"She's here!" Gao Jin said truthfully.

"Bring her here, I want to see her!" Xu Yi ordered.

"Okay, I'll bring her up now."

Three minutes later, the doorbell of the presidential suite rang.

After Xu Yi opened the door, he saw a crabapple in red.

Peerless elegance!

These four words popped into Xu Yi's mind!

The last time I saw Haitang was in Haojiang, almost two years ago.

Chapter 262 Haitang: Mr. Xu, if you don't dislike me, you can kill me!

After Hao Jiang left, what Xu Yi did shocked Haitang even more!

Xu Yi is undoubtedly a figure who made history!

For hundreds of years in Xiangjiang, there have been many influential figures in the rivers and lakes.

But no one person has ever been able to dominate the Xiangjiang Jianghu.

After Haitang heard the news, she became even more curious about Xu Yi.

She wanted to see how this legendary man had changed in the past two years.

Now in the presidential suite of Building 101, I want to meet her.

In fact, Haitang knew in her heart that Xu Yi must have a purpose when she saw her, or she wanted to use her.

Haitang is not annoyed at all, she knows that someone wants to use you to prove your worth!

It is the saddest thing if a person has no one to take advantage of him.

Although Haitang is very confident in her appearance and her surroundings.

But what she was sure of was that what Xu Yi wanted to use was not her appearance and body.

She knew that she must have what Xu Yi needed!

At the entrance of the presidential suite, when Xu Yi was looking at Haitang, Haitang was also looking at him.

However, she still never thought of "Six Nine Seven", Xu Yi is still so handsome after two years of absence!

There is also a lot more handsome and elegant.

Like a noble son with noble blood.

Just when Haitang was thinking wildly, Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Miss Hai, please come in!"

Xu Yi's words interrupted Haitang's wild thoughts.

Her face was slightly red, and she said:

"Mr. Xu, sorry, I was distracted just now!"

"It's okay, come in and talk!" Xu Yi said with a smile.

Then, Xu Yi and Haitang walked into the small reception room of the Grand Commander's Suite, while Gao Jin walked outside knowingly.

In the living room, Xu Yi asked Haitang, "Miss Hai, what would you like to drink?"

"Let's boil water!" Haitang replied.

Xu Yi quickly poured two glasses of boiled water and put them in front of Xu Yi and Haitang.

『:Blank』"69!89.258'50 Haitang looked at Xu Yi and asked curiously: "Mr. Xu, why did you come to Wandao to find me this time? "

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Miss Hai, I said that I want to support you to become the big sister of the Wandao Jianghu, do you believe me?"

Haitang obviously misunderstood what Xu Yi meant, she blushed slightly, and said, "Mr. Xu, you really know how to joke!"

"Miss Hai, I'm not joking. What I want to talk about is our future cooperation." Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said slowly.

"Cooperation for what? Mr. Xu", Haitang looked at Xu Yi with her charming eyes, and said slowly.

"Cooperate to take down the entire Bay Island!" Xu Yi said word by word.

"Mr. Xu, I don't seem to be qualified to cooperate with you?"

As soon as these words came out of Haitang's mouth, Xu Yi knew she could do it!

It is difficult for a person to see himself clearly, but it is even more difficult to be honest about his shortcomings.

This is also enough to prove her potential.

Xu Yi waved his hand and said, "Miss Hai, you really didn't have that qualification before, but now you have it!"

"Mr. Xu, Haitang is stupid, please explain clearly to Mr. Xu!" Haitang looked at Xu Yi and said.

"It's very simple, I need you to do things for me, and I will give you everything you want." Xu Yi said slowly.

"Mr. Xu, do you know what I want?"

Haitang nodded slightly, and then asked Xu Yi a question about herself.

"Power!" Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said word by word.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Haitang froze instantly!

Why does Haitang desire power so much?

That's because she knows that only power can allow her to truly control her life!

Only power can keep her safe!

Therefore, when Xu Yi said the word 'power', Haitang had such a big reaction.

Xu Yi looked at the dazed Haitang in front of him, and just took a sip of the boiled water.

He knew that there must be a storm in Haitang's mind right now.

She needs a moment to calm down.

After about 3 minutes, Haitang came back to her senses.

She looked at Xu Yi with a complicated expression, and then asked:

"Mr. Xu, what do you need me to do?"

