The last time Xu Yi asked him to take action, he went to Yingguo to persuade the parliament to increase the pressure on Xiangjiang.

The commission can be said to be very simple, but Xu Yi paid a commission fee of 1000 million dollars for it.

Now, in Walker's eyes, Xu Yi is a rich man from the East.

Now Xu Yi contacted him again, which meant that business came again.

"I don't know Mr. Walker, can your business be carried out in Polar Bear?" Xu Yi asked.

"Mr. Xu, as long as there are people, we can serve you." Walker smiled.

"It's like this, I have a friend in polar bears, she is now sentenced to death by the polar bear Supreme Court, and may be executed next month"

"I need you to get the Polar Bear Supreme Court to change his sentence before it can be executed"

"I can accept any sentence other than the death penalty."

"Okay, we've accepted this commission!"

"Mr. Xu, I can't guarantee a [-]% success rate." Walker said to Xu Yi on the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Walker, needless to say, I know it!" Xu Yi said.

"Okay Mr. Xu, send your lawyer to sign with us as soon as possible."

"You are my regular customer. I will make an exception this time, and I will charge you for doing things for you first!" Walker said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you. As for the power of attorney, it's the same as last time. My personal lawyer will go to Washington to sign the contract with you!" After Xu Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone and sighed heavily.

It is an attempt to ask a lobbyist company to come forward to handle affairs.

Xu Yi hired a barrister in country m with a high salary as his personal lawyer to serve him.

In country m, a good lawyer is more useful than a gold medal for avoiding death!

After contacting the lobbyist company, Xu Yi notified Han Bin to help him book a plane ticket to Moscow as soon as possible.

Regardless of the outcome, he tried his best to rescue Yulia.

For this reason, he turned down the invitations of Li Wenbin and policeman Luo Zhizheng.

At five o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Xu Yi arrived in Moscow.

Tong Mingxin and the Cheng family brothers who received the news had been waiting at the exit of the airport early.

After receiving Xu Yi getting into the car, Xu Yi asked, "Amin, is there any progress here?"

Tong Mingxin shook his head and said: "Not yet, all the relationships I know are helpless!"

Xu Yi nodded. Those who can influence the judgment of the Supreme Court must be at least committee-level officials.

And Yulia's uncle is the committee member, but Yulia's uncle still doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. "

"What about Tolstoyski?"

Thinking of Yulia's uncle, Xu Yi asked casually.

If something happened to him in Romania, it would definitely seriously affect Xu Yi's subsequent development of the Polar Bear Project.

"Mr. Xu, it is said that the Polar Bear Government has sent troops to Romania to rescue them."

"The news says that the diplomatic corps is relatively safe now, but we still can't get in touch." Tong Mingxin replied.

Xu Yi nodded, then closed his eyes.

Now he has no other way in Moscow, so he needs to think of new ways.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Xu Yi's mind.

He asked, "Amin, can you find a way for me to meet Yulia?"

Tong Mingxin nodded and said, "O, Mr. Xu, I should be able to do this!"

Then, Tong Mingxin picked up the mobile phone and dialed a number.

Facing the phone, he spoke his still not fluent Russian.

After several minutes of communication, Tong Mingxin hung up the phone and said to Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, you can meet Yulia for half an hour"

"Enough!" Xu Yi nodded and said.

The next moment, under Tong Mingxin's command, the car drove directly to a certain place in Moscow.

And there is already a car parked here waiting.

After Tong Mingxin got out of the car, a young man also got out of that car.

After he and Tong Mingxin hugged, Tong Mingxin stuffed a stack of beautiful knives into the young man's pocket.

After the young man felt the weight of the stack of money, a smile appeared on his face.

Then, Tong Mingxin asked Xu Yi to get off the car.

The young man glanced at Xu Yi, and said to Tong Mingxin:

"Is he the one who wants to go in and see the prisoner?" (Zhao Meihao)

Tong Mingxin replied, "That's right."

"Sir, please get in the car with me."

The young man first said something to Xu Yi, then turned to Tong Mingxin and said:

"Mr. Tong, please wait here, it's too dangerous if there are too many people!"

Tong Mingxin whispered in Xu Yi's ear:

"Mr. Xu, this kid is the son of the warden of Klober Prison. Now he is the only one who can take you to see Julia." Xu Yi nodded slightly, and then followed the young man into the car.

The car drove for about an hour before stopping.

