The story of Tsz Yunshan's chic being thrown to death soon spread throughout the Xiangjiang River and Lake.

Xu Chengtian, Hongxing's big benefactor, was so frightened that he immediately asked Xu Yi to meet him.

In a bar in East Tsim Sha Tsui, Xu Chengtian touched the goblet of tea in his hand and said to Xu Yi

"Mr. Xu, you have gone too far when you fell to Xiaosha's death!"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "If you mean this, then I won't accompany you. Goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yi got up and was about to leave.

"Mr. Xu, sit down first, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Seeing that Xu Yi left as soon as he said it, Xu Chengtian said hurriedly.

"Mr. Xu, now King Futian of the Lu Feng gang is looking for me to explain, you teach me, what should I do?" Xu Chengtian said to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi glanced at Xu Chengtian and said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, what do you think?"

"Mr. Xu, of course you need to come forward to solve it!" Xu Chengtian shouted in a low voice.

Xu Yi spread his hands and said, "Well, let King Futian come to Xiangjiang to find me. I, Xu Yi, will reason with him."

Hearing Xu Yi say this, Xu Chengtian froze for a moment and then said:

"Mr. Xu, this time it was Lu Feng's gang who took the initiative to ask for peace. Even if you disagree, you have to fight face to face."

"You just finished talking like this, and really can't justify it..."

Xu Yi looked at Xu Chengtian word by word and said, "The person who cut me down, did you notify me in advance?" Mr. Xu touched his nose and said, "Mr. Xu, now that you are like this, the Lufeng Gang has a lot of opinions on us- Xu Yi directly interrupted Xu Chengtian and said, "Mr. Xu, what are you going to say today?Speak! "

"1000 million Hong Kong paper." Xu Chengtian stretched out a finger.

"Lufeng Gang wants you to compensate 1000 million Hong Kong papers."

Xu Yi looked at Xu Chengtian with a half-smile, and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you think I should pay the money or not?" After hesitating for a few seconds, Xu Chengtian said:


Xu Yi nodded and said, "I will burn it for him next year on Qingming."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Yi got up and left directly.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu!"

Xu Chengtian yelled a few times, and after realizing that Xu Yi ignored him at all, he only had a look of helplessness.

Yuen Long, in an abandoned factory building.

"What did you say? That Chisa died in the street?" A fat middle-aged man wearing brown glasses said loudly.

"Yes, Brother Tao, Xiao Sa was thrown from the roof of the building yesterday by Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing, and fell to his death."

"What about my 5000 million Hong Kong paper?"

This man named Brother Tao is the famous drug lord, Zhu Tao.

713 At this time, his expression was so gloomy that he wrung out the water!

"Brother Tao, we have already tied up the handsome little brother and his family." Zhu Tao's horse boy said.

"Okay, let's hurry up, brothers, the goods will arrive soon, you are riding a horse, this chican is rushing to the street, it's really useless to ride a horse,"! "

Zhu Tao threw the cigar in his hand to the ground and stomped hard.

At this moment, Zhu Tao's nephew Danny Zhu ran in and said, "Uncle, I already have news of the 5000 million Hong Kong paper."

"Tell me! Where is the 5000 million Hong Kong paper?" Zhu Tao asked immediately.

"According to a handsome boy, Xiaosa once paid 5000 million Hong Kong dollars to buy his life from Xu Yi."

"However, for the 5000 million Hong Kong paper, he is not sure whether Xiao Sa gave it to Xu Yi."

Zhu Dani said to Zhu Tao.

Zhu Tao said fiercely: "Zhu Danny, you find a way to contact Xu Yi, I don't care if Xiao Sa has paid Xu Yi, I want Xu Yi to talk this afternoon.

"Yes, uncle." Danny Zhu said.

Then, Zhu Tao's military adviser Gao Yuehan said to Zhu Tao: "Brother Tao, there is the latest news from the inside. The serious crime team may take action against us tomorrow. Should we withdraw first?"

"Withdraw what? What's so scary about Xiangjiang's note?"

"They are really capable, and I, Zhu Tao, have ridden Stanley long ago."

"Don't be nervous, after the transaction is completed tonight, we will go to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow." Zhu Tao ordered.

"Japanese French m"


Chapter 289 If I knew this earlier, why should I suffer?

All the cops from the serious crime team were gathered in the conference room by the leader of the serious crime team?

All communication facilities such as mobile phones and pagers are handed over.

At this time, Huang Zhicheng pointed to a middle-aged short and fat man wearing brown glasses in the projection behind him, and said loudly:

"His name is Zhu Tao, and he is our target today."

"I want to remind everyone that our serious crime team has Zhu Tao's insider, although I don't know who he is yet."

"But it doesn't matter, I have released false news, and our serious crime team will act tomorrow."

"Therefore, the arrest of Zhu Tao's criminal group this afternoon is a top-secret operation"

"Everyone has a different password, keep it absolutely secret, and destroy it immediately after reading it!"

"Listen, everyone must stick to their posts, Understand?

All the policemen present stood up and said loudly: "Yes, Sir!!"

