I was rescued by Ding Rongbang, and then adopted as an adopted son, and gave him the name of my late son.

Ding Shanben is an upright person, completely different from Ding Rongbang's cruelty.

"The rare book."

Ding Rongbang looked at Xu Yi who was not far away and said to Ding Shanben:

"That young man is Xu Yi, the leader of Hong Xing, you should have heard of it."

"It can be said that he is also our enemy. The gambling in Haojiang is open, and he has the momentum to monopolize it."

"All three of our casinos are closed, and all six hundred slot machines are scrapped."

Upon hearing this, Ding Shanben said, "Daddy, the gambling business is essentially a side business. I don't know how many people's families have been ruined!"

Ding Rongbang chuckled, and said, "That's right. I've long looked down on this kind of business."

"Actually, I don't hate him, I admire him very much."

"Xu Yi started from scratch and unified half of the Xiangjiang River and Lake in just two years. What a genius!"

"No more than 10, he will return soon, I hope he can go ashore as soon as possible."

He was originally from Jianghu, so he knew Xu Yi very well!

Ding Shanben said: "It is rumored that he is very domineering?"

Ding Rongbang said: "It's not necessarily true. You'll know it if you don't touch it for a while."

"Okay, Daddy."

Ding Shanben nodded.

Like the father and son of the Ding family, rich people who are curious about Xu Yi are talking in low voices

Many business people don't know much about Xu Yi's background.

In addition, what is more discussed is that Xu Yi has risen strongly in the business world in the past six months!

These things have been spread in rich circles.

Everyone was amazed by his astonishing property, but they didn't know what kind of business he was going to do.

In the reception hall, there are businessmen and politicians.

The crowd formed a small group in twos and threes, drinking and blowing water.

"Mr. Chen, have you heard that Mr. Xu doesn't know what to do, and he wants to swallow the Haojiang gambling cards alone?

"I have a good friend over there, and I heard from him that the gambling in Haojiang may change.

"What changes?"

"I don't know, my friend covered his mouth tightly, and only said that there have been major changes in the near future."

"Originally, Mr. He of Haojiang and Xu Yi were allies, but now they seem to have fallen out."

There were seven or eight people in that small group, and the fat man wearing glasses was the core of these people.

His name is Chen Wanxian, and he also comes from the Hong Kong drama "Big Times".

Nearly 20 years ago, he and Fang Jinxin founded the Huaren Securities Firm.

At that time, securities and finance were completely controlled by ghosts, and Chinese capital was not allowed to enter the market at all.

It is simply a fantasy for Chinese businessmen to go public and raise funds in the Guilao Securities Exchange.

Under such circumstances, Fang Jinxin came up with a genius initiative, which was to create a Chinese securities firm.

If the ghost doesn't take us to play, then we can play by ourselves!

Chen Wanxian really did it!

Their purpose in doing this is to let high-quality Chinese-funded companies go public!

At that time, the ideals of the two were the same.

But after Chen Wanxian became the chairman of Huashang Securities Co., Ltd., this dragon-slaying warrior changed and became a dragon himself.

As long as you want to go public, you must send him money!

If you don't send it, you don't want to go public!

But Fang Jinxin is an idealist, and finally broke with Chen Xian.

At this time, Chen Wanxian was smoking a cigar.

Hearing what everyone said, he laughed and said:

"Mr. Xu is only 19 years old. Everyone calls him Mr. It seems that he is indeed a handsome man."

"But youth is his most fatal flaw, and he can't get over it."

Hearing this, the others said: "What does Mr. Chen say?"

Chen Wanxian said: "It's very simple, he is not usually arrogant, but... his heart is higher than the sky"

"I'm not very clear about his past affairs. They are all rumors, but even if they are rumors, I will never hear him bet on his life again.. What I hear most is changing fate against the sky!"

"He has the qualification to be higher than the sky, but in the future the earth will fall down hard"

Pause slightly.

Chen Wanxian took a puff of cigarette, blowing out the smoke ring lightly. He said with a smile:

"I know what Xu Yi thinks, he thinks he is still young."

"Even if we fail this time, we can make a comeback."

"However, if you go up alone, you're taking food from the mouths of countless people!"

"He has made too many enemies so far. If he fails once, everyone will be thrown into trouble!"

"A comeback?"

Chen Wanxian's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly: "How could he have a chance to make a comeback?

"Young people are always young!"

