Everyone is stunned!

How is this going?

What is the situation of the Ni family?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, subconsciously widening the gap with the Ni family.

For fear of being implicated by them.

They had a happy conversation a few minutes ago, but they have become strangers in the next second.

The others retreated one after another, and looked at the Ni family with strange eyes. (baah) Han Chen was angry and helpless!

It is very difficult for the Ni family to transform, and these gangsters don't give them a chance at all.

Ni Yongxiao's third uncle, Ni Xiong, turned his head and glanced around, his lungs were about to explode.


He glared at Lu Qichang angrily, and shouted:

"Sir, do you know what you are doing?"

"Don't talk nonsense without evidence, be careful I will sue you!"

Lu Qichang put a cigarette into his mouth, and then said relaxedly:

"OK, just complain"

"This is your right, I absolutely support it!"

Ni Xiong stared: "You?"


There's a fart!

On this occasion, when such a thing happens, who else would be willing to approach the Ni family?

The Ni family's reputation has been stinky!

Han Chen quietly came to Huang Zhicheng, and said in a low voice:

"Huang Sir, if you want to come, just let me know in advance, there is no need to do this."

"If you do this now, the Ni family will be killed. Do you think this is okay for everyone?"

Huang Zhicheng said coldly: "Han Chen, please clarify your position!"

"Soldiers and thieves are not equal! We are the police!"

"If the Ni family behaves rightly and stands up straight, then there is nothing to worry about!"

"So, are you threatening me now?"

Han Chen's face froze, but he didn't expect Huang Zhicheng to say in a deep voice without giving any face:

"Of course not, we will definitely cooperate with your investigation."

In fact, Han Chen and Huang Zhicheng have a good relationship, they can even be regarded as friends.

But at this moment, he realized one thing.

Soldiers are soldiers, and thieves are thieves!

The two can never be friends, at most they just use each other.

Just like Huang Zhicheng said, soldiers and thieves are not equal to each other!

Over there on the balcony.

Seeing this scene, Ni Yongxiao's heart skipped a beat.

He stared at Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng coldly.

Just because of the sudden confrontation between these two people, all the hard work of his Ni family in the past six months has been wasted!

"What are you mad about?"

Xu Yi suddenly spoke together, and said lightly: "Soldiers and thieves are not equal, and they are just fulfilling their responsibilities.

"Even without them, there will be others."

"As long as the Ni family is still selling No. [-] boys and running a Zihua stall, they will never even think about going ashore!"

"It's not that your Ni family is not allowed to make mistakes, but what you have done has exceeded the bottom line they can bear."

Ni Yongxiao was startled when he heard the words, and then said in a deep voice:

"Brother Yi, I see, I'll go there first."

Xu Yi nodded.

Ni Yongxiao walked quickly towards Lu Qichang, Huang Zhicheng and others.

He was calm and peaceful.

He has no resentment towards Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng, and even apologizes to them for Ni Xiong's gaffe.

Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng were taken aback. Has this guy evolved to this level? .

Chapter 311 Uneasy!

Ni Yongxiao said: "Lu six, Huang Sir, I will cooperate with your investigation, let's go."

Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng nodded.

At this time, Xu Yi also walked over.

"Mr. Xu, hello!"

Huang Zhicheng was the first to say hello.

Lu Qichang smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, what are you busy with during this time?"

Huang Zhicheng and Lu Qichang had no knowledge of the kidnapping case planned by Xu Yi and Li Wenbin.

But they knew that Li Wenbin and Xu Yi had a good relationship, they were smart people, and of course they would not make things difficult for Xu Yi.

The attitude is very polite.

Ni Yongxiao on the side sighed again.

This is the difference!

Han Chen, Ni Xiong and others were all like this.

"I'm not busy, I'm picking up girls and making money every day."

Xu Yi smiled, and then looked at a handsome guy with a tall red wine glass. That person's name was Ding Xiaoxie.

"The Great Times" is extremely classic, even if it is two or thirty years later, it is still worth watching.There are many reasons, the plot is very good, and the characters are well portrayed. In addition to this, the details of the entire era are extremely well described.

