"Yes, yes, I will definitely be able to double spend this time! I will be so-so, and I will clean up the mess after you finish fighting."

"Hu Xuyong, after finishing those veteran dishes, the next step is to use the whole Hehe Tu to be buried with him, do you think it's okay?"

Seeing Hu Xuyong's excited expression, Xu Yi suddenly asked a question.

The smile on Hu Xuyong's face immediately froze, his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, staring at Xu Yi:

"Mr. Xu, let me make it clear that I have no intention of being your enemy. When I come out to talk today, peace is the most important thing!"

"To tell you the truth, with the idea of ​​cooperating with Hongmen, those old uncles, I can't wait for them to die."

"But if you insist on staying with me forever, then don't talk about it? I'll get you done today, at worst, we will die together!

Hu Xuyong instantly looked like two different people!

The temperature of the air seemed to drop a few points in an instant following his icy tone.

Luo Tianhong subconsciously wanted to get by Xu Yi's side.

A brave, bearded Ma Baolong on one side of 743 took a step, blocking Luo Tianhong's way.

Luo Tianhong lowered his embraced hands, and took a step towards the two-meter-tall Blast Dragon!

On the other side, Jijiahei was about to stand up.

The sharp knife in A Ji's hand seemed to flash out of nowhere, and it was already on his neck!

The cold light of the sharp blade flickered, making the pores on the black neck of the chicken's feet tremble instinctively.

Ah Ji raised the knife in one hand, and still held the rooster bowl in the other.

Just looking at Ji Jiaohei, he moved his chin slightly towards him, motioning for Jijiahei to sit down.

The people in Hehetu didn't move, so the pheasant and the prince didn't move either, just staring at each other.

The pheasant has fierce eyes!

Ka Ka Ka!

The joints of the prince's hands made a huge crisp sound.

"Hu Xuyong, are you right? I'll take care of the veterans of Hehetu. Hu Xuyong, if you don't cooperate with Hongmen, we will get what we need, and there will be no conflict!" Xu Yi said calmly:

"I'm not here today to blow water with you, show some sincerity, let's continue talking."

Hu Xuyong stared into Xu Yi's eyes, and suddenly laughed:

"Mr. Xu is really sharp, okay, let's continue talking."

"You want to kill those people who are pro-South Asia in Hongmen? I can help!"

Xu Yi shook his head and smiled, "Just kidding (baah), what's going on now? Who dares to mess things up?"

"If it weren't for the current situation, do you think those people from the Hongmen would have left Hong Kong alive? I have a dozen or so halls where I eat dry food?" Hearing this, Hu Xuyong nodded and said:

"Mr. Xu, you're right. You really can't kill people casually now, or you'll be in trouble."

"However, if I help you deal with people from the Hongmen, what good will you do me? I can also take care of those uncles."

Xu Yi smiled and said, "I'll give you a street, Temple Street, the site of Yiqun."

"You and Hetu and Yiqun are still fighting in this street, can I get it done with just one word?"

"Temple Street?"

Hu Xuyong rubbed his chin, as if a little embarrassed:

"Don't worry, although Temple Street is full of poor ghosts, there are many shops and stalls, and the monthly protection fee can collect millions."

"I'll give you a word, and I, Xu Yi, always keep my word." Xu Yi said.

At this time, the waiter came out pushing the car boy, smelling the strong aroma.

Hu Xuyong said to Xu Yi:

"Come on, Mr. Xu, let's have fun together."

Holding a cigar, Xu Yi smiled and stretched out his left hand to Hu Xuyong.

Hu Xuyong hesitated for a moment, and held Xu Yi together with his backhand.

Seeing the movement of the two holding backhands, everyone frowned slightly.

After the waiter finished serving the dishes, Hu Xuyong and Xu Yi got up separately.

Xu Yi said to Hu Xuyong:

"The ice room in Mong Kok is still waiting for me, I think Liu Luanxiong will show up too?"

Hu Xuyong stretched his waist and said: "Mr. Xu, you go first, I will go later.

"Okay, let's go." Xu Yi turned around and walked outside the food stall.

When passing Baolong and Luo Tianhong, Xu Yi stopped for a moment.

Seeing that Explosive Dragon didn't say anything, he walked out.

A Ji put away the sharp knife and followed out with the prince and pheasant.

Luo Tianhong walked last, and slowly exited the store step by step.

After Xu Yi and the others left, Hu Xuyong sat down and picked up a pair of chopsticks.

He ate it in big mouthfuls, looking like he had been hungry for a long time.

The others looked at Hu Xuyong with different expressions on their faces.

After eating most of the claypot rice in front of him, Beard Yong pulled out a tissue to wipe his mouth:

"It's just a few days before we start working on Hongmen."

Everyone was astonished at the same time!

Mong Kok Ice Room!

This ice room is one of the oldest ice rooms in Xiangjiang.

