Among the current Xiangjiang clubs, Hong Xing is of course the veritable No. [-] club in Xiangjiang!

Lei Yaoyang smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, I think so too!"

Xu Yi glanced at these three people, and then said: "Wang Bao, Lei Yaoyang, Han Chen, do you want to be the boss of Xiangjiang.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Wang Bao, Han Chen, and Lei Yaoyang all turned pale.

Wang Bao stood up in shock and said:

"Mr. Xu, I, Wang Bao, don't mean that! I'm absolutely chivalrous towards Hong Xing!"

Han Chen and Lei Yaoyang also expressed that they had absolutely no intention of betraying Hong Xing, an ally.

Xu Yi stretched out his right hand, signaling them to sit down.

After Lei Yaoyang, Wang Bao, and Lei Yaoyang sat down, Xu Yi said:

"Don't be nervous, you three, I know how you are doing."

As soon as Xu Yi finished speaking, Wang Bao, Han Chen, and Lei Yaoyang became nervous for a while.

"There is one thing, I want to hurry you, Hongmen will soon go to war with Hongxing." Xu Yi said lightly.

"What? How dare the Hongmen come to our Xiangjiang? You have eaten the guts of a leopard!"

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, Hong Xing doesn't want you to do anything, our Viper Gang will take care of them!" Wang Bao said loudly after hearing Xu Yi's words.

Xu Yi nodded, then looked at Han Chen and Lei Yaoyang.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, our East Star will definitely advance and retreat with Hong Xing!" Lei Yaoyang said seven.

Chapter 282 The storm is coming!

Xu Yi nodded, and then said: "I will remember what the three of you said!"

As soon as Xu Yi's words fell, Han Chen immediately continued: "Brother Yi, are you going to deliberately let the forces of the Hongmen come in to close the door and beat the dogs?"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Yes, as long as someone finds you and asks you to deal with Hong Xing, you promise to do it!"

"But we must ask Hongmen to contribute money, the more the better!"

"Yes, Brother Yi!" Han Chen, Lei Yaoyang, and Wang Bao said in unison.

Xu Yi smiled and said, "Okay, you can go back now!"

After Han Chen, Lei Yaoyang, and Wang Bao left, Pheasant walked in from the meeting room.

He looked at Xu Yi and said:

"Brother Yi, do you think Hongmen will buy other associations in Xiangjiang to deal with us?"

Xu Yi looked at the pheasant and smiled, "There is a possibility."

"Brother Yi, what are you worried about?"

"Pheasant, if you have been the boss for a long time, you will have ambitions on "July [-]""

"There is no denying Hongmen's influence, it is indeed powerful.

"It's not certain if they want to buy it, so I have to tell them first. This is a warning and a reminder!"

"Situ Zhenxiong of Hongmen is a hero, and he can definitely guess the relationship between Han Chen, Lei Yaoyang, Wang Bao and me."

"So it's unlikely that Hongmen will bribe the three of them, but I want to remind them of the situation in these three clubs!"

"Brother Yi, where do you think Hong Men will attack?"

"Pheasant, although Xiangjiang is almost an iron bucket managed by me, it can't be said that it has no flaws."

After a pause, Xu Yi said again:

"Where they will start, I can't figure it out now!"

"However, passive defense has never been my style, Xu Yi. Since they want to fight in Hongmen, I will fight with them!"

"Pheasant, Hongxing is already invincible in Xiangjiang Haojiang, Hongmen has no chance to attack us! But their Hongmen is not invincible in country m."

"The four major clubs in country m, the Hongmen, the Green Gang, the Hey Hand Party, and the Skinhead Party."

"Among them, Hongmen is the strongest, but the strength of the other three clubs is not much different from that of Hongmen."

"Since Hongmen is dealing with us, then I can also start from this aspect and deal with Hongmen!"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Pheasant's eyes lit up!

If Hongmen's base camp was attacked, it would be impossible for it to separate hands to deal with Hongxing.

"Brother Yi, who are we going to cooperate with among the three major associations in country m?" Pheasant asked.

"Of course it's the Green Gang. It's a matter between us Hua people to beat them to death." Xu Yi replied directly.

In fact, Xu Yi still has one thing he didn't talk to about the pheasants. Even without the Green Gang, the Mafia, and the Skinhead Gang, he still has a way to deal with Hongmen.

The Hongmen and the Chaozhou gang are very similar. It is more like a union of several big families than an association.

While Hongmen was investigating him, he was also investigating Hongmen. He knew that Hongmen was mainly composed of seven families.

But, come out to play, who doesn't want to be the boss?

Why has the Situ family monopolized the position of chief rudder for hundreds of years?

Xu Yi believes that the other six major families must all be the chief rudders.

It's just that their power is very balanced now, and no one dares to act rashly.

If there is an external force suddenly inserted into Hongmen, it will completely disrupt the balance of Hongmen.

Situ Zhenxiong's assassination of Hong Yizheng is Xu Yi's best chance!

As long as it is done properly, Xu Yi will have the opportunity to extend his hand into country m!

Danshan, country m.

Hongmen headquarters.

The six major families of the Hongmen gathered together at Situ Zhenxiong's house.

Situ Zhenxiong first said: "Patriarchs, you should all know about our Hong Zuitang being assassinated in Xiangjiang, right?"

The Zhang family advocated Wenping and said: "Chief rudder, Hong Yizheng is dead, what do you want to say?"

This group of Patriarchs are all old Jianghu, Zhang Wenping is naturally not a cheap lamp!