"I will definitely fall into a big somersault, and I will never recover from it."

"Perhaps soon, he has offended too many people!"

This sentence caused everyone around to nod repeatedly.

"President Chen is right, Xu Yiguo really has a higher heart than the sky!"

"Mr. Xu is a rare talent in the world, and he is right to have a higher heart. Let's watch."

"If he doesn't clean up, he will fall miserably in the end. Don't say that he didn't predict it."

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, there was another burst of greetings of "Mr. Huo" and "Mr. Huo" from a distance.

A slightly bald, middle-aged man with sharp eyes walked in. .

He shook hands with people with a smile on his face, and said: "sorry, sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road, and you are late." Then he greeted Ding Rongbang: "Mr. Ding, why are you here so early?" "

Ding Rongbang responded with a smile.

The middle-aged man clapped his hands on Ding Shanben's shoulder and praised: "Shanben, you are more handsome than before.

His name is Huo Jingliang, from "Genesis".

Behind Huo Jingliang, there was a handsome young man.

It was none other than Ye Rongtian.

Ye Rongtian and Ding Shanben are [-]% similar in appearance, but their temperaments are completely different.

Ding Shanben is frank, sincere, upright and kind.

Ye Rongtian is cunning, alert, resentful, and ambitious!

In Ye Rongtian's own words, in order to succeed, he will do whatever it takes.

Only look at the results, not the process.

The growth environment and experience of the two people have resulted in completely different personalities.

Ding Shan was born rich and noble, and it's easy to want to be kind, but for Ye Rongtian at this stage, being kind is an incomparably extravagant thing.

For Ye Rongtian, what he wants now is to climb up by any means.

the other side.

A group of people gathered around Li Zhaotian, one of the four major families in Xiangjiang.

"Wow, Brother Nan, here! Here!!"

"It has been a long time. How are you?

"Recently, everything is not going well with you, how can you be okay!"

While smoking a cigar, Li Zhaotian taunted another rich man, Ma Shounan.

They are from the Hong Kong drama "Across the World"!

Li Zhaotian is arrogant and domineering. There are many plastic buddies, but there are also many enemies like Ma Shounan. Ma Shounan is accompanied by two people, a financial elite, Cui Xiaohu.

The other one is Ming Zhijie, who betrayed the information of Sihai Group, and was kicked out of Sihai Group after being discovered by Li Zhao

In fact, he is Li Zhaotian's younger brother, but neither of them know it now.

the other side!

Xu Yi attracted the attention of countless people, and many people looked at him.

At this time, Xu Yi glanced around like lightning.

He felt like he was dreaming too!

I saw too many characters from Hong Kong dramas today!

Huo Jingliang, Ye Rongtian, Ye Xiaoli... They are from the Hong Kong drama "Genesis".

Li Zhaotian, Ma Shounan, Ming Zhijie... They are from the Hong Kong drama "Across the World".

Chen Wanxian, Ding Xiaoxie, and that waiter with a very good looking figure, her name is Fang Ting.

She is Fang Jinxin's second daughter and Fang Zhanbo's second sister. They are from the Hong Kong drama "Big Times".

PS, this Fang Ting is not Jiang Tiansheng, but played by Li Li and Zhen.

Chapter 309 Ni Yongxiao: People can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes

Ding Rongbang, Ding Shanben...from the Hong Kong drama "Golden Days".

There are too many familiar faces, many of whom Xu Yi has known for a long time.

But when these people appear in groups, the visual impact it brings is naturally extraordinary.

In addition to these people, there are real-world ones.

He saw He Sheng again, Shao Liushu, Zou Wenhuai, and Lei Juekun.

Liang Wei stood beside Xu Yi, seeing that Xu Yi was lost in thought, and said with a smile, "Brother Yi, what are you thinking about?"

"No, nothing."

Xu Yi then smiled and said:

"Ah Wei, today is really like a dream I had before. The people present are all fabricated!"

"You were originally only in TV, comics, and movies, but now you suddenly jumped into reality, believe it or not?"

Liang Wei gave Xu Yi a direct look, and said, "It's ridiculous!"

"Haha!" Xu Yi laughed and said no more.

Just then, a familiar voice came from behind: .

"Mr. Xu, long time no see!"

The voice was a little familiar.

It was Ni Yongxiao, the leader of the Chaozhou Gang.

Xu Yi was taken aback, Ni Yongxiao would come today?

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