"Mr. Xu, you are here so early, are you inviting me to dinner?"

"Thank you, Axe, were you on duty last night?" Xu Yi got out of the car and greeted Xiang Xiang with a smile.

"Others are on duty at night. I just took over and let him go to sleep."

Ax Xie rubbed his eyes, took out two cigarettes and gave one to Xu Yi and said.

"Hey, what's wrong with your sleepy expression?" Xu Yi lit a cigarette and asked curiously

"Choose, isn't it because of you?"

"Mr. Lei asked me to chat, and told me that you are just like him back then, with awe-inspiring power."

"I told fairy tales until five o'clock in the morning. When I went out, the teahouses were already serving breakfast!"

With a cigarette between his hands, Axe Xie said weakly:

"By the way, do you need help recently? If you ask, I can go over and do something."

"What? Mr. Lei wants to lend you to me?"

Xu Yi said: "We'll talk about this matter in two days. Let other people do the beating and killing. Is Mr. Lei in there?"

Ax Xie nodded: "Yes, I'm listening to an opera inside."

"I'll see him, and I'll have sex with you when I have time." Xu Yi finished speaking and walked towards the restaurant.

Axe Xie is a brainless boy, even more irritable than Da Tianer.

Lei Yingdong was leaning on the chair with his eyes closed.

Gently patting his knees with his hands, listening to the Cantonese opera on the radio.

Outside the door, the female secretary said softly, "Mr. Lei, Mr. Xu is here."

The corners of Xu Yi's mouth curled up. This was the third time Lei Yingdong's female secretary changed her name.

From the pretty boy Yi at first, he became Brother Yi, and now he is Mr. Xu again.

Lei Yingdong opened his eyes and said doubtfully:

"What are you doing in a daze? Invite Mr. Xu to come in."

The female secretary opened the door outside, Xu Yi walked in, and said to Lei Yingdong, "Mr. Lei."

"Mr. Xu, you've been so busy recently, if you have something to do, just call and ask, or find a pony for a walk

"You don't have to work so hard, what happened?"

Lei Yingdong stared at Xu Yi, and for the first time, there was no smile on his face, and his face was serious.

o0 ask for flowers 0..

Because Lei Yingdong knew that nothing happened, Xu Yi would not come to see him.

The female secretary turned and walked out, then closed the door.

Only then did Xu Yi say, "I'm here to ask Mr. Lei something."

"I have already made an appointment with William to meet tomorrow. I will try my best to reconcile the matter between you and the Hong Kong government."

Lei Yingdong took a sip of tea from the purple sand pot at hand, and said to Xu Yi.

Xu Yi sat on a chair beside him and said to Lei Yingdong:

"It's not about William of the Hong Kong government, but about Hehetu's bearded bravery."

"Hu Xuyong called me and asked me to help find someone."

Lei Yingdong's eyes lit up, but he didn't rush to speak. Instead, he thought for two seconds before saying:

"Hu Xuyong left the Dutch country two years ago. People say that Hu Xuyong ran away because he went crazy and killed his opponent who was competing for the seat."

"He called you today. It seems that this matter is not that simple. Didn't his wife get killed by someone from Hehetu?"

Hu Xuyong's wife's accident is not private, so people in the world will find out if they want to.

0 ....

It's just that I just started talking about Hu Xuyong calling.

Lei Yingdong thought that Hu Xuyong's murder of the two He Hetu brothers was related to his wife's death.

The reaction of the brain is really fast enough, and it is not too wrong to buy the site of Shenshuibu by him.

Xu Yi said softly, "Yes."

Lei Yingdong smiled and said to Xu Yi:

"That is to say, you have a deal with Hu Xuyong?"

"Wei Wen is dead, although I don't know, but now it seems that it has something to do with Hu Xuyong"

"Hu Xuyong put Yau Ma Tei in my hands first, it's a mortgage." Xu Yi took out a cigarette and handed it to Lei Yingdong and said.

Lei Yingdong waved his hand, picked up the cigarette paper and shredded tobacco from his hand, and continued to ask:

"Wei Wen is Liu Luanxiong's man. When Liu Luanxiong competed to sit in the hall, Wei Wen contributed money and effort."

"Beard and Brave Peak even got rid of Wei Wen? Unless..."

"Wei Wen must know about it, so of course Liu Luanxiong knows about it." Xu Yi continued Lei Yingdong's words.

Lei Yingdong nodded: "That Hu Xuyong came back and killed Wei Wen this time, in fact, he knew about the incident two years ago, and Wei Wen was just the beginning."

"He said he was going to swallow the Hehe map by himself." Xu Yi said to Lei Yingdong.

I want to get what I want from Lei Yingdong.

Xu Yi knew that he couldn't hide from Lei Yingdong that Hu Xuyong and himself joined forces in private.

Otherwise, with Lei Yingdong's brains and connections, it would not be difficult to find out.

Speaking of which, Lei Yingdong's investment is behind every big society in Xiangjiang.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the big boss behind the scenes.

Lei Yingdong slowly put the rolled cigarette into his mouth, looked at Xu Yi and said:

"You are looking for me because you want me to contact Shiba Gou for you?"

Xu Yi admired in his heart, Lei Yingdong only asked three questions in total.

After the three questions, Hu Xuyong's relationship with himself, and Hu Xuyong's relationship with Hetu, he came to ask Lei Yingdong's purpose, and he has already got all the answers. Seven.