When Situ Zhenxiong heard the news of Hong Yizheng's death, he looked calm!

In fact, Hong Yi is his uncle's son, that is, his cousin.

But in their hearts, family interests are always above everything else!

Even if his cousin Hong Yizheng died, Zhang Wenping's first thought was to use this matter to seek the greatest benefit.

After hearing Zhang Wenping's words, Situ Zhenxiong said lightly:

"Master Zhang, Hong Zuitang is going to Xiangjiang to negotiate with Hong Xing."

"Now that he died in Xiangjiang, Hong Xing is the most suspected, even the only suspect!!"

Having said that, Situ Zhenxiong paused, and then said word by word:

"Our Hongmen is the number one club in the Huaren circle for a century. If Hongxing wants to fight, we will destroy Hongxing!"

As soon as the words fell, Pan Jinshui, the head of the Pan family, said:

"Headmaster, Xiangjiang or East Asia is now the weakest place in our Hongmen.

And Xu Yi, the leader of Hongxing, is in full swing, rising at an astonishing speed, and is already the number one society in Xiangjiang! "

"To deal with Hong Xing and Xu Yi, how much will we have to pay? Have you ever thought about it?"

"If we both lose at that time, what good will it do us Hongmen?"

"It's not enough for Hong Zuitang to die. Do you have to die in Xiangjiang that day before you start a war with Hong Xing?" Situ Zhenxiong said coldly.

Then he said to Zhang Wenping and Xie Xiaolin: "Patriarch Hong, Patriarch Xie, what do you two say?"

Xie Xiaolin glanced at Situ Zhenxiong, and then said: "Chief helmsman, you are the leader of Hongmen, whether it is war or peace, you have the final say!"

"However, there is one thing. If we want to fight Hong Xing, the Hongmen headquarters must take the lead."

Hearing Xie Xiaolin's words, Situ Zhenxiong cursed inwardly, "Mud horse...

The current Hongmen headquarters is actually the power of the Situ family.

Xie Xiaolin's meaning is very simple, if you, Situ Zhenxiong, want to beat Hong Xing, I have no objection.

But if you want me to cheer you up and applaud, you can go up and fight Hong Xing?

have to!Or you, Situ's family, did it yourself!

Zhang Wenping said with a smile: "Chief Steward, I agree with Patriarch Xie's opinion very much!"

Although Situ Zhenxiong's face didn't seem to change at all, but looking closely at his eyes, it was already very gloomy.

After thinking for two seconds, Situ Zhenxiong said: "Everyone, what is the current situation of Hongmen in country m? You all know."

"Hongmen is an association of Chinese people. Why have the Hey Hand Party and the skinhead gang become more and more rampant towards us in recent years?"

"The reason is very simple. They have the secret support of the government of country m behind them!"

As soon as Situ Zhenxiong finished speaking, a Ma 0.7 boy put a piece of material in front of the heads of the six major families.

Situ Zhenxiong said: "Patriarchs, this is top-secret information that I bought with a lot of money."

"The top-secret content in it is aimed at our Hongmen and Qinggang, you should read it first!

The six masters immediately opened the information in front of them.

After reading the information, the faces of the six people changed.

"Headmaster, is the information true?" Zhang Jiajia advocated Wenping and asked.

Situ Zhenxiong shook his head and smiled, "Patriarch Zhang, this is top-secret information. You have seen the top-secret information I showed you before, so you all know it in your heart."

"Why should I deal with Hong Xing? I want Hong Men to return to the East."

"Although country m is good, it is not our root after all. Our root is in the east!"

"The economy of the East, especially China, is ready to go. The huge market will definitely allow us to live happily and endlessly!".

Chapter 283 Temperament, fresh and refined!

After hearing Situ Zhenxiong's words, the heads of the six major families fell silent.

For them, the East is their eternal root.

If they say they don't want to go back, that's impossible!

Situ Zhenxiong's bewitchment, coupled with the top-secret information in front of them, has already touched the hearts of these six people a little.

"Headmaster, tell me about your plan." Xie Xiaolin said.

Situ Zhenxiong nodded, and then said: "I'm going to disintegrate from the inside first, I don't believe that Xu Yi can clean up all the clubs in Xiangjiang."

"I don't even believe that others are afraid of him and don't hate him!!"

"Xu Yi is planning everywhere these days, Wandao, Haojiang, pro-South Asia... It's like spreading pepper noodles, it's hard to concentrate!"

"Xu Yi has never tasted the taste of failure. As long as we break through a little bit, we can lead from the point to the surface and blossom in an all-round way."

"Once he fails once, there will be a chilling effect!"

At this moment, Zhang Wenping stood up and said:

"Chief rudder, the only thing we can mobilize now is the Ouzhou sub-rudder and the pro-South Asia sub-rudder."

"But if these two sub-rules move, our Hongmen's power in Dang 10 will definitely shrink greatly!"

Hearing this, Situ Zhenxiong said slowly:

"My idea is to abandon the Ouzhou sub-rudder, gather the strength of the Ouzhou and pro-South Asia sub-rudders, and attack Xu Yi's plan in Nanyang with all our strength!"

As soon as Situ Zhenxiong's words fell, the heads of the six Hongmen families were all surprised.

Although the Ouzhou sub-rudder is not strong, it is still a sub-rudder, and Situ Zhenxiong actually throws it away...

At this time, Jiang Min, the head of the Jiang family, said:

"Chief rudder, give up the Ouzhou sub-rudder to deal with Xu Yi, isn't it worthwhile?"

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