"Miss Hai, don't be surprised, this painting of Tang Yin's calligraphy is fake."

"The auction house, how do they say this is real?" Haitang asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple, I've already bought that auction house!" Xu Yi said calmly.

"Ah this?" Haitang was completely startled.

In order to give himself a reasonable and legal NT$[-] million, Xu Yi actually spent money to buy an auction house!

"Miss Hai, the details determine success or failure, please make the details the best, understand?" Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said slowly.

After Haitang heard Xu Yi's words, her expression turned serious, and she said seriously, "Mr. Xu, I understand!"

"Miss Hai, after you have [-] million Taiwan dollars, you will have the capital to start a new business!" Xu Yi laughed.

"What business?" Haitang asked.

"No hurry, I will send someone to protect you first, and they will come tomorrow"

"Don't worry, I'm not sending someone to watch you, I'm just helping you deal with people who might threaten you!" Xu Yi smiled slightly.

Originally, Haitang thought that Xu Yi sent someone to monitor her.

But after hearing what Xu Yi said, she subconsciously chose to believe it!

Because, the current Xu Yi has no need to lie to her in this regard

Since he said he was only protecting his own safety, it must be protecting his own safety!

In fact, Haitang also felt that she really needed someone to protect her.

"Then thank you Mr. Xu!" Haitang looked at Xu Yi and thanked him sweetly.

"You're welcome, I'll give you a female bodyguard. After you have a bodyguard, you can start investing in A. goods business

"What? A goods business?" Haitang said in surprise.

"Yes, this is the most profitable business at the moment!

"As long as you have money, we can officially start the second step of the plan!" Xu Yi laughed.

"Mr. Xu, is the A goods business real?" Haitang asked curiously.

"Xu Yi said with a smile.

It can be seen that the fake Tang Yin calligraphy made a deep impression on Haitang.

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Don't worry, of course it's true!"

After Haitang heard Xu Yi's words, she smiled sweetly!

"Thank you so much, Brother Yi!" Haitang quietly changed her name in her heart.

Bay Island Taipei, Hong Mentai North branch rudder.

Wang Haoyu, the rudder master of Hong Mentai's northern sub-rudder, is listening to the news from his leader, A Cai.

After listening, Wang Haoyu frowned and said:

"Ah Cai, is what you said true?"

"Absolutely true! Xu Yi lives in W1 Building." Ah Cai affirmed.

Neither Zhou Chaoxian nor Xu Yi knew that they were actually one of the shareholders of Hongmen 101 Building.

Although Hong Mentai's North Branch rudder is not strong in Wandao.

But the foundation is very deep, and the financial resources and contacts in the political arena of the Bay Island are very strong.

A month ago, Situ Zhenxiong sent the world's number one killer 42 to Xiangjiang to assassinate Xu Yi after he failed.

Hongmen's fight with the Qing Gang in country m became more and more intense.

So the Hongmen headquarters can't spare to deal with Xu Yi for the time being.

However, the rewards for Hongmen's Jianghu hunting order against Xu Yi are getting higher and higher.

"Xu Yi really came to Wandao, then he is looking for his own death!

"Wandao is our territory, Xu Yi is here to die!" Wang Haoyu said darkly

"Boss, what should we do next?" Ah Cai was asking.

"Don't worry, send someone to monitor him 24 hours a day. It's best to install a bug in his room!" Wang Haoyu said.

"Yes, boss!" Tou Ma turned and left after accepting the order.

"Okay Xu Yi, you didn't stay in Xiangjiang, you actually went to Wandao to die!"

"This time, I must let Xu Yi stay in Wandao forever!" Wang Haoyu said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Chapter 266 Edinburgh Middle School!

On Xu Yi's side, he is on the phone.

"A Lin, I understand what you said, and now I want all the information on Hongmen's stay in Wandao." Xu Yi said lightly.

Before Gao Jin entered Wandao, the members of Fengtang under Gui Laolin arrived at Wandao.

Relying on his superb ability to engage in intelligence, coupled with a little money-making ability, Fengtang quickly opened up the situation in Wandao.

"Brother Yi, the information will be sent to you within two hours at the most!" Ghost Lin said.

"it is good!"

Although Xu Yi didn't care much about Hong Mentai's North Branch.

However, in order to avoid side effects, Xu Yi still made up his mind to get Hong Mentai's North Sub-Helm.

Two hours later, the doorbell of the presidential suite rang.

After Xu Yi opened the door, a member of Fengtang handed you a file bag for Xu Yi, and then left.

Xu Yi picked up the file bag, pulled out a stack of documents from it, and after reading it for a while, picked up the satellite-phone.

"A Ji, here comes the mission." Xu Yi said lightly.

"Brother Yi, location, target?" A Ji asked.

"Taibei, Ah Lin will send someone to assist you!" Xu Yi said.

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

Time flies, five days have passed.

Xu Yi has already booked the air ticket, and he explained the next action guide for Haitang.

