However, the government of the Polar Bear Alliance has already existed in name only, and the former northern giant can only wait for the final curtain to come to an end.

At the same time, Xu Yi's subordinate Li Xueni also started his actions.

After receiving strong financial support from Xu Yi, Cheli Xueni established a private bank in the Cossack Republic.

Simultaneously!Xu Yi began to expand his financial empire within the territory of the Polar Bear Alliance.

Taking advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime changes in the Polar Bear League, he started his energy business.

With money, he easily bought the corrupt local oil field chief "[-]" official.

And began to gradually acquire the largest energy bases of the Polar Bear Alliance.

This is also part of the deal between Xu Yi and Boris.

Bolis exchanged the benefits of Luosha roundabout for Xu Yi's advance investment.

It turned out that this was a win-win deal, and Boris and Xu Yi were both winners of the deal.

On August 24th, at the invitation of the President of the Polar Bear Alliance, Boris.

March, the head of the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Union, went to Moscow to meet Boris.

All the Rakshasa and the Cossack media believe that Ma Qi's move is the first step of the Republican Cossack Polar Bear Alliance's poisonous establishment.

Even March himself thinks that this trip to Moscow is a feast for Boris to dismember the Polar Bear Alliance with him.

That's why after receiving Boris' invitation, he got off the car that day and hurried to Moscow.

He couldn't wait to become the first president of the Cossacks.

However, the coup d'état that just happened made March worry in his heart.

So when he went to Moscow, he didn't bring Kakalo, the commander of the Cossack Polar Bear Alliance Republican Civil Guard, but let him station in Kifu.

After leaving the guarantee of Kakalo, March went to Moscow with confidence.

What March didn't expect was that the plane he was on had just taken off.

A conspiracy is already brewing.

the other side!

Somewhere in a warehouse in Kyiv.

Hundreds of people in full polar bear alliance special forces equipment hide here.

They are members of Xu Yi's two mercenaries, Tiger and Dragon.

At this time, the commanders of Tiger and Dragon, Tian Yangsheng and Bu Tonglin.

And the captains of each team were gathering to listen to Galois's battle plan.

In order for this day to go smoothly, Galois has been preparing for nearly a month.

He also has a perfect understanding of the garrison points and the number of people garrisoned by the Civil Guard in Kyiv.

Based on the information he learned, he formulated a perfect combat plan.

Galois seriously handed over to Tian Yangsheng, Butonglin, and their squad leader who was a mercenary:

"Everyone, the goal of this operation is to control Kyiv, and the most important thing to control Kiev is to control three places." Next, he pointed to the map and said:

"The first place is the office building of the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Union, where the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Union Committee works,"

"As long as the members of the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Union Committee are controlled, it is tantamount to controlling Cossack politics."

"The second place is the headquarters of the People's Guard. Luo Fu, the commander of the Mei People's Guard, and Zuo Kale, the chief of the general staff, are all here."

"As long as the two of them are under control, I will stand up and preside over the overall situation as the deputy chief of staff"

"Then, I can easily control the entire Jirot's Ascar Guard."

"The third place is the Cossack TV station. If we have a good grasp of public relations, we can be very proactive."

Galois told Tian Yangsheng, Bu Huilin and others about the three places.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Galois continued: "The operation will officially start at twelve o'clock tonight!"

"One team attacked the headquarters of the Civil Guard, and the other team attacked the office building of the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Alliance. My people at the Cossack TV station will be responsible for solving it." After Galois finished speaking, Bu Tonglin looked at Tian Yangsheng and said:

"Go to the headquarters of the Civil Guard, and the office building of the Supreme Polar Bear Alliance in Sac will be handed over to us."

"You only have 97 people in total, can you handle it?"

"Mr. Xu Yi attaches great importance to this action, and no flaws are allowed!" Tian Yangsheng looked at Bu Tonglin and said seriously.

"Please rest assured, we are stronger than you imagined!" Bu Tonglin said lightly. 0

"I hope you won't disappoint Mr. Xu Yi!" Tian Yangsheng said coldly.

"You two, there is one thing I want to force you to do. This operation, you must ensure that your identities are concealed."

"After controlling the destination, contact me immediately, and leave other matters to me!"

As soon as the words fell, Galois added: "If you encounter resistance, Yijian will kill you!"

There seemed to be a trace of blood in Galois's words.

After Tian Yangsheng and Bu Tonglin listened to Yuluo's words, they led their respective mercenaries and began to assign tasks.

And Galois made a phone call after assigning the task and asked:

"Dina, is Luo going to the commander to confirm that there is a meeting tonight?"

"Chief of Staff Galois, Kakalo will arrange the deployment of the Guard Kyiv during this time at the meeting tonight."

It was precisely because of this meeting tonight that Galois set the headquarters of the Women's Guards as one of the three goals.

In the future, if the plan goes well, Galois will take control of Sacred Scorpion tonight tonight.

the other side!

Anna was also drinking coffee with several members of the Central Committee of the Cossack Supreme Polar Bear Union.

Anna said to these committee members: "Everyone, this time the head of March went to Moscow must be for the Cossacks to get rid of the poisonous establishment of the Polar Bear Alliance."

