In the name of the Governor of Hong Kong, William issued an open letter overnight to all Hong Kong residents.

In the open letter, William placed the responsibility for issuing an arrest warrant to Xu Yi on John Xun and Robert.

William personally signed the governor's decree, announcing the dismissal of John and Robert.

After William's Governor's Order was issued, the Legislative Council held an emergency session.

The proposal of Governor William to relieve John and Robert was passed.

However, to the surprise of Li Wenbin and Luo Zhizheng, Li Wenbin did not become the acting director of the police department in a logical way.

Lu Kelong, deputy director of the Security Bureau, came to the Police Force to serve as the new Commissioner of Police.

Although Li Wenbin changed from the deputy director in charge of general affairs to the deputy director in charge of operations.

Only Lu Wenzhong and others understood that William's dismissal of John Xun and Robert was not to give in to the "Xiangjiang faction".

It's for the convenience of arranging new chess pieces.

When John Xun and Robert are his scapegoats, it's nothing more than two people's "waste utilization"!

The strategy of killing two birds with one stone is not only played by the Chinese, the Eagle Country people are also good at it.

William lost to John and Robert, but got Hong Kong Police Force again.

Chapter 399 Lore

Lu Ke, Xiangjiang's new police chief, is a native of Eagle Country. After graduating from Cambridge University, he has been active in Eagle Country politics.

Two years ago, he was proficient in Chinese and came to Hong Kong as the deputy director of the Security Bureau. There are rumors that he will be the next director of the Security Bureau.

However, Lu Ke, who has now taken over as the Commissioner of Police, has basically lost his chance to compete for the position of Director of the Security Bureau.

However, William privately promised that after returning to Eagle Country, he would seek a position as a member of the House of Commons for him.

It was also the position of this member of the House of Commons that moved Lu Ke, who made him leave the position of deputy director of the Security Bureau and come to the police department.

Clearly, though, the new Commissioner of Police is nothing like his predecessor.

Layton, the power of John Xun, and Li Wenbin, who served as the acting director, have become the backbone of the Chinese police officers.

The current number of Chinese personnel is not only among the grassroots and middle-level police officers, but also among the police officers above the Constitutional Committee level.

That is to say, Li Wenbin can basically do Luke overhead in the police department.

Of course Lu Ke is aware of the current situation he is facing, but he is not in a hurry to start a war with Li Wenbin

He knew that he came to the police station to guard the last door for the Governor's Mansion.

the other side.

When John Xun saw the newspaper he was dismissed from, he was immediately surprised.

It has been nearly ten days since he was taken away by Chen Zhongxin.

These days, in fact, he has been full of confidence.

He believes that as long as he goes back by himself, he will definitely be able to go to the next level.

But he didn't expect that what was waiting for him was ruthless abandonment.

Chen Zhongxin looked at the frustrated John Xun, and said:

"Director John, what do you think of this news?"

After John Xun heard Chen Zhongxin's words, he sneered and said:

"Director Chen, don't be complacent, you were expelled from the ICAC just like me."

"Right now you are just a lost dog. What awaits you is a jail behind bars, a "prison"

Chen Zhongxin smiled lightly, and said, "Director John Xun, as I said, I am different from you."

"You lose your job for your job, it's not like I lost my job for my dream."

"Also, what awaits me will be cheers, what awaits you is only spit."

Chen Zhongxin looked at John Xun and said quietly.

"Hmph, whatever you want to say, Director Chen, although I fell down."

"But I firmly believe that the final victor must still be the Governor of Hong Kong." John said coldly

Chen Zhongxin looked at John Xun and said:

"Director John, I believe there will be new feelings."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Zhongxin put a stack of papers in front of John Xun.

John Xun subconsciously looked at the folded paper, which only had less than ten pages.

But after reading the content of these ten pages, I think it took a total of five or ten minutes.

After reading it, John Xun remained silent for a long time.

Chen Zhongxin just looked at John News indifferently, and did not urge him.

Five minutes later, John Xunben looked up at Shi Liao Chen Zhongxin.

At this moment, there was no longer the arrogance in his eyes before.

His eyes seem to have lost focus at this moment, without a trace of essential oil.

"Director Chen, how could you have these things?" John Xun looked at Chen Zhongxin and replied.

"Director John, how do we know, you don't need to know"

"As long as you do it, there is a possibility of being discovered." Chen Zhongxin said slowly.

The information he showed to John News was that some rich people in Xiangjiang used various secret channels.

Provide him with the Zhengzhi donation of the former police chief.

Although after the establishment of the ICAC, the political environment in Xiangjiang has become much cleaner.

But in fact, the ICAC mainly dealt with the officials of Xiangjiang, and the corruption of officials of Qianying Kingdom.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption did not crack down hard, so it is easy to understand that Xiangjiang is only a colony of the Eagles.

What the Xiangjiang people lose from corruption is the interests of the Eagle Country people, so they naturally want to attack them, but they are very tolerant towards their own people.

