Hong Yizheng asked: "The Chief Steward already has someone in mind?"

Situ Zhenxiong said lightly: "The most suitable person is you, Hongmen sits in the hall and Hong Yizheng!"

"Ah Zheng, I wonder if you can go to Xiangjiang to meet Xu Yi for me?"

After Hong Yizheng heard Situ Zhenxiong's words, he was shocked at first!

Then he realized that there was indeed no more suitable candidate than himself!

Although Marshal Dalu has a high status, he only has honor but no power.

The status of the rudder owners of those sub-rudders seems to be a little lower than the current Xu Yi.

Now only he is the perfect candidate to negotiate with Xu Yi.

Thinking of this, Hong Yizheng said with a smile: "Chief lord, of course I am willing to go to Xiangjiang. Hongmen needs me, and it is my duty to do so!"

After listening to Hong Yizheng's words, Situ Zhenxiong laughed loudly and said, "Ah Zheng, Hongmen has you, why worry about it?"

"You go to Xiangjiang to meet Xu Yi tomorrow, whether it's war or peace, I'll be waiting for your news!"

Hong Yizheng nodded and said: "Mr. Situ, don't worry, I will take care of everything!"

Looking at the back of Hong Yizheng leaving, Situ Zhenxiong had a cold light in his eyes, and he secretly said:

"Xu Yi, you should be honored that Hong Yi is being buried with you!"

This time he photographed Hong Yizheng going to Xiangjiang, the purpose was not to negotiate with Xu Yi at all.

Situ Zhenxiong's goal is only 0.7, and he wants to set up a life-and-death situation.

This life and death game is not only aimed at Xu Yi, but also other people, other enemies of Situ Zhenxiong!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use Hong Yizheng, the third person in Hongmen, as a sacrificial

That night, Xu Yi received a call.

This call was made by Ship King Bao Wenzheng.

It turned out that Bao Wen had been favored by Hong Men 30 years ago and owed Hong Men a favor.

Now Hong Yi, the head of Hongmen, is looking for him and asks him to be a middleman.

I want to talk to Xu Yi and see if I can resolve the grievances and resentments between Xu Yi and Hong Men!

So after he received Hong Yizheng's call, he thought it was a good thing, so he immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately called Xu Yi.

"Xu Yi, I'm Bao Wenzheng."

"Mr. Bao, hello, why are you calling so late?"

In the past few months, Bao Wenzheng has helped Xu Yi transport a large number of military supplies bought from the polar bear.

Chapter 278 Bait!

Bao Wenzheng, the ship tycoon, is willing to help himself. In addition to admiring himself, he also has his patriotism.

Therefore, Xu Yi respected Bao Wen very much.

"Xu Yi, it's a good thing. Hong Yizheng found me. He wants to represent Hongmen and talk to you!"

Xu Yi didn't care about Bao Wenzheng's words. Bao Wen is a typical businessman who can talk about everything.

However, Bao Wenzheng didn't know that in Jianghu, once a war started, it would be either you or me!For Hongmen, Xu Yi must conquer, there is no possibility of reconciliation!

And Hongmen is actually the same. If they want to maintain their interests in pro-South Asia, they will never compromise with themselves.

In fact, this negotiation is doomed to failure before it even starts.

However, Xu Yi still decided to meet and have a talk with Hong Yizheng, who is the head of the Hongmen.

Not for anything else, just to give Bao Wenzheng a face.

Therefore, Xu Yi said:

"Mr. Bao, please tell Hong Yizheng that I can meet him at Xiangjiang

"Xu Yi, I will notify him!" Bao Wenzheng said after hearing Xu Yi's words.

Then, Bao Wenzheng immediately spoke to Hong Yizheng again.

Said that he had already negotiated with Xu Yi about the meeting, and asked Hong Yizheng to fly to Xiangjiang as soon as possible.

On this day, Hong Yizheng took a plane to Xiangjiang.

What he didn't know was that a seven-member killer team also went to Xiangjiang.


These seven people were the ones Situ Zhenxiong sent to kill Hong Yizheng.

After Hong Yizheng arrived in Xiangjiang, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Bao Wenzheng's number.

"Mr. Bao, I'm Hong Yizheng. I've arrived in Xiangjiang. Please arrange for me to meet Xu Yi as soon as possible. Thank you!"

"Mr. Hong, wait for my news." After Bao Wenzheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Soon, Bao Wenzheng contacted Xu Yi.

"Mr. Bao, please tell him, I will wait for him in my office." Xu Yi said to Bao Wenzheng.

"Okay!" Bao Wenzheng answered and hung up the phone.

Four or ten minutes later, Hong Yizheng appeared in Xu Yi's office.

"Mr. Xu, I have admired you for a long time!" Hong Yizheng said with a smile after seeing Xu Yi.

Xu Yi pointed to the sofa in the office and said, "Please sit down, Mr. Hong."

Then, he said with a half-smile, "Mr. Hong, this is the first time I've heard of your name today!"

The two sides have just completed the first wave of confrontation.

