Relying on his strong strength, Hongmen drove the Qing Gang out of the gambling city of country m in one fell swoop, causing the Qing Gang to lose [-] million US dollars a year.

He absolutely believed that Ximen Yijian would meet him!

Because he also needs his ally very much!

And Xu Yi didn't think Ximen Yijian would be a fool!

After hearing what Xu Yi said, Da Toucheng nodded and said:

"O'Mr. Xu, I will bring your words to you as soon as possible!"

Xu Yi nodded, and after finishing his meal with Tong Toucheng, he went to He Mansion to meet Hao Jiang Wang He Sheng.

He Sheng looked at Xu Yi, Xu Yi would give him new surprises every time.

"Xu Yi, what you did in Nanyang this time is very beautiful. Several of my old friends in Nanyang have called me."

"They wanted to get to know you through me! But I rejected them all!" He Sheng looked at Xu Yi and smiled.

Xu Yi knew what He Sheng meant, the old Nanyang friends he said were nothing, they should be slaughtered!

"Mr. He, thank you!" Xu Yi looked at He Sheng and smiled.

A smile appeared on the corner of He Sheng's mouth. This young man is really smart.

Many things are easy to understand, don't use (Zhao Dehao) to explain too much!

He went on to say, "By the way, Mr. Xu, I'm going to do a business with you."

"Mr. He, please tell me." Xu Yi said slowly.

"20 billion Hong Kong papers in exchange for your permanent franchise of Xianxia Island's gambling industry." He Sheng said flatly.

Xu Yi glanced at He Sheng, knowing in his heart that he wanted to open up the gambling market.

The old fox is indeed an old fox!Xu Yi thought about Xin.

Xu Yi shook his head and said, "I can't promise you forever, and I don't know if I can have that island forever!

"So, 20 billion Hong Kong paper can only buy Xianxia Island's gambling franchise for ten years!"

"Okay, deal!" He Sheng said without thinking.

In fact, he also knows that the permanent management right is impossible...

Ten years is his psychological expectation.

And Xu Yi guessed his thoughts all at once.

So, He Sheng and Xu Yi, the old and the young, looked at each other and smiled.

They all know that the other party has seen through their own thoughts.

Chapter 285 "School Situation", Brother Xiao Sa

The next day, Lu Huacheng called Xu Yi.

As Xu Yi expected, Ximen Yijian, the leader of the Green Gang, is looking forward to meeting Xu Yi.

It's just that he set the date for the two to meet in early May.

Because during this period of time, the Green Gang is fighting for territory with the skinheads, and there is also a need to integrate the cooperation of a hundred corners within the Green Gang.

In this regard, Ximen Yijian and Xu Yi called to explain.

It can be seen how much Ximen Yijian is looking forward to cooperating with Hong Xing to fight Hongmen together.

After returning to Xiangjiang from Haojiang, Xu Yi had just disembarked when Luo Tianhong and Han Bin who had greeted him at the pier came up to him.

"Brother Yi, Baopi just called. Someone is selling size four in his place." Han Bin said to Xu Yi.

After the reform, Baopi is now Hongxing Ciyunshan's talker.

Foreskin is his own, Xu Yi wants him to take a look at it.

"Did Baopi decide on his own?" Xu Yi asked.

Han Bin replied: "Baopi intends to teach this group of people a lesson. Brother Yi said that our Hongxing venue cannot sell size four."

"In Xiangjiang, no one can violate your rules."

"Abin, you go to the foreskin and let him do it. Hong Xing's rules can't be broken." Xu Yi said to Han Bin.

Prohibiting the sale of baby No. [-] is not only Xu Yi's rule, but also Hong Xing's rule for decades.

Whoever sells No. [-] boy in Hong Xing's territory is a provocation to Xu Yi and Hong Xing.

Now Hong Xing's forces can be said to cover the sky with one hand, if they don't fight, they will have a second, third...

"Yes, Brother Yi, I'll tell Baopi right away." Han Bin replied.

Then, 713 Xu Yi said to Luo Tianhong who was beside him: "Tianhong, you go to Ciyun Mountain to help foreskin today."

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

The next day, Xu Yi received a message.

Baopi was in an operation last night and was ambushed by the other party. He was seriously injured and five of his subordinates were hacked to death.

Inside a private clinic in Ciyun Mountain.

"Brother Yi!"

"Hello Brother Yi!"

As Xu Yi entered the door, everyone greeted him respectfully.

Xu Yi also found out that many people were sullen.

He walked up to Baopi, when Baopi's girlfriend A Hong was feeding him chicken soup.

Han Bin stood by the side of the bed, and Luo Tianhong sat beside him with gauze wrapped around his hands.

"Brother Yi!" After Baopi saw Xu Yi coming, he struggled to get up and greeted Xu Yi.

Due to his haste, he even touched the spoon in Ah Hong's hand, and the mullet soup spilled on the bed

"A Ming, can you slow down?" Ah Hong complained.

Foreskin, whose real name is Bao Daming.

what are you saying? " Baopi said fiercely to Ah Hong.