"It's very simple, I want you to help me control the East Lake Gang!" Xu Yi said lightly.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Haitang smiled wryly and said, "Mr. Xu, although I am the leader of the Donghu Gang, I am actually a flower vase. What should I use to control the Donghu Gang?"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Miss Hai, if I can sit in front of you and talk to you about this matter, it means you can!"


Haitang wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Xu Yi:

"Miss Hai, as I said before, I can give you everything you want, as long as it can help you master the East Lake Gang!"

"I can supply you with unlimited money, people, and things. As long as I complete the goal, I won't ask you how much resources you consume in the middle!"

Having said that, Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said word by word:

"Miss Hai, you can only succeed if you do it, otherwise there is no possibility!"

Xu Yi's words were like the devil's language, instantly evoking the desire in Haitang's heart.

No one desires power more than her!

But now after hearing Xu Yi's words, Haitang has become firm in her heart!

What Xu Yi said is right, it will never be possible if you don't do it!

The next moment, Haitang looked at Xu Yi and said, "Mr. Xu, I have another question."

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Miss Hai, please tell me."

"Mr. Xu, I'm just the head of the Donghu Gang in name. If one day I really take full control of the Donghu Gang, what will I do?" Haitang looked at Xu Yi and asked seriously.

Xu Yi looked at Haitang and replied seriously: "Miss Hai, I will give you the power to go underground on the entire Bay Island, and this will always be valid!"

Hearing what Xu Yi said, a bright smile appeared on Haitang's face.

"Mr. Xu, thank you, happy cooperation!" Haitang said softly.

After hearing Haitang's words, Xu Yi smiled slightly and said:

"Miss Hai, happy cooperation!"

Haitang then asked a question that every woman would ask:

"Mr. Xu, why me?"

Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said slowly: "If I really want to say why, it's because I like you.0"

"Mr. Xu, I understand!" Haitang looked at Xu Yi and said seriously.

Then, Haitang walked to Xu Yi's side and said, "Mr. Xu, I want to thank you!"

"Not only did you help me avenge the murder of my father in Haojiang, but you also helped me get the power of the East Lake Gang and the entire Wandao Jianghu today."

Haitang then stretched out her hand to the button of her jacket, and said:

"Mr. Xu, I have nothing to repay you, only my body is clean."

"If you don't dislike it, you want me!"

When Haitang said these words, her eyes rippled like spring water.

Xu Yi didn't stop Haitang, but smoked a cigar and said with a smile;

"Miss Hai, please don't play such little tricks in front of me, it's useless!"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Haitang buttoned the two buttons that had been undone.

The spring in the eyes also disappeared, and his face was calm, as if there were no waves in the ancient well.

She looked at Xu Yi and said, "Mr. Xu, it seems that there is a reason why you can become a legend! In fact, this is Haitang's temptation.

She wanted to see what kind of person Xu Yi was.

If he is seduced by himself, he will want to fuck himself in a hurry...

Obviously, Xu Yi passed her test.

The strange thing is that at this time, Haitang didn't feel happy in her heart, instead she felt a little disappointed because she felt that a man like Xu Yi should pass her own test.

After all, he is a once-in-a-century legend!

Haitang is confident enough in her figure, appearance, and temperament.

However, Xu Yi was indifferent to the temptation with her. 0.7

When she just took off her clothes, Haitang had been staring into Xu Yi's eyes.

Haitang could tell that Xu Yi's eyes were very hopeless.

There is no such burning desire as other men, but only the indifference of an old monk.

This made Haitang feel a little lost...

She looked at Xu Yi, thinking that if Xu Yi really wanted to fuck her just now, would she be able to refuse?

Haitang shook her head, not daring to think about the answer.

Then, she said to Xu Yi: "Mr. Xu, what should I do in the first step?"

Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said word by word: "It's very simple, you have to make yourself a rich woman first!"

"Huh?" Haitang was a little puzzled.

Xu Yi continued: "Miss Hai, it's all about money."

"If you want to control the Donghu Gang and buy off the cornermen of the Donghu Gang, you can't do it without money."

"Therefore, what you have to do is very simple, that is, to become a rich woman in Bay Island in the shortest possible time!" "Miss Hai, this is the first step of the plan!" Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said slowly .

Chapter 263 Layout Bay Island!

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Haitang said:

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