The first person held an AK47 and swept the bodyguard car behind.

In just ten seconds, five people fired more than 100 rounds of bullets.

The bodyguard car was not bulletproof, and it was smashed into briquettes in an instant.

The four bodyguards in the car fell into a pool of blood before firing any shots.

"Ye...Ye Guohuan!"

Among the five thugs, the leader was not wearing a headgear.

Seeing his face, Guo Bingxiang immediately recognized him as Ye Guohuan, the king of thieves wanted by both Hong Xing and the police.

Da da da....

Ye Guohuan held his AK47 and fired several shots into the sky.

After driving, he lay down in front of the window of the Mercedes-Benz and knocked:

"Mr. Guo, don't be afraid, please get out of the car."

Guo Bingxiang looked around, then at the bomb in the robber's hand, and opened the car door helplessly.

Chapter 257 The Lady's Request!

1 hour later O

The office building of the Police Headquarters.

In the meeting room of the headquarters, there are high-level police officers from Xiangjiang.

At the head of the table was Commissioner Perry.

"Everyone knows the situation, Guo Bingxiang is not an ordinary person."

"Governor William issued a death order, Mr. Guo must not die!"

Afterwards, Perry turned his attention to Li Wenbin, who had been promoted to the head of the serious crime team.

"Li Wenbin, this case is entrusted to you, you can talk about it."

Li Wenbin straightened his tie and said:

"Dear colleagues, a comprehensive report from various sources shows that Mr. Guo's kidnapping has an absolute connection with Ye Guohuan and Zhang Shihao."

"Our trouble is that Mr. Guo's wife, Ms. Liu, claims that Guo Bingxiang was not kidnapped, but just went overseas for vacation."

"We don't need to be responsible for this matter. If the Guo family doesn't cooperate, it will be difficult for us to start our work."

Li Wenbin looked puzzled.

There are rumors and gossips flying around the "Six Nine Seven", and their messengers are as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

But the Guo family didn't seem to have this incident, they didn't cooperate, they didn't cooperate, and they didn't call the police.

He just contacted the kidnappers privately and made it clear that no bad guys should interfere.

Repulse Bay, Xu Mansion Villa!

Xu Yi was in the villa with Su Axi preparing for exercise after dinner, when the big brother at hand rang C. The person calling was He Sheng. Xu Yi knew that he had a good relationship with Guo Bingxiang.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Guo Bingxiang is my old friend. Now her wife wants to ask you to help her. Xu Yi thought about it and said:

"Okay, let her in!"

Xu Yi put down the phone and said to Ma Zai: "There is a lady outside, let her come in.

"Okay Brother Ze." Ma Zai responded and left quickly.

Soon, a lady in her 30s with tears on her face walked into the villa.

To Xu Yi's surprise, it was Big Brother B who accompanied her.

It seems that Guo Bingxiang's wife went out to find Big Brother B.

For my sake, can you see her?She is outside your villa right now.

"Mrs. Guo, he is Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing. If you have anything to do, talk to him."

After saying hello to Xu Yi, the woman who spoke with great sincerity said.

"Mr. Xu..."

The lady wiped her tears and nodded to Xu Yi.

Big Brother B introduced this lady to Xu Yi: "Ah Yi, Mr. Guo was kind to me before, so I brought Mrs. Guo here to ask you for help."

"Hello, Ms. Liu."

Xu Yi smiled. In fact, his Tianyi Real Estate and Xinhongji are still competitors...

"Mr. Xu, the thing is like this..."

Liu Nihong then told what happened.

The kidnappers have already called, asking for 14 billion Hong Kong paper.

The Guo family was unwilling to call the police.

One is worried that Guo Bingxiang will be torn apart.

The second is that they are worried that the company's stock will plummet due to the kidnapping.

But no matter how you deal with it, there is one premise that cannot be avoided, and that is the ransom.

The Guo family is a family business, and Xinhongji Real Estate is actually made by the three brothers.

In a big family, internal fighting is normal.

Now, Guo's second child and Guo's third child are not willing to pay the money from the group.

Liu Nihong didn't have too much cash in the family business, so she took out 14 billion at once.

So he asked He Sheng for help, hoping that He Sheng could help her tide over the difficulties.

He Sheng told her that in Xiangjiang, only Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing, can help you with this matter. If you go to him, you must be sincere enough.

Liu Nihong wiped away her tears and said to Xu Yi: "

Mr. Xu, the kidnapper called and said that the money will be paid in two days, and we are not allowed to call the police. "

"I will find a way to get the money, but I'm just afraid that they won't release the money after they take it."