"Have you ever thought about what you will get if the Cossacks are poisoned?"

One of the committee members smiled and said to 07: "Anna, what's going on between you and us, just talk about it if you have something to say."

Anna smiled and said, "Everyone, I don't think March's interests are in line with ours. I think we must take some action."

The commissioner went on to say, "Anna, I'm a little confused. How are we going to take our own actions?"

Anna whispered: "It's very simple, that is to let March step down and let people who are close to us come on stage."

After listening to Anna's words, these committee members all showed surprised expressions.

Another committee member even said: "Anna, your idea is very transparent, but it is not realistic."

Anna just smiled, and then said: "Everyone, I need members of your Central Committee to be in the office building of the Supreme Committee of the Polar Bear Alliance." After that, you can watch quietly. I hope you remember that our interests are the same of! ".

Chapter 408 One Sleep Forever!

That night, Jifu slapped the headquarters of the Civil Guard.

Carlo, the commander of the Women's Guards, went to gather all the senior officers of the Women's Guards here.

However, if someone pays attention to Yulo, the deputy chief of staff of the Civil Guard, he will find out.

He was very absent-minded at this time, and kept looking at his watch, as if he had something important to do.

In fact, it's not that Galois's psychological quality is not strong, but that most people will be nervous about Zhengchang, which is normal.

Galois knew that Commander Kakalo was the one who liked long speeches the most.

As long as the meeting is hosted by him, it will not end at all without five hours.

Sure enough, after arranging the defensive deployment of the base rot, Kakalo started his long speech again.

Including Galois, all the high-ranking officers of the Defense Force present were bored with this Kakalo.

Because Kakalo is not from the traditional Polar Bear Alliance, just like Galois.

He is a retired major general of the Polar Bear Alliance Army and was invited by the Cossack Polar Bear Alliance to join the Cossack Ascar Guard.

Before Mikalo went, he was just a small official of Jifu, but he was a close aide of Makaveloch, the head of the Cossack Supreme Pole Bear Alliance.

This made him leap to become the commander of the Cossack Guards, surpassing the old officer King Galois.

After all, any leader wants troops under his control.

When Kakalo was talking, many high-ranking generals were already snoring, but Galois' elite was still excited.

Suddenly, the time came to midnight.

Several transport vehicles were quietly parked next to the headquarters of the Cossack Scorpion Guard.

They were transporting the tiger mercenaries under Xu Yi.

The tiger mercenaries have already started to act, and the action is divided into two steps.

In the first step, two teams of 200 people entered the building secretly from the tunnel of the building.

With Galois, a high-ranking person, present, the tunnels of this building are naturally well understood by the White Tiger mercenaries.

Soon, the members of the first team sneaked into the second floor of the building through the tunnel, where the guard room was located.

Tailou, the headquarters of the Marriage Defense Force, is actually not that weak in defense. There are usually nearly 300 guards guarding the security of this building.

It was already early in the morning, and it was actually due to two shifts.

There are only 150 guards still on duty.

The rest of the people rested in the whole service room on the second floor.

On the second floor, there are four guards chatting at this moment.

"Gross, do you think that this time the head of Makaviloch's trip to Moscow will allow us Cossacks to independently build a round?"

"Needless to say, the Polar Bear Alliance is dead. This time, I have invited the head of Mavi Lodge to Moscow."

"It must be to discuss with him about the independent establishment of the members of the Polar Bear Alliance." The soldier named Gross said.

"I just don't know if we, the round guards, can become regular Cossack soldiers."

"Let's keep it small, it's definitely possible! We are the direct line of Makaviloki's command of Jiaoyao Weiluo." Gross laughed.

At this time, another soldier asked: "Gross, Ayewei, have you heard any strange movements?"

Gross shook his head and said, "No, I will find out if there is any movement here."

Before Gross could finish his sentence, a few "whoosh, oh, whoosh" came from the dark.

The next moment, the four earth pong guards were shot by more than [-] sharp crossbow arrows, and they died on the spot!

It all happened so suddenly that the four soldiers couldn't even raise their voices to warn.

Soon, a group of people in black military uniforms appeared in front of the four corpses.

Afterwards, the person in the lead made several movements with his right hand, and then some people scattered into the room on the second floor.

With the sound of a slight puff... the muffled bullet.

The more than 150 members of the guard who were resting were all killed in their sleep, and they slept for eternity.

After doing all this, a group of people quietly entered the first floor and killed more than a dozen members of the guards on the first floor.

They completely controlled the exit of this building.

At this time, the second team is divided into two groups.

They rushed all the way to the control room of the building, while the other team went directly to the conference room where the high-level meeting of the Women's Guards was being held.

At this moment, in the conference room, Kakalo was still talking loudly.

And when Galois saw that the time had come, his expression became even more nervous, and he broke out in a cold sweat!

At this time, Kakalo suddenly looked at Galois and asked:

"Galois, do you have something urgent at home and need to rush home?"

Kakalo's words startled Galois, and he hurriedly replied: "No, sir

"Okay! Then please listen carefully to my important speech." Kakalo said.

Then, he started his tirade again.

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