The young man turned to Xu Yi and said, "Sir, can you understand Russian?"

Xu Yi replied, "Russian is fine."

"That's good, come on, put on your clothes, and I'll take you in right away!" The young man said to Xu Yi.After getting off the car, what Xu Yi saw was a huge Gothic castle.

Chapter 320 Dilemma

The two of them entered the castle.

After walking for nearly 10 minutes.

The young man brought Xu Yi to a prison area.

He pointed to Xu Yi and said to the police guarding the prison area:

"Send him to room six."

As soon as the words fell, he put a small stack of beautiful knives into the policeman's pocket.

Police y silently opened the gate of the prison area, motioning for Xu Yi to follow him in.

The prison guard stopped in front of a cell, and he whispered to Xu Yi, "You only have 10 minutes."

After finishing speaking, he opened the door of the cell and signaled Xu Yi to go in.

After entering the cell, Yulia's familiar face came into Xu Yi's sight.

Then, there was the sound of the prison door being closed.

Yulia didn't react until she heard the door close.

She looked up but saw Xu Yi appearing in front of her.

"Mr. Xu?" Yulia said in disbelief.

"Yulia, what's going on!" Xu Yi said to Yulia.

"Mr. Xu, why did you appear here?" Yulia still didn't respond.

"This is not the point. The point now is why you are here?" Xu Yi looked at Yulia and asked.

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Yulia sighed.

Then she told Xu Yi in detail what happened after she returned to Moscow from Xiangjiang.

After listening to Yulia's narration, Xu Yi frowned and said:

"Yulia, do you mean that the 743 incident was done by your uncle's political opponent?"

Yulia nodded and said, "My uncle left Moscow eight days ago. As soon as he left, I was secretly arrested by Klober."

"The interrogators determined that I had defected and tried to subvert the Polar Bear Alliance."

"They also tried to lure me into bringing my uncle into the water, obviously they wanted me to be an opening"

"I think the point now is not whether I am a traitor or not, but that they want to prove that my uncle is a traitor!"

Yulia said word by word.

After listening to Yulia's words, Xu Yi frowned, he knew that this time things would be difficult!

Because this is not just about Yulia alone, it is a political struggle!

A struggle between Yulia's uncle Tolstoysky and his political enemies.

And Yulia is just a victim of this political struggle! .

In Klober Prison, Xu Yi looked at Yulia and said:

"Yulia, do you know about your uncle's disappearance in Romania?"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, Yulia turned pale, and hurriedly asked:

"Huh? Mr. Xu, what happened to my uncle?"

Xu Yi told about the loss of contact with Tolstoyski's diplomatic mission.

I told Yulia about her execution two days later, saying:

"I think their original plan was to take you as a hostage and let your uncle fall into their trap."

Yulia followed Xu Yi's words and said:

"But they never expected that my uncle lost contact in Romania."

"This will lead to the bankruptcy of their plan, and I will die under their bankruptcy plan." Xu Yi nodded helplessly, although Yulia would feel aggrieved by saying this.

After seeing Xu Yi's actions, Yulia smiled and said:

"Anyway, Mr. Xu, I'm very happy that you can come to see me for the last time!" Seeing Yulia whose expression had returned to normal, Xu Yi shook his head.

With Yulia's qualities, she could have accomplished a lot.

But now they are facing this situation, which can almost be said to be a must-kill situation.

And excellent people have to be alive to have potential, and dead people have no potential.

Xu Yi thought of this, looked at Yulia and said:

"Yulia, the most important thing now is to keep you alive"

"Even if you are sentenced to exile, as long as you are alive, there is hope."

"Yulia, do you know who made the shot this time?" Xu Yi looked at Yulia and asked.

Yulia replied: "I think it's most likely the new Deputy Defense Minister Kasnov."

"Three years ago, he competed with my uncle for the position of Deputy Minister of Defense, and he failed that time."

"He didn't become the new Deputy Minister of Defense until three months ago, and he was in charge of intelligence operations.

Xu Yi understood that, and only such powerful people could sentence Yulia to death.

At this moment, several coughs from the prison guard came from the door.

Xu Yi knew that the time was up, so he said to Yulia:

"Yulia, don't worry, I will never give up on you"

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Yulia nodded heavily (baah) to Xu Yi.

Then, Xu Yi walked back to the prison gate, and the prison guards took him out of the prison gate.

A few minutes later, the young man who had brought him in brought him out of the prison again.

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