However, Soros was obviously not interested in Xu Yi, a strange oriental young man.

Therefore, Xu Yi must first let this financial predator know his name.

This is the beginning of their cooperation. Before going to the Governor's Mansion, Xu Yi went to the 42 Capital Financial Company.

"Mr. Xu!" Liang Wei and Zhan Mi greeted Xu Yi after seeing him coming.

Liang Wei and Zhan Mi would call Xu Yi every day to discuss the stock market situation of Dongying.

Now Xu Yi's funds in Dongying have expanded to a very terrifying level.

The actual controllers of many Dongying companies have quietly become Xu Yi.

Xu Yi knew that the real collapse of the Dongying stock market would have to wait until September this year.

At that time, after the Gulf War broke out and oil prices rose, the death penalty for the Japanese stock market was officially announced.

Xu Cai had already told Liang Wei and Zhan Mi this information in another way.

However, he didn't come here this time for the business of Dongying Stock Market. He had a task for Liang Wei and Zhan Mi.

"Liang Wei, Zhan Mi, I have two things for you to do this time. The first thing is that 42 Capital Financial Company will go to Haojiang, so you have to go with me!"

Since he was going to deal with Yingguo, it was impossible for Xu to let 42 Capital Financial Company stay in Xiangjiang.

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Zhan Mi and Liang Wei have no objection to where Wang works.

"Second thing, are you interested in going to the stock market in country m?" Looking at the Westerners, they asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhan Mi and Liang Wei said in surprise at the same time:

"Brother Yi, are you going to do bad things in the stock market of country m again?"

In fact, the two of them didn't quite agree with Xu Yi's distribution of funds to the stock market of country m.

Because the two of them agreed that within half a year, Dongpu would definitely gain a lot.

Therefore, they hope that Xu Yi will invest in Dongying's stock market.

Chapter 362 Action! ! !

However, after all, Xu Yi is the boss. Although they have some opinions in their hearts, they will not give more.

"I'm currently not interested in the stock market in country m." Xu Yi smiled.

"Then Mr. Xu, why do you want us to go to the stock market in country m?" Liang Wei asked in confusion.

He was really puzzled why Xu Yi went to the stock market of country m since he was not interested in the stock market of country m.

"Starting from May 5st, I will invest 1 billion US dollars in you. My purpose is only two. Let Soros know that Xiangjiang has a 50 financial company, that's all!" Xu Yi said lightly.

After listening to Xu Yi's words, Liang Wei and Zhan Mi were a little speechless, and invested 50 billion US dollars to play in the stock market of country m.

The purpose is to let Soros know the name of the 42 Capital Financial Company!Xu Yi went on to say:

"Starting from May 5st, we will stop the Quantum Fund with all our strength without letting the cost go, until I call it off, "seven seven seven"!"

Since Soros thinks that Xu Yi is an unknown person, then Xu Yi will let Soros remember his name firmly in the future.

"Okay, Mr. Xu!"

Liang Wei and Zhan Mi agreed very readily. It is not difficult to stop a foundation that focuses on financial investment if the cost is not compromised.

Xu Yi left 42 Capital Financial Company after giving orders to the Westerners.

After leaving 42 Capital Financial Company, Xu Yi glanced at a skyscraper not far away that had reached the seventh and ninth floors.

This is the first project project of Tianyi Real Estate. The whole building is [-] meters high and will be a landmark building in Xiangjiang.

As soon as Xu Yi made a move, he made a big deal, and this building directly brought out the reputation of Tianyi Real Estate Company.

And the former Tianyi Real Estate Company has developed very fast, and has become the fourth largest real estate company in Xiangjiang.

After Xu Yi glanced at Tianyi Building, he got into Qu Lali who was parked by the side of the road.

He first went back to Repulse Bay Villa to have dinner with Su Ah Xi.

Then he came to the Governor's Mansion to meet with Governor William.

In the meeting room of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, the Governor William shook hands with Xu privately, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu is very busy recently.

Xu Yi knew that William's words had a deep meaning, but he pretended not to know, and said with a smile:

"Mr. William, after all, I have such a large family business here, so it's normal to be busy."

William glanced at Xu Yi with a faint smile, and said, "Mr. Xu, should you drink tea or coffee?"

"Let's drink tea!" Xu Yi replied.

After hearing Xu Yi's answer, William said to the secretary:

"Two cups of tea."

"Yes, Mr. William."

After the secretary left, William said lightly:

"Mr. Xu, I am very dissatisfied with what you Hong Xing has done recently!"

Xu Yi knew that what William meant was that Hong Xing did not engage in affairs in Xiangjiang as he had agreed with William before.

"Mr. William, please don't worry, I will make a big move soon!" Xu Yi smiled.

"Mr. Xu, I don't like procrastination, so you should understand what I mean?" William looked at Xu Yi and said word by word.

"I know." Xu Yi also looked at William and said.

At this time, the secretary put the tea in front of Xu Yi and William respectively.

"Mr. Xu, this is the Wuyishan Dahongpao, I believe you will like it." William laughed.

After taking a sip of tea, Xu Yi smiled and said, "It really is good tea."