Chapter 347 Finding a way out!

Lei Yingdong, the big boss behind the scenes, is indeed sharp enough.

The older generation of rivers and lakes is not as good as the younger generation, but when it comes to eating brains, I have to praise the old fox after all.

Seeing Xu Yi nodding, Lei Yingdong rubbed the purple clay pot in his hand and said:

"Shiba Gou may not necessarily buy my noodles from Lei Yingdong, but do you really want to find him?"

When Lei Yingdong asked this question, Shibagou would not give Lei Yingdong this face.

But if the stakes are big enough, he has a way.

Afterwards, Lei Yingdong's pupils shrank slightly:

"Mr. Xu, do you want to unify Xiangjiang Jianghu? I want to hear it from your own mouth."

"Yes." Xu Yi paused for two seconds, looked at Lei Yingdong calmly and said:

"I am now the thorn in Governor William's side. No matter what the reason is, I will unify the rivers and lakes and fight against them!"

Lei Yingdong said:

"Very good! Then I will help you to the end!"

"[-]" "As far as I know, there are only a few big brothers who are willing to release news about Shiba Gou, and other clubs or people in the Jianghu, even if they use a gun to force him, he will not say anything."

"However, apart from these big brothers, there are four groups of people who are qualified to do news business with him. Hong Xing happens to be one of them."

"The news business of those four groups is to exchange news with Shiba Gou for needed news."

"The water ghost, the dog head and the old man are from my confidants"

"Water ghost, you know, we have been working together for several months, and Lao Dai has not been seen for more than ten years. People in the world say that Lao Dai has been dead for many years, but in fact he is still alive."

"There will always be people in the old clubs who will be the eight generals, but Lao Dai just leads people to become the eight generals of a thousand families."

Lei Yingdong took a puff of his cigarette and said to Xu Yi: "Few people know the identity of the old man, and now there is one more you."

Eight generals from a thousand clans, Xu Yi knows that most of the tricksters in the outside world are cheating people by setting up gambling games.

Even Young and Dangerous Boys look down on those scammers who swindle money, and they often break their fingers after they are caught.

Even Xu Yi has caught so-called scammers in the casinos in Haojiang.

But that kind of cheater is different from what Lei Yingdong said. There have been gods of gamblers and gamblers in gambling movies.

Even if the methods are all kinds of strange, there are only two types among the eight generals of a thousand families, Zhengjiang and Turen.

Therefore, real gambling masters hate being called cheaters, and they will call themselves old or shellfish internally.

Now Lei Yingdong said that Lao Dai has actually achieved the position of the four major families of Qianmen.

That should be more than relying on casinos to get food.

Rather, it is said that all the eight generals of a thousand families are involved in their business.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Lei Yingdong spoke slowly, and told Xu Yi about the business between Lao Dai and Qianmen Bajiang.

Among the eight generals of a thousand families, the two that can be eaten the most are carrying generals and sleeping at the bottom of the coffin.

The promotion is usually a big deal, registering a company, and managing contacts.

It is impossible to commit crimes on a small scale by using a shell company to withdraw the other party's money.

Because in order to win the trust of the other party, this shell company will even have capital flow, relevant personnel and so on.

It takes at least half a year to mention a general.

Longer ones may even take a year or two to succeed.

However, this kind of game is successful once, and the number is more than a few million.

Sleeping at the bottom of the coffin is even more exaggerated. Listening to Lei Yingdong's introduction, Xu Yi even felt that it should be called a commercial spy to be more vivid.

Lao Dai trains a group of young 'talents' who have the background of studying abroad, and accepts the entrustment of certain individuals or financial groups.

Break into those large financial institutions, cooperate internally and externally, and commit fraud.

According to the information disclosed in Lei Yingdong's words, large-scale fraud cases of foundations have been exposed in Southeast Asia in recent years.

They should all be the handwriting of the four major families of Qianmen.

As for the item of sleeping at the bottom of the coffin, it is an original creation of the four major families that surpassed the ancients.

There are eight kinds of names in Eight Generals of Thousand Gates, but in fact there are more than eight kinds of deception, and most of them are complementary.

For example, the staff who carry the general and sleep at the bottom of the coffin need forged documents such as documents and stocks, so they need "flow grid".

And Liuge is one of the Eight Generals of Thousand Schools.

Specializes in the production of counterfeit banknotes, counterfeit stocks, even fake passports, personal information, etc.

The same is true for "making flowers", which is actually seduction.

There are male flowers and female flowers. A male flower is a man who deceives a woman, and a female flower is a woman who deceives a man.

If the target of sleeping at the bottom of the coffin or raising the general is lustful.

The person who sleeps at the bottom of the coffin and the general will also ask the "flower maker" to help out.

Swallow combing mice, mainly to defraud insurance or even murder, is a deception that specifically targets insurance companies, including life, fire insurance, theft insurance, etc., after purchasing high-value insurance.

Then use seamless methods to cause death, fire, theft and other facts in order to obtain huge compensation.

In the name of fake gambling, colluding with someone to defraud someone.

In fact, those who participate in deception fall into a deception that they cannot extricate themselves from.

This is a scam that uses other people's greed and clever tricks.0

Get rid of people, and the casinos use their own methods to cheat money.

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