Hong Yi was secretly mocking Xu Yi, don't be too arrogant, but Xu Yi retaliated to him, saying that you are too useless.

"Mr. Xu, I want to know whether you want peace or war."

Hong Yizheng directly stated his purpose of coming to Xiangjiang.

Xu Yi lit a cigar before saying, "Of course I want peace!"

Hong Yizheng nodded and said: "Mr. Xu, we have the same opinion!"

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Now it's my turn to ask you "What price do you think peace needs to pay?" "

Hong Yizheng thought for a while and said, "Peace is higher for both of us, there is no price."

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "It seems that you Hongmen have no sincerity for peace."

Hong Yizheng naturally knew what Xu Yi meant, he said slowly:

"Mr. Xu, I have to admit that you are very powerful, but Hongmen's background is beyond your imagination.

"So I advise you, cherish the peace now!"

Xu Yi shook his head and said: "Mr. Hong, times have changed, times have changed! The era of Hongmen is over!

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Hong Yizheng stood up abruptly, squinted his eyes and said with a smile:

"Mr. Xu, should I praise you for not being afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, or should I say that you don't know what's good?

Xu Yi said slowly: "Mr. Hong, please remember, this is Xiangjiang, not Country M"

"When you speak harshly, pay attention to the location and occasion! Don't make a joke!"

"Hmph! Xu Yi! Since you choose to give up peace, all that awaits you is war!"

As soon as the words fell, Hong Yizheng left Xu Yi's office directly.

Hong Yi is currently in Hongmen. After all these years in Country M, no one dares to talk to him like this.

Even if it was for his own face, he couldn't continue talking with Xu Yi!

Xu Yi looked at Hong Yizheng's back and thought: Hongmen sent him to Xiangjiang to declare war on himself?

Should not be!

Xu Yi felt that Situ Zhenxiong must have other purposes for sending Hong Yizheng to Xiangjiang.

It's just that Xu Yi couldn't imagine what kind of conspiracy Situ Zhenxiong had planned for a while!

until a few minutes later.

A boy ran into Xu Yi's office and said out of breath, "Brother Yi, just now at the gate of the building

When Ma Zai said this, Xu Yi directly interrupted: "Take it easy first, and then talk to me."

After Ma Zai took five deep breaths according to Xu Yi's instructions, his breathlessness recovered a lot. Then he said quickly:

"Mr. Xu, there was a shooting just now at the gate of our building."

"The man who just came out of your office and his horse boy were shot dead at the gate of our building!

When Xu Yi heard what Ma Zai said, he immediately stood up.

If there is no accident, the person who died must be Hong Yizheng.

Then, an idea flashed in Xu Yi's mind, and it was further amplified.

Xu Yi's analysis is that Hong Yizheng, who was sitting in the hall of the Hongmen, was killed by people sent by the leader of the Hongmen, Situ Zhenxiong!

The reason is very good: Hong Yizheng's itinerary from Honolulu to Xiangjiang is very mysterious.

Obviously, Hong Yizheng came to Xiangjiang secretly this time.

In this case, there should not be many people in Hongmen who know that Hong Yizheng is coming to Xiangjiang.

On Xiangjiang's side, besides himself, only Bao Wenzheng knew about Hong Yizheng's coming to Xiangjiang.

More importantly, Xu Yi does not believe that there are still Xiangjiang people or Xiangjiang associations who dare to kill people at the gate of Hongxing headquarters.

In this way, Xiangjiang's forces can be directly eliminated!

The forces outside Xiangjiang, although Hongmen has many enemies around the world

But Xu Yi did not believe that other forces could not have such a coincidence.

Just after Hong Yizheng left the Hongxing headquarters building, he was shot dead.

Obviously this was a premeditated assassination!

And the only one who can do this is Situ Zhenxiong who knows exactly when Hong Yi came to Xiangjiang.

After Xu Yi thought of this, he was puzzled by a question:

The reason why Hongmen sent Hong Yizheng to Xiangjiang was revealed. Hong Yizheng was the victim of Situ Zhenxiong!

Or it is a bait!

Thinking of this, Xu Yi felt a chill down his back.

Unexpectedly, for a character like Hong Yizheng, Situ Zhenxiong would be willing to throw him out as a sacrifice!

It is ruthless, ruthless, and it is clearly reflected in Situ Zhenxiong!

"Boss, what should we do now?" Seeing Xu Yi's silence, Ma Zai anxiously asked for instructions

Chapter 279 The whole city raids! ! !

After Xu Yi heard Ma Zai's words, he asked, "How many killers are there?"

Ma Zai immediately replied: "There are three people in total, two of them were killed by us, and one was wounded and escaped."

"In addition to these three people, there are three screeners, two of whom should be snipers."

"Those killers are very skilled. We tried our best, but we still let him run away!"

"Go to the rivers and lakes to pursue the order, even if you search Xiangjiang all over, you must find these killers!"

Xu Yi said in a deep voice!

"Yes, boss!"

"Also, call the police on this matter!" Xu Yi continued.

"Call the police?" Ma Zai was stunned for a moment.

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