"Banana Pi, Dadong, have you finished washing?" the prince folded his arms, looking at Banana Pi and Dadong who were taking a shower.

Now apart from Fanzai and Feitianshu, Brother Hongmen and Hetu's people have been beaten away.

The other horse boys who gave Map and Hongmen were not injured much, and they are no longer serious.

Pheasant throws Fanzai and Flying Mouse to Lamma Island to feed the dogs...

Jiaopi is a veteran, and his new recruit named Dadong has no rules at all.

The prince could see that Dadong killed people only because he was ruthless.

If this kind of person is just let him stay in the hall, he will be hacked to death in a few times.

Because it is impossible to encounter such a rushing street as the flying mouse every time.

If he really meets someone who can fight, Dadong will be killed in minutes, and he will not be given a chance to get close.

So the prince had the idea of ​​teaching Dadong to learn boxing.

"Brother Prince." Jiaopi looked at the prince and said.

"Banapi, is your subordinate interested in learning boxing?"

"If he continues to fight like this, if he doesn't wait for the top position, you will be a dead dog."

Jiaopi smiled and winked at Dadong.

Dadong came over in a hurry and called Brother Prince.

The prince said to him with a cigarette in his mouth: "Dadong, I see you are cruel enough and want to teach you. I am the head coach of Hong Xing."

"However, learning Muay Thai is very hard. You have to think about it if you want to fight tomorrow."

The prince said that learning Muay Thai is very hard, and it is indeed true.

At least the prince remembered the days when he was learning boxing, there was only pain and fatigue every day.

Either you are hitting against a sandbag, or you are fighting against your opponent.

Because of the high-intensity training, muay thai fighters don't have a long lifespan. If they live past 70 years old, they will be considered octogenarians. Of course, many muay thai fighters can't even live to be 30 years old, and they hang on the ring early.

In order not to die in the ring, he worked harder and compressed his lifespan.

"I can fight like you when I come out"?" Dadong looked at the prince calmly and asked:

The prince spread his hands and said: "

"Most young and Dangerous boys can learn a few punches, so if you want to stand out, you have to work harder than more dwarf mules

"If you want to be in the top position, you have to fight back by yourself!"

"Hurry up and wash up. I'll take you to see Brother Yi. He calls to see you."

At this moment, Pheasant hugged Dadong excitedly, pointed at a row of ladies in front of him and shouted:

"Dadong, you are powerful enough today, you can choose [-] in this row at will."

"As long as you are physically strong, it's fine to bring all thirty of them into the room!"

Dadong gently pushed the pheasant's hand away: "Brother Chicken, I risk my life because I want to be in the top position."

The pheasant laughed and cried:

"Of course no problem! Do you really want to worship my elder brother?"

Dadong nodded: "I believe in Brother Bananapi."

"Think about it, my straw sandals can also earn money, you are so majestic, it's best to use it as a horse

"Brother Banana Pi said that Brother Yi has billions of dollars, so if you eat it, of course you have to follow the big water pipe."

Dadong smiled apologetically at Pheasant: "Thank you for looking up to me, Brother Chicken."

Pheasant said: "Forget it, you are telling the truth. Of course the short mule is making money. To make money, he has to find a rich and powerful elder brother."

"Okay, I'll take you to see Brother Yi right now! Brother Yi heard your name today, so I'll see you as soon as I open my mouth."

Hongxing Headquarters!

"Tianhong, call Lawyer Liang for me." Xu Yi said while sitting in the cold drink shop on Xingye Street.

Luo Tianhong dialed Liang Wei's number and asked, "What am I talking about with Lawyer Liang?"

"Help me find out the details of the newly-acquired boy Dadong from Banana Pi. Of course Banana Pi is fine, but Dadong needs to think about it."

"He is so skilled, I'm worried that the ghost is going to throw a hidden thunder at my hall!"

Xu Yi said with a cigarette in his mouth: "When the time comes, you will treat Er Wu as your confidant, and you can only blame yourself for being stupid when you die."

"Also, Dadong's friends should also be investigated."

"Yes, Brother Yi." He took the phone and went out to call Liang Wei.

Xu Yi sighed, you know, Gui Lao hated him so much now.

It would be perfectly normal for a hidden thunder to come in and insert an undercover agent.

At this juncture, a big Dong suddenly appeared, so I had to guard against it.

Tsim Sha Tsui East!

In a nightclub box, two short mules drinking beer sit at the bar.

One of them spoke to his companion.

"Grey Dog Qiang, did you receive the news? Hehetu Beard waved the flag bravely! Can't you make it through?"

"If one of his subordinates speaks up, as long as anyone is willing to join the Hehetu, each person will receive two thousand Hong Kong paper red envelopes!"

The companion he called Greyhound Qiang swayed to the music and said disdainfully:

"Choose! 2000 yuan? At most, you can charge some dwarf mules with no one to follow."

"If you have a club, you have to pass the time, and if you wave the flag, you can only accept a few of his subordinates."

"Actually, it's a disguised form of borrowing soldiers, but it's just not breaking the rules. Are you going to fight Hu Xuyong with Gui Piwan?"

