this side.

Luo Tianhong started the Ferrari and slowly drove towards the outside of Bolan Street.

Xu Yi smiled and said to Luo Tianhong: "People from Dongxing have gained popularity in our Hongxing territory, and now Situ Haonan must be devastated.

Hearing Xu Yi talk about Situ Haonan, Luo Tianhong stared forward and said:

"Someone on the site is selling bulk goods under Brother Nan's banner, Brother Yi, who do you think is responsible?"

"Don't even think about it, it must be salty and wet."

"Situ Haonan became the leader, and the big brother Xian Shiqiang he brought to debut wants to fish in troubled waters"

"He thought I was too busy recently to care about this matter."

"It is said that they love each other like father and son, so wouldn't it be difficult for Situ Haonan?"

Luo Tianhong drove the car with one hand, while the other hand scratched at his short-cut hair:

Xu Yi said: "Whether it is difficult or easy to do, he is the boss he worships, and he can't blame others.

Just as he was talking, Luo Tianhong suddenly threw the Eight-faced Han Sword in his hand towards the car window beside Xu Yi:

"Brother Yi, be careful!"


The Eight-faced Han sword collided with a machete stabbed in from the car window!

Xu Yi reacted quickly, and reached out to grab the probing wrist.

With a hard pull, a punch directly hammered into the opponent's eyes!

"Pick your mother! Move me?"

One of the opponent's eyes was scalded and blinded. He let go of the machete in his hand and covered his face.

Xu Yi grabbed the knife, opened the car door and kicked the opponent away!

"Brother Yi, watch from the side, I'll take care of them!"

Luo Tianhong opened the door and got out of the car, and said to Xu Yi as he saw a dozen strong men rushing towards him with machetes in hand.

Xu Yi looked at the twelve or three hooded figures rushing forward with knives, and threw the machete he had just grabbed to Luo Tianhong:

"Fix them, let's go together."

After speaking, Xu Yi got into the driver's seat of the Ferrari and started the car.

Luo Tianhong stood at the rear of the Ferrari, before he could respond to Xu Yi's words, he took the knife and swung it towards the person in front!

"La!", the other party never thought that Luo Tianhong didn't get in the car and was about to run away.

Instead, stand still and take the lead!

The chest that was exposed because of the knife was slashed by Luo Tianhong with a huge wound!

The pressure in the chest cavity squeezed out the blood like a spray!

Dye Luo Tianhong's body and face red!

"Dare to attack Brother Yi! I'll give you a ride!"

Luo Tianhong did not retreat but advanced, and stepped forward with the knife in hand.

Head towards the dozen or so subordinates of Hehetu!

The leader of the team is called Hei Xiong, and he is the double bonus red stick of Hehetu.

Before meeting Xu Yi, a boy covered his eyes and screamed, and a brother had his chest split open by Luo Tianhong.

?0 for flowers 0...

Although the black bear got orders from Hehetu leader Hu Xuyong, he was just pretending.

But these brothers don't know it. If they don't do a full set, it's easy to make mistakes.

So the black bear rushed forward with a machete in his hands, and was the first to bump into Luo Tianhong!

Hei Xiong was also one of Hu Xuyong's men who could fight, and he slashed towards Luo Tianhong with a machete.

He has the momentum to cut Luo Tianhong in two!

Luo Tianhong's face was covered with fine spots after the blood mist fell, and his eyes were wide open.

To hold the knife in one hand to block the black bear's horizontal cut, and to grab the black bear's hair with the other hand!

Hei Xiong didn't have time to withdraw the knife, he was caught by Luo Tianhong's hair, and he took advantage of the opportunity to hit Luo Tianhong with a head hammer.

Luo Tianhong let go of the machete in the other hand decisively, and firmly stuck the black bear's jaw!Pull hard!

Luo Tianhong, who has been twisting the wrench all the year round, has amazing strength in both hands!

"Crack!" There was a soft sound, and the black bear's body, which was still struggling with amazing strength just now, softened all of a sudden, and its head also drooped.

Luo Tianhong tore off the mask on his face, remembered the opponent's appearance clearly, then let go of his hand, and let the black bear fall to the ground.

There was a fight here, and the passers-by at the intersection of Bolan Street had already avoided it.

Seeing that it was enough for Ferrari to accelerate out, Xu Yi honked the horn.

Luo Tianhong pointed with one hand at the Hehetu people who were hesitating on the opposite side, and retreated step by step towards the co-pilot's door.

It may be that he slashed over one with a knife, and let go of the black bear fiercely, scaring Niu Guo's dozen younger brothers.

Until he opened the car door, everyone in Hehetu didn't take a step forward.

After Luo Tianhong got into the car and sat down, Xu Yi slammed the accelerator, and the car roared out of Bolan Street!

Ignoring Luo Tianhong, Xu Yi waited for the Ferrari to get on the expressway.

He grabbed the phone and said to call Situ Haonan:

"Haonan, someone is staring at me, no matter who it is, push Hehetu on the head, there will be no ghosts."

"I came to Bolan Street on a temporary basis. You don't even know it. Tell Lei Yaoyang to let him put Shuo He He Tu and find someone to ambush me."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Yi just took a look at Luo Tianhong.

Although Luo Tianhong shot fiercely just now, but now his face is calm, Xu Yi asked:

"Tianhong, how are you?"

Luo Tianhong nodded: "It's a piece of cake, Brother Yi, will I cause trouble for you if I defeat those two people?"