Xu Yi flicked the cigarette ash and said, "Baopi, drink the soup first, and then we'll talk after you're done."

Then, Xu Yi looked at Luo Tianhong and asked, "Tianhong, are you okay?"

Luo Tianhong shook his head, and said with a smile: "Brother Yi, it's fine for flesh and blood injuries."

Xu Yi nodded, and then said to Han Bin: "Abin, give [-] Hong Kong papers to each of the injured brothers, and give them half a month's rest."

"The three brothers who died, each family gave (baah) 50 Hong Kong paper subsidies to their families."

"Yes, Brother Yi." After Han Bin answered, he left the ward to do what Xu Yi had told him to do.

A few minutes later, Datianer, Pheasant, Chaopi, and others also rushed to the private clinic.

Seeing Foreskin lying on the bed and unable to move, Pheasant smiled and said:

"Baopi, Brother Nan is out at sea, so he can't come, you're a fool, bragging about yourself every day, why, you're so awesome, you're on the bed!"

Baopi smiled wryly, "Brother Chicken, I've been hurt like this, yet you're still laughing at me!"

The pheasant pointed to the place where the foreskin was under, and said with a smile: "The lifeline is not injured, so it's nothing to do with the house."

"That's right, my lifeline is about to die, I'd rather die." Baopi also laughed loudly.

At this moment, Xu Yi whispered, "Have you said enough?"

Only then did the second class of Datian realize that Xu Yi was standing in the corner, and they went to look after the foreskin as soon as they came.

Suddenly, he didn't notice that Xu Yi was there.

"Brother Yi, I'm sorry! I didn't see you just now."

"Hello Brother Yi!"

"Hello Brother Yi!"

The three hurriedly greeted Xu Yi.

Xu Yi said coldly at this moment: "It's fun to watch my brother get chopped up, isn't it?"

"After you die, I'll find someone to play disco on your graves, so that you can go to heaven happily?"

Pheasant, Banana Peel, Datian and the others were the first to see Xu Yi getting so angry, they were as frightened as a little crane quail, and dared not speak.

"Brother was cut, what should be the first thing that comes to mind?"

"Who are you riding horses to tell? Hurry up!" Xu Yi said angrily.

Da Tian Er said in a deep voice: "Revenge! I want revenge!"

Hearing Da Tianer's answer, Xu Yi's face returned to calm, and he said, "You think you're still playing house, and it's fun to be chopped up, right?"

"You still have this mentality, don't mess around in the future, I, Xu Yi, don't want this kind of person!"

As soon as the words fell, the pheasants turned pale with fright...

After taking a puff of the cigar, Xu Yi took a breath and said to the foreskin:

"Foreskin, tell me, what happened yesterday?"

Baopi glanced at Xu Yi, and whispered, "Brother Yi, last night we..."

"Baopi, have you stepped on the Yang Committee? Speak up, I can't hear you!"

As soon as Baopi opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Xu Yi.

Baopi roared and said:

"Brother Yi, Tianhong and I brought over thirty brothers last night and caught the man who was selling size four in our yard."

"That person's name is Shapi, and he's a member of Lu Feng's gang named Brother Xiaosa."

"I didn't think much about it, so I led people to kill Brother Xiaosha's lair, and wanted to kill him."

"When Tianhong and I led people to Xiaosha's lair under the guidance of Shapi, we were ambushed by Xiaosha."

"Thirty of us were besieged by more than 200 people. If it wasn't for Brother Tianhong's skill, we might all be reimbursed!"

Having said that, Baopi glanced at Luo Tianhong gratefully.

Luo Tianhong said to Xu Yi:

"Brother Yi, in fact, this matter can't be completely blamed on the foreskin."

"That Xiaosa is just a straw sandal in Lufeng's gang. We thought he had dozens of people under him."

"But I didn't expect that there were more than 300 people under him, so..."

Xu Yi knew that this chic guy might very well be the chic guy from the Hong Kong movie "School".

Speaking of which, he is considered an outlier in Lu Feng's gang.

Everyone in Xiangjiang knows that Lu Feng Gang is the most exclusive club in Xiangjiang, and it is also the most arrogant!

There is a saying to describe it as "Thunder God in the sky, Lufeng on the earth!" "

In Lu Feng's gang, all the speakers are from Lu Feng, without exception.

Chic is one of them.

As an outsider in Lu Feng's gang, even if he has five or six hundred boys under his command.

If you want money and people, you can only be a straw sandal, a little boss.

However, Xu Yi made up his mind to beat Pheasant, Datian Er and others.

Xu Yi said coldly: "What do you believe in what other people say? How can you be a talker? I also said that I will be the governor of Hong Kong tomorrow. Do you believe it?" Pheasant and the others lowered their heads in shame.

"Do you have any brains? You didn't figure out the strength of the other party, so you took more than [-] people and went to other people's lair."

"Baopi, you can really ride a horse! Who do you think you are? Guan Gong or Li Yuanba?"

Foreskin lowered his head to his chest in shame, full of regret.

"Yesterday, because of your mistake, three of Hong Xing's brothers died, and more than [-] brothers were injured."

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