Ye Guohuan cursed loudly: "Did you lose your old mother and fired so many guns, are you afraid that others will not hear someone shooting here?"crazy line! "The man inside came out and said with a mocking smile:

"Brother Huan, this girl's expression is too scary, so I fired a few more shots!"

Ye Guohuan scolded: "Hey, stop talking nonsense, let's go! Go to the pier!"

The next moment, five gunmen quietly left the tavern, leaving only a young couple who died with regret.

Ten minutes later, Luo Tianhong brought people to the tavern.

The nude woman who died with regret had already been covered with a sheet by Hong Xing's people.

Luo Tianhong asked a middle-aged man next to him, "Are you sure the gunshots came from 10 minutes ago?"

"Yes, I am absolutely sure of this!" The middle-aged man replied.

"Then are you sure it's Ye Guohuan?" Luo Tianhong then asked.

"I'm sure, I've seen him holding an ak on TV, it's exactly the same as the leader I saw today!" The middle-aged man replied firmly.Luo Tianhong nodded, and then winked at Ma Zai beside him.

In the next second, Ma Tsai handed the man a check in HK$[-] paper.

"Brother, didn't you say that there is a reward of 1000 million Hong Kong papers?"Why is it only one hundred thousand? " the man asked.

Luo Tianhong's younger brother scolded: You are paralyzed, you can get a hundred thousand with just a few words, what else can you do? "

"I really want 1000 million, Brother Yi dares to give it, do you dare to take it?"

The middle-aged man was scolded by the younger brother and didn't dare to speak!

At this moment, Luo Tianhong smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry, my little brother is not very sensible."

"But don't worry, Hong Xing will definitely mean what he says!"

"As long as we really catch Ye Guohuan this time, the 1000 million Hong Kong papers will be given to you a lot.

In the next second, Luo Tianhong glanced at the check in the man's hand, and continued:

"The 10 yuan is a reward for reporting, not a reward!"

Hearing what Luo Tianhong said, the man breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought that his 1000 million had been wasted.

But according to what they said, there is really a reward of 1000 million!

Then, he heard Luo Tianhong say to him:

"Tell me, what is the relationship between the two dead?"

The man looked at Luo Tianhong and sighed, then said:

"The two of them are a couple. They came from the New Territories. It is said that both of their parents died. They scraped together 15 yuan to open a tavern here."

"Unexpectedly, both of them died! Alas!"

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Luo Tianhong took out five stacks of Hong Kong papers from his arms and said:

"Here is the [-] Hong Kong paper, you help them choose a grave for a good burial"

"Remember, don't think about greedy for this money, or I will choose a cemetery for you in Cemetery Mountain for free!"

Luo Tianhong was afraid that this middle-aged man would steal the [-] Hong Kong paper, so he deliberately (Wang Nuozhao) spoke harshly.

And Luo Tianhong didn't go in person, mainly because he didn't have time, and he was afraid of trouble!

Although the death of the couple had nothing to do with him, but he was a Jianghu after all, so he must be interrogated!

Luo Tianhong was afraid of trouble, so he let this middle-aged man handle it!

After the middle-aged man heard Luo Tianhong's words, he said righteously: "Brother, what do you mean by that?"

"Although I, Zhu Maopan, love money, I won't be greedy for this money even if I'm killed!"

"Don't worry, I will help them both to have a grand burial!"

He went on to say: "After the two of them died, they were able to meet a kind-hearted person like you, which is considered luck among misfortunes! Sigh!"

Luo Tianhong glanced at the middle-aged man, then said:

"Zhu Maopan, if that person is really Ye Guohuan, you won't lose even ten million cents!"

In the next second, Luo Tianhong left the tavern with Hong Xing's people, and rushed towards the direction Zhu Maopan pointed at!

Zhu Maopan looked at the backs of Luo Tianhong and others leaving and sighed: "If only everyone in the rivers and lakes was like this boss!

Then, he glanced at the couple again, and sighed again!

"Poor man!"

A small pier in Saigon, Ye Guohuan and others stood on the shore, waiting for the boat to come.

"Boss Ye, it's [-]:[-], will the boat come?" a subordinate asked anxiously.

"H, I am anxious to paralyze you. Is it useful? Shut up your stinking mouth!" Ye Guohuan said irritably.

Inexplicably, he had a very ominous premonition in his heart today.

Chapter 255 It's impossible to escape with wings!

He went on to say: "There are still 10 minutes left for those who are still on the horse, don't ask if you are on the horse, "!" "

During these 10 minutes, Ye Guohuan's group lived like a year.

A few minutes later, the sound of a 'da da da' motor came from the sea.

"Brother Huan, here we come, here we come!" a horse boy said excitedly.

"Mother, I'm not deaf, so I want you to tell me?" Ye Guohuan scolded with a smile.

He was finally relieved to see the boat coming.

As long as he fled to the mainland, no one could do anything about him.

At that time, I will play for a few more years by myself, and when the wind has passed, I will return to Xiangjiang.

