"After this matter is satisfactorily resolved, you will be the new director of the Xiangjiang Police Department."

After hearing William's words, Cress quickly saluted William and said loudly:

After William waved to Kleis and Green, he said:

"Remember, you are now wearing the body of guilt!"

"If the matter is not handled well this time, you all resign yourself!"

"You must pay off your merits, understand?"

Kress and Green said in unison: "Yes, Sir!"

After Kless and Green left, William let out a long sigh. 0

yes, sir!

He always felt in his heart that this matter would not be resolved so easily.

The news of Perry's resignation soon appeared on the major media in Hong Kong and became the hottest news of the day.

This also temporarily calmed the anger of Xiangjiang people. After all, the director of Xiangjiang Police Department is also a high-ranking official.

Kress, the deputy director in charge of operations, changed Perry's previous practice of hiding the truth.

He directly held a press conference and announced that Xiangjiang has now entered a state of first-level martial law.

All police officers in Hong Kong canceled their vacations, guaranteed two-thirds of the police force to be on duty, and the remaining one-third of the police force was on standby at any time.

At the same time, he issued a commissioner's decree announcing that all police officers, including civil servants, must wear firearms to work.

Kles was indeed afraid that these robbers would kidnap a few police officers again, and the police department would really feel ashamed.

Also, he ordered a reward of 1000 million Hong Kong papers for the arrest of these robbers.

As long as you provide valid clues, you can get a certain reward for the clue fee.

At the same time, Kress announced the transfer of all police officers from the Flying Tigers and PTU.

With 20 people as a team, they began to search the entire mountain of Jiulongfeng in a carpet style.

Because the Xiangjiang Police Department has set up checkpoints at the exits of Jiulongfeng.

However, no suspicious person was found coming out of Jiulong Peak.

Therefore, Kles concluded that the robber must still be inside the Nine Dragon Peak.

After he made a series of careful arrangements of 0.7.

Kles made a solemn promise to the citizens of Xiangjiang: Within three days, these robbers will be brought to justice.

After the press conference, a satellite phone call to the police department.

The caller was the previous robber, and he ordered Kles to answer the phone.

Three minutes later, Chris picked up the phone and said:

"I'm Clays, I advise you to see the situation and surrender immediately!"

"Otherwise there is only one fate waiting for you, and you will spend the rest of your life in regret."

The robber smiled and said, "Director Clays, you should thank us!"

"If it wasn't for us, how could you be in charge?"

Obviously, the robber scoffed at Kleis' threat.

From the tone of his relaxed chat with Kles, it can be clearly seen, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?" Kles said coldly.

Chapter 303 Interlocking!

"It's very simple. I said our purpose at the beginning. We came here for money. Now we still need 7000 million."

"Fulfill our requirements, and we will disappear forever!" The robber laughed.

"Wishful thinking! We will no longer compromise with you, let's go to war!" Kress said in a deep voice.

"You guys are really overestimating your capabilities. Didn't we have a good chat last time!" The robber laughed.

Hearing this, the veins on Kles' forehead were exposed.

Chris said in a low voice:

"Say, what exactly do you need? I know you are not looking for money!"

The robber said lightly: "Director Clays, you are wrong, we are very simple, just to ask for money"

"If you don't cooperate, then don't blame us for tearing up tickets!"

"I warn you, we don't accept any threats!" Kress said loudly.

"Director Clays, I have good news and bad news for you."

"Say!" Chris almost growled.

"The good news is that your Flying Tigers and armed transport vehicles will soon appear somewhere in Xiangjiang.

"As I said, we are the ones who keep our promises the most, so you don't need to be too grateful."

"The bad news is that since you're not listening, we're giving ourselves a little more leverage"

"You will still contact us when the time comes, bye!"

The robber hung up the phone after saying this.

Kress grabbed the phone in his hand fiercely. This robber was the most arrogant robber he had ever encountered in his life.

It's just arrogant to the extreme.

Clays asked the police officers at the scene:

"Everyone, what do you think?"

A police superintendent said: "Sir, I think this kind of thing must be believed and guarded against!

"I suggest that the Police Force order the entire territory to enter S-level alert and put all police officers on standby."

Kles shook his head and said, "This is not good. If this happens, it will prove that our Xiangjiang Police Force is afraid of these robbers, and it will not last long."

Another superintendent stood up and said: "Sir, let's issue an S-level alert internally, and keep all staff on duty."

"Once there is a situation, you can contact the police directly."

After hearing the superintendent's words, Kress nodded and said:

"It's the only way to do it now!"