"He came to behead me and you took care of me. It's his bad luck. If you still want to call the police, then you don't have to think about polishing and initial signboards for the rest of your life. Don't worry."

Xu Yi smiled, and Luo Tianhong was very satisfied with the sentence that Luo Tianhong called out when the accident happened, Mr. Xu, you go first.

Because people's first reaction when something happens suddenly is often the most true expression.

Xu Yi and Luo Tianhong returned to Kwun Tong, found a sauna and asked Luo Tianhong to take a shower, and asked the younger brother who watched the scene to help Luo Tianhong find clothes.

After making the arrangements, Xu Yi drove to Repulse Bay Villa by himself.

But behind the Ferrari, followed by a Toyota Seven.

Chapter 332 Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng Will Destroy It!

When the car got off the expressway and was about to turn into the mountain road, the window of a black car parked in front suddenly lowered.

A police light was placed on the top of the car and turned on. Ma Jun got off the passenger side of the police car and waved to Xu Yi's Ferrari.

Through the rearview mirror, Xu Yi saw Toyota slowly driving past his car and stopping in the distance.

Then he opened the car door and went down, smiled at Ma Jun, and joked:

"Ma Sir, this is the banquet?"

Ma Jun was wearing a casual suit, with his hands vigilantly inserted into the holsters of his overalls.

Hearing what Xu Yi said, Ma Jun smiled: "Xu Yi, didn't you call Lawyer Liang this time?

"I'm still here so late, of course I have to thank you, 2000 million generous."

"A lot of clubs are in a mess now, do you think I'm going out to pay your respects to your pier?"

Xu Yi lit a cigar and said:

"Ma Sir, if you continue to say these things that I don't understand at all, "[-]", then I won't accompany you."

Ma Jun's expression changed, he pointed to the car in the distance and said:

"Don't understand? The police are staring at you. You are going to the bathroom now, and someone is calling to notify you. Remember and the crime team."

"You go to Lan Kwai Fong to meet Situ Haonan, Luo Tianhong will accompany you, and within an hour of Situ Haonan's departure, Xinji Wang Bao asks to lend you his troops.

"Not long after Situ Haonan returned, he rushed to see Xian Shiqiang, and you went to Bolan Street to meet Thirteenth Sister."

"Do you want me to tell you how long you've been in there?"

"What else do you want to hear? Let me tell you?"

Without blinking his eyes, Xu Yi lit a cigar and took a puff, then exhaled a smoke ring, then smiled and said:

"Ma Sir, you ask me to cooperate with the investigation, it seems that the police regulations do not allow it?"

Ma Jun patted the roof of the police car and said:

"Oh, don't you all have a bad temper like Sir Lu? I'm also surprised that you still have to donate 50 yuan to the police fund, so I propose, everyone, help me and I will help you?" Xu Yi stared at Ma Jun when Ma Jun spoke. His eyes remained unchanged and he said:

"I am most willing to cooperate with the police and the public. If Ma Sir needs my help, just talk."

Ma Jun sighed, even if Xu Yi opened his mouth to talk, he didn't reveal anything.

Xu Yi had an indifferent expression, which made him feel that the next conversation would be difficult to continue:

"Mr. Xu, it doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not, the messenger must tell the evidence"

"If I pull you one day, I will definitely have enough evidence to send you to Stanley."

"But you really don't want to make trouble now, I can tell you a piece of news."

Xu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, Ma Jun wants news from him?

He said just now that you help me and I help you, it seems that he wants to exchange benefits.

"I don't know what the news is, it's worth Ma Sir waiting for me here at such a late hour?"

Ma Jun was silent for tens of seconds, his expression fluctuated, and his heart was violently entangled.

At last he spoke:

"Harry, the newly appointed chief of security, is currently waiting for an opportunity to sweep Hong Xing's place three times a day."

"It's not because you made things too ugly this time, but because he wants to help other associations deal with you, and you understand the reason!

"He will let another society rapidly expand in Xiangjiang. Police officers Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng can't stop him. I say that, and you understand."

Xu Yi looked at the two cars in the distance and laughed at Ma Jun:

"Ma Sir, thank you, but I don't care about the internal affairs of the police force."

"I have no objection if you want to borrow troops to attack Hongmen, but don't cause a big fight in my jurisdiction, and the north will not allow Xiangjiang to mess up, you understand!" Ma Jun stared at Xu Yi with sharp eyes and said slowly .

"I know that you think too much, Sir Ma."

Xu Yi wrapped his hands tightly in the long black windbreaker, turned around and got into the Ferrari, started the car and drove towards the mountain road.

It wasn't until the Ferrari went up the mountain that Xu Yi felt that the situation was serious!

Now not only Hong Men colluded with other associations in Xiangjiang to deal with him.

Moreover, the Security Bureau is actually supporting Xiangjiang's association. Obviously, the association Ma Jun mentioned is the century-old association and Hetu!

This is a society that rose at the same time as Liansheng.

Things far exceeded my expectations.

According to the information Li Wenbin gave him, combined with what Ma Jun just said, William is engaged in a big conspiracy against himself!

Both Hongmen and William are using Hehetu against themselves.

The leader of Hehetu was Hu Xuyong, and Xu Yi took a deep breath.

Hu Xuyong is 45 years old this year.

Although Hehetu is also considered a large prefix, Hu Xuyong became famous because of the chaos in the world after the four major detectives lost their power after the establishment of the ICAC?

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