"Let's all set out to capture the scene!"

"yes, sir!"

over here!

Just as Xu Yi came out of the bar in Causeway Bay, he parked a Toyota on the side of the road.

"That handsome guy is Xu Yi?" Danny Zhu asked.

"Yes, Brother Danny, he is Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing," said the handsome Ma Zai.

"Yeah." Danny Zhu got out of the car directly with the two boys.

However, what they didn't know was that Xu Yi had already spotted them as soon as they got out of the car.

The reason is simple. Xu Yi, who has a permanent dolphin hearing card, has heard their conversation! The next second, Xu Yi gestured to Luo Tianhong who was standing not far away.

Luo Tianhong nodded slightly after seeing it.

The three of Zhu Dani quickened their pace and quickly walked behind Xu Yi.

Just when Zhu Dani was about to take out his gun and point it at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi suddenly leaned back and leaned directly on Zhu Dani's body. Before he could react, Xu Yi was a rock sugar elbow!Seven or eight of Zhu Dani's ribs were broken in one blow!Zhu Dani wailed in pain and rolled on the ground.

Zhu Dani's pony was about to pull Q, but was kicked to the ground by Luo Tianhong's flying leg.

After Xu Yi controlled the three of them, he held the guns of the three in his hands and said, "Tell me, who are you?"

Xu Yi looked at Luo Tianhong who was walking over with the dashing pony and said with a smile.

Xu Yi and Luo Tianhong brought these four people back to Hongxing headquarters!

The three of Zhu Dani were stubborn.

But the handsome Ma Zai, who had been frightened by Xu Yi yesterday, immediately told Xu Yi the identities and goals of the three of them.

As soon as he heard Zhu Dani's three words, Xu Yi immediately knew who he was, the nephew of Xiangjiang drug lord Zhu Tao!

Xu Yi looked at Danny Zhu and said, "You are Danny Zhu, the nephew of Zhu Tao?"

"Mother!" Danny Zhu snorted coldly.

"Stubborn? Tianhong, greet him well," Xu Yi ordered.

"Yes, Brother Yi, just watch!" Luo Tianhong took out a dagger while speaking.

"Hey, Xu Yi, if you dare to hurt me, I'll ask a lawyer to sue you!" Danny Zhu warned loudly.

Xu Yi smiled and said:

"Aren't you naive? What a shame! I don't talk about the law with people like you!"

Then, Xu Yi turned to Luo Tianhong and said, "Tianhong, do it."

"Hey, wait, are you really Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing?" Danny Zhu asked.

"That's right, what do you want to say?" Xu Yi looked at Danny Zhu with great interest and asked.

"I'm good friends with Brother Ji, the elder brother of Hongxing, how about you give him face and let me go?" Danny Zhu said with a smile.

"Brother Ji is a fart, Tianhong!!" Xu Yi snorted.

Zhu Dani wanted to say more, but Luo Tianhong directly cut off a small piece of flesh on his face.

He immediately bled!

Howling and rolling in pain.

"Zhu Dani, I will ask you a question next, if you answer, I may consider saving your life

"If you don't answer well, then next year today will be your death day!"

Xu Yi said to Zhu Dani.

"Xu Yi, what question do you want to ask?" Danny Zhu said.

"Tell me, where is your uncle now?" Xu Yi asked.

"This..." Zhu Dani hesitated.


Hearing this, Luo Tianhong walked up to Zhu Dani holding the Eight-faced Han Sword.

"No! I say I say! Kowloon Walled City, my uncle traded with Shui Ye in Shuifang this afternoon in Kowloon Walled City. Behind Shui Ye is King Futian."

Seeing Luo Tianhong walking towards him with the Eight-faced Han Sword, Zhu Dani hurriedly said.

Xu Yi kicked Zhu Dani in the stomach and said, "You are really cheap when you ride a horse. If you knew it earlier, why should you suffer this beating?"

Then he said to the pheasant, "Stop them all for me."

"Yes, Brother Yi!"

Xu Yi didn't expect that the big drug lord Zhu Tao would dare to provoke him.

In fact, as long as Zhu Tao doesn't sell D products in his own territory, Xu Yi won't bother.

But now that he broke into his dock, Xu Yi would definitely not let him go.

Xu Yi thought that in the movie, Zhu Tao was also arrested by the Chen family during the transaction in the Walled City of Kowloon.

Xu Yi immediately connected the two.

"If that's the case, it's interesting!" Xu Yi muttered to himself.

Then, he drove the Lamborghini directly in the direction of the Kowloon Walled City.

At this time in the Kowloon Walled City, Chen Jiaju was chasing Zhu Tao who had fled.

"Didn't you say that Tiaozi will act tomorrow? What's the situation?" Zhu Tao shouted in his car.

'Boss, have we been exposed by the police undercover? " John Gao said.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Zhu Tao shouted.

Chen Jiaju drove the car behind and chased after him.

The two cars chased each other and crashed directly from the hillside of the Kowloon Walled City.

I don't know how many wooden houses were smashed along the way.

Zhu Tao's car was crashed while going downhill.

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