This time he robbed five gold shops, robbed all kinds of gold jewelry worth nearly 3000 million Hong Kong papers, and exchanged 1000 million Hong Kong papers.

For this kind of robbed gold, the boss will definitely lower the price. Ye Guohuan will get 600 million for himself, and the others will get 100 million for each.

"Xu Yi, you dare to chase and kill me, I swear to God, I will take revenge!" Ye Guohuan cursed in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a small red dot flashing on the ship.

He reacted quickly, and the next moment he shouted loudly: "Run!"

It turned out that this flame was the rocket launched by the RPG!

An impassive-looking man on the boat threw the RPG on his shoulder onto the boat.

Jump straight off the boat and dive into the water.

The captain looked at the fleeing figures on the shore and muttered to himself:

"Brother, I'm sorry, Mr. Xu from Hongxing has spoken, who dares to disobey!!"

As soon as the words fell, the boat boss drove his boat away from 697.

On the shore, Ye Guohuan and others were fleeing frantically.

Ye Guohuan knew that it must be Xu Yi's people who were chasing and killing him.

Because without that note there would be no rockets.

""!Xu Yi!I will definitely kill your whole family! "Ye Guohuan cursed fiercely.

The rocket shot just now directly blew up one of his youngsters to serious injuries, and Ye Guohuan directly abandoned him.

Not far away, an indifferent man looked at the dying gangster at his feet.

He slashed open his throat with a single knife, and then continued to chase forward.

At this moment, Luo Tianhong and his gang also heard the explosion at the pier, and he ordered:

"Let's go! Mr. Xu ordered you to shoot immediately when you see Ye Guohuan and his gang! Do you understand?"

"I know!" Ma Zai said in unison.

Then, they divided into four teams and began to search the woods.

Luo Tianhong had the most people on his side, including seven of them.

The group of people brought by Luo Tianhong today are elite club members who have been trained at the Hongxing training base for three months.

These people have received strict training, and their skill, ability, and even loyalty are far higher than the previous old members.

According to the latest regulations, people who have not been trained in the future can only be four or nine at most, not straw sandals!

(baah) I can't even be a red stick or talker!

On the other side, in the dense forest.

"Brother Huan, something seems wrong!!" a boy said to Ye Guohuan.

"H, stop talking nonsense, run away!" Ye Guohuan cursed as he shuttled through the woods.

Another horse boy said: "Brother Huan, did we go wrong?"

"This forest can't be so big, we've been walking in it for 10 minutes!"

The boy remembered that it had only taken them twenty minutes to walk through the woods.

However, because they were afraid of being overtaken by the pursuers, they did not dare to take the main road, but took the small road.

"If you get lost, there's nothing you can do. This forest is not big. If you only walk in one direction, you can get out!" Ye Guohuan said to the younger brothers.

Suddenly, Ye Guohuan saw several figures walking in front of him.

Before Ye Guohuan could react, the few people on the opposite side picked up their guns and fired a burst of fire.

He was shot three times in the body by Ma Zibaya, and he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Those who reacted continued to shoot back immediately, and the pair started a gun battle in this not dense jungle.

Not far away, after hearing the gunshot, Luo Tianhong said:

"Go, follow the gunfire to find someone!"

At the same time, A Ji was also quickly approaching in this direction after firing the rocket launcher.

Ye Guohuan shot and suppressed Hong Xing's team with firepower, and said loudly at the same time:

"While fighting and withdrawing, go to the mountain!"

Then, he shot wildly again, suppressing Hong Xing's men and hiding behind the tree.

The next moment, Ye Guohuan ran away, and when he reached the small forest on the mountain, Ye Guohuan felt a little relieved.

On Luo Tianhong's side, he walked to the place where he found the gunfight before.

Except for the body of Ye Guohuan Mazi, there is only a field of orange bullet casings to prove how fierce the exchange of fire took place before.

After thinking for a while, Luo Tianhong said, "Divide into teams of four and search immediately, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Luo Tianhong's boys responded in unison.

The next moment, everyone searched Ye Guohuan and the other three with guns.

At this time, Ye Guohuan found a secret place.

After leaving a boy named Big Dog to let the wind go, Ye Guohuan and a boy took out bread and started eating.

"Brother Huan, what should we do next?" The big dog who was letting the wind outside said worriedly.

In fact, these breads were kept by Ye Guohuan and others to eat on the smuggling boat.

Since they could get to the north in the middle of the night, they only brought food for one meal.

If they continue to be trapped here like this, they will have nothing to eat.

"Hurry up? Hong Xing's gang will definitely leave after dark!"

"We have this, are you afraid of starvation when riding a horse?" Ye Guohuan patted the ak47 on his waist and laughed.

Another horse boy also laughed and said:

"Brother Huan is right, there is ak, we have whatever we want, we can play with any woman we want."

At this moment, a short knife flew out from an unknown direction, and directly plunged into the horse boy's throat.

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