds of talents will flow to Hong Xing!

"Li sir, what should we do now?" A note asked.

"Strengthen the monitoring of Hong Xing, and find a time to ask Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing, to come out, I want to talk to him!"

Li Wenbin thought for a while, then said slowly.

"yes, sir!"

"Let's break up!"

After Li Wenbin finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Obviously, he was thinking about something!

Ma Jun, who was slowly pacing out of the conference room, remembered what Xu Yi had said to him that day

"There must be a tiger king in the forest to achieve real peace!"

Ma Jun whispered to himself, "Xu Yi, are you a tiger king or a jackal!"

No one dared to bet on whether Xu Yi was a lion or a jackal.

So the best way is to keep him under the throne before he becomes king!

But can it really be stopped?

This is not only Ma Jun's inner worry, but also.Remember the worries of the first brother Li Wenbin.

Inside a bar in Tsim Sha Tsui that is open during the day.

Li Wenbin looked through the window at a nine-story bungalow that was being demolished not far away, and asked:

"Xu Yi, is that piece of land yours?"

Xu Yi knew that Li Wenbin was referring to the nine-story bungalow that was being demolished on the piece of land he had just photographed."

That's right. "Xu Yi replied.

"Xu Yi, you have a huge stall now!

"There is a film company under it, and it also engages in real estate and shipping. It also went to Jinshanjiao and polar bears. What are you doing?" Li Wenbin stared at Xu Yi and asked.

Xu Yi lit a cigar and said slowly:

"I go to Jinshanjiao and polar bears for tourism, can't I?"

"The most important thing is that the law and order in Xiangjiang is getting better and better, don't you think?"

"Xu Yi, don't play tricks with me, the law and order is getting better and better now, you must have other schemes!" Li Wenbin whispered to Xu Yi.Xu Yi said, "Li sir, what if a person becomes the person I hate most in the future?"

"How to say?" Li Wenbin asked.

"What I mean is, Li sir, if you degenerate in the future, what will you do?" Xu Yi said slowly.

In the movie, Li Wenbin did degenerate later.

?0 for flowers 0....

"Impossible! Xu Yi, don't make such unrealistic assumptions!" Li Wenbin said coldly.

Xu Yi said: "Li sir, what you say is useless!"

After a pause, Xu Yi continued: "We are a civilized society now. If there are laws, those who break the law will naturally be judged by the law!" Hearing this, Li Wenbin was confused:

"What? Are you talking about the Fa again now?"

Xu Yi said seriously to Li Wenbin:

"We, Hongxing, do not sell D products or people, and we do not allow other associations to do these things on my territory."

"Don't you think I saved a lot of trouble for you?"

"Xu Yi, let me tell you! No matter how much you argue, you won't be able to wash it clean!" Li Wenbin said coldly.

After Xu Yi listened to Li Wenbin's words, he picked up the glass of red wine in front of him and poured it into the trash can.

Then he said to Li Wenbin word by word:

"Li sir, don't you think it's ridiculous for you to tell me these great truths?"

Li Wenbin was left speechless by Xu Yi's words!

"waiter, Bill please!"

Xu Yi put a piece of Hong Kong paper worth [-] face value on the table, and said to Li Wenbin:

"Li sir, let me tell you one last thing, in the final analysis, he is the poor man of Xiangjiang people"

"I hope you will realize it!"

"You..." Li Wenbin was about to refute, but he also felt that what Xu Yi said was very reasonable!

The key point is that Xu Yi is indeed different from the previous club bosses!

Xu Yi speaks the law!

He remembered what Huang Zhicheng had said to him, that Xu Yi was a gangster who wanted to be a tiger king.

"Xu Yi, are you really the Tiger King?" Li Wenbin looked at his glass of red wine on the table and said to himself.

No one knows the answer to this question except Xu Yi, only time can give the answer!

After Xu Yi left the bar, Ma Zai had already driven over.