Although Ding Xiaoxie is fictitious, but in the real history, there are really other stories.

That guy, like Ding Xiaoxie, is the leader of the Chaozhou Gang.

He also threw his childhood sweetheart from a ten-story building. He also washed his whites and made the company bigger.

Until it was listed, it turned into a rich man in Hong Kong.

Xu Yi didn't know where the plot of the Hong Kong drama "The Great Times" took place.

Dan Ding Xiaoxie will attend this kind of reception, mostly because the Five Crabs Group has been established.

He has already started his own whitewashing road.

Of course his father, Dingxie, is more charming and brilliant.

But this person is also worth mentioning, since Ding Xie killed Fang Jinxin by mistake and was forced to flee to Treasure Island.

As a result, he caused trouble on Bay Island again. After he was imprisoned, he took on the burden of the whole family.

It was under his protection that the three younger brothers were able to grow up smoothly.

The second younger brother Ding Yixie is a red stick in Zhongqing Society.

The third brother Ding Wangxi is a lawyer.

The fourth brother Ding Yixie is a doctor.

Of course, this lawyer is a dishonest lawyer, and the doctor is also a dishonest doctor.

Ding Wangxie specializes in finding loopholes in the law to exonerate the members of the Zhongqing Society.

Ding Yixie used his identity as a doctor as a cover to provide the No. [-] boy for the Zhongqing Society.

He has only truly loved one woman in his life, and that is Fang Ting, his childhood sweetheart.

But after the two broke up, it was to take revenge on the Fang family.

He can also order people to kill Fang Zhanbo, Fang Fang, and Fang Ting.

The next thing Xu Yi has to do is to prevent the tragedy from happening.

What happened to the Fang family is far worse than misery, it's fine if they don't meet each other.

Otherwise, it will be difficult!

Lu Qichang followed Xu Yi's gaze, looked at Ding Xiaoxie, frowned and said:

Xu Yi said, "Lao Lu, I need your help."

Lu Qichang said, "What?"

Xu Yi said: "Ask a question first, you don't know that guy?

"do not know."

Lu Qichang shook his head

Zhongqing Club's territory is mainly in Wanchai.

, Naturally, he will not stand idly by.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter?"

Xu Yi said casually: "His name is Ding Xiaoxie, the boss of the Zhongqing Society, he kills and sets fire to fans."

"But he's also economically minded, and he's a guy."

"Now Zhongshe is just a small society, but he has already started to clean up. There is a luxurious seafood restaurant in Wanchai, and he opened it." The next moment, Xu Yi said the matter again, of course without the slightest evidence.

Known plot is not evidence.

Lu Qichang's face darkened, and he said coldly: "That's really pure bastard!"


Huang Zhicheng nodded and said, "Yes."

Immediately, he took several subordinates and walked towards Ding Xiaoxie.

Ni Yongxiao was lost in thought, his eyes changed from lax to firm.

He has already made a decision on how to leave before the Ni family came!

When Huang Zhicheng and others did it, Lu Qichang asked curiously, "Mr. Xu, does that guy have any grudge against you?"

"No grudge." Xu Yi shook his head.

Lu Qichang thought for a while, then laughed dumbfounded, and said: "It's true, if he really had a grudge against you, the Zhongqing Society would have already disappeared, so why bother."

"Since there is no hatred, why do you deliberately target him?"

Xu Yi didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Sir Lu, you don't dislike me, do you?"

Lu Qichang almost laughed, and said: "Of course! If I dislike you, will I still be friends with you?"

Xu Yi said, "That's right, because I'm different from them!"

Lu Qichang was taken aback, thought for a few seconds, and said seriously: "You are different, but what is the difference?"

Xu Yi said: "I don't deny my identity as a Jiang Hu person, even if others find out, I'm not afraid at all, because I don't bully ordinary people!"

"But people like Ding Xiaoxi will only bully ordinary people."

"I don't know him, and I have no enmity with him, but after knowing some things, I just can't get used to it, and I just want to deal with him, because he makes me very uncomfortable."

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