The color on the light box of this ice room has been dimmed, but this does not prevent it from being the first choice for talking about numbers.

Not only young and Dangerous guys like the taste here, but even poor guys like it.

The policemen on patrol are tired from walking, and they will also come here to eat a bowl of wanton noodles to keep out the cold.

Kwong Fung Street, where the Mong Kok Ice Room is located, is the territory of Xinji Shendalong.

The dragon who carries the handle at the Mong Kok entrance of Xin Kee is one of the top ten heroes of Xin Kee.

At this time, on the second floor of the Mong Kok Ice Room, there was a long table in less than a hundred feet of space.

The two groups of people sat opposite each other clearly, and the person sitting in the middle of the long table was the leader of the street, Shen Dalong.

Seeing that there were only a few bodyguards on Xu Chengtian's side, Xu Yi hadn't shown up yet.

Shen Dalong frowned, but quickly cleared his throat.

He said to the people on the left and right:

"I am a young person, the two elders, both of you are seniors in the world."

"You guys know better than me about this kind of thing, calm down!"

Shen Dalong is muscular and short in stature, but his mind is not simple.

Being one of the top ten heroes of Xinji is not only because he is ruthless enough to fight.

At the same time, he knows how to communicate, and there are rich people who are taking over buildings in Mong Kok, and they are all dealt with by the gods and dragons.

It can be said that although he is humble and inferior, his ability is definitely not weak!

At this time, Xu Chengtian said to Liu Luanxiong:

"Da Liu, do you want to chat with me about something important today?"

Liu Luanxiong asked God Dalong to invite some famous big brothers to come to the scene.

Although Shen Dalong said that he has already made an appointment, he still hasn't shown up until now.

Hearing Xu Chengtian speak, Liu Luanxiong squeezed to Xu Chengtian and said:

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu of Hongxing borrowed 2000 million troops to engage in a peace plan. Don't you know about this?"

"No way? Hong Xing is so big, and he still needs to borrow troops? Do you think there is any society in Xiangjiang that is bigger than Hong Xing?"

Xu Chengtian twirled the beads with a smile and said to Liu Luanxiong.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu doesn't show his face today and sees no one. Is he sincere?"


『'Empty! White'』: 6,9;892?5850 Xu Chengtian threw the Eighteen Sons Bracelet on the table and said to Liu Luanxiong:

"Da Liu, I am Hong Xing's benefactor, are you sincere in coming here today?"

At this time, God Dalong said:

"Mr. Xu is indeed sharp. Our Xinji and Hongxing are also allies. My position is impartial and absolutely fair!"

"But Mr. Liu has been waiting for such a long time, and he shows some sincerity like this!"

"Who says I'm not sincere? Wow, a gathering of heroes!"

Xu Yi wore a windbreaker and walked up the stairs.

It just happened to take over Xu Chengtian's words that God beats the dragon.

"Brother Yi!"

"Mr. Xu!"


Everyone greeted Xu Yi.

The prince, Aji, Pheasant, and Luo Tianhong who followed Xu Yi on the stairs went up to the second floor

Chapter 336 Tiger Jun

Before Shen Dalong could speak, Xu Yi smiled at Liu Luanxiong who was facing him: "Boss Liu, long time no see, you look good." Liu Luanxiong slammed his fists on the table with both hands, his face livid.

Seeing that his elder brother was unhappy, Hehetu Yau Madi carried the old shit Zhang stood up from the side, pointed at Xu Yi and cursed:

"Choose! Liang Ziyi, you want to be Feng!"

"Old Shizhang! I'm holding your mother's stinky shit! How dare you point at my elder brother!"

Pheasant took a step forward from behind Xu Yi, pointed his right hand at Laoshi Zhang and shouted!

"I-you are paralyzed!"

Old shit Zhang rolled up his sleeves and was about to do it!

At this time, the short and sturdy body of the god dragon stood up and roared:

"Stop! Anyone who dares to make a move will cause trouble in my place! Fell in the face of my god Dalong!"

Xu Yi waved his hand, and then Pheasant glared at Lao Shizhang, and spat heavily.

Lao Shizhang also sat down again, staring at Xu Yi with sideways eyes.

Xu Yi pulled away the chair beside Xu Chengtian and sat down, spread his hands and said with a smile:

"There's nothing to argue about, let's start talking."

Shen Dalong exhaled, nodded, and said:

"When you come out to hang out, peace is the most important thing, but when you are on stage, you must speak clearly!

Luo Tianhong said disdainfully with a toothpick in his mouth:

"What's the point of talking about this kind of thing? You can see that Hong Xing is very powerful, so make peace!

"Dao Zaihong, which eye of yours saw me talking about making peace?" Liu Luanxiong looked at Luo Tianhong and said.

"Who said we want to make peace!" There was a peeping voice on the first floor, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs.

Everyone looked towards the stairs, and a figure wearing a long windbreaker appeared on the second floor.

Shen Dalong coughed.

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