Moreover, these rich people who are pro-Eagle Kingdom are very secretive.

Of course, John Xun is not a problem, and the donations he has received for Zhengzhi are as high as nearly ten million Hong Kong dollars.

These people from the Eagle Kingdom are very rich in what they eat in Xiangjiang.

John Xun knew that as long as this information got out, the Xiangjiang residents who had just been calmed down at this time would immediately explode again.

"Director Chen, what do you want to do?" John asked, looking at Chen Zhongxin.

"Don't worry, Director John, after reading this, I'm answering your question."

Chen Zhongxin handed a thick stack of documents to John News.

John Xun carefully looked at the information Chen Zhongxin handed him.

It was found that these were all the materials that previous senior officials accepted donations from Zhengzhi.

Including the current ones and many who have left and retired.

After reading these materials, John Xun was too shocked to speak.

He couldn't imagine what would happen after the information was revealed.

Chen Zhongxin sighed inwardly as he looked at John Xun's surprised expression.

After he read this stack of materials for the first time, why didn't he have this expression.

He never imagined that this group of people from Eagle Country, who looked very noble, were so extravagant.

What Chen Zhongxin knows better is that these materials are just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption of these Ying people in Xiangjiang.

However, Chen Zhongxin believes that it is only the tip of the iceberg, and it can also spread the rule of Eagle Kingdom in Xiangjiang.

Chen Zhongxin looked at John News in front of him and said: "Director John News, we need you to make this information public." "

"As a reward, we can guarantee the prosperity and wealth of you and your family for a lifetime!"

John Xun looked at Chen Zhongxin and asked, "Mr. Chen, why me?"

Chen Zhongxin said slowly: "It's very simple, because you are from the Eagle Country."

After Chen Zhongxin finished speaking, he stared at John Xun.

At this moment, (Qian's Zhao) what their "Xiangjiang faction" has to do with the "William faction" is four words, murder and bet.

No matter who releases this lore information, it will completely discredit the Government of Hong Kong.

But if John Xun, the former chief of the police department, is exposed, it will make the people of Eagle Country even more ashamed.

Letting the enemy dog ​​bite the dog is also a way to push the enemy down.

After listening to Chen Zhongxin's words, John Xun took a deep look at Chen Zhongxin, and then he said:

"Mr. Chen, if I choose to refuse, what will you do to me?"

"Of course I sent Director John to leave, you are worthless now!" Chen Zhongxin said lightly.

"I would like to add one more thing, no matter how you publish this material"

"He will be made public this evening, and all your deposits in the bank will be frozen."

"I hope your savings can enable you and your family to live a happy life, think about it carefully".

The 400th wants to win big! ! !

John said with a sneer: "Mr. Chen, according to the law, Xiangjiang government has no right to freeze my money."

Chen Zhongxin smiled lightly and said, "I disappoint you. Last week, all the big banks signed formal agreements with Xiangjiang Government. "

"In the future, they will cooperate with the Xiangjiang Government to seize the accounts of corrupt officials."

What John Xun didn't know was that Quantum Fund had already become the largest shareholder of HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank.

Under the operation of Soros, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank have already reached this type of agreement with Xiangjiang Zhengfu.

This is all part of Xu Yi's plan.

John Xun knew that there was no need for Chen Zhongxin to lie to himself.

But this also means that his rent and savings in Xiangjiang for many years are likely to be wiped out.

At this moment, a deep regret welled up in John Xun's heart.

He does not regret his corruption in Xiangjiang.Rather regret not moving the money out of HSBC and Standard Chartered sooner.

In fact, many Xiangjiang officials have the same idea as John Xun in the future.

John knew that now he had no choice.

He looked at Chen Zhongxin and said, "If I had released the material, the Yingguo Government would definitely not let me go, and I can't escape!"

"John Xun, you are very wrong. Take a look at the information I gave you. Is there anything in common with 807?" Chen Zhongxin looked at John Xun and smiled.

After listening to Chen Zhongxin's words, John Xun quickly picked up the previous materials, and after reading them, he said:

"Well, of course I know, these are the corruption records of those in the Conservative Party"

Chen Zhongxin said with a smile: "That's right, if this information is thrown out, do you think about the power it will produce?"

Chen Zhongxin looked at John Xun and said slowly.

After listening to Chen Zhongxin's words, John Xun was astonished.

He didn't expect that this group of people from the Xiangjiang faction had actually planned to reach the mainland of the Eagle Kingdom.

"John Xun, after you expose this batch of information, the Yingguo government will not take any action against you"

"You can take your family to live in country m, and you have 1000 million US dollars in cash, plus a house in Arizona, country m." Chen Zhongxin looked at John Xuntou and said in confusion.

Hearing this, John Xun was completely moved.

He thought for 2 minutes, then looked up at Chen Zhongxin and said:

"Director Chen, I agree."

Chen Zhongxin smiled slightly, and said, "John Xun, take this document with you, walk out of this door, and there will be a room everywhere."

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