Xu Yi looked at her and asked, "How did the kidnapper contact you?"

"He took the initiative to find me, just this afternoon."

Ms. Liu described: "He was wearing a white vest, looked friendly, and called himself Zhang Shihao."

"It sure is him!"

Xu Yi nodded lightly: "Zhang Shihao, apart from other things, is relatively well-behaved in terms of professional ethics."

"If you pay the money on time, Mr. Guo will not die."

Hearing this, Ms. Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

The money matter is easy to handle, and I am most afraid that the other party will tear up the ticket after taking the money.

Xu Yi knew what Liu Nihong was worried about.

However, it is best not to call the police in this situation, and to solve it privately.

If the alarm is dealt with, there may not be good results.

For example, the two major kidnapping cases in Xiangjiang in later generations, the kidnapping case of Li Bancheng's son, and the kidnapping case of Lu Zhongbo.

Among them, the Li family did not call the police, but negotiated with the kidnappers privately, and finally his son returned safely.

However, the kidnapping case of Lu Zhongbo was taken over by the police, and finally Lu Zhongbo died unexpectedly...

"Mr. Xu, I would like a small house in the New Territories worth HK$[-] million as a reward. Please help me rescue my husband, is that okay?"

"Mrs. Guo, you didn't call the police, did you?" Xu Yi asked, lighting a cigar.

"No, I'm afraid the police will intervene and my husband will be torn apart by them."

Ms. Liu doesn't care about money, she just wants her husband to come back safely.


Xu Yi agreed, the small house she promised was a reason, but the main reason was that he knew that Ye Guohuan and Zhang Shihao were together now!

He also knew that Zhang Shihao kidnapped Guo Bingxiang only for money, not for life.

Zhang Shihao is a very well-behaved person. He said that he will release people if he gets the ransom, and he will not break the contract if there is no accident.

Whether it's a movie, a TV series, or in reality, Zhang Shihao is a man of good manners.

You can say that he is a bad person, but you cannot say that he is unprincipled.

Zhang Shihao can be said to belong to the traditional type of Jiangyang thief, who believes in the way of robbers.

next day!

New Territories, in an abandoned factory building.

"Hello, Ms. Liu? Is the money ready?"

Zhang Shihao, smoking a cigar, dialed Ms. Liu's number.

"Zhang Shihao, you are quite courageous!" A man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"who are you?"

Zhang Shihao sat up instantly: "Where is Ms. Liu?"

"Ms. Liu is next to me. I'm Hongxing Xu Yi. You should have heard of me, right?" Xu Yi said slowly

"Xu Yi! The Guo family actually asked Mr. Xu to intervene?" Zhang Shihao was taken aback!

0.7 After Zhang Shihao finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Guohuan who was sitting beside him.

Then he said to Xu Yi in a deep voice, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. The Guo family pays for it. You take the money and let him go. It's a very simple matter."

"It's nothing that can be done with money, but you have to ensure the safety of Mr. Guo."

Zhang Shihao thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Mr. Xu, please continue."

"Zhang Shihao, 14 billion Hong Kong papers is too much, take one less!" Xu Yi said directly.

Hearing this, Zhang Shihao became anxious instantly:

"Mr. Xu, the Guo family has tens of billions of Hong Kong paper assets, and I only need 14 billion, right?"

Xu Yi said: "Zhang Shihao, Guo Bingxiang has two younger brothers."

"Now that Guo Bingxiang is kidnapped by you, his two younger brothers are so happy that they don't want to pay any money.

Can't wait for you to tear up votes. .

Chapter 258 King!Do not provoke!

Zhang Shihao is a bit difficult to deal with.After thinking for a full minute, he said:

"Mr. Xu, I have to give you face"

"I'm also a cheerful person. I'll cut it in half for you, [-] million, how about it?"

Xu Yi smiled slightly, and said: "Zhang Shihao, it's only [-] million, but I want Ye Guohuan to come to my house alone to get the money!" Give it a try!"

After Zhang Shihao listened, he thought about it again and agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Guohuan asked from the side:

"Brother Hao, there is a man over there listening to the voice, who is it?"


Zhang Shihao frowned, and then said directly: "It's Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing."

Ye Guohuan froze for a moment: "Xu Yi?"

Zhang Shihao nodded: "Yes, that's him, he talked to me about the ransom."

"A Huan, we came out here to seek money, you can't let your temper pass."

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