"Haitang, I'm going back to Xiangjiang, your next step is to make a public appearance at various high-end social banquets

"Don't worry about the invitation letter, I will send someone to handle it"

"The purpose of doing this is to shape you into a new rich woman!"

Xu Yi asked Guo Zhengliang to get those invitation letters for Haitang.

He eats all he wants in Wandao, and it is easy to get a few invitations for upper-class banquets.

"Okay, Brother Yi!" Haitang said with a smile.

Xu Yi looked at Haitang and said with a smile: "Haitang, I will make you the underground queen of Bay Island in a year's time!

"Uh, why isn't she the queen?" Haitang asked subconsciously.

Xu Yi heard Haitang's words, and looked at this beautiful woman who didn't wear makeup but was still charming.

He whispered, "Hai Tang, do you want to be a queen or a queen?"

"I'll listen to you!" Haitang continued to ask.

Xu Yi smiled and scratched her nose.

Then, Xu Yi got into the car bound for the airport!

Haitang watched the car getting further and further away, and muttered to herself:

"Xu Yi, I don't care what kind of queen I am, I just want to be your woman!"

After returning to Xiangjiang, Han Bin, Guilao Lin, Tian Yangsheng, Zhan Mi and others came to report to Xu Yi

Now Xu Yi's stall is very large, carefully divided into eight departments!

Han Bin is in charge of Hongxing's daily affairs.

Guilao Lin is in charge of Fengtang.

Tian Yangsheng is in charge of the battlefield.

Jimmy is in charge of business development.

The three of them usually come to the headquarters for meetings.

Fengzi, Wei Jixiang is in charge of the casino in Haojiang.

Brother Wang Jianjun is in Jinshanjiao.

Song Zihao and Brother Xiao Ma in Taiguo

Tong Mingxin and Cheng brothers are in Moscow.

The four groups of them usually communicate by satellite phone.

Han Bin reported first.

"Brother Yi, the Xiangjiang rivers and lakes are very peaceful now. He Yannian of the Hongmen Xiangjiang branch has been a coward for several months. We are following Brother Yi's instructions to plan the next dead end for him!"

"The Number Gang, Xinji, and dozens of other small societies are all calm, but there is a little fluctuation in Dongxing."

"A girl named Shui Ling has been dancing very happily recently, but Situ Haonan is still restraining her."

Xu Yi nodded and said, "Be careful with Dongxing. Although our Hongxing family is the only one, we still have to maintain our alliance with Dongxing."

After a pause, Xu Yi said again: "He Yannian, Alin, please help Abin, and get it done as soon as possible!"

Gui Lao Lin nodded hurriedly: "Okay Brother Yi, the He family is about to lose its hold, just push again, and the Hongmen Xiangjiang sub-rudder will be wiped out!"

Xu Yi looked at Gui Lao Lin and said, "A Lin, now tell me about your work."

"Okay, Brother Yi."

Afterwards, Guilao Lin began to talk about the useful information that Fengtang had obtained during this period.

There is a lot of information, the most urgent of which is that Director Guilao and several deputy directors of the police force are planning an operation against Hong Xing.

Guilao Lin has no idea how to act specifically, but he is still collecting information.

In addition, Hao Ji from Hongmentai's South Asia branch, and Lei Fuhong from the Sanlian Gang are also sharpening their swords.

Finally, Guilao Lin said: "Brother Yi, Director Perry of the police department may meet with you, the reason is that you rescued Guo Bingxiang, and maybe he will give you a medal or something."

"Also, I vaguely heard about an organization called the Landlords' Association. It is very secretive and involves a huge conspiracy involving ghosts. The identities of the participants are very prominent. I don't know who it is. I will focus on this in the next step. "

Landlord meeting?

Xu Yi thought for a while, and immediately remembered that in the movie "Eavesdropping 2", there was a mysterious organization called "Landlord Association".

?0 for flowers 0...

This organization is indeed composed of several wealthy and powerful bigwigs. During the Hong Kong stock market crash in 1990, they used their brains and reason to rescue the market, colluded with each other, and controlled the stock price at will.

Over the years, they have dominated the rise and fall of the Xiangjiang economic system, using financial means to control the rise and fall of the stock market.

In the movie, there is a big boss who said "If something happens to us, the whole Xiangjiang will collapse", which is enough to see the influence of this mysterious financial organization.

But later on, the former rescue heroes stepped into the gray area of ​​capital. Later, they only cared about their own interests just like the foreigners, and even harmed others for their own interests.


Xu Yi analyzed it, and it seems that the landlord association in reality is already doing whatever it takes to benefit.Especially in this critical time period, how much capital they will plunder in the financial market...

If I want to become a super tycoon like Li Bancheng, I will undoubtedly have a violent collision with them.

Perhaps now they have regarded themselves as enemies!

Thinking of this, Xu Yi said to Gui Lao Lin: "For the landlord association, we must find out who is composed of it at all costs, what is their next move, and what hostile behavior is there with Hong Xing."

"Okay, Brother Yi!"

Next, Tian Yangsheng reported on the training situation in the battle hall.

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