"This Dahongpao tastes bitter before being sweet, and has a long aftertaste. I like it very much." William said with a smile.

The next moment, he said: "Mr. Xu, the current Xiangjiang is like this cup of Dahongpao."

"Although you, Hong Xing, will make Xiangjiang suffer a little bit, what will be left to Xiangjiang in the end will only be sweet."

Xu Yi nodded slightly and said, "Mr. William, there should be other things besides tasting tea, right?"

William smiled and said, "Yes, Mr. Xu, you Hong Xing are very concerned about this Legislative Council election."

"I want to ask Mr. Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Yi leisurely tasted the Dahongpao.

Hong Xing has been acting very aggressively recently, and it is very normal for William to ask such a question.

Xu Yi looked at William and replied: "Mr. William, you should know this well. The club should keep a low profile."

"But I don't want to keep a low profile for the rest of my life. This election is an opportunity for Hong Xing, and I must seize it."

William nodded slowly and said, "Mr. Xu, I understand your thoughts very well."

"I have no objection to your Hong Xing sending people to run for election, but you have to remember where you stand."

"Of course, we will always stand by the people of Xiangjiang." Xu Yi looked at William and smiled.

"Yes, I will always stand by the people of Xiangjiang." William said with a faint smile.

After the two chatted for a while, William sent Xu Yi out of the Governor's Mansion. 0

After Xu Yi left the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion, he used his mobile phone to dial a number in the car.


"Brother Yi, do you have any instructions?"

"The association will continue to allocate one billion Hong Kong papers to each constituency for the election of members of the Legislative Council." Xu Yi ordered lightly.

"Okay, Brother Yi!"

After Xu Yi hung up the phone, he leaned on the car seat and slowly closed his eyes.

This election of members of the Legislative Yuan is very important to Xu Yi and Hong Xing!

In addition to Hong Xing, Xu Yi also invested a lot of money in this election

Three days later!

On the other hand, the publicity activities for the election of members of the Xiangjiang Legislative Assembly are also in full swing

Hong Xing regarded this matter as the biggest event in the club.

Some members are dispatched as a whole.

Propaganda, handing out leaflets, advertising on the road, etc., emerge in endlessly.

According to media reports, Hong Xing's candidate is in the leading position.

Once the results of the poll were announced, many Xiangjiang people felt a little surprised.

Why are the candidates promoted by Hong Xing so high in the polls?

Media reporters curiously investigated the materials of these candidates.

As a result, they didn't know if they didn't investigate. After investigation, they were surprised to find out.

Of the 20 candidates that Hong Xing put out, 17 were graduates.

Six of them have a master's degree, and 0.7 even four candidates have lawyer qualifications!

If you only look at their education and resumes, they are not members of Hongxing now, and some people would believe that they are senior white-collar workers.

In fact, with their personal strength, it is very appropriate to be a senior white-collar worker.

Several candidates are often recognized by the community and are very popular.

Of course, these situations were all within Xu Yi's expectations.

Naturally, these twenty candidates were not selected casually.

They are excellent representatives selected by Xu Yi from Hong Xing's members in various constituencies.

They not only have high education, good eloquence, and good reputation, but also have a clean background.

Except for working in Hongxing, other resumes are exactly the same as ordinary citizens in Xiangjiang, without any stains in life.

Xu Yi attaches so much importance to this election, of course he will definitely send the best members of the club to participate! .

Chapter 363 Pheasant: I choose!It's not so stressful to be a pony!

After the results of this civil encounter came out, Xu Yi continued to strengthen the investment in the five weak areas and increase publicity!Afterwards, Xu Yi quietly came to Haojiang.

Through He Sheng's relationship, he has registered a fund company called 42 Capital Fund in the Haojiang government.

This fund company will become Xu Yi's new financial company, replacing 42 Du, the financial company.

This time, he came to Hao Jiang to select a site for the 42 Capital Fund.

And discuss with He Sheng about the construction of a new century gambling area on Xianxia Island.

The selection of the fund's location was very simple. The staff under Xu Yi had already found three places.

Xu Yi finally chose the building next to Haojiang Bay.

He directly bid one billion Hong Kong papers to buy this 27-story building as the office space of Li Fund.

The entire renovation work will be completed by the end of next month, and 42 Capital Financial Company will move to Haojiang.

Start its new journey with the name of 42 Capital Fund!

After finishing these things, Xu Yi came to Haojiang Hefu.

He Sheng met Xu Yi in his private study.

"Mr. Xu, are you sure you want to put the 10th Century Casino project on Xianxia Island?" He Sheng looked at Xu Yi in front of him and said.

New Century Casino is a project jointly invested by He Sheng and Xu Yi, with a total investment of more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Among them, He Sheng holds 40.00% of the shares, and Xu Yi holds 50.00% of the shares.

After the completion of this new century casino, it will surpass the Puji Casino in Haojiang to become the largest casino in Asia.

But He Sheng still has some concerns about this project, because the current pro-South Asia situation is still unstable.

Anyone can see that the Manchurian Canadian Army is only busy suppressing internal strife.

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