"O'Think about it, Hehetu is now at war, and it's obvious that they are recruiting people to die!"

"Two thousand Hong Kong papers are going to fight for your life, crazy!"

Guipi Pill didn't make a sound, but Greyhound spoke very directly.

Ji Zai is now talking about income, and it is clear that he wants to let them die when they start a war with Hong Xing. "

But Greyhound Qiang didn't know that he hadn't joined any clubs all these years, he just wanted to worship Hu Xuyong.

"Maybe he can stand out, Hu Xuyong is the leader!" Gui Piwan said.

Greyhound stared at Guipi Pill and said:

"Hey, aren't you tempted? You haven't joined the club for the past two years, but you are going to jump out because you have to wave the flag bravely.

"I advised Liang Ziyi to pay homage to the door after finishing the fight, but now I don't know that Liang Ziyi is a big water hose"

"Even Hongmen wants to stand up and borrow troops, what does Hu Xuyong have to fight against pretty boy Yi?"

Guipi Wan drank the beer in one gulp, and said to Greyhound in a strong tone:

"Forget it, I've decided to go with Hu Xuyong, if you're lucky, you'll be able to get ahead"

"Unlucky, I can only accept my fate! Are you going or not?"

Greyhound sighed and hesitated for a moment, then picked up his coat and said to Gui Piwan:

"(King Zhao's) Forget it, of course I will go if you go."

"It's good if you have 2000 yuan, at least you can find some pretty girls to have fun."

"If you really call, I will be the first to run away. To tell you the truth, I have a new big lame girl, 36D!"

"I haven't opened the abalone yet. I will save my life for her. I'll put some water first. Remember to wait for me."

Guipiwan nodded, watching Greyhound Qiang walk out of the side door of the dance hall with a cigarette in his mouth.

It's just that Greyhound stood in the corner and urinated but didn't go back directly.

Instead, he found a nearby phone booth, put coins in, and dialed a number that was already waiting for his answer.

Greyhound held the receiver firmly, looked at the passers-by around him, and said weakly:

"Old Dou, I won't go home for dinner tonight. My buddies and I are going to be brave with Hutu."

"Pretty boy? Hong Xing doesn't accept people. They don't look like initials anymore, like a company."

"Hu Xuyong is different. There are two thousand Hong Kong papers to earn, and my best friend dragged me to follow him"

"If you don't go, it's easy to have an accident. That's it. I'll call you when I need something.

Chapter 345 If you can't enter the officialdom when you are born, you can't enter the hospital if you die!

Ma Jun put down the phone, turned the swivel chair under him, and looked at the wall behind the desk.

He posted photos of big brothers from various clubs in Xiangjiang on the wall, but the photos of Wei Wen and Fatty Peak had disappeared.

Under the other photos, various materials were pinned with paper clips, so that he could check the case records of each big brother at any time.

The two photos in the middle are Ax Jun and Hu Xuyong.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door, Ma Jun looked away, and sat back in his seat:

"Please come in."

.Yazi, the policewoman who remembered, pushed open the door, and raised the wonton noodles in her hand to Ma Jun: "Sir Ma, Sir Lu treats you."

"Thank you Qichang for me, by the way, who is following in Yau Ma Tei tonight?"

Ma Jun asked Yazi with a smile.

Bud said:

"It's Chen Jiaju. He brought a few military uniforms, but he didn't get anything."

"Hehetu was beaten so badly that he didn't know how to call the police. I really don't understand these associations."

Ma Jun shrugged his shoulders and said, "That's the rule left over from the world for a hundred years. It's not just talking about whether you can't enter the officialdom when you are born, and whether you can't enter the hospital after death."

"Calling the police is a big taboo in the world. If you lose, you don't have to be afraid of death. Those who lose will have soup and medicine fees, and those who are killed will have family expenses."

"The associations will take out the money, but if you call the police, the associations can send someone to the prison to kill you."

"Because you live for one day, let the society be laughed at once by the people of the rivers and lakes."

Yazi shook his head, turned and left.

After Yazi went out and closed the door, Ma Jun took out a photo from an English book in the drawer.

On it is a group of short mules in their twenties, surrounded by stars in a bar box. The horse army in the photo wears a gold chain, shaved his head, has arrogant eyes, and is rebellious.

Suddenly 760 Ma Jun let out a bewilderment, staring at the corner of the unremarkable crowd in the photo.

A young boy in his teens stood there vaguely, looking longingly at the protagonist in the photo

Ma Jun put the photo back, lit a red million and smiled.

He said to himself: "God must help good people, otherwise I really can't think of it."

With that, he undid the top button of his shirt.

Inadvertently, a shocking scar on the neck was revealed.

A look of envy.

Hongxing Headquarters!

"Brother Yi, he is Dadong."

Jiaopi accompanied Dadong to Hongxing headquarters to meet Xu Yi.

Dadong changed into new clothes and called Xu Yi brother Yi.

Xu Yi nodded, sat on the chair and said to Dadong:

"This time you work for Hong Xing, Hong Xing will not treat you badly"

"I heard that you just hung up on Hongmen's Flying Mouse, and A Ji specially called to praise you for being kind."

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