Just at this moment, a police officer knocked on the office door, opened the door and said to Kles:

"Sir, the Mong Kok Police Station just reported that they found an armed transport vehicle in Mong Kok with six members of the Flying Tigers inside."

After Kress heard the news, there was no trace of relaxation on his face.

The more this group of robbers are like this, the more it means that they did not put the Xiangjiang Police Force here at all.

And in this way, it means that it will be more difficult to deal with them.

Thinking of this, Kles decisively ordered:

"Immediately notify all police stations, stop street patrols, and keep a police squad with more than seven police officers in place for all outings!"

After hearing Kles' order, a superintendent asked in surprise:

"Sir, do ordinary reports require seven police officers to form a team?"

"That's right!" Chris nodded.

the other side.

Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng were sitting.Note in the office.

Li Wenbin looked at Luo Zhizheng and said, "Old Luo, these are all your plans?"

Luo Zhizheng shook his head and said, "Actually, apart from hijacking the transport vehicle, I don't know anything else."

After Li Wenbin listened to Luo Zhizheng's words, his heart tightened.

He found out horribly that he and Luo Zhizheng were just pawns now, pawns in Xu Yi's hands.

Li Wenbin thought for a while, then picked up the satellite phone on the table.

After thinking about the dial button, Li Wenbin's satellite phone can directly contact Xu Yi.

"Mr. Xu, why are you doing something beyond Luo Sir's plan?" Li Wenbin questioned on the phone.

Xu Yi said with a smile: "Li Sir, I didn't come up with a new idea and play it freely, because this was originally part of the plan."

"Luo Sir is clear in his heart, you can ask him yourself."

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Li Wenbin turned to look at Luo Zhizheng, and asked, "Lao Luo, do you know Xu Yi's plan?"

Luo Zhizheng nodded and said, "I know something."

After hearing Luo Zhizheng's words, Li Wenbin knew that he was in a hurry this time, so he said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, I was in a hurry, please forgive me."

"Li Sir, mutual trust is the basis of our cooperation." Xu Yi then said slowly on the phone.

"Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will!" After Li Wenbin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then he looked at Luo Zhizheng and said, "Old Luo, what's the matter with you, why are you only half-talking?"

Luo Zhizheng smiled bitterly: "It can only be blamed on your speed, and I really don't know Xu Yi's next plan."

"But he once told me that the real battlefield of this operation is not in Xiangjiang, but in Lundun!"

"Do you remember that he said that he invited international lobbyists to lobby the Parliament of Eagle Nation?"

Li Wenbin nodded, expressing that he remembered what Xu Yi said.

"Xu Yi told me that those international lobbyists have already arrived in Lundun, and now everything we do in Xiangjiang is to create momentum for those international lobbyists.

"If the impact is not enough, he will take further actions." Luo Zhizheng continued.

Then, Luo Zhizheng added: "Wen Bin, you don't have to worry too much, Xu Yi has already promised me."

"In this operation, he will definitely not kill Xiangjiang police officers."

Li Wenbin looked at Luo Zhizheng with a wry smile and said, "Lao Luo, what I think is, what kind of person is Xu Yi, and is our choice correct?"

Luo Zhizheng was taken aback for a moment, then said 730:

"Wen Bin, we can't waver casually now!"

"As long as one of the two of us becomes the chief of the police department, it will not be too late to consider checking and balancing Xu Yi, if he needs to check and balance."

After listening to Luo Zhizheng's words, Li Wenbin sighed and said:

"Lao Luo, now we can only do this!"

Kowloon Peak!

Four hundred people from the Flying Tigers and PTU were fully armed and began a carpet search on Jiulongfeng.

But after a night of searching, they found nothing.

Except for the armored vehicle which was still on the hill, there was no one else there.

At this moment, a piece of shocking news appeared on the major media in Xiangjiang again.

Last night, the homes of former Police Commissioner Perry and the other two Ghost Deputy Commissioners were broken into by a group of armed men.

The strange thing is that they didn't smash and loot, just left a message on the wall.

From the message on the wall, it can be seen that these people are the same people who kidnapped the policeman.

After this incident happened, the public opinion in the whole Xiangjiang boiled again.

The anger that the citizens of Xiangjiang had just calmed down once again ignited.

Although the ransacking of the houses of these three ghosts has nothing to do with them.

But this shows the incompetence of the police force!

Even the home of the chief of police cannot be protected, so how to protect the safety of the homes of ordinary residents?

Chapter 304 Overwhelmed!

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