"Brother Yi! Where are you going now?" After seeing Xu Yi getting into the car, the boy asked quickly.

"Go to the financial company we just bought, the name is Hengtong Financial Group Co., Ltd." Xu Yi said lightly.

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

The reason why Xu Yi wanted to acquire this company was entirely because the boss had two capable men.

One name is Song Zike.

And the other is Song Zike's brother, his name is mark, that is, the little Ma who burns banknotes to light cigarettes in "The True Colors of Heroes"!seven.

Chapter 252 Accept Brother Pony as a younger brother!

Xu Yi also inadvertently heard Liang Wei mention that she was helping this company make connections recently.

After some basic information introduced by Liang Wei, Xu Yi can already confirm that this company is the one that Song Zike and Mark worked for in "The True Colors of Heroes".

Therefore, Xu Yi immediately decided to buy this financial company that was on the verge of bankruptcy!

Now, the acquisition work has been basically completed.

Xu Yi's trip this time is actually to meet the boss of this company and take over the company by the way!

Soon, Xu Yi came to this company.

After walking into the boss's office, Xu Yi looked at the short and thin old man in front of him and said:

"Boss Yao, I'm Hong Xing Xu Yi!"

As soon as Yao Yuanhang heard Xu Yi's words, he hurriedly stood up, walked up to Xu Yi respectfully and said.

"Mr. Xu, hello!"

Xu Yi smiled and said to Yao Yuanhang: "Boss Yao, I just stopped by to have a look at the company, and then I will discuss business with you!".

Yao Yuanhang hurriedly said, "I don't know what kind of business Mr. Xu wants to talk to me about?"

"Boss Yao, I know you have two capable employees, one named Song Zike and the other named Mark, I am very optimistic about them

"Six Nine Seven" "If you can persuade them to do things with me, I will give you an extra 500 million Hong Kong paper!" Xu Yi looked at Yao Yuanhang and said calmly.

"Eh..." Yao Yuanhang looked embarrassed.

"Boss Yao, it looks like you can't do it?" Xu Yi asked.

"Mr. Xu, let me tell the truth, A Ke said that he would stop doing these illegal things in the future, and I can't persuade him!" Yao Yuanhang said in embarrassment.

"Mr. Yao, maybe your son's gambling debts in Haojiang can help you find a solution!" Xu Yi said lightly.

The reason why Yao Yuanhang's company fell into financial crisis was precisely because his son gambled badly in Haojiang and lost 2000 million Hong Kong papers.

He used his own company's money to fill holes in the hole to bankrupt the company!

Although Xu Yi bought his company, after he paid off his debts, he didn't have much money left.

And Xu Yi's 500 million Hong Kong paper was something Yao Yuanhang couldn't refuse!

"Okay, Mr. Xu, I will try my best!" Yao Yuanhang nodded and said.

next day!

Song Zike and Mark just came back from a business deal to meet their boss, Uncle Yao.

After Yao Yuanhang saw Song Zike, he asked, "Ake, how are things going?" Song Zike smiled and said, "Very good, these ghosts are easy to talk to."

Yao Yuanhang handed him a cigar, and said:

"Ake, I have told you many times, don't trust others easily, you just don't listen!

Then, Yao Yuanhang looked at Tan Cheng beside Song Zike and said:

"Ah Cheng, sit down!"

Tan Cheng hurriedly said: "No need, I'll just stand!"

Yao Yuanhang looked at Song Zike and said, "Ah Ke, where's Mark?"

"Oh, maybe pick up girls outside!" Song Zike laughed.

Yao Yuanhang said to Tan Cheng: "Ah Cheng, go and ask Mark to come in."

"Okay, Boss Yao!"

Song Zike looked at Yao Yuanhang and smiled, "Uncle Yao, do you need to find Mark? Are you in such a hurry?"

Yao Yuanhang shook his head and said, "No, I'm looking for you two, I have something to tell you!"

Song Zike said in a deep voice, "Is it about our going to Bay Island next week?"

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